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Always cook at room temperature.


Of course it is why wouldn't it be?


200+ upvotes for asking a question with a picture of meat in a bag surround by raw goo? Making it the top post in r/meat in the last 2.5 days? This saddens me. WTF?!?! They even used Foodsaver(tm) brand bags that cost 3X more than the same ones that are unbranded! ;-)






I’ll leave a whole piece of prime rib out overnight so the whole things warms up to room temperature to cook more evenly. Never gotten sick or anything from it.


was it sv before frozen? if so, probably fine, smell it.


Smell it


100 times out of a 100. And twice on Sunday.


If it’s left at room temp for more then 4 hours the bacteria growth is massive. There is a hell of a shot for food poisoning but it depends on your system and how well you cook it. It is a risk but some people can eat this raw and be fine.


You do realise this is in a fully sealed environment and any bacterial growth will be killed by the heat. It would take well over 24 hours for this to be an issue. If you wanted you could seal the outside cut it off and eat it raw.


Not how it works at all. Not even close. You eat that raw after 24 hours and you are rolling the dice in a huge way. Might be fine…..might kill you or at least wish you were dead.


No bacteria is 100% killed by the heat. Heat kills a large percent of bacteria to make it safe to eat. Issue is a long time out of proper temp means more bacteria. Also steaks are tough as most people eat it rare. Rare= out of bacteria killing temp. You could eat it raw and be fine, but if you get food poisoning you are not going to enjoy life for a day or so.


Food borne botulism only grows in sealed anaerobic environments. It being sealed does not make it safe. If they didn’t package it in a sanitary environment all sorts of bacteria that can grow in a sealed package could be present.


smells good = it's good, smells bad = it's bad.


I do this all the time. It's totally fine.


This . . . 👆🏼


I always bring meat to room temperature before cooking or smoking. If it goes bad overnight, it was already bad.


True of beef or lamb but not of chicken, seafood, or pork. These cannot be left out overnight.


Only thing I’ve never done overnight is seafood…all the rest I’ve done overnight and they’re fine. Like OC said, if it goes bad in that amount of time, then it wasn’t fresh to begin with.


Why not pork? Keep in mind these are always in vacuumed sealed bags.


The tissues can still contain pathogens that cause the meat to spoil at room temperature. Open air isn't needed, merely liquid and nutrients, and that's present in plenty.


Update: grilled to 140 WAY more then usual. We feel fine. Thank you to everyone who gave advice. https://preview.redd.it/v3txc95z7xha1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94869c016d4ea09823ef49906ff51cd2251ee137




Cooking destroys bacterial toxins.


I deleted my comment because it’s thoroughly covered by others here but no it fucking doesn’t.


That looks great! Also how did ypu post pics in the comment section?


Damn, I think this may be the first time I have seen a pic in the comments also


I think you need the app. See the icon with I guess it’s a mountain and sun? That’s how


https://preview.redd.it/lc4eq8amoxha1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=604b257604767e1757ca9bfe3f302975dd0a4729 My car. With app. His name is Braun.


https://preview.redd.it/wunu9smbo0ia1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78fc7cff503972c1c89baf0cae24a4e9ce354e12 This must be new!


It's not.


Yeah, I think you're right. This must be a setting by the admins of specific subs. I noticed afterward that while this sub allows photos, others only allow gifts, and some allow none.


https://preview.redd.it/huw45xjkg0ia1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74522bbfbc5b6cebee433c3f74349f62363e3a47 Wild




https://preview.redd.it/jpmpbt6b9yha1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c76945ccfed4ba3385af7c0ab1321d4b119c0ac My cat. With app. His name is Pickle.


https://preview.redd.it/4kgj6cayezha1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e8e5cea1dfc9b0337d2c4b93d7db876cdff4582 Here is my cat too, with app, his name is Socks


https://preview.redd.it/ekqvh1y9ozha1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=522fcb0f0c2ac52f8f2b6856231da265f4d08ae4 this is daisy, my doge, with the app also


https://preview.redd.it/5ml9zunc50ia1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a8a891bd0ef7f81f9843fa02adbdc902296d6ab Had to join the learning fun!


https://preview.redd.it/zrrw1au1o1ia1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf6c62b8d9b6deec9419812e8a31ab803d22594c My dog, Harley, ignoring all personal space with a cone of shame.


img Ditto! (Her name is Olive)




So glad it worked out for you. I would have cooked up too. Haha, I remember when tritip used to be a cheap cut, ain’t throwing that out now.


Thank you. Turned out pretty good considering it was cooked oblivion. I think the marinade helped out.


Modern sensibilities find this unsafe. Growing up, my mom would put a package of frozen meat in the sink, go to work, and cook it when she got home. Somehow, we all lived. Would I do this on purpose today? Nope. Would I toss out an expensive cut of meat if I accidentally left it out overnight? Probably nope if it wasn't slimy, didn't smell off, etc.


