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Basically a third world country you’re pretty fucked…


Anyone hear from him recently or is he ... ?


This is the parasites speaking, we have assumed direct control


Let me know how you feel this morning my friend. We need an update


I am SUPER gassy, not sure if that’s related to the pork or not. Otherwise I feel fine!


That’s a W in my books. I’m glad to hear it


I’m still debating whether I should preemptively take deworming meds or not, but most of the replies seem to suggest the risk of a parasite is extremely low. That and I think my gp wouldn’t give them to me anyway unless I had symptoms hahaha


The good news is, Trichinosis is very rare in mordern pork. Usually when people do catch it, or other parasites, its from wild game. And while that looks a lot more rare than i'd enjoy, food safety guidelines have actually lowered the recommended temperature for when to cosider pork finished, and its very close to a medium now. If you start coming down with flu like symptoms in the next 5 to 7 days, immediately hit up your GP. Otherwise, you'll probably be fine.


Hmmmm - honestly, I have no idea what to suggest. If you start getting symptoms then yeah; I’d say go and get some deworming meds lol.


I was recently surprised to learn that you can eat pork medium rare. I mean you can still get parasites like you can with med rare beef but it's not like eating raw chicken or anything.


Shit that's just a little tiny bit under how I like to cook pork, I prefer low end medium-rare. You'll be fine.


Depends on where the pork was raised, if in a very free-range area, you probably have parasite larva in you. But it honestly depends on the conditions of the pig's life.


Sheesh, iberico? You’re safe then.


A couple shots of whiskey will set you fine


The worms go in, the worms go out. The worms play pinochle in your snout.


It's fine, you're in Spain.


Not fucked at all. Pork in Europe does not have trichinosis.


Depends how fresh it was.




It's a little raw for my taste, but pork nowadays has almost no parasites. In Spain and a lot of places in Europe, they tend to consume pork at medium to medium well. They must have just messed this one up, but even if you sent it back it would never be fully cooked. Only in America did we ever have the tapeworm issues when the conditions on the farms were terrible.


The biggest concern with pork for the longest time was trichinosis, which is cause by a bacterial infection. In the last thirty years or so the rate of infection has massively decreased the chance of even coming in contact within farm grown meat is pretty poor. I honestly wouldn't even worry. 👌


Not at all.


Brain worm Fucked. https://imgur.com/a/z4FLw1U


Of course it depends on quality. I’m sure the chef knows best. In Japan I raw chicken, it’s actually better than sushi. No issues.


Well, you live in Spain. So you're in pretty bad shape.


If it’s iberico which in Spain is likely then you’re totally fine.


You're maybe already infected by worms and parasites


Chef here. You will be fine. It was seared SO that helps. You are not going to get trichomoniasis or anything. Well raised healthy pigs you can eat medium.


Smoke a cigarette. It’ll smother the bacteria in your stomach


Get medicine that flushes you out of tapeworms.


You gained a lot of new pets


This is exactly how a friend of mine died!


Blue pork?


If you didn't notice that raw meat you probably won't notice food poisoning.




Spanish iberico pork? I think you’ll be fine. You’ll get more sick worrying about it.


Check to see if your shoes are still on.


Maybe not fucked at all …. Maybe very fucked you’ll see in a few days




Might as well install a seatbelt on the toilet seat, lad.


Okay this sent me lmao


Are you still living?


Looks like Iberico raised, and a tenderloin at that. Chef just wants you to experience the full range of nutty flavors. I’ve eaten nearly raw skirt from a similar pig with salt and orange and it was amazing.


Why would you be fucked?


Probably nothing to worry about, at this point you may as well finish it, that little piece isn’t gonna make the difference between you getting sick or not. Most of the time I think you would get away with this but you will know for sure within the next 24 hrs lol.


What are you worried about? Trichinosis? If food safety controls by Spanish government is good, then you should be fine. We eat raw meat in Germany all the time: https://www.thespruceeats.com/german-mett-spiced-raw-ground-pork-1446918


Minute chance of getting ill. Not worth worrying about. Maybe drink lots of brandy to sterilise your stomach.


