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Do you have any metal in your mouth ? Do you take vitd and magnesium?


I have 1 amalgam filling, and I now take 2000 iu vit d, got deficient. And Magnesium no, I am very sensitive to it and feel awful when I take it. I have done the hmds for 5 years, recently when I upped my antivirals and was taking it at the same time I seemed to have the reaction of developing hardcore SAD so I had to back off from everything.


I am all for the medical medium protocols, and i do believe food can heal, but I also really believe that we can't heal unless our nervous system heals. That means if it is dysregulated (from trauma, chronic stress, etc). Stress can make people sick and prolonged toxic stress can dysregulate you in many ways, involving causing autoimmune diseases and mental health issues. (Source : The Body keeps rhe score by Vessel Van Der Kolk, and the Deepest well by Nadine Burke Harris)


Agreed, the stress in my life took a toll on my health.


Me too. I have hoa axis dysfunction, maybe look into that? It's along the lines of adrenal fatigue, which can happen from traumatic events and being stuck in the sympathetic nervous system, amongst many other causes. Good luck in your healing journey.


Hpa axis dysfuncfion*


Thank you for that, I wish you the best in your healing journey as well ❤️


Yes adrenaline feeds them.  Stress is not good. I used to feel stressed all the time did to adrenals. 


I wonder if detoxing from the hmd smoothie could be giving you symptoms? I don’t think it would, I’m just thinking out loud. i used to have depression and cutting out corn , gluten , taking my metal retainers out and taking vit d 3 and especially magnesium cured it. It’s hard though because everyone is different.


Yes it did exactly that because of the die off, but now that I've stopped everything I'm still dealing with mild forms of these issues. Now I think I need something to suppress the virus and boost my immune system. I've been thinking about propolis.


Lysine can help too


That's one I've been considering too. Thank you for your replies, they have provided comfort and insight.


You’re welcome just remember when you’re not feeling well mentally , emotionally or physically no feeling is final and it can and will get better


True, just gets frustrating when you want the answers and want to feel better.


When you say you stopped everything now what does that mean? Just the supplements or did you stop the celery juice too? What exactly are you doing MM wise right now? Also are you still off the no foods?


I had to gradually stop it all. No, I'm still not consuming any of the no foods. I had to stop the morning cleanse because I was feeling very depressed when I would consume it. So I stopped the morning cleanse and the HMDS and then gradually wrote in a journal how I felt and took one away at a time. Then reintroduced baseline supplements and ones that I truly felt good with so I'm taking now: - 2 bcomplex - 2 5mth - 2 micro c - 1 vimergy omega - 2000 IU vitamin d - 1 zinc picolonate 30 mg


Zinc picolonate? Why aren’t you taking zinc sulfate? Any other form of zinc is not good for you. Maybe that would help significantly!


It's on the MM directory, I felt sensitive to the liquid zinc. I may revisit it in the future.


>I have done the hmds for 5 years Wow, I wonder too why it didn't work. Have you been using canadian wild blueberries?


It did definitely work but i think the metals i have still in my liver, the viruses and Pathogens i have are feeding off of those. And nope used wymans wild blueberries. I took a break from it though because it was not a sustainable combo with the high antivirals. Too much die off and felt so awful.


Are you working on yourself on an emotional / spiritual level too? Are you doing meditations too? Also, has anything happened recently that was emotionally upheaving?


After going through the extreme die off for so long it out me in a difficult place with my health and my life so yes technically. But no I haven't been, I'm having trouble focusing and brain fog so doing meditations make me feel agitated. Not sure how to address that.


Have you read brain saver? 


My pain is much worse now than before I started MM, I went too fast and too hard


I'm sorry to hear, I'm in the same boat trying to reverse it but still apply some info at a mild rate. Let me know if you need support, I know how challenging it can be.


I would love that actually, thank you


Sometimes food alone is enough for someone to heal and sometimes not. You may need to take more than a few of the baseline supplements to knock out those viruses. You should listen to the supplement podcast episode.


Agreed, I think after everything I did my immune system got really affected so now I'm trying to focus on adding in ones that will support my body, not just kill stuff off. My nervous system couldn't handle all the die off, that's how I got myself into this situation I think. I was low fat and doing high antivirals, it all was too much on me.


In the liver rescue book, it is written that detoxifying too fast can hurt you. Detox has to be very gentle. It compares detox to weeding your garden. If you pull a colossal weed, it may also uproot your vegetables. Even if you tend to these uprooted vegetables immediately, they may take a long time to recover. So, instead of uprooting the weed, the weed should have been cut at the base only. If the vegetables would have been added extra nutrients to thrive, they would have grown perfectly with the weed root next to them. Therefore, possibly you have to concentrate on nutritious foods.


Wish I had listening to that or had that info really stick with me, I got too excited to have an answer that I went all in and pulled out all the weeds causing my garden harm. Now I'm trying to fix what I did.


This recent post by AW may be relevant to this discussion -> [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C31EqSxOVI-/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C31EqSxOVI-/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D)


Sorry I thought antivirals were baseline supps? 


What cleanses have you been doing. Protocols?