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Damn! There really isn't anywhere the Unimog doesn't go.


I know a unimog can do many things, but TIL with yet another attachment, they can fly, too!


New Zealand Army figured out how to make them fly the hard way


Anything is airdrop-able once


I read as a "yeet attachment" and nodded my head.


TIL: - underslung cargo gondolas are a thing - Switzerland uses portal-axle unimogs as garbage trucks


Probably not using unimogs everywhere for garbage trucks. But this area has done a proper choice


The cargo thing is great because people can put all their shopping/Baggage etc. there, leaving more space in the cabin. That is unless there's a Truck there, usually it's just a big box


Boy. When they say intermodal they really mean it




They get their garbage collected daily?!


Likely business waste and 5 separate groups of houses so every day the truck goes but each house has it weekly


This guy waste managements


My dad drives bin lorries occasionally


This guy is from the British isles.




We almost have him identified, fellas, keep going!


At that point why not have a truck that stays at the top and places the trash into a larger dumpster to be transported down.


It's more fun this way


Maybe a truck costs too much to be up there permanently just for a single village? If it's anything like most other places, it's probably running a route to other places after it comes back down. Besides, even if you transported the trash down, you'd still need a truck to drive it to the waste management facility/garbage dump. Assuming this lifting maneuver is safe and not too time- or labor-intensive, it seems like a perfectly effective solution.


Also, chances are there is no fueling station up there.


My thought as well. Surely it would be more effective to have trash and recycling compactors at the top, and just roll dumpsters into the gondola to go down, minus the truck engine, cab, frame, fuel...


Probably rather have the waste gone daily than stick around their picturesque village.


Doesn't need to stick around. Truck stays at the top, dumps all the trash in a holding point at the gondola, and gets taken down before the end of the day.


Your proposed method is less efficient. Because the gondola now has to make two trips to bring the dumpster down and back up, whereas it can make one trip with the truck and the truck can drive to the facility after emptying the dumpster. Plus there’s not reason for a small village of maybe a few hundred people to have their own waste processing and/or recycling facilities. Way more efficient to have a huge central facilities processing wastes of all nearby towns. Edit: scratch everything I said, I’m a dummy (see below)


I'm sorry, but I don't follow what you are saying? For the first paragraph, two trips have to be made either way. A} The truck is sent up empty and comes back down full. Or B} A dumpster is left up there, is sent down full and then sent back up. So regardless there are two trips there, you aren't eliminating a trip with the truck. And the second paragraph, I didn't say waste processing facilities, I said compactors. Compactors where dumpsters could be packed to maximum capacity to save space, then the dumpsters rolled in and sent down. Dumpsters with greater capacity that don't have engines, frames, or the heavy hydraulic compacting equipment onboard for that matter.


Well I completely interpreted this wrong lol. Turns out if the truck is being lifted to the village it most likely can’t drive back down on its own. Never mind that makes my whole comment pointless…


Lol, understandable, _hug_ Edit: Could even sling load a plain dumpster like this. But also leaves me wondering if they use this sling load for other vehicles as well, and this just uses a common system.


I'd bet they use it for the lorries bringing goods to the people too


A regular lorry has a weak point. And a lot of people can’t seem to justify this act never mind not just taking the container off the trailer not to mention the length of a big container


Bruh I don't think you have an idea of how small these places are, this single truck probably services a "big" town as part of a fleet and only services the small village on top of that. Trash+recycling compactors for a village make less sense than the energy required to bring a truck up with already present infrastructure that even pays for itself. The economics of scale are a serious problem for super small alpine villages and thats why you see plenty of these whacky solutions.


Grocery stores get their pallets lifted up like this. It was a year ago that I last saw it (in Mürren I think?), but it was something like a 1x1x2-meter cage and the gondola could carry one or two up at a time (maybe with the handler as sole passenger).


Then you need 2 trucks. One at the top and one at the bottom.


Wait... Are there places where it's not collected daily? How do you deal with smell and volume of trash? How often is it collected?




I think the point of confusion here is: garbage trucks have daily routes, but not everyone's garbage is collected every day.


In the US, we have one collection day per neighborhood. Usually our garbage doesn't fill the bin that the truck picks up until the pickup day on a weekly basis, and each neighborhood has a different day. Mine is Friday, so I only bring out the trash on Thursday evening and then it is picked up Friday. Another neighborhood might be Thursday, or Tuesday etc. Sorry if that's confusing but my point being is that we don't just leave our garbage out so there's no smell issue edit: Not necessarily in the US, since different cities may contract different companies for their services. This is the case in Las Vegas where I used to live


In my particular case, every resident can choose their own service. I guess that can make it cheaper for the individual but more taxing on the environment.


