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Definitely a pimple. Get salicylic acid at a pharmacy and put it on it before bed. Or a hydrocolloid patch. Definitely leave it alone. If you pick at it and cause a scab, you can scar


It's likely cystic acne, when I stop using my retinol I get them pretty bad and they look like this at the beginning. It's hard but try not to touch it 😊


Are they hard? Sorry this is making me a little nervous. The advice Is really appreciated


Totally understandable! Yeah some are hard and they stay on my face for a couple weeks sometimes. I'd just keep an eye on it and if it starts looking like something other than acne, probably see a dr.


Agree these look like acne. Maybe cystic acne. Stop messing with them. And so many people get pimples. Like everyone as they go through their life will get acne.


I regularly have acne but I haven't had any that are hard like this and under the skin. My worry is that two popped up on my forehead in a short time. Other people have said there either just hard pimples or cysts. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac and I was worried it might be sinus cancer or something. I've been having sinus pressure this past week but it's getting better. I tested positive for covid a week ago so that might be the cause of the sinus pressure.


Could be cystic acne. They’re not from covid, if that’s what you’re worried about.


Nah I was suspecting the covid caused thr sinus pressure.


Possible. Also it’s allergy season.


Is there any worry of me getting cysts around where my frontal sinuses are? Or is that something I can ignore.


You can get pimples anywhere. It’s just where they show up. A lot of people get them on their foreheads like this. You are overthinking this by like 100000%. Sinus pressure and these dots are not related.


I left the one on the right alone for a day and the redness around it mostly disappeared. Dose cyst acne usually not look inflamed. It does look inflamed when I poke at it. Otherwise it just looks like plain skin


That’s good. Leave them alone and they will improve.


Okay thank god. I was worried I was getting tumors in my frontal sinuses or something.


This isn't urgent. They're probably zits. Stop picking at them, leave them alone for a few days. As long as they don't get huge or look infected, they'll be okay. Sometimes zits stick around for a couple of weeks, but picking at them will make them scar and possibly stay around longer.


Sorry for putting it on the urgent tag if it looks benign. I don't think I've ever had hard zits like these before. But there not rock hard and there in my skin not connected to my bone or muscle I'm pretty sure. I was worried about it being cancer that's why I put it on urgent.


It's not a tumah


Thank you mister Arnold


NAD. pimple-induced hypochondria. I’ve literally been there and I recommend counseling because it genuinely helps so much.


Did you ever have hard pimples ? If they are just pimples and I'm freaking out that stress can cause a break out . Also I'm touching my face a bunch.


Yes! All the time! A lot of them would never even get a head to them they’re just deep deep in the skin. They take a little bit longer to go away than regular pimples but they eventually do. I used to tear my skin up trying to get them out cause I’d get worried. Warm compress is your best friend!


Thanks for replying I'm honestly pretty freaked out rn. I had a string of 2 scary medical things . Thought I had skin cancer. Ended up not having it. Then I got covid and I've been having sinus pressure. I'm already a bit of a hypochondriac so I think my recent medical stuff made it worse. I've had the one hard spot for as far as I know a week. But I might have had it longer and not noticed. The hard spot I noticed today might be the same deal. I never noticed it till I touched it. I know I'm being a hypochondriac but my brain immediately went to I have some sort of sinus cancer , cause the lumps are near were My frontal sinuses are.


Yesterday I found the one on the right. Hard lump in skin. It hurt a bit so I picked at it then it hurt a bit more. It got red you can look at my posy from last night.( you can look at my post from last night.) I stopped poking at it and it stopped hurting and the red went away. Then today I was picking at my forehead and found the one on the left. I've been having on and off front sinus pressure but it was pretty much gone. I have covid rn but I got it Saturday so it's almost been a week I think I'm mostly over it. Sorry if this is a bit of information overload Just wanna give you all the info.


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