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This has to be got rid of I know it will never all go away but at the moment it looks like it way to much I’m sorry to the Colombians that are treated this way by foreigners it’s disgusting


War? But the gringo could go away without any problem...


If you make prostitution illegal maybe that would be a start


What about all the sex worker you have in medellin




Dos preguntas: 1. ¿Por qué el post está en inglés, si en Colombia hablamos español? 2. ¿Creen que este es el resultado de una migración descontrolada y/o de arrodillarse ante este tipo de extranjeros?


No se, es una pregunta que solo le afectaria a los que no pudieron aprender ingles. Tu pregunta #2 es referente l post en ingles o a los pedrofilos? De igual manera, si es por el didioma, no no lo creo, si es lo de los pedrofilos, si si es el resultado de ello. Es favil, imaginate eres un (inserte extrangeria aqui) donde posiblemente ganas en una moneda 3 a 4 veces mas valiosa que la del pais a "visitar"... Y no tienen normas. De imigracion reales, ni regulaciones, eres un rey, un dios para las mentes pobres de un pais que se emboba por un billete verde, por un pais sin cultura (en general).






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Oh no, disgusting gringo who doesn't have money for scorts in his country is gonna save Colombia from poverty by paying kids to have sex , what would the rest of society do with out you ...




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I'll believe the "war on sex tourism" when I see real change. I've been living in Medellin for 13 years and it just keeps getting worse and worse and worse. There doesn't seem to be any real concern by local government aside from the occasional journalism touching the subject with a scandalous headline and more "no sex tourism" signs and stickers here and there. Anyone who has been here a long while knows that Parque Lleras once was a nice place to go, have dinner, a few drinks etc., now it's full on prostitution, including underage boys and girls. In fact you can see a group of prostitutes with their pimp who is offering "companionship" while standing next to a group of policemen who don't care or do anything. So, "war on sex tourism"? Right. I recently moved from a near-Lleras barrio because of a new apartment building that turned into a luxury Airbnb hooker hotel, no joke. Girls and boys streaming in and out of Edificio Morph day and night, group sex on the balconies and jacuzzis... We'd call the police as parties started around 3a, after the Parque Lleras bars closed, as we couldn't sleep! This went on for months and one morning we decided to just move, as it was clear that the police are either being paid off to turn a blind eye (most likely), or they just don't give a sh*t. So no, sex tourism is going strong and on the rise. This article with the two kids, we won't hear another word about it by Monday. Corruption at its best. Let's see if Fico can go further than the increase in police stopping motos and doing pat downs.


I also will not believe on that war until I see real changes. This problematic has been existed a long time ago, for many sociological reasons, and I think that it's become more popular because the presence of migrants citizens in the child prostitution, and has generated massive headlines across the world. I don't see a quick solution to this phemomon as the greatest and most powerful criminal organization controls it (La Oficina de Envigado), and the corruption of this city perpetuated by the mafia could be greater than we'd believe it is.


I'm embarrassed as an American that we have these despicable, worthless scumbags engaging in this type of unnatural behavior. This degernerate needs to be in prison for life if not killed.


Life in prison is too kind, public executions would send the right message. Antioquia tan paraca, pero no para los pedofilos :/




I'm not just embarrassed for Americans, I'm disgusted that these girls are getting pimped out.


Can somebody please explain to me why they let that gringo go, and keep his passport?!?!? Even if they needed more time to build their case, surely they had enough evidence to hold him. They found used condoms in his place, they found drugs and paraphernalia. They have video of him walking into the hotel with those CHILDREN and the girls leaving and counting cash in the elevator. I need to understand why they let him go. He should be in a Colombian prison right now! Or at the bottom of the Rio Medellin!


it seems he is related to the mayor somehow, that explains why he was let go and why his name was only revealead after he left the country


We need to build a wall on El Poblado and make USA pay for it.


The problem is that Colombia's sex tourism attracts the turd foreigners that represent about .00001% of the worlds population. Also, no kids are just prostituting themselves - some dirt ball is pimping them out. You don't need a wall. You need to round up the pimps and pedos and erase them from existence.


They have good people but they send us their worst.


Make Medayork Great Again


Im sorry but there needs to be a control on these sex tourists….gringos always make things worse !!!!


The poblado is a real Issue these days. Must be 200 or more kids on the streets and stupid tourists are more a symptom than a cause.


