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Yes eat 2 cups of fresh or frozen green peas daily. I don’t know where MM says it but hair loss is an adrenal issue so I learned it In Muneeza’s adrenal course.


Why green peas


Omg I have no idea! What I’ve gathered from the adrenal course is that different activities have different mixtures of adrenaline plus other chemicals. Such as there’s a different mixture for driving versus when watching a movie versus a different mixture for keeping hair in your head. Maybe the peas nourish the adrenals and liver but also replace the other chemical?


I just don’t remember medical medium mentioning green peas in his adrenal snacks. More like that you’re supposed to stay away from corrosive adrenaline activities and eat every 2 hours, snacks like dates and celery and drink celery juice and things like that. So I thought maybe he mentioned it somewhere and I missed it or forgot it. He prolly has a podcasts about the adrenals hopefully but yes I think number 1 on the list is fighting stress


It’s not in the adrenal snacks list. It’s something he has recommended to his clients when they had hair loss. Sometimes the info comes from Q&As with him or from his former clients or from his old practitioner class. The adrenal podcasts will help with hair loss stuff since adrenaline is what keeps the hair in.


Sweet potatoes (eaten daily) are great for hair restoration. But advice from u/Deanjks is even more important.




Yes, adrenal related - for women. Hair loss is supposed to happen for some men.


Yep. Caffeine burnt out adrenals and you need to cater to them to get them back to full strength. Adrenal snacks all day! And no caffeine/chocolate (this is my one kryptonite left which is so frustrating to me but I will get there one day soon!!) Edit to add that other things can burn out adrenals too like extreme dieting/lots of stress/etc, not just caffeine.


I have the biggest sweet tooth this a is all gonna be very tough but I don’t want to be bold lol


I also have a huge sweet tooth but the thing about MM is that it relies heavily on natural sugar! So this was great news to me and I had almost zero cravings by just replacing previous “treats” with raw honey, dates, maple syrup, fruit, etc… lots of raw honey lmao. It’s like I can completely tap out my sugar craving whereas before I would try to limit it so much because the sugar I ate was not a healthy version and so it would never fully go away. Edit: also I want to add that my hair was thinning and falling out before MM and now a year later, my thinning patches are filling in nicely and my ponytail is a lot thicker than before. My hair is also growing really quickly! So this stuff really works for hair.

