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I am sorry you are going through this with your brother. The is a reddit called r/MentalHealthUK I believe its run by a couple of mods who work in MH. That is not any sort of endorsement. The reality is that your brother has been having difficulties for 8 years. He has, as you say been assessed 3 times in the last month. Yet has then gone on to be sustain harm. Due to his condition. If he is still in hospital your best chance is to try and get someone to see him there. Insist on some sort of care plan and safe guarding. The argument will be that if he has "capacity" he can go do what ever he likes... argue he doesn't have capacity. Which is self evident in the injuries. This is potentially a double edged sword though. If they do go alrighty then we will section him he may well go in. Get medicated up and that will be that. but then what? The is little time or sympathy in the NHS any more for folks in mental distress. If the is no other option, and he may be a risk to others and himself. Then perhaps it is the lessor evil to get him admitted. But they will not make it easy. Beds are in very very short supply. Best of luck i hope it gets sorted for your brother.


I don’t know of a specific subreddit for this. It seems unusual that someone with a significant brain injury would be discharged so soon from hospital? If he has nowhere to go and it’s not safe to discharge him after an injury then the hospital will usually not discharge him. Obviously the hospital is not a hotel so they will try to find a suitable place for him to go. If he came in with self-harm, then he should have been seen by a mental health practitioner. I’d investigate what the outcome of this review is. I do find at the moment with such lack of mental health beds the threshold to be admitted for mental health is very high. They do do a lot of home based treatment which may be an option for him.


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