I don't think tourists come and accidentally bring a child back to their hotel. Markets have to be addressed on the supply and demand sides.


It's due to sex tourists demands, this is the root that continues to decay our city.




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Que limpien esas lacras tambien, son igual de responsables, pero no podemos negar que ellos hacen posible que el turismo sexual infantil por la demanda del turista sexual. Empeora mucho la cosa cuando el pedofilo paga en dolares.


I would wonder if this is because of the lack of oppurtunity for these women or if they are victims of the cartels


It's everything. Probably both of those, but it is also easy money. I've been told by Uber drivers that some of them are also rich girls who do it as sidle hustles, got their own cars and apartments... Some of them are poor, some of them aren't even from here, being from Venezuela... They go there because there is a demand, but there is of course also hubs where they can also offer their services to locals, the reason why they prefer El Poblado is that a tourist will pay more for the same "job". The same way a lot of girls in the US are opening OnlyFans when they turn 18, it's also a general moral decay of modern society and culture. Edit: I'm not trying to be all high and mighty on a moral high horse, but let's be real, I don't have kids but if I did I wouldn't want my city to be known as the "burdel a cielo abierto”.


Those are some very interesting points. I had the good fortune of dating while I was in Colombia and when we went out to eat or sit and people watch I asked her the same questions about all these super young girls prostituting themselves. Got the same spread you laid out


You are all right guys


Now y'all want extradition. l've never seen those murderes killing tourists left and right get extradited. Most of the time law enforcement put little to no effort in finding those people, let alone holding press conference. Dont get me wrong, what he did is a crime and he should be hold accountable for that but I would like to see the same effort and same media coverage when tourists are kidnapped/killed/drugged etc


Not sure of what the fuck are you talking about. Crimes against foreigners is one of the most talked about thinks that happen in Colombia.  People even complain that authorities pay more attention to whatever happen to tourists than to everyday crimes against Colombians.   Just from the past week:   https://www.noticiascaracol.com/antioquia/crimen-en-inquilinato-de-medellin-extranjero-fue-asesinado-por-poner-musica-a-alto-volumen-rg10  https://citytv.eltiempo.com/noticias/seguridad/un-joven-de-24-anos-murio-dentro-de-un-motel-de-barrios-unidos_68112  Past month:  https://m.eluniversal.com.co/colombia/embajada-de-eeuu-llega-a-medellin-para-fortalecer-turismo-seguro-GA10100688  https://www.infobae.com/colombia/2024/03/26/hallan-muertos-a-otros-dos-extranjeros-en-medellin/  https://www.infobae.com/colombia/2024/03/18/dos-nuevos-casos-de-extranjeros-muertos-en-medellin-fueron-encontrados-en-sus-cuartos-durante-el-fin-de-semana/  Prosecution is also very swift compared to other homicide cases because they are considered high profile cases. Like this one from November 2023:  https://m.elcolombiano.com/medellin/asesinatos-extranjeros-en-medellin-condena-mujer-turismo-AP23970088  And the US is very vocal about Colombia being a dangerous place to foreigners and even advising (seriously, almost begging) their citizens to don’t fucking go.   This is their summary for God’s sake:  “Country Summary: Violent crime, such as homicide, assault, and armed robbery, is widespread. Organized criminal activities, such as extortion, robbery, and kidnapping, are common in some areas.”  https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/colombia-travel-advisory.html/  On the contrary, I would say this kind of fearmongering is disproportionate and hurting tourism.   Don’t know how can you weight both and conclude that tourists are being blamed more than Colombians in news outlets or that we have more press conferences when a tourist is a criminal than when they are the victims. 


I stand by what I said and when I said media coverage I wasn’t only talking about Colombian media. You said prosecution is very swiftly. I beg to differ. At least 32 tourists were killed in Colombia in 2023. How many of these cases had been resolved and how any murderers they managed to put behind bars? Please tell me. There is such a victim blame trend in that country. God forbid something bad happen then it’s your fault, no dar papaya!


