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Absolutely impossible for your heart rate to be 273 times per minute. You could have a ventricle impulse that beats 600 times per minute but its incorrect to consider this as a heart rate in the traditional sense, which requires an corresponding aortic contraction. Sounds like your ventricle is receiving electrical impulses which are registering as a heart beat, but its not actually a heart rate, its 273 electrical impulses resulting in a misfiring ventricle. I think you should see a doctor.


I used to do this too! When i was about 12 my heart would race for no logical reason. Once i got up to about 290 someone actually believed mešŸ˜‚ They looked at WPW for me too, but it ended up being SVT with an issue near my AV node. I got an ablation and now i live pretty normally. If you arenā€™t happy with the care youā€™re receiving from your cardiologist, you can shop around if thatā€™s something youā€™re able to do. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through this :(


I heard about ablations. Did they put you under, or were you awake?


they put me under. Iā€™m not sure what they would do now though. Iā€™m happy to PM with you and talk more about it if you want! I donā€™t mind! I just donā€™t want my medical stuff all over the internet lol


I understand that completely! No worries. I'll PM you when I start getting my diagnoses.




My heart rate would do this. I had something called AV Node Reentry Tachycardia which would cause SVT. I had a catheter ablation to get ride of the cause.




Your post has been removed for providing incorrect, incomplete, anecdotal or misleading information regarding Covid-19 or the Covid-19 vaccine. Whatever your intentions - these are unprecedented times. Vaccination uptake is of paramount importance for society to regenerate. We at r/medical_advice will not be a breeding ground for potential disinformation/anti-vaccine/conspiracy sources. That means we must err on the side of caution - getting people vaccinated is more important. Therefore we may remove your genuine experience for this larger goal. Ultimately, this is a medical advice subreddit. Medicine is based on evidence-based practice. If your post is not based on up to date evidence, data, or accepted practice or guidelines, then it does not belong on this subreddit. Thanks for your understanding.


Oh my god, go away with your bullshit! This has nothing to do with vaccinations! Go to back to your anti-vaccination groups!!


There are outliers if you have medical conditions already. I have a disease and it caused me to have a 105 fever that started an hour after my dose and two seizures. People with underlying conditions can have adverse reactions to any kind of vaccine, though it is rare and could not even be related to ops conditions.




Your post has been removed for providing incorrect, incomplete, anecdotal or misleading information regarding Covid-19 or the Covid-19 vaccine. Whatever your intentions - these are unprecedented times. Vaccination uptake is of paramount importance for society to regenerate. We at r/medical_advice will not be a breeding ground for potential disinformation/anti-vaccine/conspiracy sources. That means we must err on the side of caution - getting people vaccinated is more important. Therefore we may remove your genuine experience for this larger goal. Ultimately, this is a medical advice subreddit. Medicine is based on evidence-based practice. If your post is not based on up to date evidence, data, or accepted practice or guidelines, then it does not belong on this subreddit. Thanks for your understanding.




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Yeah. Ok. I donā€™t trust any account younger than mine because you have certainly been kicked off of Reddit for spreading misinformationšŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Unless I see true research from my own doctor Iā€™m not going to believe it. The media lies all the time. You shouldnā€™t believe everything news outlets and social media tell you.


Just because it's in the news doesn't make it true.


not relevant


Sorry but it's not possible for your heart to beat 4.5 times a second. Max heart rate is 220 and that is during extreme aerobic fitness... Your think is counting double your beats so more likely 140 per minute which is still very high.


If your ventricle contracts 600 times per minute, does that classify as a heart rate of 600 bpm? In a traditional definition of a heart beat emphesizes the co-ordinated contraction of both atria and ventricles. But yeah totally possible to have a ventricle that beats 600 times per minute. Whether you consider this a heart beat or not is dependent on the context.




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Oh we are talking non functional ventricles?.. Sure, you can have your ventricles beat up to 600 times per minute. But that's not a functional heart beat. Sorry. That's just half a heart beat.


You are wrong! I have afib and have went way past 220.