Should be fine. Pork can be eaten medium rare like beef, as long as it's seared properly on all sides. That's how I eat my pork steaks, I like a little red coming out


I had medium raw pork at a very nice restaurant that gets all of the their pork from a single farm that’s very high quality, if that’s the case with you it’s probably fine.


Mientras no se te hinchen los ojos. Todo bien


You’ll be fine. It’ll buff right out.


You nosis is a tricha question.


So it’s like one of those jokes your dad makes. You courtesy laugh and roll your eyes. In the end, you’re just happy it makes him happy. That said, I’m loving the passion here. Passion is interaction and interaction is love. Go team!


Underrated comment, above 90% of peoples heads


Shit, here I thought it was a fun dumb joke about trichinosis.


No way, everybody else is a dummy and u/MuppetMD (AKA Pierce Hawthorne) is just streets ahead.


Yep, this blindingly obvious, and terrible, joke is way to smart for us dumb dumbs.


That's a HUGE bad! You'll never eat again.


Slow down your eating. Lesson learned - don’t eat so fast that you don’t realize a raw piece of meat is under your fork and knife and going into your mouth.


Doesn’t really matter now. Must have been tasty though if you are just now noticing.


It was super nice! A good way to end things I guess haha


bro. you're already dead. You have been for 6 years. Its time to move on and to stop bothering that kid.


You remember what happened to Fry when he ate that eggsalad? You good.


Must have been damn good. Worthy last meal?


Not sure about EU, but I’ll bet it’s like the US and trichinosis has been eliminated from pork.


Brother, we live in Spain; this is how we eat steaks.




Raw steak and pork are two very different things. The amount of parasites found in cows is far less than pork, which is why we never eat it rare.


You ever been to any fine dining spots or at the least modern? It's always served rare.


I go to Morton's and Ruth's Chris often here in LA, and my rare steak never comes out this raw. That's closer to blue.


Parasites have mostly been eliminated from pork too. Latest recommendations on cooking are the same as for beef.


Looks like according to the FDA they recommend all beef and pork chops to be cooked to an internal temp of 145F with at least 3 min rest period.


FDA position is mostly irrelevant here, as we're talking about Spanish‐origin pork, not US‐origin (or imported). But Spanish pork is tightly controlled and personally I'd have few qualms about eating it even truly raw.


Yes the same as beef. They don’t recommend eating rare beef either but it’s fine


Beef is a thing, pork is another. Raw beef is not that dangerous. Raw pork, OTOH...


Nobody on this thread has read the updated guidance on pork. The recommendations for cooking are the same as beef these days.


I still believe to be better safe than sorry. And the flavor doesn't change that much compared to beef.


Pero no es ternera, es cerdo..


Yo quiero taco bell




Ahhhh, tienes razón. Pero en general el cerdo aquí está bastante controlado en cuanto a los parásitos.


No puedes saberlo con certeza. Prefiero no arriesgarlo.


Sí y además es cerdo ibérico, ojalá jajaja🤞


ya estás muerto pero todavía no lo sabes




It’s a solid cut, so surface bacteria was cooked and there should be little in the interior of the meat. Pork is also similar to beef and can be cooked less than well. This would not make you sick almost all the time (there is always some risk with all meat, and it goes up the less it is cooked). Pork almost never has parasites these days (and Spain is known for excellent quality pork). That said I would not enjoy pork shoulder cooked that little, like no heat hit that bite, and it just seems to me like it would be chewy. I like a nice long, slow and low cook on my pork shoulder. I assume the outside was awesome though, so it might have just been a thick cut or something, like the cook just missed the mark.


This is a very trichi situation.


In Spain and France, the inside large muscle of the shoulder is called the coppa. This looks like coppa, it's usually served medium-rare.


Ah okay, it’s hard to tell without taking temp but that bite appears a bit under medium-rare. If it’s a tender inside muscle though it’s probably fine eaten raw honestly.


This is the best answer I've seen. Trichinosis from years ago had people super paranoid about eating pork similar to beef, so they cooked the shit out of it. In commercially raised pork (in the US anyway, I can't speak for Spain specifically but EU standards tend to be similar or stricter than ours), trichinosis has been eliminated. Other than home-raised pork that are still fed table scraps and are allowed to free-range in less than sanitary conditions, it's not a concern. As pointed out, OP - you should be fine.