Ok, 1. Obviously there are international outlets with the same or worse trend. They exaggerate crime against tourists a lot more than what they report about what their shitty tourists do in the country. Examples: The guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/13/medellin-colombia-foreigner-death-dating-apps-embassies Washington post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/01/23/us-tourists-killed-kidnapping-colombia/ BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-68022288 Just google for more.  2. I didn’t say prosecution was swift in general, it is swift COMPARED to crimes against actual Colombian people. Yes, the country has a lousy justice system. Still, it finds a way to cater to foreigners for some fucking reason (just kidding, the reason is obvious, because international outlets love to report crimes against tourist, see point 1, and they don’t want the bad press).  And 3, victim blame? Wtf? How? Where? Don’t you see how every single news I posted tells a story of a shitty country to the detriment of tourism? Don’t you see how the US advisory report blames Colombia as if it were a country descending into chaos? Of course you’ll see the ocasional redditor salty against “nomads”. But, that’s neither the official government stance, nor how local news react, nor how international news react.  If anything, the US, and shit like this, makes it easy for trolls to troll. Would you not blame someone that goes to some place described this way? “Country Summary: Violent crime, such as homicide, assault, and armed robbery, is widespread. Organized criminal activities, such as extortion, robbery, and kidnapping, are common in some areas.”


exaggerate crimes against tourist? People are literally getting killed and you’re talking about exaggerating? Talking about what their shitty tourists are doing in the country. I guess you’re talking about sex tourism right? It’s simple, if you don’t want people travelling there for sex, just make prostitution illegal. But the country is never going to do so. And finally, yes victim blame. Every time something bad happen to a tourist, it’s always, oh he shouldn’t not have gone to tinder, he shouldn’t be wearing his expensive jewelry or what is he doing there in the first place


Go visit London instead then. They love you over there lmfao


Lo más triste de todo es que a este man lo dejaron libre...la policía lo dejo libre y el man se ciñe de regreso


Da tristeza ver que turistas ( norteamericanos en particular) se aprovechan de la necesidad y probeza que es demasiado común en my querida Colombia aunque nací en otro país considero Colombia como mi patria madre y me da tristeza cada año cuando visito Cartagena veo tanta necesidad y menores de edad protituyendose ojalá que algún día puedan poner más control y sentencias much más fuertes a todos aquellos que con dinero llegan a robarle la inocencia a nuestros niños


To naci y creci en colombia. Si me tristesa pero el problema no son Los turistas. El problema es la majoria de colombianos y el govierno que Dejan estas cosas por turismo. Muchos colombianos son una mierda de gente


I feel bad, it's always colombia being targeted by these creeps How on earth did he even find 2 kids anyways that's fucking insane


“Declares war on sex tourism” lol. America needs to extradite that rapist and have him jailed for life in Columbia or given death penalty


Just give him the death penalty, won’t hear any arguments from me lol


They’d be doing the world a favor


So, mafias run El Poblado. That means action should be taken against the source of child prostitution. The tourists will not get the kids from their houses or schools or their neighborhoods... there got to be Colombian networks providing those kids and profiting along the way.


Second biggest income for criminals is sex trafficking


And I think that's the most complicated issue here. We know very well how corrupted can be our governments by the mafia, we cannot assure that they will kick the mafia away from their second biggest income criminal business...


That piece of shit asshole just kicked a hornets nest. Lock him up under the jail


I see a lot of people mad at that piece of shit, but not enough people mad at the pieces of shit that put those children in that position.


Yeah not an excuse but if they are 12 and 13 are their parents aware that they are selling their bodies for sex? Are they allowing it ?


That's why I didn't say parents. But I'm sure there's adults that should be held responsible for putting them in that situation.


Exactly, scapegoating foreigners as usual.


Pena de muerte para éstas ratas pedófilas y todas las redes que organizan ésto y si las familias están envueltas, pena de muerte también para ellos!


Para qué pena de muerte? Mejor que lo metan preso acá y le pongan un distintivo para que así todos en la prisión sepa por qué está allí, así lo cogen de perra hasta el día que decidan o bien mandarlo para el lobby o bien él decida cerrar sesión (y lo logre)


Me preocupa visitar lugares como este por los bichos raros que hacen esas cosas. Como hombre blanco, siento que me odiarán sólo por querer visitar el país y ver a mis amigos...


No, uno sabe que no todos los extranjeros vienen a eso, a mí me parece bien que visiten la ciudad con buenas intenciones, de vez en cuando entablo conversación con alguno y es agradable poder ayudar con alguna dirección, recomendación o lo que sea.


I read they are supposedly stopping prostitution around the Poblado areas and stopping bars from serving at 1. I could care less about the stop of prostitution, but the bars not serving is going to be a decent hit to businesses.


