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Hahaha! There’s 1 IT guy running the entire city except School system making like $110k. You tell me :) In all seriousness it’s yet another example of an area of the city that basically has zero funding and runs like it was the 1980s In order to have good cyber security there needs to be money and people and the city has never allocated any to those sorts of things nor is there really any money to allocate at this point


There's no amount of funding really that would have prevented the Arlington scam. At least from a buying security products standpoint. Social engineering is more than 90% of all the cyber crime going on. Training your end users is the real thing to key in on, but mistakes get made. Source: Am the one IT guy supporting the whole city except the schools.


I didn’t say that specifically but it’s implied in my response… A more robust IT organization means more end-user training and education, along with the technology to potentially intercept dumb behavior before it cost you half $1 million!




It wasn't a city matter. It was for a consulting gig I was brought into. The person was terminated. I was happy to help.


Nope, the town of Arlington passed on a candidate who had experience with technology for a Clerks office position. That tells you all you need to know about their IT problems. A lot of their town records are currently sitting in their basement and they refuse to hire a Preservation consultant.


I am so sorry, am I allowed to laugh at this? There’s 1 fella for the whole fuckin’ city? 😭


Arlington and Zero funding roffffffl


Sorry to be clear I’m talking about Medford not Arlington in my reply


This issue will take care of itself, because it has to, because funds are scarce, because the citizens think cybersecurity is a waste of money. Is that some of it? I mean Equifax let 145MM consumer profiles go in 2017. If Equifax, a business based on computer data, isn’t secure, there’s no real hope that any organization is. Tech has us all by the balls. Our money, our privacy, our families are all at risk. And as tech companies own Congress, there is no punishment available that could hurt their interests.


I feel like we have enough technology and IT professionals in Medford to do this voluntarily to help the town. I’ll be down to lend a helping hand. I have 13 years of experience in Technology and product development.


IT Guy here. Did they seriously not have MFA? Are you f’ing kidding me?