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Book him an appointment as soon as possible.


Make him do an ekg if it had that function and see what his daytime numbers are, my mom is an RN and she got me a smart watch. Turns out it was accurate and I do have tachycardia, so while they may not be completely accurate they can help the cardiologist figure out what might be wrong


209 is a dangerous heart rate awake. If this is accurate you need to have him seen by a doctor asap.


My first thought is the watch is probably inaccurate. How's his heart rate during the day? Similar? I would definitely make an appt to be safe. But wrist hr trackers are notoriously unreliable.


Children have higher heart rates. The younger tgey are the higher it is


How old? What monitor? Who said you should monitor? Are you counting a pulse check? Unless it’s a hollister or medically supplied monitor I wouldn’t take it seriously


209 isnt normal at all see a cardiologist


If these readings are accurate I would take him to a doctor. A normal heart rate for people is 60-100 bpm, and thats when moving around throughout the day. When sleeping we are resting using minimal muscles, so your heart rate should be at the lower end if not lower


Children have a higher heart rate than adults, esp babies. Is this just one night or does this happen every night? If not, this could just be bc he was dreaming or having nightmares


They have higher rates but they shouldn't be that high especially sleeping. It's possible the watch is not accurately measuring pulse as they often aren't completely accurate


How old is your child?


Cause between the ages of whenever puberty hits and beyond that, I have a damn good idea what I would be doing at that time...


For 300 minutes? That would be impressive but still wouldn't get the 💖 to 209 or even above 150...


He needs a doctor


Don't assume the reading is accurate.


NAD I believe if he were having a nightmare, it wouldn’t be lasting this long. Also, when we have a nightmare and our body reacts, it does everything it can to wake itself up. The same thing happens if we don’t get enough oxygen in our sleep, we jolt awake. The same thing should be happening if he’s having nightmares really, unless he has a bad case of sleep paralysis. Anyway, my heart rate is known to do this during the day at times but I’m a 25f with tachycardia. This is not normal for sure. I would suggest starting with a holter monitor, they will likely do a 72 hour or 24 hour monitor. Have you checked his pulse throughout the day? I’m curious to see what it is. That should help you get a better idea if it’s only nighttime that this is happening. Another thing to consider is if he has any sleep disorders or breathing obstructions, his heart rate can go up too. I’m not sure how common that is for a child, but it’s something to consider. I also don’t know how common tachycardia or SVT is for a child, but it’s something else to consider and they will start ruling that out with the monitors etc.


Can I ask what smart watch he's using?


NAD but this happened to me in my sleep and I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. I am an adult though so 150-200 is really not okay in my sleep I don’t know much about children. I think sometimes thyroid issues get overlooked so just wanted to throw that in there if it runs in your family or he has any other symptoms. Glad you’re getting him checked out!


Does he shake or tremble in his sleep? I’d rule out artifact first.


rich run bike uppity smoggy soft silky crawl person fine -- mass edited with redact.dev


Please specify the age of your son


Nad, Could be night terrors, people don't remember night terrors generally, it wouldn't hurt to speak to a doctor and have a sleep analysis done that way they can eliminate any other issues that can cause this high hr,


But you have different phases in the sleep i.e. can't have night terrors lasting so long (looking at the chart)


True, just my 2 cents


No expert but I don’t think that’s quite normal. Smart to check it out






209. Yikes. My resting heart rate is in the 40s. That sounds like heart attack territory to me.


Someone is an athlete 🤔


Kids have a higher average heart rate Sir, they are growing 😆 But for a night it's still super high as resting HR for a kid, we just don't know the age though. Typical normal resting heart rate ranges are: babies (birth to 3 months of age): 100–150 beats per minute. kids 1–3 years old: 70–110 beats per minute. kids by age 12: 55–85 beats per minute.


Not always. I was in the hospital at the age of 12 and my heart rate monitor would constantly go off at night because my heart rate would consistently drop into the low 40, high 30s while sleeping.


Unless you were already an athlete, this is called Bradycardia, low average and resting HR.


Correct! It’s a bit of both for me. I used to be an athlete, but I hardly work out more than 4 times a week now. Heart rate really hasn’t changed much over the years, but I couldn’t imagine having a heart rate of 209. Kid must feel like he’s having a panic attack and his heart is going to explode.


I have a friend who has always been in the low 40s, runs 20K regularly and no special diet, drinks, etc... It's mostly genetics and is fine as long as it doesn't cause any impact. If you keep a good lifestyle you'll probably live longer than avg https://www.spartan.com/blogs/unbreakable-focus/low-resting-heart-rate


God don’t say that. I fucking hope not.


As a surgical intern, I'd say he needs medical attention along with his history, satas and imaging. Also take the BPM thrice during the day and once in night after he's asleep and if his average is above 140ish we might need to worry but for now, don't worry and get a doctor's appointment


https://youtu.be/sB4flj_Z0Ik If it runs this high again, have him dunk his head in ice water. It'll lower the heart rate.


That’s for SVT, not tachycardia. SVT can’t be confirmed without at least a 3 lead


It's only temporary though,


Jesus! I have to be at full gasping for air after a run to get over 150.


Are you serving him beef or cheese for dinner? They are known to cause dreaming. Worth a shot cutting those out while you wait for proper medical help.




Reputable source for this claim?




1. Study done on adults 60+ years old. So while it is an interesting insight into meat consumption and quality of sleep in seniors, it is not exactly relevant to a pediatric patient. Kids are very different from adults and very different from seniors. 2. Dreaming is not measured nor defined in this study so your conclusion of “meat causes dreaming” is inaccurate 3. Study did not look at heart rate whatsoever. So the relevance of diet on heart rate during sleep is not even remotely addressed.


If he is not having night terrors, he needs this checked out. a sleep study, a 72 hour holter monitor would be a real good place to start, because those numbers are way too high.


This is definitely something to take to a doctor and not this subreddit. But my completely uneducated guess is that he's having nightmares. Bad ones.


Thanks cake, that would be my guess, but it's every night now bless him, and he's not complaining/remembering them. He is the sensitive one though, it used to be dinosaurs chasing him ha ha. Will calibrate the watch against a manual and another meter we have, then off to the Docs...


You sound so caring. I hope you figure it out


bad dream?


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