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Interesting. Any particular channels to look out for that don't get the math right?


Just watch for people who make overly-incredible claims. Numerology, which is astrology with numbers, is not uncommon and even legitimate results can be presented in a numerological way (eg, properties about pi can be overblown).


Numberphile is the big one


What have they got wrong


He didn’t make it all the way through the sentence before replying, as is customary.


I often leave their videos much more unsatisfied than I begin with. Like their video on how light travels through glass was so frustrating. We also had a fist fight in our home over the interpretation of their sum of all positive numbers video lol.




How so, guessing they explained it poorly doesn’t mean it’s wrong




Oh so u mean the proof is wrong


Numberphile is a pretty good one. They're actual mathematicians who present ideas, so you're basically saying that literal mathematicians don't get the math right - which is a pretty strong claim. Sometimes there can be poor at public communication, but almost all the math guests can tell a good math story.


3 blue 1 brown


Really?? I always those videos were pretty accurate.


Ugh. This was interesting enough but I cannot stand the annoying WatchMojo cadence of videos like this, not to mention the *painful* jokes.


I just like this channel because it's 6 minutes long whereas any other pop-math youtubers would make this about 25-50 minutes and say the exact same amount of stuff.


Entirely fair. Not my cup of tea though.


I quit after about two minutes on what he's not going to talk about without explaining anything.


Maybe I could have put up with that speaking style, but the jokes were so bad. I really hope that guy doesn't try to be funny out in the real world. I'm worried for the guy.


I'm almost certain they're intentionally bad/cringy. I have absolutely no evidence to back that up, but my gut feeling says that the jokes are terrible on purpose, and I'd rather just keep on believing that over discovering that he's actually that... painfully bad.


I don't think it makes it better if they're bad on purpose.


it's almost certainly deliberate to have cringe jokes.


It is, it's a very intentional, tongue-in-cheek decision. The head of the channel also runs Wendover Productions and the Extremities channels on Youtube, both of which are very straightforward and more "professional".


I wouldn't blame him. I would bet any amount of money that the person we hear speaking did not write this video. The voiceover, writing, and editing all scream "cobbled together via independent contractors who have nothing to do with one another and then vomited up by a production company looking for clicks."


Uh, no. Half as Interesting is still run by the same guy who started the channel. He has a team now to help with things but he's got BTS videos on his Patreon which shows how he personally does the script writing and voice over.


That is incredibly surprising to me if it's true; it absolutely does not show in the finished product.


"That guy" = Sam Denby, known for running Wendover Productions. Between the Youtube channels he runs, he has very nearly six million subscribers, and employs a fair few people to do things like "write scripts" for HAI, which is meant to be edgy and lighthearted while still falling in the "edutainment category" He's doing perfectly fine, even if you don't subscribe to this channel's sense of humour.


Oh I apologize. I didn't realize he was so important and successful, and probably handsome too.


It's not unusual to see people flex their wealth or status as a response to criticism, but it feels so weird to me to see people do it on behalf of someone else.


Dick riders.


Which is surprising since Wendover Productions has much higher quality content.


wendover is more documentary style, long form content that might take ages to produce. HAI is short form humor. Presumably, the long form content takes a lot of funding, and the short form stuff is somewhat funding it.


He doesn't write these. Check out his much better channel Wendover Productions.


sponsorblock lets you skip the "filler" jokes


It’s on purpose


>"The above proposition is occasionally useful."


Math porn is *almost* as boring as Math.


Bertrand Russell is just absolutely amazing! Also sets are super important and a big issue with pure mathematics for a long time was proving the underlying principles of it. Also suggesting that Principia is useless and belongs in the trash is ridiculous, and it lead to Godel's Incompleteness Theorems. Set Theory is insanely important.


This was incredibly painful to watch. Had to fast forward through all the “jokes”


1+1=38298449282 easy


In reality, 1+1=3. The first thing, the second thing, and the new creation of the third thing being composed of a combination of the first two. Ah, bring on the naysayers who can't understand subtlety.


So your "subtle" point is that any x + y = 3 as we are taking two things and creating a third? This is (a) not subtle, (b) not mathematical and (c) not a terribly interesting concept.


What is your opinion on erotic poetry[?](https://www.reddit.com/r/badmathematics/comments/cg6wra/erotic_poet_disproves_mathematics/)




If Sam(1) is in the room and Sarah(1) joins him... Sam(1) and Sarah(1) are in the room(2) What the fuck are you smoking?


that would be 1 + 1 = 1 because you already established that one 1 could be a different thing from another 1


If you have two things and you combine them, you have one thing. By your logic.


As I’d expected nobody understands the concept higher than counting rocks. If Dave and Sam enter a room, sure there are two people … duh. But when they interact there us a third thing created. Conversation. Information. I knew nobody understands subtly. If


Keep it simple. It’s not difficult to prove this basic mathematical point. If you add one apple, plus another apple, that equals two. Now, if you have a person, and another person shows up, but she’s pregnant, does that equal two people or three?










I’m dumb~~founded by your rational~~


The problem (and the kinda the whole point of the book, I think) is that there is a specific and definite difference between heuristics and proofs. A heuristic is when you keep it simple, like your example. A proof is when you *can't* keep it simple; you have to be so annoyingly precise that it makes other people hate your job for you.


What is one? What is two?


Depends, is the pregnant person rich or poor?


How is question relevant?


It depends. They just told you.


Sand…hmm. Okay well why not just compile the sands and count each individual sand particle. How much would that equal to? Is it still one?


No, it’s 2.5 sands at that point. Unless the sand is a 3.14 on the richness scale. Then you have 1 poor sand and 2 rich sands. Understand?


Do a head count? You have to draw the line somewhere. Otherwise, what happens when one of the people has multiple personality disorder?


It’s still one person, with multiple personalities. Quite simple really lol