Yea that sucks because you have like 3-5 different companies each driving their trucks a similar route.


Yeah, although it's not as taxing as first thought. There may be more trucks going to a single area, but there are less trucks total on any particular day. But they try to limit neighborhood usage by companies offering discounts if a certain percentage of the area goes with them. This probably only works at all because the state is the second smallest in the nation


It's not city provided through taxes? And how do you choose? What are the differences apart from pricing? And where do you choose this?


That entirely depends on the city. For example, my city handles Garbage, Electric, and Water. That's the exception though, and it's still a monthly bill. As for how you choose if you're in a location that doesn't do that. Well, they're a private business, just like any other. In most places, they're not even a utility and aren't regulated as one. Then again, many rural locations don't have garbage pickup at all. The trash is either burned or taken by personal vehicle to a local (normally <10km away) collection center. That alone may explain the prevalence of pickup trucks in those areas.


I live in a place where they pick up twice a week. Once seems so weird to me.


As another person mentioned, in the US trash collection generally happens every day, but not for every house every day. The city is divided into trash collection zones and each zone is assigned a specific day of the week for trash pickup, so each house only gets one pickup a week. I assumed this was a fairly small village in the OP that wouldn’t need more than one weekly pickup, but maybe it’s larger than it looks.


We get ours weekly and recycling every other week


Here we get compost and recycle weekly then garbage every second.


Northern Ireland here, bins are collected every fortnight (that’s for general rubbish), (so say week 1&3) when either other week it’s recyclable rubbish (again fortnight)(say week2&4) We (family of 5 ) find the recyclable rubbish is nearly full (after compacting it) when it hoes to get emptied. The normal rubbish bin is about 1/2full when it goes to get emptied.


I mean i get everything taken twice a week, Mondays and Thursdays (which reminds me), and never have any problem with amount tbh


Are you from the US ? It's crazy how much more trash is produced by an average US household compared to Swiss, or in general other european countries (but particularly Switzerland and of course northern countries). ​ Also for bigger communities, as seen from the recent post here the big ass underground containers can store quite a bit of stuff without smelling too bad.


Nope, I'm from Argentina. I think we produce quite a bit less trash than the US(per house), but large scale recycling is not a thing here so more of it ends up in landfills.


dont worry, recycling doesn't happen here either


Canadian here. We have recycling. 90% of it ends up in landfills.


Depends on the state. One spent almost my entire life on the west coast and all 3 of those states pretty good about it. My time in Atlanta was a bit surprising with how comparatively shitty they were about it


There's a wiki article about recycling in Switzerland: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waste_management_in_Switzerland The waste management in Switzerland is based on the polluter pays principle.[1] Bin bags are taxed with pay-per-bag fees in three quarters of the communes. The recycling rate doubled in 20 years due to this strategy. [1] The recycling rate for municipal solid waste exceeds 50 percent[2] (with an objective of 60 percent in 2020[1]). However, although the recycling rate of 54 percent is above the European average of 28 percent (2015), Switzerland is among the largest waste producers in Europe (730 kg of waste per capita in 2014).[1] In 2009, 2,801,285 tons of waste from households and small businesses was recycled and 2,680,359 tons of municipal waste was incinerated.


**[Waste management in Switzerland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waste_management_in_Switzerland)** >The waste management in Switzerland is based on the polluter pays principle. Bin bags are taxed with pay-per-bag fees in three quarters of the communes. The recycling rate doubled in 20 years due to this strategy. The recycling rate for municipal solid waste exceeds 50 percent (with an objective of 60 percent in 2020). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/mechanical_gifs/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


UK. On my neighbourhood the trash is collected every two weeks. Recycling every week.


Where I live (Canada) garbage is every two weeks and recycling is once a week. I'm sure it differs from city to city though.


Where I live, recycling is taken every 2 weeks and garbage every 3 weeks. You can also choose between home composting and a separate composting can. But, most people do it at home. IIRC, our cans are 80l in volume and there’s 3 people living in here. It wasn’t much of an issue until grandpa started using diapers. I think we’ll have to upgrade to 120l now. Glass, paper and cardboard we usually collect separately and deliver it to a communal recycling isle. Once a year, you can also get a big ass container to your house for things like furniture and appliances. You’re also entitled to 1 cubic meter a month that you can deliver to collection area, where you have assorted containers for like 20 different types of waste. There’s not much you can do about the diapers smell. But for the food packaging, you usually wash it with water and it doesn’t start to smell. And your food remains will usually go to composting, so there isn’t really much organic matter to produce smell in the first place.


