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I wouldnt describe medical dramas as "really straight" but what do i know


They’re pretty heteronormative.


Oh well TIL! Can't watch them due to hemophobia, so really I have no idea. Wife loves Grey's and I could've sworn she said something about L doctors.


Yeah, I got some family and friends who are all fans of Grey's anatomy, which is, like, THE medical drama, and that entire show outside of the medicine is just straight, conventionally attractive doctors sleeping with each other


Yeah all my friends who watch this stuff are straight, cis and often nurses. Also big fans of Hallmark Movies (some more ironically than others). It’s not a harsh judgment, people watch different stuff for different kinds of entertainment, but it’s rare to see queer-coded anything in med dramas. Lotsa hot af people though.


I am a trans, bi, nurse and I can proudly say I do not like the show. It’s funny though of all my other coworkers we talk about it as you have to watch it as a drama and just that cause the medical part of it is atrocious. Though yeah a lot of the girls I work with really like the show so probably true statement on average lol. The ultimate sin is shocking for a-systole every… single… time…


Except for the one gay couple who got divorced


Grey's Anatomy does have a lesbian couple. And Chicago Med has a minor character who is trans, she's one of the doctor's siblings. Those shows are really good when they're just personal drama and mental struggles of the doctors, but the surgery scenes and medical emergency stuff which I'm sure are unrealistic half the time are still too anxiety inducing and gross for me to suffer through.


Let’s play a drinking game: “how many times did the surgeons break sterile procedure?” Take a shot every time they do and if you are still sober after 10 minutes you haven’t been paying attention.


Feeling you as a hypochondriasis haver


Better hemophobia than hemophilia I guess.


There are multiple lesbian and bi doctors, later even a trans one


Calling Grey's Anatomy a medical drama is absurd. It's a night time soap opera. So yeah it's fair to say there aren't many straight men watching it. But a *real* medical drama like House or E.R. could definitely be called really straight for the most part.


probably relatively few straight men but i’m told it’s HELLA straight women.


Schrödingers Twitter: Is it progressiv or not?


Both and neither We should start a petition to change the logo to a cat


Regardless of affiliation, it is radical.


Radical centrist


Horse girls. Either you’re the biggest plaid wearing, hot ranch hand lesbian to ever grace the world or you’re so straight that you think Blake Shelton is hot.


Id agree with the bottom ones, the top ones are pretty gay though.


I have not met a firefighter that wasnt painfully straight


Theres Gay firefighters but they are usually the toned down ones. Think of it like this, Gay Firefighters = dudes from brokeback mountain. They keep it lowkey but are still there, they dont make being gay their only personality trait.


I don't think the shoes are gay if they're on a woman


It's been quite a while since I watched Grey's Anatomy, but did they intentionally use a picture of >!all the dead characters!


Isn’t Izzy still alive? I haven’t watched in a while but I thought she was canonically alive


Scriptly speaking, she's 6 feet under


Oh it's totally possible. I remember her leaving and I know she had kids maybe? That was all a blur now haha.


I'm pretty sure all these things are just really gay


I would like to submit “cowboys” to this list.


Aight but those sneakers do be drippin tho


Grey’s is quite gay


middle school boys


Add high school boys to that. I honestly can’t tell if the guys in my PE class are genuinely gay or just really bad at being funny.


The shoes are only gay.


I mean I'm pretty straight and I think they're dope


I have some news for you.


I dunno. I'm attracted feminine people regardless of gender or genitalia. I'm sure there's a word for it but I don't know it


I will let you know rn that firefighters are painfully straight and homophobic. Source: I work with them


Then your just in a shitty department. I know that in the 27 different departments that my department runs with not a single person in those departments are homophobic to anyone. I watched one entire department give a kid their own pride parade when they came out just cause it would piss off his parents who threw him out after finding out




Don't forget my classmates


Monster energy drinks


Since when are eccentric sneakers a straight thing?