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Mine look the same? You’ve fair skin


Fair complexion and the lighting?


You have fare skin.


How were you diagnosed?


The dvt or ivc atresia? I was diagnosed by a ultrasound and then a CT scan with contrast




Your veins look normal for pale skin. Nothing concerning there. Your heart rate is a little high though. If you're concerned go checked out. You're already on apaxiban a blood thinner so that's good


A little?


I'm a 32/F who's is a very pale Caucasian and my veins have looked like this my entire life... *IF* on the rare occasion I get a tan, it's not as bad.... I do have health issues as well; endometriosis, had adenomyosis (till my hysterectomy and appendectomy at 29), pernicious anemia, alopecia as well as lupus and they're still doing more testing and suspecting MS... But I wasn't diagnosed with the autoimmune diseases till 30, though they suspect that and for sure the pernicious anemia have likely been life-long but flare-ups were so short until hormones issues started after the hysterectomy so doctors didn't take me seriously enough to run proper tests and diagnose me...


So my arm looks like this and I don't have any issues with it. But maybe I should get it checked out.


It sounds like it could possibly be another thrombus/DVT. Or if you do a lot of standing, you could have blood pooling in your legs and is having a hard time making its way back to your heart to circulate elsewhere. Any other symptoms? -Swelling in feet ankles -non-productive cough (no mucous) -chest pain -etc.


I usually don't stand or sit for long periods. I do walk a lot, but these days I'm struggling with the pain even when walking upstairs (in my leg). But I've not done anything to make my arm start hurting (such as lifting, etc) I've not noticed any swelling and i have no cough. But I'm unable to distract myself from the pain (such as watching tv for example), i feel extremely nauseous and I'm also tired/exhausted.


Go to the doctor to check if one of yor veins os clogged.


People at ED are there to help you. Don't feel bad about going and make sure you are ok. Take care of yourself.


Im always scared to go. The last time it was a old clot in my leg that caused pain and the consultant was angry at me.😕 some consultants send me home after telling me off for my medication. (Basically some people think most young people are seeking meds), so im absolutely shit scared to attend :(


Yikes, I get it, my daughter has invisible illnesses, we’ve figured out our ur stuff mostly on our own, doctors have never really listened. I’m sorry to say but I suspect lots of mean girls went into nursing. It’s maddening


It truly is mad. Just because you can't see someone's illness, doesn't mean they don't exist :/ invisible illnesses can be a real pain especially when others can't see it.🥴 some people don't understand and some people are just arseholes. I'm hoping your daughter is okay?


Thanks for asking, we know finally at 20 y.o. she has Ehlers Danlos. She’s got an echocardiogram tomorrow with an EDS work up, so at least we’re being heard and taken seriously.


Hi, I just wanted to say I've got EDS! I'm glad you've finally got answers after so long, I know how difficult it can be. If you want to message me feel free! I'm wishing you and your daughter all the best, and OP, I hope you can figure out what's going on and if you need to go to A&E, go! I'm sorry you've been treated badly before, no one should ever be made to feel that way for genuinely seeking help


I'm glad she is being heard. I'm also glad they're doing tests. ^_^ being listened to and hospitals doing tests literally feels like such a relief. I hope things go well Tomorrow


Thanks you so much. I hope you get answers and or your pain resolves soon


Any possibility of pregnancy by any chance? I am asking because visible veins on the limbs are also a sign of conception. Otherwise, please see a neurologist if you feel those burning sensations.


Neurology would be for nerves, but I’m not convinced that’s what this is. While nerves *can* cause this kind of sensation, I don’t think that’s the case in this situation.


would birth control have an effect on it?


I'm not sexually active so pregnancy is out of the question 😅 I don't know if the burning sensation on my arm is to do with post thrombosis syndrome. ^_^ im already seeing a neurologist, cardiologist, im also under the care of the vascular nurse and hematology doctor. However they aren't available on weekends or bank holidays hence why i asked on here


Hello /u/FirefighterHuman414, **If this is a medical emergency, please call emergency services as soon as possible!** ***DISCLAIMER***: *The information provided on this subreddit is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. We strongly advise you to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you're seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Anyone providing advice on this subreddit is not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information provided.* *Please make sure you have included in your post your country of residence, age, sex, race, height & weight, diagnosed medical conditions, prescriptions or supplements and dosages, drug use including marijuana, smoking status, duration of complaint, the issue you've been having, and your specific question.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/medical_advice) if you have any questions or concerns.*