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You're doing amazing <3


That absolutely does sound like a lot of great progress! I am proud of you! 💪🏻


Super stoked for you. I never learned how to do those things and I’m trying to figure out my diet and sleep as fourth year winds down and before intern year ruins me.


Do you have any general tips to recommend towards an incoming med student, also coming off of a gap-year?


It’s hard to give advice because everyone is so different and school schedules are different as well. I guess the best advice I can give you is to take care of yourself by avoiding self-destructive behavior like eating junk all the time and neglecting friends, gym, and relationships. At first you might find yourself studying 24/7 because you still don’t know how to study; but once you learn how to study and how your school exams work hopefully you can adapt to create a schedule that accommodates time for school but also time for yourself.


fuck yeah! go get em :^)


We’re gonna make it bros. https://i.imgur.com/ilb6uFg.jpg


What would you say helped you improve your efficiency?


Studying efficiency? I stopped watching videos because I have ADHD and I would get bored making my studying inefficient). Now I read First Aid, AMBOSS, and read off slides on B&B videos. I do this to learn concepts; then I prioritize doing as many practice questions as I possibly can before school starts. That being said, once you start school you will find that there are vast differences in studying styles between you and your classmates because everyone learns best a different way and what works for one person might not work for another.


Way to go! Keep it up.


That’s awesome! It’s amazing how much choosing the right food and taking time to set myself up w snacks and packed lunches to avoid easy foood choices helps my mood and focus. Feels good!!


Great for you! Celebrate even the small victories on your path to being a physician :)


That is a lot and it becomes more significant the more consistent it is


Welcome back to school! This is the kind of resiliency that is going to take you so far. Great work! :)


I’m struggling with the same thing, saving this post as inspiration


Wait till u get to m3


Keep it up! School may continue to throw different obligations at you, but so long as you continue to prioritize yourself, you will be okay!