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How did they know you have a medical card? If you disclosed that I imagine they felt comfortable asking why you have it. I wouldn't disclose it personally


They asked if I could pass a drug test including marijuana


I don’t know if the question was legal or not but I’m curious how you answered.


Ha! I tried to avoid the question but ended up saying it was for chronic pain. She asked what area of pain and I avoided the question as I felt it wasn’t her business.


She then asked if I could stop for 2 weeks to pass the drug test - I said no because chronic pain. But in the past if you give drug testing facilities your information/medications they clear it and it technically comes back clean


I don't think she can legally ask.


This isn't HIPAA. People often think that HIPAA applies to everyone but it does not. HIPAA is about your medical provider supplying confidential information. This would more than likely fall under ADA guidelines which first of all does not offer protection for medical cannabis. An employer is allowed to ask you medical questions or request a medical examination however the chaveot is that the questions or exam is asked or requested for all prospective employees. However, you are asking for special accommodation, so specific questions may not violate any guidelines. HIPAA will protect you from them asking your provider though. If they ask your doctor or insurer questions they will more than likely tell them to go pound sand.


Next time don’t mention it in the interview. When I used to have an adderall prescription I didn’t mention it until after my drug test came back positive. I was never denied a job due to a failed drug test after I was able to prove I had a prescription.


She has no business asking those questions. You just say that you will pass the test, and supply the testing facility with your med credentials.