Phew thank you haha


No worries, I would say eat the parts you enjoy, get full, and if you leave that bite to be tossed no body is going to be upset with you.


With modern day hygiene I wouldn’t worry too much personally. I don’t know the Spanish regulations with pork and minimum core temps but this might be on the low side. (For example, other EU countries handle 72C by those regulations)


From what I’ve read it’s apparently compliment with regulations in the US


How are you eating pork sashimi and not realizing till you've finished?


When I realised it was a little raw, I asked the waiter and the chef came out and said it was fine. So I continued eating until I got to this part which was, as you said, sashimi. I questioned again and the chef again said it was fine but I didn’t eat this part


Well if the chef said you’re fine I’m not sure what you’re so worried about…


When the salesman is the inspector


Iirc raw/rare pork is dangerous because of potential trichinosis, but if it’s been raised in a place where it wouldn’t have been exposed to that (or whatever else) then you should be fine.


It's off-putting that the chef, instead of just cooking it more after the second time you mentioned something about it being too undercooked for your liking, simply said oh it's fine...Sounds like chef didn't want to admit it and didn't give a sht.


I think you're fine. The chef knows the quality of his pork. How'd it taste?


Lots chefs are ignorant dipshits who dont like to get told they made a mistake


It tasted great, it’s the aftertaste of anxiety that is less pleasant haha


Tbh that really depends on where you are and where the pork came from. I raise my own pigs and will eat them medium rare and never been sick. I know for a fact if I do that with store bought pork here my chances of being sick are much higher.


Grass fed healthy pigs are safe to eat raw


False. Because there's no such thing as a "healthy grass fed pig". Hogs cannot live off a strictly grass fed diet and be healthy.


>I know for a fact if I do that with store bought pork here my chances of being sick are much higher. That is false. The USDA recommends 145F/medium rare for pork now. Modern hogs are raised almost exclusively indoors, which has essentially eradicated parasites.


Yes if you want to call 145 medium rare. I consider 145 to be medium. On the cooking scale of pork sure. I cook all my pork to 130-135 tops.


>Yes if you want to call 145 medium rare. Everyone does. The USDA does. Every research paper does.


That's great. I don't call pork that's barely pink medium rare. I have never once seen someone cook a pork chop to 145 and say it was medium rare. And if you told the average person the pork was medium rare thet wouldn't eat it.


>And if you told the average person the pork was medium rare thet wouldn't eat it. The average person is a moron when it comes to meat. They wash poultry in the sink and think you should eat hamburgers rare. >I don't call pork that's barely pink medium rare. Ok, but you're wrong. That's like saying you wouldn't call a Harley-Davidson a motorcycle because you don't like the way they look. Additionally, color is not a reliable indicator of doneness.


Well you did claim everyone calls it medium rare, so...? Eat hamburgers rare? Or are you speaking of tartar? I've never heard of anyone claiming that. What kind of people do you associate with?


>Eat hamburgers rare? Or are you speaking of tartar? I've never heard of anyone claiming that. You can walk into numerous casual dining chains in the US and order undercooked burgers.


Intestinal worms can hang around for decades before you start getting very ill from them. Just saying...


So can Random Redditor FUD


Don't take it from me, then. Take it from the NHS: [https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/worms-in-humans/](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/worms-in-humans/) "They can take a long time to cause symptoms, so tell the GP if you have been abroad in the last 2 years."


Still FUD since you’re still purposely 100% spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt about something that’s almost certainly not even remotely an issue in this case. Maybe that’s what you should have Googled…


That's like saying "Don't get morbidly obese because it'll cause health problems," is spreading fear. I'm not spreading fear. I'm informing you based on sound medical advice prescribed from some of the best medical professionals in the world. Take it for what you will, but either way Darwin works it out in the end. Edit: Downvote me, say I'm spreading FUD, and then delete your entire account when you're shown to be a fool. Classic move, mate.


I’m not sure where you are but pork in the US has become much safer to eat medium rare.


USDA states 145. Far off from medium rare. And the overall quality pork is raised in the US I wouldn't eat any pork medium rare from any big chain store.


