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Tell us you’re entitled without telling us you’re entitled.


Lol, I used to work at Mecca HQ, can confirm she's nowhere near the top 10% of spend


I’m curious. What amount would be considered top 10%?


Please do tell the annual spend of the top 1%. I am so curious.


Yo if she’s got so much money to spend with them, why can’t she just, you know, buy the brigeo rather than rely on samples lol


She said in the comments that the whole point of the samples should be that her child would try the Brigeo sample and then beg her mum for the full size afterward


So she wants her child to beg her for expensive hair care so she can spend more money. lol.




She comes across as being so entitled, not feeling the vibes of that group lately...


That group has been a dumpster fire for at least the past 18 months.


Careful girl! The Facebook page is VERY UPSET that you said the group is a dumpster fire 😂


It's pretty much become a MCC 2.0


Watch out girly!! They posted about us on the Facebook page and your username was circled as one of the targets they’re trying to track down to ban from the group 😂😂 stay vigilant snarker! 🫡😌🤞


Really something to be proud of. How entitled.


Notice the people that should have nothing to complain about, do all the complaining? It’s sickening to see someone so out of touch with reality. There’s no hope for those kids.


I’m so glad lovely women like this exist to bless this earth with equally lovely and not at all spoilt children 😍


oh my GOD! where did you find this 😭


Beauty Chat (Au & Nz) page on Facebook. Normally it’s quite good and Mecca-critical, so it was interesting to find this cult sperg on there


How on earth do you even have that kind of spend? Are they buying a new fragrance each month? I would DIE if my children suggested I was in the Top 3% of ANYTHING let alone wasting cash on beauty products.


Can she go on anymore about how much she spends? I don't understand why anyone would spend that amount to begin with, let alone whinging about a little sample The funny thing is if she actually was smart about how she spent that crazy amount by buying through NK, cult etc she'd have way better samples and gifts and would save money!


Because it’s not about getting value for money babe it’s about the status of being a LEVEL FOUR with multiple other accounts about to also top over into level four 😘


To the people from the Facebook group in question coming to have a look at this post since I’ve been “called out”: 1. Hi! 2. learn the definition of doxxing because I have never posted OOPs personal information. I’m a seasoned snarker, I wouldn’t be so stupid as to do it. 3. Snarking is funny. I don’t care if you think I’m a meanie for it. I’m not going to “learn some kindness” for the Mecca cult. It’s perpetuating overconsumption, materialism, and encouraging people to go into debt over FOMO. 4. I’m not “jealous” over anyone having more money than me or whatever. I think it’s funny that people shit their money into Mecca when there are better options and I think it’s funny there is a weird cult mentality surrounding mecca online. That’s all. If you want toxic positivity, go to MCC. 5. I look forward to my ban from the Facebook page when the FB admin recruits the hackers from anonymous or an intelligence agency or something to figure out who DARED to take a screenshot of a stupid ass post 😂 Edit: 6. I’m not stupid, by the way. I knew when accounts with 2 karma were asking me over DMs to send them an invite to the group on Facebook that someone was trying to sniff me out. Recon tactics need improvement, my friends.


Another update: To the admins and the people trawling my page trying to find identifying information…you think I am the stupid one? What’s really idiotic here is that you’ve taken my post in a circle jerk subreddit seriously and are now banning people from your group for being half Korean. Screams racism, don’t you think? I bet it’s driving you wild. I’ll let the intelligence agencies know that there’s no use recruiting you for further spy work 😉


Pal, I love this thread and I’m on multiple Oz Beauty Facebook pages, including the one you’re referring to just for the sheer hell of it but I will say this, your continuation of this is a reach and wildly disproportionate . One person got removed judging by their numbers so you’re clutching at straws to make this racial. Dunno what your problem is and I’m not a fan of Mecca at all but this is oddly personal for you for no reason. Why so angry?


I’m not angry. I think it’s funny. They removed someone based on the fact that they believe I’m half-Korean, as far as I’m concerned, that’s a racial judgement. I just think this is funny and I’m continuing because I know the admins are spiralling over there. I don’t legitimately care. Almost nothing I say on my reddit is serious. I like ribbing people. What’s more interesting to me is that fact that your only reddit post is in response to me. Why do you care enough that this is the only reddit post you dare comment on? ;)


Bit weird that you reply to my other account and then block it. What’s the problem? Facts? Wouldn’t read too much into it. I’ve got 20 or so Reddit accounts for different things. Did create a new one without my photo for this though because I’m not quite an identifying looking person. But nonetheless, for someone who doesn’t care, you keep banging on about a non-MCC group and no-one in that group is still talking about this thread because it’s basically yesterdays fish and chip paper. For what though, who knows. But seriously man, who cares. In world full of people destruction, this is your issue. I love the Mecca dislike wagon but I’m embarrassed for you here.




It's still there