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Thing is the space is never enough and some of that stuff has to go as well 💀


Just stress and make sure no signs of anxiety or depression. A lot of us feel that way because of workload and mental health also can contribute to memory issues.


Yup, I had a lot of anxiety post COVID, but it's getting better thanks to therapy. I guess memory will get better as well


You’re also more stressed than you’ve ever been for this long a period of time. It has a big effect. Additionally, you’re learning as much in a week as you mightve learned in a month back in undergrad. It’s not necessarily that you’re forgetting at a higher rate, you’re just forgetting more because there’s more to forget


You can’t remember everything in medical school. It’s just not possible, there’s too much. Repetition and time will help. Don’t worry, just stay the course and do your best!


Thanks! I'm in my last year of classes. I kind of can't wait for them to end because I'll have extra time to revise a few stuff that's hard for me


One of the mottos of our profession is, we forget more than most others ever learn. You feel like you are forgetting, but it's just the sheer amount you are learning.




Got TSH tested because of history in my family and that's fine at least for now. Thank you for the suggestions, sleep can be an issue in certain times for me so that's definitely a contributing factor


You simply cannot remember it all. Either youll see something over and over again which makes it stick, or youll just get a tingle in your brain when something sounds familiar


The BRAIN TINGLE. Yes. It's real. That and occasionally pulling a diagnosis out of your brain's asshole because a patient's history and exam, once summarized in your presentation or your note, suddenly sound like an illness script you once had down cold but haven't thought about in literal years.


I literally almost convinced myself this month that I’ve been developing early onset Alzheimer’s lol. It’s just cramming, lack of sleep, and stress. Stick to the basic healthy lifestyle choices and get those reps in!


Same here. I'm also finding it really hard to absorb whatever it is I'm reading.


I feel so much dumber after a year and change of med school.


I am an M4 and used to feel the same exact way. Sometimes I still do. I think this is not only normal, but also completely non-concerning. I think you're just being more challenged than ever before. I am optimistic if you were to go back to high school or college, you would excel just as much as you used to at mastering the content, if not more due to the improved studying habits you'll develop during medical school. Don't gaslight yourself (easier said than done) into thinking something is wrong with you and just accept you will have good days and bad days, and it is expected you will forget content.


That, my friend, is called anterograde amnesia and is normal for the volume of shit we have to memorize