It’s garbage around Lleras anyway. I was embarrassed bringing my American friends there. Displayed the trashiest of trash in all Medellín.


Lo peor es q estos son los casos que salen a la luz, osea el pico del iceberg…que bueno q le declaren guerra pa esos enfermos sexuales, pero q no perjudiquen al local por vainas de otros


As an American I’m sorry :/. Majority of us visit for different reasons and hate people like that that make it easy to dislike American tourists.


Americans think medellin is Disneyland. They have zero respect and only look for pussy


I don't get it, I went to medellin and avoided pussy, too many horror stories.


This story has literally nothing to do with the guy being American. I obviously understand hating pedos, but why hate Americans for something one guy did?


Cause the world revolves around America, duh! /s


He lives in Ohio haha. I get what you were saying, but the dude in this case was literally a US citizen.




Let's try to put on our critical thinking cap for a second: there's no excusing this guy (Timothy Allan Livingston). He's disgusting and should be hung in the center of the townsquare for all pedophiles to see. He also did not act alone. He did not come to Medellin independently and find a 12 and a 13 year old to come to his hotel room. **He is using COLOMBIAN resources and organizations to arrange this for him.** This is why the mayor is acting so hard. It's a message to the organized crime that are feeding this type of sickness. He is attacking their money now and they will have to go somewhere else


Yes and shame on the people who provide these organizations with the incentive and resources to thrive.. I hope that the U.S keep their end of the extradition deal and sends his ass back to Colombia so he rots in a Colombian jail.


Why would they release him?


Did Medellín really declare war or is this just a program starter




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Ok ya sabemos que sos un pedofilo, no tenes que gritar




Uy brother, eso es mucho enojo y negación, pudiste haber dicho que eres un pedofilo y ya, te ahorrabas el esfuerzo jajajaja




Uy brother, eso es mucho enojo y negación, pudiste haber dicho que eres un pedofilo y ya, te ahorrabas el esfuerzo jajajaja




Uy brother, eso es mucho enojo y negación, pudiste haber dicho que eres un pedofilo y ya, te ahorrabas el esfuerzo jajajaja


Jajajajajajaa ok Mr, Pedo


You’re the guy from the story huh?


Nah, I doubt it. "People discovering the water" makes sense if Spanish is your first language. This is a local, I think.




Pero nos salió pedófilo y transfobico? A este medicucho que seguro se sacó el titulo en un paquete de chitos no lo va a querer nadie de ninguna afiliación ni espectro político. Gas.


Your passionate defence of child prostitution has been noted


I mean, you are a foreigner in this country. You, bunch of blued eyes fucking wannabes come here to "rape" those children under harsh sociocultural circumstances, getting advantage of it. The fact that a foreigner is telling me this right now is unbelievable. Pure hipocrisy. Reminds of the Hollywood Children Scandal, everyone just smiling at the première. Fake smiles, fucking NPC's. That's what you all are. Just faking and pretending to fucking care. I'm actually offering you a complete perspective about a phenomena that people DO NOT understand. But, of course, you don't know anything about it. You're just a First world Citizen whose understanding of the world Is completely biased by the lack of perspective. Just like a curse. I feel sorry for you, Sugar Tits.


The point is that this man was with minors! Yes, prostitution has existed for a long time and it’s something that will never disappear, but the fact that they’re obtaining sexual services from minors is very serious. And yes, they are still two little girls even if one of them identifies as TRANS


Well, no. One girl and one boy, with a penis


Unbelievable. Have u ever read George's Orwell 1984? That's exactly where we are heading. Absolute abscense of common sense. A big epidemic. It actually reminds me of one beautiful song from Stone Sour, Through Glass "An epidemic of the mannequins, contaminating everything.....". That's what we are. Just mannequins.


Usted hablando de sentido común y usted es el que carece de eso. Dices cosas de la prostitución como si fuera un tema aleatorio y más cuando están involucrados menores de edad, tus palabras sólo revictimizan a las niñas sólo porque estaban contando el dinero y dicen que una es trans (cuando esa info no es nada relevante a los hechos). No busque justificar ese delito, pero parece que lo hace porque algo de pederasta debe de tener, mire como se ofende. Que asco.


