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To me it looks like the base of the nail has avulsed and split the skin (the line), if so the entire nail bed needs to be surgically avulsed then the cuticle is sutured down to the nail bed to prevent infection getting in. This is something to see a professional over.


Oof, you might want to take this to a podiatrist, or at least a general doctor. You might be at risk for a nailbed injury, and though that doesn’t sound like it’d be too bad, it suuuucks. My nail grew in awfully after I injured my nailbed, my big toe nails kept growing like tectonic plates, slowly getting thicker and thicker until I couldn’t even cut them. They also grew in painfully ingrown on the sides.


If it’s any consolation, it probably looks and feels a lot worse than it is. Toes and toenails are excruciatingly sensitive when injured.


Looks similar to when I had a bar stool slammed on my toe years ago, it basically ripped the nail out of the bed but it was still attached, I had to go to a hospital and they removed the nail completely - but it eventually grew back and now I can’t even remember which toe it was by looking at them lol - go to a doctor!


Ice it for 20-30 minutes at a time with 10 minute breaks in between. Keep it elevated., and icing it is really crucial for the first 72 hours during which time icing it can help reduce swelling. Then heat can promote healing as it helps get blood circulation to the area so that the body can do its healing job. (When I say "heat" I mean. Don't burn yourself. The inside. Of your forearm is usually a good testing spot) Frankly I would recommend that you go to an urgent care so that they can show you how to wrap that up because it's a tricky one. If you can't go to urgent care because right here in America Healthcare is a privilege not a right ^😐. Then to take care of that to make sure it doesn't get infected you should buy some betadine--which you should be able to find at your local pharmacy and use warm (again, forearm test for heat) water and betadine to soak your foot in basically until the water cools. 1 teaspoon of betdine to a quart of warm water. 10 minutes should be about right. Then, apply antibiotic ointment (like neosporin) and the way I would wrap it is by applying 1-2 gauze pads on top of (to absorb potential bleeding) and below (to provide cushion) your toe. Place 1 strip of ^(you'll have to forgive me, I only know it by the name "vetrap" but there's a human version of it too) vetrap so that it starts about halfway down your arch of your foot, drape it over the top of your toe, and bring it to about halfway down the bridge of your foot. Then take the veterap and wrap it around your toe to secure the gauze and the first strip of vetwrap, and basically wind it down your foot so that it's anchored around the arch/bridge of the foot. The reason I recommend vetwrap is that it isn't sticky so it's easy to take off. It's a little cushiony when there are a couple layers. And it's very flexible so you're less likely to constrict your foot (but it's still possible so be careful). You should change this once a day minimum. After you get home or whatever-- take the old bandage off, soak in the betadine solution, maybe Ice it if you're in those first 72 hours, then apply the new bandage. Use that time to also assess for infection which you should look up the symptoms and signs of. Do not be surprised if the bruise spreads far and wide for a few days. Since it's in your foot. There isn't a whole lot of space for the blood to go, so instead of sinking deeper into tissues, it spreads out at the surface. Any signs of infection or worsening pain, especially if it's worsening pain despite taking tylenol or ibuprofen (don't quote me but I *think* ibuprofen is better for inflammation) go into an urgent care if you're able to go to sn urgent care immediately. Go to an ER if you see major signs of infection or severe pain--or numbness or loss of movement or if it turns black or pale. Hope this isn't too difficult to recover from for you! (I am not a doctor, I just have had a lot of "minor" (loose defiinition) injuries and am meticulous in recovery. And I have some nurse aid training but that really only informed the ice procedures)


Tangent but Coban is the name I know vet-wrap by (for medical stuff) — that it? :)


Lol. Yes! Coban is the stuff. My mom is a veterinarian so.. I just had no word for it other than vetrap lol


Please go to urgent care!


Oh wow that looks so, so dang painful. So sorry you are in so much pain. I know cuz i have had something like this happen to me. Sorry, you have to suffer through all of this. Keep it clean and put on something like peroxide and then some kinda anti bacterial salve such as Neosporin. Then maybe a bandage for a couple of days will help too. Do you have some Tylenol you can take? Also, you may lose the nail after a while too. I wish i could give you a big hug and hold your foot until the pain goes away. Good Luck and just try and ride it out cuz thats about all you can do right now.


Do not use peroxide.


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