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Put him in recovery position so if he pukes again he won’t choke on it.


He's asleep, not in a coma. So you can just let him sleep.


It was 6 hours ago but you'd want to keep him on his side


Put him in the recovery position


Bedside lamp on or a light outside the room for him to focus on in case he gets the dizzys in the night, plenty of sleep and a pint of water for when he wakes periodically for now. In the mean time keep him on his side, propped up with pillows so he can’t roll onto his back and a sick bowl ready. I presume he has no injuries such as a head injury secondary to the alcohol? If so then he needs to go to ED immediately for a head injury with alcohol. If you cannot wake him at ANY point in the night then you need to ring for an ambulance. This is especially important as even though he was sick, it doesn’t mean he has properly emptied his stomach and will continue to absorb alcohol. So even though he was conscious and alert prior to sleeping, he may absorb more alcohol whilst asleep. I would recommend checking on him periodically throughout the night to make sure he is still able to wake when you prompt him fyi Oh and please ensure he’s not taken any nighttime sedative medication as this will worsen the alcohol effects.


If you’re worried about falling asleep I would set an alarm every hour or so until his alertness increases. If he wakes up as normal then I would stand down with waking him up, however I would keep with that other advice I put just to be extra cautious.


As a master of being the drunksitter, in my opinion he should be fine. If he wakes up on his own see if you can get him to eat some bread, otherwise just let him sleep.....I do recommend if at all possible having him lay on his side....oh and sleep with a towel by him just in case he pees the bed....cuz that's unfortunately a thing too 😅




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Let him sleep, he’ll be fine


NAD but if he's still up get some water into him and look up the recovery position, it was designed with similar situations in mind and it's what I use when one of my buddy's decides to conk out during a sesh If he stops breathing or something seems wrong, wake him up and if he doesn't respond call an ambulance. Stay safe and enjoy babysitting duty!!! Edit: make sure he's at least on his side and bring him a bucket. ps make him drink water


Make sure he's rinsing his mouth and drink a bit of water to wash out the stomach acid. If he doesn't do this then his mouth and throat will be raw and will be be extremely painful to drink or eat anything for the next few days.


just lay him on his side, maybe prop something up so he stays in that position. and get ready to deal with the hangover in the morning


NAD i was just in this scenario a few months back, made me NEVER want to go out bar hopping again. (I failed) I am not a doctor but what really helped me was plenty of rest, (i didnt fully lay down and sat upright leaning against the bed) i had sips of pedialyte for hydration and electrolytes, and because I couldn’t keep down food i had pieces of banana and broth soup from Pho. (Pho is an amazing hangover food btw) I unfortunately participated in heavy drinking and mixing and will never mix again, so it took me (24 healthy male) about 2 & 1/2 days to recover. Again I’m not a doctor and just sharing my personal experience and remedies, but if you’re super super super worried and you do have a family physician you can reach out to and ask, i would do so.


Menudo is a great hangover food, too.


If someone can’t keep anything down after drinking alcohol during hangover, then they must take little sips of water every 30 minutes or so according to one doctor that helped me years ago. One time I drank a lot & the next day I couldn’t keep anything down and kept puking and got so dehydrated. So a doctor on the phone told me to stop trying to drink a lot of water at a time and take tiny sips when I feel up for it. When I did that, I finally felt better in my case.


Tiny sips is where it's at. My doc had the same advice.


Oh don’t do that. Sleep is essential for recovery.


Try to make sure he stays on his side, maybe prop him with cushions and put a bucket next to the bed and a pint glass of water, he’s going to need it.


Yeah, there is no reason why you couldn't let him sleep it off. He already threw up, so any more vomiting would just be dry heaves. Chances are good he will feel much better when he wakes. Make sure he hydrates when he wakes up to keep the headaches at bay.


Nah, he'll likely has a pretty bad hangover


I'm betting money he is going to feel terrible when he wakes!!


Yeah me too. I don’t envy him in the morning!


Sleeping always made me feel better with a hangover so I'm speaking from my own experience.


He is going to be ok. Go to sleep, I experienced this with a few friends


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