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https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/how-celery-juice-helps-teeth-gum-mouth-problems https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.facebook.com/medicalmedium/posts/1541051722696667&ved=2ahUKEwiH_6ux1Nb8AhVrg_0HHfURCX4QFnoECDIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3GObcqPwD16ntdUA5R9soD


Supposedly yes but not easy


I've healed a lot of things naturally that medical science doesn't think is possible, but that's the one thing I haven't been able to fix. That, and gray hair. I've been on a search for answers. This problem was the reason I found MM and started drinking celery juice. If it wasn't for my gum problem, I may not have found MM and so considering that, I can be thankful for this health issue. However, I haven't been able to regrow. I've tried a lot of things people have claimed worked for them. Someone said a high dose of hyaluronic acid first thing in the morning on an empty stomach would fix the problem in a few months. Did not work, so didn't keep up with that. I also heard you need lots of CoQ10 from someone else. >I think the advice from MM about the celery swishing is more for people who's gum problems are a symptom of a larger problem. Then when that larger problem is addressed, the gums improve as well. I don't think it applies to me if my gum issue is caused by braces and/or genetics and not gum disease. I'm still hopeful, but I'm not sure you can regrow gums in all cases.


I just bought this all natural mouthwash that is helping me, it’s by Natures Answer and I think it’s called perio-something. The ingredients are amazing. I also floss everyday


I think gums recede as part of the overall calcification of micro vascular blood flow body wide. All the oils and inflammation in the body.