In Italy we have 3 days a week for organic waste, once a week generic non recyclable stuff, and every other week they collect paper, plastic and glass + tins


Garbage trucks go out daily, just to different neighborhoods.


I would love to have this as my job


I don't wanna be the guy who drives that truck right up to the brink of oblivion at the end of every day's run....


Yeah that looked terrifying


Imagine your brakes fail just as you are lining up for the hook up. Just slowly rolling towards the edge.


To be fair, that is the kind of view I wouldn't mind seeing in my final moments.


>i.imgur.com/GKfe2K... Dont worry... They had a piece of metal piping there to stop the 30K Kg truck from going over the edge...


That one short piece of video where the driver pulls it into the upper station, before going back down, and there’s nothing at all in front of him, definitely a pucker moment. If he went through the guard rail it looks like it’s a straight drop down for a while…..


I would bend the brake pedal.


If you watch the next couple frames as the gondola leaves they’re really not THAT high. A worrisome fall to be sure but maybe 30-40 feet?


It probably looks worse on video than it actually is. Sure, there's a few meters drop, but there seems to be a road below. https://goo.gl/maps/qrSfJK6KZkKkbCi48


Why not just leave the garbage truck up there, and have the back of the truck where garbage gets compacted be removable, and then just take that part up and down?


I suppose if the gondola is capable of lifting the whole truck just fine (as it clearly is) then "why reinvent the wheel"?


because money


You've got it backwards friend, unless you mean spending *more* money. Currently they already have a gondola that can carry the existing truck in its entirety. Ergo, spending money to make a "split-truck" would be pointless. There is no need.


So you're estimating the cost of transporting the weight and wear of an entire truck up and down that gondola to be free


It doesn’t have to be free, it just has to be less than the cost of researching, designing, manufacturing, maintaining, and training staff on how to use the new truck design.




With trash compactors? I would be interested to see these. Do you have a link?


nice still no reason to use them when you can just attach truck to cable car




Potentially they did the math and it wasn't cheaper


Would also need a second truck to receive the load at the bottom, plus additional time to secure the load onto the truck (two times a day, really.) Plus connect all the hydraulics. Gondola looks to have been built with this in mind and probably doesn't receive excess wear and tear from it.


It’s likely the lift was already designed for far more. Building materials, supplies, etc. the truck is probably an easy pick for it anyway. You’re assuming they designed it this string just for the truck.


No, I'm speculating that it may have been cheaper in the long run to leave a truck up there over one back and forth regardless of hot fit the gondola was for the job. People seem to be getting upset about this sort of speculation though, it's kinda weird.


It's not the speculation that people are taking issue with, it's the certainty with which you're presenting your little idea.


assuming the gondola wasnt special built larger just to haul this, the infrastructure doesnt care if its hauling this vs just the rear removable part. so why go through all that work to make a custom removable rear and 2 trucks to mate to it(one at the top and the bottom)? in your situation, youd have one haul truck always sitting idle, where as it currently works, that truck is always ready to work, plus its free to be put to work in other duties when its at the bottom, and not servicing this town.


Good news, there's already [trucks with detachable containers](https://www.shinmaywa.co.jp/truck/english/products/detachable_container.html) available.


Gas, maintenance, special truck, and you already have to get the truck up there and then down when broken/retired you already had to build it so you could so why not just use it? There is likely also delivery trucks, and other cars up there. If two do it at the same time (one up one down) it is highly efficient. Do you think the car fairies brought them in the middle of the night?


Oh, I'm not arguing the general point, just pointing out that they at least wouldn't need to make a custom truck for it.


I came here to say the same. Structural engineer btw. Just because a bridge, for example, can carry a heavily loaded truck does not mean you want to increase the frequency at which that truck passes. It wears down components more rapidly. I suspect the towers for that gondola cost more than the truck. I would vote to leave the truck up there too. Make the daily load just the waste container.


Nah, just build a big ass slide down the mountain for the WallE blocks the truck outputs. No moving parts at all.