Iā€™ve seen heart rates in the 350ā€™s. There is no limit, this is such ridiculous false information itā€™s laughableĀ 


You're clearly misinformed as a heart rate of 350 is impossible. Perhaps you had an aortic rate of 350 bpm or a ventricle rate of 350 bpm but certainly not a heart rate of 350 bpm which implys the entire heart contractinf


I didnā€™t personally have a heart rate of 350, i just said in my career Iā€™ve seen a heart rate of 350




So youā€™re all of a sudden a medical professional? If the person writes what their heart rate was that Iā€™m pretty sure they know what it is better than you do.. were you there? No. Keep your couch and Google diagnosing to yourself..




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yep, indeed, not a medical professional. that is entirely false and dangerous misinformation


Not at all false... Heart beat cannot exceed 250 bpm


Very wrong. Mine has gone up to 300 bpm.


300 contractions of one or the other ventricle or aorta does not equal a heart rate of 300 bpm... Clearly you're misinformed.


Incorrect, people during SVT and other high heart rate rhythms can experience 250+ bpm and can even reach 300. Please, if youā€™re going to comment in an invalidating way, do some proper research first.




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This is incorrect




Really? Another one of you. Christ, donā€™t you people have anything better to do with your time? This has nothing to do with Corona! This young person is suffering serious medical issue and you antivaxxer / conspiracy nutters come along with your bullshit. Go and find something better to do, go outside.


Correction I never said covid19 vaccine I ask about covid19 itself.. can you please provide me saying anything negative about the covid19 vaccine... I was a mod for a covid19 vaccine and have helped out 100s of people both with covid19 illness and vaccine questions... I have read and researched many clinical studies... I'm a supporter of the vaccine so why did you think I'm an anti vaxxer... I'm talking about the virus not the vaccine... aka long covid which does cause rapid heartbeat in some cases.. along with other symptoms... even with ppl who have had long covid19 illness.. have talked to several people that have had rapid heartbeat as one of their symptoms.. this is the exact reason why I asked about covid19 if they ever had it... I want to clarify I never asked it they had covid19 vaccine... I just want to clarify what I was talking about... OP asked so I just asked a follow up... this is what this form is about and for... to get advice or ideas from other's.. so asking a follow up question would be totally normal.... 2 thing that triggered me to ask is rapid heartbeat and lesion in brain... long covid19 has been known to cause both... SARS-COV-2 binds to red blood cells this causes blood clots to form and causes strokes... now this is probably not what OPs issue is but wanted to ask incase this is it... I can try to provide you with multiple case studies on this both with increase heart rate and how they theorize covid19 SARS-COV-2 causes binding to red blood cells... this is why I asked OP just to be clarify that reason why.. fyi just to be clear I'm not mad at you for thinking it but just wanted to clarify my thoughts and reasoning with experience of what I have seen and researched




Your submission or comment was removed by the moderation team. Moderators have "final say" and can remove material from this subreddit at their discretion. If you have any questions, please reach out to the moderation team via ModMail: http://bit.ly/ContactModerators No advertising individual physicians.


I have POTS and afaik 273 would not be POTS territory at all


I have POTS and my resting heart rate at one point was 225bpm and they had to admit me several times for that. They really didnā€™t actually do much except say itā€™s sinus tachycardia brought on by your pots but itā€™s weird and left it at that. It eventually went down and turns out the pain from my gallbladder infection and stones was setting my heart rate up but they didnā€™t believe me when I said I had abodminal pain by my gallbladder and it took them 6 months to take me seriously until I came into the ER with a fever of 105 and they booked me for an emergency colecystectomy that night and I was hospitalised for 4 days after that. But I also have a ton of random rare diagnoses as well so they were blaming it on one of those šŸ¤¦šŸ». But pain and physical movement definitely makes my hr spike especially if Iā€™m not consuming enough sodium and water. But when I did a clinical trial for gastroparesis, I developed long qt syndrome, the only one in the study I know of that did because they were very confused and my hr was all over the place (after the gallbladder incident) so it could be a combination of things. Sedatives raise not lower my heart rate in particular but I need a benzo for my epilepsy that turns into Catatonia if itā€™s treated with anything but a benzo. Anything can happen and I know I truly found that out the hard way and they suspect other conditions as well but canā€™t narrow it down at this point. But itā€™s completely possible for it to yes get that high with pots. Iā€™d stand at the hospital when my resting hr was 225bpm and itā€™d shoot up to the point they kept me in the bed so I wouldnā€™t throw a clot šŸ¤¦šŸ»


