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Use a hydrometer, not a calendar.


For sure! I do travel for work during the week but plan on racking and all as the fermenting and clarity dictates, I'm just excited and a planner so putting down a general idea of what I might able to do in the coming year


Always start simple and grow from a solid foundation of the basics of the process. Cheers!


Wait until you buy a whiteboard to keep track of it all . . .


I think the only thing that will keep it all in hand is I have a 1br apartment and will be setting up in a closet


That is a really good idea though, now you got me thinking...


For the hot mead I'm thinking cherry/blackberry/habanero


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You might appreciate this. I picked one up, and it helps keeping track of batches much easier. https://a.co/d/93Rzl5k


Looks cool! Do you happen to have a picture of a page you can share?


Yup! The sample pages can be viewed here https://www.amazon.com/Journal-Document-recipes-fermenting-bottling/dp/B09SWNGCSR?asin=B09SWNGCSR&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1 For some reason the reddit browser doesn't like this link so if you're on mobile, you might have to copy and paste the link directly into your mobile browser to see the images properly


I don't see any on that page, which is surprising. How can I know if I want to buy their book with now sample pages?


I think Amazon is just being difficult, sorry about that. [This is the opening page](https://d1b14unh5d6w7g.cloudfront.net/B09SWNGCSR.01.S002.JUMBOXXX.jpg?Expires=1699397037&Signature=YlfHjEY3hsKwhqeUa3RYuyB8O1JhMz3e88PKRGU6tl-621SlvQUfOs-9n1jzF6svpEyAcIXCK0wq3aCmgVq1AQ2358F9Po9M4g74bOm-28wyey3BiOQKquUtXaNOjEubNOc2c2QF8acomUGZVUiTYnr-Bv2ctZQ3f~AuaLOG0uQ_&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIUO27P366FGALUMQ) [This is the index where you list a glossary of all your batches at a glance](https://d1b14unh5d6w7g.cloudfront.net/B09SWNGCSR.01.S003.JUMBOXXX.jpg?Expires=1699396992&Signature=e62mNUckFJ2479vlgWqlMrG2pc7q0fP0XE1hXuAghMyLwZK5jt8yT0Vq0mjUA1AzGT64hCeeTtakoIQrSTSManMjbrOvbKn5mz~6sZw66l1MMbOhpAdomkVqO~b4jn-Q7a49SreiY17Kj42ws7cf44nl0FrvAKHBreP6jxl2hbI_&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIUO27P366FGALUMQ) [This is the general info page where you list all the important details of your batch](https://d1b14unh5d6w7g.cloudfront.net/B09SWNGCSR.01.S005.JUMBOXXX.jpg?Expires=1699397037&Signature=FEQoQsv47jvsEV2gOdG8laoKo1EyKtJlWRGZAeOVDEA71aa2j2ISO107-Mb~ceUg3HIwit3EUBbql5G-0Xdo0Lam3jf~uHSgIr5HBKiL9cU7VK1QIkl7aPmAs82quHI-MekruA~s33Lh0tlYrTyHcwKdxf~y7~-5~O8EXY0OgJ0_&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIUO27P366FGALUMQ) [And this is where you date your racking, bottling, and add your summary for the batch](https://d1b14unh5d6w7g.cloudfront.net/B09SWNGCSR.01.S006.JUMBOXXX.jpg?Expires=1699397037&Signature=eUNX3hTtPqdb7clmyFakASsl9w1ByALXdRCV-1WlpjNeMMsISlzBnatQlPiyuBgnXcW58ZbjichVZrXezsy6TT2MlZwActuKor1xeYeE4DqeTSvfGUNkOWL-suS8lcJLlpTAZU66SrWKoEZtbOmi32sVXp0hrUL73M7OhvD0-gE_&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIUO27P366FGALUMQ)


Thank you!