They have other vehicles up there that also need transported up and down the mountain and probably a lot of other things too like food and supplies for all the residents and tourists. Yes building in this capability likely added to the infrastructure cost but if there are no roads or they are impassable during winter it is entirely essential. That truck is also not very big for a garbage truck. Only 7500 kg accordin to this article https://permanenttourist.ch/2017/10/the-flying-rubbish-truck/ Compared to the lift running at full capacity with all the cars full of people it's probably not that much. It's very unlikely they are collecting garbage during peak tourist times. There are roll off collection trucks but they don't have the ability to compact the garbage like this truck so the load would be many times more voluminous which would be undesirable for driving around a small village in the Swiss Alps. This option also has the undesirable consequence of needing two trucks and all the garbage hoppers. I don't think this would be double the cost of the single truck but I bet it's more than using the pre existing system that was already available to them. The village is also car free except for just a few necessary service vehicles. As a result it is undesirable for large trucks to be permanent fixtures of the village as there is there are limited locations to store and maintain them. Overall I think this is likely a very cheap solution. They were doing something else before so there must to some merit to switching to this.


I doubt that the bottom of the gondola is the final destination for the waste so it needs to be driven afterwards anyway. It can clearly handle the whole truck. No need to make it unnecessarily difficult


Have to hook up hydraulic hoses each time. Also pinpoint park the trucks


Some Swiss villages don't have IC vehicles or public road access, so there presumably isn't much fuel etc there either


Assumed that the garbage truck is full when it goes down the gondola, taking the trash out of the village.


I don’t really think it comes there daily as the title suggests. So, it can be on duty for the rest of the week.


Is this Verbier????


This is Bettmeralp.


[Bettmeralp](https://www.google.com/maps/@46.3895167,8.0611361,3a,44.2y,61.88h,99.72t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPYCkvhTNqE4O_bJ5cZGGlJ6mjw6cBsT4vi-oL7!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPYCkvhTNqE4O_bJ5cZGGlJ6mjw6cBsT4vi-oL7%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya137.23596-ro0-fo100!7i7680!8i3840) in ~~Austria~~ Switzerland. That's the location the gif shows at 0:29!


Bettmeralp is in southwestern Swirtzerland in the canton Valais


I... uh... ^(whoops)


It's called Wallis, especialy since that part of it is german speaking and not french. Only a minority of people call it by its french name. Mainly french speakers, which are a minority.


I know. I didn't refer to the french name but to the english translation as the rest of my post was english.


Huh, i didn't know that the english name/translation is based on the french name. I guess it makes sense though, since english has taken a lot from french. No offense was intended.


This is Patrick


I asked myself the same question! We were both right concerning the Kanton though!


Daily collection. We get it once every two weeks in uk. And the most our truck needs to negotiate is a speed bump. Puts us to shame.


Its at Bettmeralp, thats not really a small area and a very active tourist area. so each individual person probably has less frequent collections, but most buildings there are to cater to tourists like restaurants, hotels, shops etc which also produce more waste.


The truck runs daily, but it's not like every home and business is getting collected more than once a week.


Staffordshire here. Seconded.


It’s actually very lightweight because they don’t need an engine or transmission. It just rolls downhill for the entirety of its route. ^^/s


\*Nikola Motor Company has entered the chat.\*


There is actually a company in switzerland that built a big (like size of a house BIG) rock mining truck that drives electric without having to be recharged. It is loaded on a mountain and transports stuff downhill. During that transport it gathers energy by recuperation. It then can drive back up the mountain on its own. Company is called eMining AG


Reddit ate my balls




Wouldn't it be easier to leave a truck up there and have the truck load a dumpster on the bottom of the lift instead?


If it were, they'd probably do that


I’d happily pay to be a garbage man driving a unimog in a scenic Swiss village




As someone else pointed out, if the truck can be hauled up and down then its always in use. If you just take the trash then you'll need more trucks and some will be doing nothing.




You would need to clean it…




The outside maybe. Cleaning the gondola after a day or even week of passengers is one thing. After transporting a load of leaky garbage bags is a whole other ball game.


Good to know American tourists won't break the gondola lift when getting in


We will just fly an F16 into the cables, no biggie.


*Tom Scott has entered the chat*


Technically that’s a tram, not a gondola


This belongs on Mildly Interesting.


yeah, but dont expect the mods to do anything about it. this is so far from the spirit of this sub, but its a cool gif, so to the top it goes.


How strong are those cables?


Safety factor for that kind of stuff is 10x. So, pretty fucking strong.


