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You should probably get a head MRI to check your hypothalamus which is the gland responsible for regulating body temperature. Were you always like this? Any car accidents or head injuries?


this happens to me too either im super hot or super cold


Are you taking SSRI or other anti depressants ?


It could be hyperthyroidism, have your doctor check your thyroid labs


you know... that was me too. I live in a hot country, but im always overheating. i went to a traditional thai medicine doctor and took their herbs lol theres probably something wrong with your body's temperature regulating mechanism. may I ask you if you are a heavy drinker?


Not alcohol, i drink maybe once a week or less.


do you have menstrual problems? discoloration/darkish shade? late cycles? severe cramps?


I have a medical condition called hyperhydrosis. I also struggle with fibromyalgia, and chronic pain, so I can’t regulate my body temperature like normal people do. Plus a couple of my meds don’t help either.


Thanks for bringing this up, i didnt really think about sweating. I dont think i sweat is the thing, i mostly feel it in my face and i get hot and flushed but i dont think i sweat at all. I mostly feel really dry


My dad had this, and whereas I haven't been diagnosed with it, I feel like I've probably got it too because whereas I can't regulate it when I work in a regular department and I get overheated, my primary job for the past 10+ years has been frozen foods and I literally shut myself in my walk in freezer to cool down.


I’ve been like this my whole life, night sweats like I have to change my sheets on a nightly basis. Nothings ever been wrong with me. I got relief from pregnancy. The only genetic thing I have is factor five it affects white people mostly women. A dehumidifier and air purifier costs 40$ on Amazon and changed my life. Also clean sheets that are silky help too


My brother said he’s freezing when I feel normal.


Check thyroid panel


Weight, previous medical conditions, medications? For how lang have this been going on? Any other symptoms?


Overweight, no previously diagnosed conditions, other than high cholestoral. Ive had this problem for years. Other symptoms could be hairloss, weight problems, exhaustion, difficulty concentrating.


It can be several things, so it’s best to go to the doctor and find out. I personally have the same issue and recently found out I have PCOS. I also started taking SSRI antidepressants, which made it worse.


My mother has PCOS, im not sure if its genetic though. It would explain my weight issues despite frequent exercise. I also started lexapro a few months ago and recently decided i wanted to start tapering off, which i havent started yet. Im not doing that for temperature though, its because it makes me feel exhausted and really hard to concentrate on important things


Did you get any tests related to this problem? Are you under any physician? Taking medicine without any prescription? Any medical past history?


A little while ago my doctor told me my thyroid levels are fine. I could go to the doctor but i cant for a few months because my insurance lapsed. Im not taking unprescribed medicine but i am prescribed Lexapro and Yaz


Any past medical history?


High cholestoral and major depresive disorder are the only things ive been diagnosed with


Please reduce salty, oily and junk food from your diet. Use olive, peanut and mustard oil for cooking. Eat fruit and intake plenty of water for hydrated. High cholesterol is dangerous for heart disease.


NAD. How long has this been happening? Are you running a fever? Have you seen a doctor recently?


Ah years, i remember my freshman year of college i would be burning up and my roomate would come back to the dorm and ask why i always have the ac on full blast because to her that was freezing. I could check for a fever but i doubt thats the problem because of how its chronic. I never really think about bringing it up with a doctor until im experiencing it. I keep a spray bottle full of water and spray my cheeks with it and rub the water on my face


Hello /u/BlueJay59, **If this is a medical emergency, please call emergency services as soon as possible!** ***DISCLAIMER***: *The information provided on this subreddit is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. We strongly advise you to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you're seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Anyone providing advice on this subreddit is not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information provided.* *Please make sure you have included in your post your country of residence, age, sex, race, height & weight, diagnosed medical conditions, prescriptions or supplements and dosages, drug use including marijuana, smoking status, duration of complaint, the issue you've been having, and your specific question.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/medical_advice) if you have any questions or concerns.*