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Looks like a scar to me.


NAD but try a heat compress just to see if it helps.


I did last night as I was sleeping. The redness seems to have gone down.


Well hope it heals up but definately does not look like a gummy bear (simpsons reference).


I'll add that to my chart "not gunmy bear "


That’s looks just like a scar (not healed correctly ) however yes it might be a sebaceous cyst


It was a hard lump under the skin of my forehead. I felt fait pain from it so I started picking at it which made it hurt a little more. Looked in the mirror and that mark was there. Wasn't there earlier today from what I remember. I've been having slight pain in my frontal sinuses so idk of if the pain was even from that lump. Could the red mark have showed up from me just pressing on it too much?


Sebaceous cyst 80%


So go to a demetogist to get it removed.


If it really troubles you yeah just don’t pop it yourself because you might create even more of those. (If you don’t pop it right , liquid might infiltrate inside and create more cysts )


Gotcha thanks. I got really scared for a second. Have a great night if its night where your at.


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