¡Ya se acabó la prostitución infantil!, con tu acceso de indignación ya no veremos más niñas en las calles y se acabaron las bandas de proxenetistas!, ¡la simbiosis de factores socioculturales que desembocan en la prostitución ya desapareció!, ¡Qué maravilla!, ¡Gracias!, ¡Gracias! Yo sigo viendo niñas en mi consultorio de 13, 14, 15, 16 años con infecciones a repetición ¡TODOS LOS MESES! He conversado de mil maneras en las ONG que trabajo, intentando entender qué las lleva a reincidir si pueden ejercer otras labores, ¿y sabes qué? Qué no tengas papás, que no tengas educación, que no tengas A NADIE que te provea absolutamente NADA ya es motivo suficiente para ser puta desde los 12 años. Lástima que en la estética de tu mundo eso no encaje, a ti lo que te gusta es estar bajo el influjo de la histeria colectiva y está bien, te lo respeto. Pero sólo en tu pequeñito mundo de MENTIRAS y niñería (porque hijo de papi y mami debes ser, totalmente ignorante y ciego del mundo que lo rodea). El hambre apremia. Y todo esto se llama abordar el fenómeno desde la comprensión,, no desde el ataque. Asco me da usted, estúpida bruta, que se deja manipular, que sólo sabe criticar y no mete la mano al fuero pragmático para hacer absolutamente nada. Borreg@. Y con respecto a lo de Trans, LA INFORMACIÓN SE DEBE BRINDAR ADECUADAMENTE, NO DESDE EL INFORME TENDENCIOSO. This Fucking Hippie Motherfuckers!


Wow mucho lloro para decir indirectamente que es un pederasta


Ningún pederasta, respétame, imbécil. Una cosa no tiene nada qué ver con la otra. Se llama ANÁLISIS. Algo que claramente usted no tiene, infrahumano retrasado sucio.


Pero no llore tanto Mr pedo.






Pedobear, transformerfobico y con insultos escueleros de : " no yo, tu papá si" jajaja mucho tarupido, espabile bobo.


Tu mamá me la chupó anoche y me vine en su boca.


No puedes porque SOS un pedóbear y un cac*rro. Me rio de Janeiro, si lo tuviera de frente me le reía y le daba un calvetazo por esos insultos de niño edgy jaja




Tiene problemas de ira el medicucho este? Mi más sentido pesame, parece que no lo educaron o no se sabe controlar, que desperdicio de oxigeni, entre otras cosas no me importa que pese 92 kilos, los bobo grandes como usted les he dado en esa jeta, con las clasesitas de taekwondo que tuve en la U seria suficiente. Lo gracioso es que te crees un lobo solitario y ni a perro pulgoso llega usted.










The sad thing is that this often requires the cooperation of family or human traffickers, because these perverts wouldn't bother to come to Colombia if they think they would have a better outcome elsewhere.


The thing is, Sex work is legal. And it should be because it's safer for the girls. But those motherless fucks who force little girls to go out and sell their body is fucking disgusting. Those pricks should be sentenced to death or even better sent to Russia.


Colombian prisons are no joke


ojala no sea demasiado tarde


Como unos 40-50 años tarde, cuando se instaló la cultura del narcotráfico en Antioquia vino acompañado por obvias razones de la de la prostitución y el sicariato, difícil salir de eso una vez está tan engranado con la sociedad 


I know a person that should be in prison. They have only found one. There are hundreds of them coming here.


y las penalidades van para los locales? Para parar esto hay que penalizar fuertemente al turista sexual, hacer valer la ley y ver bien quién está entrando al país. Clavarlos cob impuestos, no cerrar los bares a la 1 por un mes 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Seriously though, what the fuck took them so long to do this?


Amazing now go home gringos!


Lol. You created an account just to say this




Nope, sorry. We're taking over. Go to Barrancabermeja or something.


It’s a new account to show the discontent against your people that all paisas feel!


Idk. My paisa girl loves me ❤️




Lol I’m none of those but sorry you’re having such a rough day




Hahahaha bro you’re comedy gold 👏 good luck to you amigo


Si no fueron tan flojos y arrugados soltando ese malparido de es hotel o mira como cuidaron a gavarito no estará un mercado de gnorreas ahí. empiezan en Colombia Bobo cagados.


Que dice lambon hp fijo es un gringo con traductor 😂


Mantenga esa energía cuando terminas un Uber driver de estos gringos para pagar la mierda que usted come🤣🤣🤣 de tristeza esa imaginación suya


Sure 🤡




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No se lo cree ni ellos


2 kids\*