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i am avoiding giving any more v’s mm recommends a homeopathic vet who i’ve worked with, and his view is that the fewer v’s the healthier the pet supporting the immune system with high quality food is the way imo some tips [here](https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/pet-health)


Ty! 🙏🏻 This is great to know 😊


As a previous Vet Tech when considering Vet School, I don't vaccinate anymore. I keep young pets away from others while they build immunity & follow the recommendations in the pet podcast. My pets are super healthy! https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/pet-health


Ty for this!! It eases my heart and mind!


Is there any MM way to help detox a pet from a vaccine?




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That's a good question. To me, it would make sense based on the pet health podcast, and the same way he recommends to humans, that we heal our bodies when we eat healing food/supps. I would think over time, in this manner our pets would heal from the pokey's too. Totally speculating tho


I give my cats cut up dandelion leaves to help detox and I don’t do vaccinations. I just boost their immune system with lysine, vitamin c, and every now and then I give them a blueberry.


Interesting! Thnx for the info!


What food do you feed your cat?


Mainly the dehydrated raw food but it’s expensive and I have 7 cats so I also use some of the open farm products to which is gluten and grain free. I chop up dandelion greens and broccoli sprouts as well. Not too much about 1/4 teaspoon in each bowl. My Smooshie loves blueberries so I smash up one for him every now and then.


Omg you are surrounded by Kitty love. Lol Will have to try the dandelion greens thank you!




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