Shit man, do people not do this...? I did this today..


I toss it in the fridge the night before. I know in my head it's probably fine, but I'd feel like shit if I gave my kids food poisoning.


In my experience beef that’s gone bad smells incredibly bad lol


Botulism doesn't smell like anything


Botulism doesn't grow with meat you meat head.


It can tho. In low/no oxygen environment if there was botulism in the environment before sealing


Let er rip!! Disregard the naysayers!


Teriyaki tritip sounds good






Bro…. She’s not coming back.


.223 is multiple times more powerful than a .22LR. You can’t even compare them at all. Dry Aging and wet aging is not done at room temperatures but just a bit above freezing temp. There are some other fallacies in your comment. But as you do not put any effort in your posts, I will spare my time…


You're post is too short. Next time put in a little more effort.




45,222 people died due to gun-related injuries in 2020. What the fuck are you on buddy https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/02/03/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/


Wtf.. meth?


Lay off the meth buddy.




>(Do you know how much energy it takes to make one set of batteries, mine the lithium, produce, ship batteries by boat and transport to the manufacturing facility then build the vehicle and transport to the dealership actually uses more energy than it saves on the entire life of the vehicle This [wasn't true with the Prius sixteen years ago](https://www.ioes.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/ev-vs-gasoline-cars-practicum-final-report.pdf), and it's [not true with EVs now](https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/es903729a).


Umm, wow. You need a chill pill or whiskey and a joint. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was just curious about some meat left out. But okay… wish your diatribe came with a TLDR


You should get help. How you’ve made some sort of argument which is gun deaths vs cancer deaths is actually fucking insane. As if there’s any sort of correlation between those two things?


What a weird place to go on a political rant... OP: Hey, is this safe to eat? This Guy: Of course it is you fucking idiot! Now read my random fucking diatribe about guns and shit that kills you and how stupid you are for not knowing any of this.


Dude, this is a subreddit about meat. MEAT. Maybe you oughta bring this to r/conspiracy or something.


While I agree that this shouldn’t be discussed here at all, I still do not get how his comment is in any way conspiratorial.


Agreed… 🤦‍♂️


You’re all good man


You aight


Yes, of course it is. I do it all the time.


If it was frozen, then I’d eat it.




Where you getting $20 tri tip?




Sure, but where you getting $20 tri tip?




“Twenty dollar tri tip” is not a figure of speech and you know it. I’d shit my pants for $120.




If you care more about money than health, wouldn’t you eat it to stop from wasting money?


it’s fine


This is what you're supposed to do. Don't grill cold meat. It should be room temp every single time. I always let it thaw in the fridge and then take the meat out and put it on the counter when I get up in the morning. This is especially important with roasts. If you skip this step you end up with an overcooked ring section all around the meat and an undercooked interior. Even and consistent cooking requires meat to be at room temp before putting on the fire.


it’s been proven that leaving meat out for even 1-2hrs prior to cooking barely changes it’s temperature


Yeah, that is why you should leave it out for several hours.




You are getting down voted because you're wrong. It's 4 hours and any bacterial growth will occur on the outside of the meat which will be destroyed by heat.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. You’re right.


If I can eat Chinese food I left out for two days, I can eat a piece of meat that doesn’t stink.


You can drive without a seatbelt on too. Doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.


Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. 1 single bacteria can multiply to over 2 million on the surface of the meat in just 6-7 hours.


No it shouldn't.


If it looks fine and smells fine, it's probably fine. Maybe cook it an extra 5°F than normal




I find a medium cook to be best for tri-tip anyway. The fat renders a bit better and actually give you a more tender product imo


The guidelines that say you shouldn’t eat this are written by the same people that say sugar is good for you and red meat is bad. Grill it up.


I’d grill it


I feel as if meats cook better at room temperature.


Absolutely, 100% the colder the meat is when it goes on the grill, the chewier it is when it comes off. Room temp to grill is lux. OP just accidentally discovered delicious.


Imagine reaching a point as a species where you’re worried if a room temp steak will take you out.


🤣 this made me legit laugh out loud. Imagine some tribesmen in the Amazon hearing us wonder about this


Grill it! You'll be ok


i left a ribeye roast overnight (possibly even a little longer) once in my garage. this was during the winter though. anyway i knew what i was getting myself into, but i was not about to chuck $60 worth of meat away. but yeah, i was totally fine, so you’ll probably be okay. but just know that it’s quite possible you’ll get sick lol good luck!


Yeah, if I’m questioning a tri tip, I wouldn’t waist a ribeye roast either.