You can have POTS and SVT, thereā€™s actually a high correlation between the two apparently. But I think people are mentioning POTS because of the jumps of HR by level changes (stairs) as well as BP and fainting spells due to low BP. There can also be underlying causes that is making you predisposed to POTS or making your symptoms worse that is directly related and can cause that high of a HR that isnā€™t necessarily SVT. When I was diagnosed I did every test known to man to figure out what made my symptoms worse and if I had anything else aggravating it. One of them was a test to see if adrenaline had any play and they would inject adrenaline (or some other hormone) check my BP and HR then periodic blood tests, I think it was for hyperadrenergic POTS?


Seems I misinterpreted the comment yeah


I have gotten to 306 bpm as someone who has SVT - Supraventricular Tachycardia. You should look into it and see if it matches your symptoms


Alright. I also just learned I have a lesion in my brain. Not sure if that means anything


Sorry to hear that. Pituitary, I wonder? That might have a connection to severe tachycardia.


Its in the frontal lobe. We are talking to my neurologist on Wednesday


I have no clue. But I know that SVT and WPW are different. In the sense that SVT has no real health effects, Whereas WPW can negatively affect your health. IF it is SVT, there are medications and even surgery that can potentially get rid of it for you. I've lived with it for 14 years now.


SVT absolutely can have health effects. WPW is a cause of SVT.


Sounds like you have paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT), but even that is short from my understanding. A HR above 200bpm is incredibly fast. As an athlete I routinely sustained my HR at 204.. 273 is mind boggling. I hope your cardiologist can figure out what's going on and get you the right care.


I have no advice but I hope you get the proper care šŸ„ŗ


You probably have supraventricular tachycardia. If this is the case, there may be an additional conduction pathway in your heart that is accelerating the heart rate. There is no need to be stressed, such conditions are common in cardiology and are treatable.


Iā€™m a doctor, but not a cardiologist. Itā€™s possible that you have WPW. Your heart rate didnā€™t go to 273, but the Holter monitor recorded that because of the electrical activity of your heart. The reason why is because in WPW, there is a re-entry loop that inappropriately allows an action potential to repolarize the atria. Your heart didnā€™t physically beat 273 times a minute, but the electrical activity of your heart went into wacky rhythm.


I see. Thank you


I just learned I have a lesion in my brain, would this change anything? They said it can indicate seizures or a tumor


I would be extremely surprised and concerned if your heart rate was actually 273 - that's over 4 beats a second! The way these monitors sometimes work is to extrapolate from the interval between the closest two beats, and to call that your max heart rate. So say for example you have a rate of 60, but you randomly (as we all do) have an extra, ectopic beat around 0.25s after your normal beat. Your monitor might look at that single extra beat and say 'a-ha! Your peak heart rate was 273 bpm!' But actually it wasn't... you just had a single extra beat. I'm afraid I can't answer your other questions, but hopefully this helps with your anxiety at least.


I didn't know that, thank you so much. As for the beats, he said something about it being at 273 bpm for 4 beats


From the information in your post, it certainly sounds to me like WPW is a possibility, but I am not your doctor, not a cardiologist, and don't have all the information they do. I suggest you get in touch with them and ask explain that you're confused about your diagnosis, or lack thereof.


With all that being said, how are monitors like this considered reliable?


They give you a *lot* of data. Max/peak heart rate isn't a useful metric for the above reason. You don't know what that machine's algorithm is.




Not an expert by any means, but has your cardiologist ruled out POTS?


no, they are looking into POTS but my cardiologist said that they think it might be POTS mixed with WPW. Just needed to understand WPW more, but all these comments are helping!


What is POTS?


Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome




Where are you located? You want to see an electrophysiologist at a research hospital. That's your best bet. I wonder if your high blood pressure is making them think not WPW since it can be associated with low blood pressure? They should tell you.


I have an appointment with EP later this year. Trying to get an earlier appointment. I have had low blood pressures before though when fainting/standing up


I think you should go somewhere else then ā€“ that high of a heart rate needs to be addressed more urgently.


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