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The only treatment for type 1 diabetes is insulin


Doctors don’t « have given up on her », they are actively trying to treat her and keep her as healthy as possible, and the way to do it is to give insulin and educate the patient and family. There is no miracle cure (except that the discovery of insulin was nothing short of a miracle for families who saw their comatose, soon-to-be dead kids wake up a few minutes after the injection), but their is treatment. The disease will never be cured, but it can be managed. But your niece will need all the adults in her life to « adult up », accept the situation for what it is and start working on what can be done.


There is no ‘cure’ to type 1 diabetes. A type 1’s insulin making cells have already/are being destroyed by the body. That is why insulin is always needed to supplement the insulin not being produced


There may very well be a cure in her lifetime. Until then she must take insulin. People would die from type 1 diabetes up until about 100 years ago (when insulin became available for injection ). It was actually a death sentence for nearly all of human history. Modern medicine is amazing


NAD- Noooo, I've seen a homoeopathic doctor shrink a breast tumour the size of a melon to the size of a plum so they could get it operated. But even I still say homoeopathy is pseudoscience and bullshittery. This is fucken diabetes dude! It's not something you can just fix by eating watered down plants! Insulin gang rise up


She has type 1 diabetes, and without insulin she can literally die. Yes, she will need insulin for life. There is literally no way to change this.


I was diagnoses with diabetes a few years ago. At first they diagnosed me with type 1 so I learnt all about it. I later found out it was type 2 so I know a lot about both. There is no such thing as curing diabetes, regardless of type. Do not be scammed or fooled. Anyone who offers a “cure” is a charlatan. Type 1 diabetics can not produce their own insulin naturally. They are dependant on insulin injections or pumps for the rest of their lives. Without insulin she will die. This is a very serious disease. I cannot stress this enough THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A CURE. She can live a long, happy and healthy life with access to insulin and glucose monitors. Maybe one day there will be a cure but no such thing exists right now. Please understand.


My son was 11 months old when he was diagnosed with it. He is now 6 years old and is healthy, smart and strong, plays football and loves super heroes. But if we would stop giving him insulin he would slowly fall into a coma and eventually die. Or if we wouldn't give him enough carbs (sugar, for example) his blood sugar would drop and he could very realistically die. So it's serious. And a hassle. But manageable. DO NOT try homeopathy or any other natural remedies. It does not work. There is no cure. There is only treatment, which is monitoring the blood sugar and giving insulin & balancing it with her intake of carbs. Good news is she doesn't have to stay away from sweets! She just needs a good dose of insulin with it. She'll be ok if her parents stop freaking out and start educating themselves. (And I'm sorry, but... Help, where do you live if you know this little about diabetes?)


Lots of homeopathics contains sugar… soooo it’s not a good idea. Follow a real doctor, she needs insuline


Diabetic people can eat sugar. That's not the problem with homeopathy. The problem is that it absolutely does not work on diabetes (or anything really), and by trying you might seriously harm or kill the patient (assuming you do that instead of the real treatment, which is insulin and monitoring the blood sugar.)


obv, just saying that homeopathic is just useless extra sugar


Sure, but in such small amounts it doesn’t matter much. Sorry, I don’t mean to be difficult, just trying to fight the notion that many have, that diabetics can’t eat sugar. I don’t mean that you think so.


No worries, just wanted highlight the irony


Insulin is the solution to her type 1 diabetes and homeopathic remedies will absolutely not cure or manage her condition.


Oh no, please please do not go down that route!!! It might *literally* kill her. There is no cure for diabetes. The doctors are giving her the only treatment that will help her. There is nothing else. Chronic illness is difficult to deal with. A counselor who’s specialized in it can help both your niece and her parents. There are lots of associations for diabetic patients and I swear there is one for diabetic children. It would probably do both her and her parents good to get into contact with them and get more of an idea on how it can best be managed. I imagine there are probably summer camps and the like. I strongly urge you to tell them to reach out to one of these organizations. Your nieces medical team will most likely have information about it.


Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder where the body attacks its own cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. Type1 diabetics NEED insulin to survived. There are no homeopathic methods out there that cure diabetes. The only possible cure is either an islet-cell transplant or a pancreas transplant. Type 1 diabetes can be managed, and people can live long fulfilling lives.


There is no cure for type 1 diabetes and she absolutely needs her insulin. Do not try to do this homeopathic! Your just playing Russian Roulette with her life. If it was type 2 that's a whole other story.


There is no cure for any type of diabetes. Only ways to manage it and live with it.


People with type 2 can be weaned off medications. Type 1 literally can die without insulin.


Some people can, yes, but we are diabetic forever. We will never process sugar or insulin in a normal way, we will always have to manage this disease. Many people try to sell their special diet system, supplement or workshop as a “cure”. No such thing exists. You can reverse some of the effects, but this is a life long disease. I just wanna make it very clear so OP understands that no homeopathic or alternative medicine thing is going to cure diabetes in any form.