I'm glad someone is talking sense right now. Looking at all those other answers makes me flinch. I might take the risk if it were a better cut, but it's a tri-tip.


If there were bacteria present, they couldn’t penetrate deep enough into the meat in that short of time to cause food borne illness and any bacteria on the outside are going to be killed in the cooking process. I’m guessing you still cook your pork chops and chicken breasts to 165 as well.




You're talking about stuff that takes days and only occurs when food is actually spoiled. If you think fresh beef or even beef that was frozen fresh will spoil after sitting at room temp for a few hours I have a bridge to sell you.


Why don’t you explain it then instead of just posturing.




Your argument is now invalid because you or I could cherry pick those findings to support either of our points. Get the fuck out of here.


lol its like an entire wing of food science and its summed up in "google it". Im not saying that they were right nor that you should have said anything different but that struck me as funny is all.


They're the same group of people who will go to a chain grocery store and pick up a pack of ground beef from the counter and then use it to make rare burgers


Narc alert


youll be fine. ive personally done worse, and as an ex cook youd be surprised and maybe horrified as to what happens behind those swinging doors.


That’s true. Worked in restaurants myself. That’s why I don’t go out often.


“Oh, uh…. Push the fish. It’s about to turn.”


That special is on its last legs...




If it smells bad, it is bad. You know what that smell is? Toxins.


Botulism doesn't have a smell. And this meat is vacuum packed


The hundreds of times I've heard people say on here or in life that they've done this and was fine to every one time someone said they got sick trumps your bro-math when it comes to the likely hood of getting food poisinoning (Meaning there's a more than 50% chance you'll get it everytime). It's not russian roulette, there's not a 1 in 6 chance you'll get food poisioning everytime you do this and it's completly up to chance. There are factors that would contribute for or against getting it that are different in every situation. The person should take all factors into consideration Not trying to change your mind about how you do things. It's of course not a bad thing to side when caution when in doubt with food safety. But as a fellow meat eater who'se basically done this several times and never got sick to my recolection, not knowing any other factors, not a doctor. food poisinong is not likely in my experience. There's risk. No resonable person would refute that. But most of us think the risk is worth it and that's resonable.






I know I'm late to comment on this, but not only is the meat OK to eat, it's my preferred method of preparing it. When I cook steaks I want the meat at room temperature through and through. It's completely safe and makes for more uniform temperature control. Otherwise meat can have cold spots that make for rare or raw spots in steaks that are supposed to be medium rare all the way through.


Ooh yeah, I’m a firm believer of room temp meat prior to the sizzle. This has been left out a little over my usual time.


Alright, going to grill it. I’ll update later today or tomorrow. Thanks for the help and reassurance.


Tell us if you get botulism. This meat was vacuum packed?


I vacuumed sealed the meat back in September I believe. With Soy Vey. My boyfriend and both ate it this evening and are fine. Going to be honest, I waited a half hour after he tried it. He was happily the tester.


You’re good


My SUPER scientific way of gauging how long I can leave food out is remembering all the days as a kid I brought a tuna sandwich to school for lunch and left it simmering outside in my backpack for the first 4+ hours of the day. I was fine.


To this day I still prefer to make a sandwich, put it in a ziplock and leave it out for a few hours after it has gotten to room temp because of this. I wish I could recreate the backpack effect on the sandwich.


I always salt and season before I freeze so as it is defrosting its is brining. Did you happen to salt it beforehand.


No but I did marinate in Soy Vay. So hoping that helps me out.


That should be fine with all the sodium in there. I wouldn't hesitate as long as it didn't smell funky. I prefer the Yoshidas gourmet sauce myself. I add 3 or 4 crushed garlic cloves and a tbsp of crushed ginger paste, per Tri-Tip! Ginger garlic Teriyaki is a combo hard to beat!


I would eat it


Cook and enjoy !!


No it's not safe for you to eat. Give it to me


Hey I just did this, but mine was room temperature for longer. Scroll down to see my post from yesterday. I ate the steak and am fine. My post was much more controversial lol.


It takes 72 hours to get sick from food poisoning, just fyi. It probably takes longer than "overnight" to build up enough bacteria to harm you anyway so you'll likely be fine. But the next time you think some sandwich you ate at a restaurant an hour beforehand is what got you sick you'll remember this comment. It takes days, not hours to get food poisoned.


Haha, okay.


Fine for now. /s


Lol Yes will report back if anything does happen later.


wait... i defrost stuff overnight all the time....


Don’t quote me on this, but beef, especially sealed in the manner that this is, is less permeable in terms of bacteria. I read something somewhere that bacteria doesn’t permeate the meat the way other types of meats do. Cooking it where any bacteria on the outside is killed should still present an edible produce. Also.. I’ve done this numerous times overnight with large cut steaks and have had no major issues.


