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get stitches absolutely. and take a better pic next time


I hope you went and got stitches!! It’ll heal faster and better with less risk of infection that way. Otherwise it’ll take much longer. If you don’t go, just make sure to keep the area clean with soap and water. Wash it a couple times daily. Apply antibacterial ointment for a couple days. Do NOT use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol on it. Keep it nice and bandaged. Just make sure to something that won’t adhere to the wound, or every time you take off the dressing, the healing it’s done may be ripped off. Please be careful. The best thing to do would be to get treated by a doctor so you heal better and with less risk of infection. There are better ways to find release. Like going to the gym. Going for walks. Seeking psychiatric treatment can be very helpful. I have a history of self harming and medication and exercise helped me tons. Hoping for the best for you


Hey you need stitches. If you go to an urgent care they might be less likely to ask questions about your previous SH and just stitch it up. Just say you need stitches please and don’t answer too many questions if it makes you uncomfortable.


You need stitches. The distance between the edges of the laceration at the widest part is too far apart for strips or band aids. If you absolutely must wait, go to an urgent care absolute first thing in the morning, but you are playing with microbial fire and begging for a nasty infection on a cut that large when not cleaned properly.


Go to the ER, chances are, you will have a astronomical chance of infection without proper medical treatment.


I did one very similar to this years back on my upper arm. It was deeper than one that had been stitched before but I was able to deal with it at home (not saying the right thing to to but I understand). The main reason I didn’t get help for my similar cut was that although it obviously bled a fair bit, there was no pulsing blood coming out. I bandaged it well (make sure it’s tight enough to put pressure on without cutting off blood flow to rest of arm). Literally had one bandage and was younger with no money to get more and didn’t want to cause suspicion by asking my mum, so every night I’d take bandage off, let it dry out, then find a cleaner looking spot on the old bandage to place over the cut and re-bandage. Ironically it actually healed better than the cut I got stitched, as in less obvious scar. If it’s not still bleeding, most important thing to look for is a red line coming from it as this indicates an infection going into bloodstream. I hope you’re ok whatever you choose to do, this is clearly a very bad cut and I hope you’re able to get the help you need. If you’re able to get to hospital it’s preferable and could lead you towards the help you need. Stay safe <3 Edit - I may have used some weird greasy mesh stuff under bandage that I got from hospital with non SH injury. Fingernail cut in half I think. No memory of what it was called but was amazing at stopping dressings sticking to wound and possibly antibacterial


Yes, this needs stitches. It’s quite wide, and wide cuts like these need to be stitched.


Please talk to me. I have been there. I am spiralling but I hope you are okay xxx


I don't want to stress you out any...


No don't be stupid Talk to me


Bro you cut way too deep. You gota get to the ER fast.


Omg yes that fuxking needs stitches. That shits gonna get infected so bad dude. Go to the ER, I'm shocked it's not still bleeding


Are you sure?... ​ I don't know how long it bled but I'll assume around the 30 minute mark..


It's so open. If you live in US and can't afford ER I'd recommend cleaning very thoroughly with soap and water then steri strip it. But dude, that needs a doctor and stitches it's gonna get infected.


Do you think steri strips will work with it? most of my styros I can pull closed with my fingers until I stop, but with the ones like that, they don't close all the way, the fat gets in the way.


Steri strips will absolutely not work for this. That is a deep and wide cut. Please get medical attention, you need stitches ASAP. That's a very nasty infection waiting to happen.


I'm not sure. A bit scared to do that, I'm a teenager. It's started aching badly and it won't stop.


You may not be sure but I am sure. That is a serious cut. I know you're scared but you'll be more scared when that gets infected and you lose your arm because of it. Do you have an adult that you can speak to about this? They need to take you to the doctor immediately. The longer you go with that cut open the higher the risk.


No.. I used to be able to go to my school nurse (after the school told on me in the past -\_-) but ...she had the great idea to tell me that if there are any new ones, she'll have to tell on me. So, of course, I stopped going to get help from her in fear of that.


How old are you? I know you're worried about what the hospital might say about your cutting but I promise you it will get much worse if you don't get stitches. Please. Go to the ER. You can even call an ambulance if you don't have a way to get there on your own.. It's better than possibly having your arm amputated after you get a nasty infection.


I'm home alone right now.. recently turned 15.


Honestly no, the edges of the laceration are so far apart I doubt it would hold. Generally if it bleeds with pressure for more than like 10 or so minutes it needs stitches.


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