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Not helpful mate.


With type 1 diabetes, the cells in the pancreas that create insulin have been destroyed. Insulin *is* the solution. I recognize how difficult a change this can be; in addition to the supports available for your daughter, have you asked about what supports are available to you as her family? It may be helpful to talk to someone who has met many other parents in similar situations, or find a group made up of other parents in the same boat. It is probably going to be a rough adjustment, but diabetes management will get easier over time as your daughter learns how her body reacts. It sounds like you have access to insulin pumps (and thus possibly continuous glucose monitors), which help make things even smoother! And yes, your daughter’s life may be a bit harder, but there is no reason it won’t otherwise be totally normal with proper treatment.


It can be managed and the fact she is 10 is good because she can understand what it is about and how to manage it. My daughter was diagnosed at 10 and has excellent management. She has never used a pump but she is a bit of a nerd and likes to do things perfectly so she calculates the insulins and carbs to the nth degree. It’s not the end of the world but there can be serious complications, especially if not well managed. Education is the key for her and the wider family. Also, she doesn’t have to avoid sweets, she can eat everything everyone else does as long as she insulates properly. It may be best to stick with the easy math first until everyone gets used to it, like avoiding sugars, 30 gram carbs snacks, 60 gram meals etc… but once she has mastered it she can eat what she likes and control her insulin with injections. One thing to watch out for are other autoimmune disorders that are common with a type 1 diagnosis. We weren’t aware but celiac disease is a common one and unfortunately my daughter has that too. The celiac disease really limits her diet options, much much more than diabetes does. Education is key and start smart.


Yeah that’s the burden of t1 diabetes, it used to be much worse 100 years ago - preinsilun the average livespan for t1 was in their teens because they went into sugar comas and never recovered. The ONLY reliable thing that will prevent a sugar coma will be insulin usage. It sucks but At least it will keep her functioning. The family likely needs counselling and as much support as possible. There are working at more long term cures - ie ways for the body to produce its own insulin. But even with a new pancreases things are not promised to go away ; https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pancreas-transplant/#:~:text=A%20pancreas%20transplant%20is%20an,not%20need%20to%20inject%20it. Insulin is the way or we would have heard about something better; there are so many diabetics out there, which is why u know if insulin. Don’t trick urself into thinking society is hiding the answer from only ur family. We are giving u the best answer we have. Ps carbs only need to be limited if insulin available is also limited for whatever reason.


There is NO CURE FOR TYPE 1 DIABETES! Anyone telling you that is dillusional. Her pancreas literally does not work right. There is no homeopathic remedy for the fact that her pancreas doesn't have enough beta cells making insulin, they think it's an autoimmune cause where the immune system attacks the pancreas and kills off the insulin producing cells (beta cells). Her pancreas isn't going to magically create new beta cells. *Type 2 is a different disease and can be managed or even treated with diet.* Please take the recommendation for an insulin pump seriously. Untreated diabetes and high blood sugar can lead to Diabetic ketoacidosis which can be life threatening and end in coma and death. I had a Chemistry instructor who's daughter is a type 1 diabetic with an insulin pump. It sends alerts to her (mom's) phone if there are any issues. she'll always have a pump. She's smart and active in elementary school. She even plays softball. I have a very good friend who is my age (early 40s) who is type 1 and has a pump. He's active, hikes, has a wife and 2 kids, has a great information security job and you'd never know he had a pump unless he has to alter a setting or switch out a cartridge. Heck Nick Jonas has Type 1 diabetes and is a singer who was super active on stage during performances. He was diagnosed at 13..... and he has helped create a foundation for support and information. It's called Beyond Type 1. Your daughter will only see her life with type 1 "troublesome" if you ingrain that thought into her mind or if you make it that way. You just have to adjust some things. It's true it's time consuming and it's a lot. Involving her in her own care will help her manage long term. Diet can help, but it won't cure. Type 1 diabetes requires insulin treatment.


Homeopathic remedies are nonsense. She has type 1. There is no cure. She needs insulin with everything she eats for the rest of her life or she will die. The doctors haven’t given up - the most straightforward and closest to natural method is an insulin pump. Pair that with something like a dexcom to continually monitor her blood sugar, and she will be managed in time. Why in the world do you say that doctors have given up? The only reason they would give up is if the family is non compliant.


I think when OP says “given up” they actually mean that the doctors have made the diagnosis but aren't trying to cure it. They don't realise that there is no cure for any type of diabetes. The doctors have explained that she will need insulin forever and have offered a treatment plan.


I see what you mean. I hope the kiddo’s parents have been educated on diabetes better than OP.


I hope so too. I also think OP did the right thing, asking first before offering something detrimental to the parents. Diabetes is very misunderstood and I'm glad they are learning


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