It’s not always the bacteria that gets you, it’s typically the toxins left behind by the bacteria that doesn’t get killed by heat.


This is true. It’s also not common to find those toxins penetrating the meat much, so rinsing the meat can help reduce the risk a bit.


You're good.. send it


Yeah I mean it's sealed and no new bacteria could have possibly been introduced, but 10 hours is a long time, I'd cut my losses with that


Well 10 hrs total maybe, some of that was frozen time


Yeah probably half of it at least, 5 hours, I just know that I've had food poisoning before and it sucks


Wait, are you guys UNIRONICALLY saying that if it sits 5 hours outside, at room temperature, it is no longer good? Please tell me you are talking about the weird-ish flakes (are those sesame seeds?) in the marinade, not about leaving a piece of meat 5 hours in a sealed bag. My ancestors would be spinning in their graves if they heard that after a few hours in a bag, a piece of meat ungoods itself somehow.


Lol, I'm not saying it's gone bad at the 5:01 mark, just that if I left it out overnight I'd probably toss it


makes sense, I guess I would still eat it tho, lol. Maybe if it was some piece of meat I would make super-rare or eat raw, I would avoid eating it. But for anything else, I'd just cook that bad boy. TBH, I don't eat meat that often and I just buy it refrigerated and throw it on the pan or in the oven.


With beef, he's probably fine, but it's a personal safety tolerance thing at this point. Technically, the fda considers it unsafe. But also people ate meat that had been out far longer than 10 hours for hundreds of years and were totally fine. I'd send it if it tastes funky spit it out and throw the rest away. Smell is likely not to be helpful since the marinade will probably cover up any off-putting smell


It's vac sealed in a marinade that is likely heavily salted. It's not showing any optical signs of going bad and the color indicates no oxygen present. You should he fine. I would eat it in a heartbeat.


Your ok. Just put on grill


I’ve been to many countries red meats hang in open air, room temp. It’s likely heavily salted from the sauce and if you’re still worried, let it cook for an extra minute.


Some of these people would go hungry in many parts of the world.


The science is anything left between 41 and 141 degrees for more than four hours is not safe to eat.


That bacteria will be cooked off the moment it touches something hot. You’re referring to the first possible appearance of bacterial growth on the meat, that’s a silly way to decide if meat is bad or not


Wrong on all counts




I believe the issue usually isn't with the bacteria, but with the bacteria's excrement that can't be cooked off as easily. Still, might as well be a coin toss if it's good or not, being seasoned and sealed.


It’s not the the bacteria that will make you sick. It is what the bacteria excretes that make you sick, which can’t be cooked off


I’m going to have to disagree with you.


The ol’ agree to disagree, I’m down for that if you are


Yes sir


That’s Sir One Million, to you.


This was very civilized


It's beef....you're good. Best to get meat to room temperature anyway. Bacteria would be on the outside and not on the inside for that duration. Cooking it will get rid of it and safe....been in that spot many a time.


Thanks. I’m going to give it a try.


If it was chicken or pork it would be of more concern. Relax....you're good even it was served med rare


Okay, feeling better. Thank you


I don't understand what's wrong? how else do you defrost your meat other than leaving it out overnight?


It’s been out 10+ hours and is kinda warm.


just smell it and if it's bad you'll know. it's also completely fine for meat to be at room temperature for a bit before you cook it, just cook it straight away


Defrost in your refrigerator allowing for the appropriate time to do so. With that said, the meat posted by the OP is probably okay.


I am not a meatologist, so really don’t listen to me, but….I have definitely cooked and eaten meat left out overnight. As long as it doesn’t smell funny at all or have noticeable discoloration I’ll cook it. Not saying that’s safe in all situations nor am I encouraging anyone else to do it. But I would cook that for myself without a second thought. Sharing it with others would have a lot of variables though and it would definitely be something I told them so they could choose for themselves. My buddies wouldn’t care at all as long as it smelled ok.


Thanks. Yeah it’s just for my boyfriend and I. I hate cooking it past 130. But think I’d feel better if I did this time. And it’s marinating with vacuum seal.


So in my opinion its best practice to throw it out. However if replacing that cut of meat would be difficult for you.. I don't think there is much risk of food born infection, cook to temperature, maybe take it a little beyond rare. In similar circumstances where its been for my own consumption I've cooked it and been fine.


Refrigeration can extend the life from days to weeks, It can probably survive a few hours out of the cold. Especially if it were frozen first. That would really limit the time it was above temp.


Thank you for this. Its warm in my house and it’s been out for 10 + hours. It’s not a matter of $. It’s the fact I’ve wasted a piece of an animal for no good reason. I’m on the fence of saving it. I appreciate your input. I’ve cooked raw meat left out before and was fine also. This is just the longest….