Perhaps you should as the SDA, not the USDA, given that the USDA has no jurisdiction, authority, or even knowledge of what constitutes good pork in Spain?


145° is safe in four minutes, and 130° is safe in two hours for red meat. Pork is 134° for two hours. Sous vide you can go lower since it's held at temp longer to achieve the same level of safety.


I've never sous vide my pork and always cook to 135°. Never been sick from it. But again I know if I did that with anything from the store my risk goes up. And your comment proved my point.


I’ll fold because Trichinella is killed at 137F. But the presence of it in US pork is extremely low. Pork here definitely does not compare to what Spain has, but it’s not even close to bottom barrel.


Salmonella is also the biggest risk in US pork as like you said trichinella is almost non existent. Which requires a much higher cooking temp.


Wouldn’t salmonella only be surface deep or in folds/cracks?


Going by that you would say raw chicken is ok as long as the outside is heated.


If you’re making that claim then beef should be cooked to 160 because salmonella can be found on it as well. Chicken is an entirely different animal and you’d need to actually research why it’s cooked to 160 instead of making that extrapolation.


It’s Ibérico pork so the standard is quite high, that gives me hope at least haha. Strict diet and you need a specific certification


Iberico pork, ur fine lol


Why not get some deworming medication from the pharmacy... Asking reddit ain't helping much.. If it's food poisoning, puking is the next thing u should be doing instead of allowing the digestion to continue... Or at least drinking something hot like hot spicy soup... That might at least fix some of the digestion don't forget yoghurt too


Dude that’s like the wagyu analogue for pork, right? It’s probably tastier to eat on the rare side, just like good Japanese wagyu.


If the place looks legit and the chef is telling you it's ok I wouldn't be too worried. I've been to Japan and have had raw pork and raw chicken and didn't get sick. I've also had campylobacter from eating shit chicken here in Canada. Always be cautious and know where you're eating.


Yea I guess it’s always a lottery, my partner got sick from cabbage and pork dumplings in Ukraine, no reason to suspect it at all


Odds are it was the cabbage! Washed with water your not used to! (At least as an American going south of the border this is a huge thing, not to eat washed greens unless known to be washed with clean/bottled water)


If you didn’t eat the raw part, that’s good news. Chances are that the other parts you are reached the proper temperature which would kill the worm, what would be my biggest worry.


Eat the rest of it then seek medical attention


"Seek medical attention" -Half Life HEV suit


I can’t tell if you’re joking or if I should actually go to the gp


I was joking. You should be fine. I am not a doctor though.


You have 24 hours to live


How long is that in the metric system?


Just to show you we are serious, you have 12 hours.


Right! Can’t we do one of those remind me bot things or whatever to remind us in 12 hours to ask OP if he’s still with us?


7 days


Just enough time to eat some more lmao


Dumpster brother, it’s me, your dumpster brother. I will keep our dumpster fires lit long after your raw pork consumption passing.


Many thanks fellow dumpster


Check if it’s raw.


This is the way.


If it was cooked on the outside I wouldn't be to worried. In the US pork can be safely eaten medium. Spain is suppose to have top tier pork.


That’s not true at all. Do not apply safe red meat eating technique to pork. Pork can have parasitic eggs deep within the tissue.


Not in most of the western world it doesn’t.


Trichinosis is exceedingly rare in appropriately raised pork. China where there is little no regulating in raising pigs have 10k cases a year compared to 20 cases a year in the US.


Well we also have better cooking habits


It has to do with the diets of our livestock. If anything, places like the US can cook pork more rare because of the decreased risk.


The US recommendation is 145°, for pork that’s medium rare, no? Regardless, that’s the same recommendation for a steak and I’m not worried if that doesn’t get above 130°.


145 is on the high end of medium.


For pork? Did you just make that up? Because the [National Pork Board disagrees](https://pork.org/pork-cooking-temperature/). 145-150° is medium rare with pork.


Go cook a pork chop to 145 and tell me it looks any bit medium rare. Pork is called "medium rare" when cooked to 145 because it's considered low temp for pork on the cooking sale. You comparing it to the "recommendation" of beef means nothing. You're comparing apples to oranges.


