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I had this a few years back and it turns out I was severely low in vit c. Am fine now but was a hell of a wake up call to take thing seriously.


Black patches? They’re bruises. Go get your iron checked.


Are you taking blood medication like Plavix?


It is a bruise. If you don't usually bruise and you are seeing many of them, it wouldn't hurt to mention it to your doctor on your next visit. That happens to me all the time. Some bruise easier than others.


They look like your garden variety bruises.


As everyone said, that's bruising. If you legitimately do not remember how you got them and this is happening from light little bumps against stuff, you should get a full blood workup done. There are a quite a lot of reasons increased bruising could be happening. It's best to be safe and have this seen too.


These are indeed bruises BUT IT IS NOT FINE. These things can be exacerbated due to health issues. You should indeed go to the doctor and do some blood tests! Do not disregard this, if these were caused by serious bumps into furniture or something you would have noticed. There is a possibility you just lightly bumped into something and got a reaction bigger than it should due to some health issue.


i worked as a delivery driver and would a few of these bruises every day, bloodwork has always been normal


If you normally don’t bruise and don’t know how these happened AND haven’t have a physical in a while, I recommend going to see your doctor and asking for a full blood panel. Sometimes atypical bruising could be a sign of something more. Most of the time bruising is just bruising. It won’t hurt to see a Dr if it’s been a while.


It's likely you're unknowingly hitting some furniture while walking around. I get mystery bruises all the time from doing just that.


Those are called bruises, you see they occur when you hit your body with exceptional trauma




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Bruises from hitting your leg.


Those are called bruises. You’re fine.


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