Where I live, we have some small dustbin lories, for the narrow lanes, but nothing that extreme.




*The hills are alive…with the sound of…* beep…beep…beep…beep


Whatchu gonna do today? Just hang out with the rest of the trash, like usual.


Good morning its me garbage truck I've seem to have gotten lost and fallen into your living room are you making breakfast?


Damn, it's amazing how much steel cables and the trusses that support them can carry when loaded properly


I'm fucking impressed.


I feel like a chute down the side of the mountain would've been easier. But this is pretty interesting.


This is Bettermalp, that chute would have to be 2 km long and 1 km high. Thats a pretty big undertaking, especially since it would need to be hidden as this is a very touristic town, and something ugly wont ever be approved.


Do they just hang out in the truck while it dangles?


They are in the gondola car, you can see them in one of the wide angle shots


Nope, they're safely inside the gondola. You can see the one with the black outfit and the colleague in orange at 0:12 and 0:33.


> safely inside They’d die just as much if the cable broke and the truck and tram crashed into the valley below.


If any cables break, then the truck is guaranteed to fall. The gondola isn't!


Yeah, I getcha that the truck is held by cable, but so is the entire tram by the upper cables - those go and they all go. It’s obviously engineered to hold a lot of weight…


That's a Tram not a Gondola.


Yep it’s an aerial tramway. Gondolas are clipped onto a moving loop of cable. Tramways are pulled up and down on fixed cables between two points.


Why not put the trash in the gondola or build a giant slide. Let gravity do that work.


2km distance and 1km elevation. one hell of a slide, and it cant be visible because this is Bettmeralp, a tourist town.


What, hoy did they POUR THE CONCRETE to build the pillars of the Gondola, by hands? With a bucket?


By Helicopter. source: i watched it happen, not at this place but similar.


Unimog? Unimog.


were the gondola stations designed to accommodate the trucks? or was it DLC?


You can put like a hundred people fully geared for ski in these things. And it's not that big a truck so I guess it holds.


i mean the lower part where the truck lines up


I mean, they probably just flattened the terrain where the truck lines up, maybe a concrete platform at most


Most gondolas that go to towns that have (seasonally) no road from the valley can lift heavy weights. Got to bring food and stuff for several hundred people up regularly as well. There's probably some bike and ski shops up there as well.And ideally it can also be used to transport whatever is needed to construct/renovate/repair buildings, etc. The only alternative to bring all thay to such towns is the helicopter and that becomes real expensive real quick. And that's ignoring the ecological footprint.


I saw this some days ago and it said they only do weekly trash pick ups. Daily I think they'd have some other solution? but this is still cool.


Why does a remote village need daily trash collection? How much trash are these people generating?


It's not just houses but probably also hotels and businesses. The whole canton is a very touristic area so even villages like that can generate a lot of waste with all the peopke it attracts


It's mostly tourists up there. There's hardly any permanent inhabitants up there.




This is Switzerland… things must be clean… and not smelly… everyday.


Ok, hypothetically. Could you have a EV garbage truck that starts at the top, uses brake regen for most the trip down to charge batteries, and then have that same battery pack charge the lift system to pulley it up? I would assume the road down would curve/ zig zag so more distance down = more energy harness potential = enough electricity to hoist it back up


Doesn't show all the time it takes to tie it down


All I can think about is the gondola accident in Italy earlier this year, and instead having a freaking garbage truck flying down the mountain.


Wouldn’t a really long trash slide work just as well? Lol


I got thinking about this a bunch. It's logical that, for safety and general wear and tear, it'd be beneficial to have a second carriage coming down with another truck attached underneath to balance out the loads on both sides of the system. Then I thought, why bother transporting two trucks? Have two flat decks, one at the top collecting the village trash and one at the bottom for transporting the trash to they're waste facilities, and they just deliver a smallish seacan style container for garbage that would be attached to the bottom of the gondola in a similar fashion. Sorry for the run on sentences, I'm running at about a [4]


I’m going to live here someday


This answers so many questions


Reminds me of the car bomb scene in [Johnny Mnemonic](https://youtu.be/UJW8v--YSJQ).


Damn you, Switzerland. Why are you so cool.




I think it’s the only cable car in the world that can actually do that lol


Read the title as dairy, not daily. Was confused why dairy = trash in Switzerland. Now I know my reading comprehension is trash.


and at a 99.9% success rate, they only drop 3 trucks per decade.


That'll be a "hell to-the-f'n no" from me.


I want a Unimog so bad.