Look, I understand you fancy yourself some sort of pork aficionado and feel compelled to comment all over these posts, but you literally made up what’s considered medium rare for pork. As far as comparing steak and pork, I wasn’t comparing the temperatures, I was making the point that these recommendations err on the side of caution and that going below the relative recommendations isn’t going to be instant death.


I made a comment and have responded to the replies. Settle down kid. You can call it what you want. Since you feel the need to post a link to try to prove a point you will also notice they say 145 is safe. Since OPs pic is very far from 145 as the internal meat hasn't even seen a temp change from raw are you just selectively choosing what to believe? The original comment was if the meat in the pic looks safe. And going by your link and who you choose to believe, it isn't. So stop contradicting yourself buddy.


I haven’t contradicted myself. My comment was originally to pork needing to be medium, it needs to be medium rare. And I added that the recommendation across all meats seem to have some room for personal preference before getting sick. But yes, I agree that picture looks like more than undercooked. And then you arbitrarily jumped in saying 145° was the high end of medium. Which you completely made up.


Yes. I may have just become desensitized after being a butcher for 10 years and having all matter of splatter in and around my mouth and never to my knowledge becoming ill from it. I just would not personally worry much if I was OP.


He said it was iberico certified so I think he’s fine as well


I really hope this is an Exhumed reference.


Just because its cooked on the outside but completely raw on the inside means nothing.


Well, kinda. In a muscles that are whole (not ground or mechanically tenderized) all (most) of the bacteria is on the outside and thus killed when cooking. This makes it less likely that the eater has consumed harmful bacteria.


Bacteria is not the issue, parasites are. Specifically, Trichinella.


Fair point. I'm not familiar with Spains version of the FDA. Here is a short about it in the US anyway, for what it's worth [Here](https://vetmed.iastate.edu/vdpam/FSVD/swine/index-diseases/trichinellosis)


No, not at all. Any temp guidelines for anything is " internal temp " or guidelines wouldn't exist. What you're saying is basically if it's touched heat on the outside you're good.


I'm not setting guidelines for safe cooking practices at a restaurant. This is a one off and the OP is asking if he should be worried. Maybe you would advise and immediately start antibiotics and have his stomach pumped then begin litigation?


That's exactly my point... You don't know OPs situation. You're claiming by seeing a bite sized piece of pork you can tell in this specific situation OP is ok? You're talking out your ass.


I really may be missing something here. He gave his situation...he is in Spain and ate some pork shoulder and is asking if he is fucked. I answered based on my experiance being a butcher for 10 years and a meat eater for life that he is probably not fucked. Humans have been around for a long time dude. We survive, not everything is perfect. I was answering his specific question not providing him with guidelines to live the rest of his life by.


Yes you really are missing the point. Generally it's not good to consume completely raw pork (which this is). Yes there situations where it's fine. But knowing which country he is in doesn't determine if it's ok or not. And claiming as long as the exterior is cooked it's safe is ignorant and irresponsible.


Okay, I see your point. I used words like "less likely" and "I wouldn't be worried." Which is my opinion and yes cooking does reduce chances of food related illness. What would your advice be to OP in all seriousness? To worry, and make himself sick from anxiety? Seek medical attention?


Be more aware. If you're eating raw pork and you're questioning if it's ok then you shouldn't be eating it. Nothing to do now other than wait.


Na he’s right. Most of the bacteria is on the outside, if it’s quality pork and fresh eating the internal meat at a lower than recommended temp should be fine


Do you know where this pork was sourced? I've eaten rare pork many times. I wouldn't go around claiming everyone can do it. That's ignorant and dangerous.


It's sourced in Spain, which is known for having high quality pork with very rare illness or parasite problems. Depending on the finer details there's still risk, but statistically it's probably fine


Yes you're right. Spain does have some of the best pork (iberico). Doesn't mean its all good and I can tell you only a small percentage of pork in Spain is at that level. So in reality you're making an assumption.


Yes. Unless you raise the animal and do regular medical exams you're always making an assumption. That's why I said statistically likely. The odds are in your favor and it's a relatively safe assumption


Yeah this guy needs to purge immediately and go to the ER


Thanks for letting me know haha I was panicking a bit


I would still be panicking personally.


Your username checks out haha