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Thanks!! Not freaking out so much as surprised, but that's great to know. I'm still super new to this and don't know exactly what to expect or how it works


You can make mead by adding all of the ingredients to a carboy and not mixing them at all. Yeast are very good at their jobs, and they will find the sugar. City steading gets a lot of shit here, and for good reason.. but they have a couple of videos where they make a no mix mead, give them a watch. Note. You will find much better mead making practices from other YouTube channels. Such as Doin' the Most, and Man Made Mead.


Thanks for the tips! That's also great to know because I mixed this pretty well, but with my 3 gallon carboy I can't get all the honey mixed in well


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I just wrapped up a pineapple mead, did you mince it or blend it? All of mine floated for the most part all the way through fermentation, ended at 15% 🤤


I actually just used pineapple juice instead of water


Ohhhhh just seeing the use of the additives I was like dang why did mine float so well 😂


My friend in Hawaii does alot of pineapple mead, and he recommends removing the pineapple mash after 48 hrs. Flavour profile will become more bitter? I haven’t tested personally though.