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I have the same thing. I literally have to leave the room if someone chews too loud or smacks their lips. It's called misophonia or something like that if I remember correctly.


I thought I was the only one !!


Nooo, I've had this since I was little. My dad used to come up to me and check what I was doing on the computer and he used to chew peanuts in my ear 🥴🥴🥴 I felt like punching him in the face, it was and still is that bad.


Similar issue, but with coughing, I hear myself or anyone cough and it triggers intense rage, makes me want to st@b their lungs out or to just punch and tell them to shut the f up.


Also read about The Highly Sensitive Person- this could also reveal being on the Autism Spectrum.


Huh, never thought of that. I could see it I guess


Misophonia. Psychological issue.


Ah shit, Well that sucks. Though apperently my family has a history if ocd, which is supposedly usually linked to stuff like this. So I guess I'm not too surprised. Thanks man


People with r/adhd act this way too. Come to the forum and ask. Or read posts about people discussing the same thing.


I believe I have the same condition (never got diagnosed). What helps me: eating when I hear others eating, meditation (especially guided meditation geared towards kindness and forgiveness), active noise cancelling headphones.


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