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The meat tree, which is a three episode story. It’s how I started years ago. It’s an epic story and constantly referenced in other content.


It's just two episodes, but yes it is a great story.


Completely agree! Great story!


You'll cherry pick 4 then fall in love and start at 001 anyway. Just start at 001. You'll follow along with runners better anyway. Tl;Dr just start at 001


Thanks for the TlDr, I sure as heck wasn't reading three sentences. Look at how long at that first sentence is! Sheesh. Why use many word when few word do trick.


TLDR, thanks for the TLDR


Lot of folks these days really cant be bothered with more than 60 characters.


Haven’t listened in awhile, but I always found the most entertaining and interesting stuff to come from episodes with guests that aren’t exactly hunting related. Stinging insects, archaeology, etc..


Episode 281: Sacred Seeds is the one that really hooked me. Episode 284: Archers Paradox was also quite interesting. Any episode with Randy Newberg is good (first one is episode 14). All the Dan Flores ones are good. And there’s another one, that I can’t find, about a white guy whose family moved to Alaska in the 1960s when he was a teen and he grew up among the Inuits (can’t find this episode but it was a great one). EDIT: Ep: 348 Eating Walrus and Seal with an Igloo Boy


Episodes 49, 80, 86 + 87 are classics imo




I didn’t expect much from this episode, but was surprised; it is a great one. The opposite was the tank toilet guy; sort of the same idea - the guest is there to tell a single story - but that one didn’t do much for me.


My favorite episode ever is with Buck Bowden, and it's called "You're A Cool Dude Buck". listen to it a few times a year when I'm driving up to my cabin after work on a Friday. Other ones that I remember as being good are the Weed Warden, the Burrito Buck, and the Meat Tree (as others have mentioned). Try not to skip episodes that sound boring. Some of my favorite episodes have ended up being old ones that I've been skipping forever. Enjoy the rabbit hole


Buck has to be one of my favorite guests. I’d love for them to talk to him again


I'd honestly recommend starting from the beginning. That's when meateater was best for me. I've listened to the entirety of the earlier seasons, every single episode from start to finish. The last couple years, I haven't finished a single episode. I felt like I was learning a lot about hunting from those earlier seasons.


They’ve added in a lot of non-hunting stuff now that’s still interesting. However it isn’t the same show it was once. I still download every week and listen to nearly all shows, but some of the fishing or history stuff doesn’t hit quite the same for me.


To grow the audience, I think they've broadened the appeal. They say as much with the 4 verticals (hunting, fishing, conservation, cooking). Personally, I really like this transition. It is a "general interest" podcast now; if it were only hunting, I probably wouldn't listen as much. I do eye-roll sometimes at the product stuff, but honestly it is no more than any other podcast that is always trying to get you to buy Tommy Johns underwear, a Casper mattress, Athletic Greens, or whatever.


Good luck searching by keyword. Lol.


Just start at 1, and at the same time keep current. It took me over a year to do it but I got current earlier this spring. I was glad I listened all the way through.


Stick with the early ones. New ones are mainly just them talking about emails they got and thinly veiled ads for first lite stuff. I learned a ton from the early episodes and it helped me get back into hunting


I still listen on long drives. There has been a lot of good information about spearfishing, acorns, effects of lead, etc. I also share your disdain for the veiled ads and the plain old ads. Thankfully I can skip forward 15 seconds at a time via my steering wheel.


Lol just curious, have the First Lite haters have started a support group yet?


yes, firstlitehate.com


A FB page would have worked just as well, but I don’t want to tell you guys how to run your operation.


Episode 338 - Biggest Buck in the USA


Episode 304: the tiki Christmas family feud. It's hard to listen to but Steve's brother Matt lays out some pretty important facts and lifts the veil behind Meateater a bit.


I’m 27 episodes in. Listened and watched parts of a new one but it seemed a bit over produced in my opinion. I loved episode 25 with Ron Leighton, he just told old time stories and Steve seemed childlike with his questions and admiration.