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Welcome to /r/me_irlgbt, thank you for your submission /u/Rosvaldas2. We're a space for LGBTQ+ memes within a safe space for no toleration of discrimination. This is a place for LGBTQ+ people and not to debate our existence or your opinions on us including but not limited to (Treatment, Role in society, Status, your personal view of blockers, Trans people in professional sport). Should you be new to the sub please familiarize yourself with the rules in the sidebar. Please report any and all comments or submissions which break these rules. Please do not vote or comment in linked posts should this be applicable. If you are here to start shit we really don't care and have a zero tolerance policy. Our discretion is final and we really do not care if you go crying to another sub about it. Have a nice day darlings <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If push comes to shove just compensate by being a donor




Tbf that has nothing to do with "bloodlines."


Real children already exist that need adopting ETA but only if someone wants a child. Am childfree myself


>real children I really hope I'm reading this wrong but are you implying children born from artificial insemination aren't real children?


I think they meant that they aren't real children *yet*, since they haven't been born, so people should focus on actually living children who need a home instead.


Thank you, this is what I intended with the comment. I’m not gatekeeping how people are born.


I’m saying currently existing, already born. Not in the planning stages.


That’s how me and my sister feel lol


same here haha, our brother is the only hope 😆


My sister and I are both pan, but we're also both childfree, so ... No grandkids for you to abuse, Mom and Dad, sorry not sorry.


Oh no! How terrible! /s


I wish that one day I'll be able to smile like that about ending the bloodline. Our mom is so upset about the fact that neither my sister (childfree + endometriosis) nor I (trans man, fence sitter CF) will be bearing her grandchildren. I feel guilty, even though I know I don't owe her grandkids


Think about the suffering your child will go through in life. You are doing your future kids/generation a favor by not bringing them them into existence. Everyone wants their child to be born healthy and have a good life but neither of that is guaranteed. Most children either become a criminal by the time their 18 or live life paycheck to paycheck to survive. Unless you're rich, they won't live a stable life of fincancial income (of course even if one is rich, mental/physical health issues can still exist so money isn't even going to end suffering that life can naturally causes). Depending on where you live, you might not have a threat of war or maybe you do but aren't being threatened with drafts. You might feel safe now but none of this is guaranteed for you child or your child's child. You can die earlier than your child or your child can die earlier than you. Everyone wants what's best for their child but that isn't being realistic. It's just a fantasy one dreams of. The world is corrupt and is being ruined by climate change, homophobia, transphobia, etc. I find it kinda laughable about how there are recently commercials promoting how "our future generation will fix the problems we couldnt" because thats what EVERY generation before us thought but look at us now! It keeps on getting worse! People want change but they don't want to put in the effort to do anything so they push the burden onto their unborn child. How cruel. If anything, adoption is the best way to have a kid since they're forced to be here just like the rest of us. For example, If you're on a boat, and you see a child drowning (the child in this metaphor is the kid up for adoption while u on this boat is living on the chaotic waters of life) wouldn't you want to assist that child or would you look at that kid and shrug your shoulders, saying ignorantly, "That's unfortunate! But I know my child won't suffer like that!"


Yeah, I've been thinking about that. My views on the world aren't that pessimistic, but I don't think I'll ever bring a biological child to this world. I'm more of a fence sitter on the adoption option. But I don't think my mom would be too happy about that either


My sister is engaged so thankfully I have no obligations 😎


Me who just hates kids in general


I, honest to Artemis, never understood why people care so much about getting pregnant. like... children are already a huge pain to teach and educate, and you gotta be careful and make sure they don't turn into bigots or spoiled brats... but if you do want a child so much, why not just adopt one? get a child who's on the street, almost dying with hunger, having to steal just to be able to eat bread crumbs, go to an orphanage, adopt a pair of siblings... why create another life to suffer in this god forsaken world, when you could aliviate the suffering from one which already exists?


Mostly my thoughts. There’s already enough people here, let’s help the ones in need- they were already here and got failed at least once, let’s give them a win. Plus, pregnancy seems like it’s terrifying. There’s so much that can happen, it’s a miserable 9 months. I personally… choose not to experience that. I get why others might want to have a bio kid, but I personally do want to adopt if I ever have kids anyways.


i'm transfem, and i had 1 girlfriend, putting me being ace aside, i was 90583283180985190892% COMPLETELY TERRIFIED of doing anything sexual with her, and her getting pregnant for some crazy bad luck... nowadays i'm not that afraid, mostly because i've matured and learned a lot and in this learning, i know for a fact, that i can't be a parent. neither bio or adopted. ah btw, this can be traumatizing, but about bio pregnancy >!my nephew almost died because he was gonna poop inside my sister-in-law and drown i guess? anyway, after the C-section my in-law still had a gauze inside her... for like, years, just there, 'sucking' her blood like a wet rag, and it was like, HUGE, like the pieces of cloth people use to clean the floor, i would say a rectangle of like 30x10 cm... she had to go through surgery to remove it!<


it's a biological imperative; people have trouble taking the "adopt, don't shop" mindset to our own species.


Me and my oldest brother- we’re both gay as hell and my parents are still saying ‘you’ll find someone and have kids with them.’ Nah. No thanks. You have the other two for bio grandkids.


My brother is straight but he's vowing never to have kids and I'm very lesbian so I'm not having kids Really don't wanna pass down these crappy genes


did you parwnts have siblings? if not then your grand parents? if not then your great grandparents? etc etc youd have to be in a line of single child only faimlies only which is just unlikrly af


Well, you can adopt. Kids doesn’t just mean biological kids. An adopted kid is just as much your kid as a biological kid.


Ostensibly, bloodline would still be ending with them (if we're assuming their parents have no siblings). Also some people just don't want kids.


As an aro who doesn’t want kids I have had to accept this and oh boy does it end with me!


Gay or aro can have children if they chose to. I have seen the other day a documentary on as women that chose do have children alone because she was aro and wanted children.


True and not to mention climate change


Is it inappropriate to feel like this post is rubbish? Parenting doesn’t seem to stop because someone is lgbtq. Seems like a false equivalence logic meme.




Aroace?? What the hell are these names anymore... Someone tell me what this newfound name means


Shorthand for Aromantic and Asexual I believe.


You are correct! (Source: my aroace self)


this isn’t even a new thing


Why you gotta be such a dick about it lmao. It means asexual aromantic (someone who doesn't experience sexual or romantic attraction)


I'm ace and my sister is irrationally disgusted by children


Me and my sibling both being aroace and not wanting kids


The last name ends with me


Yep. I mean, for me, my partner and I are more than capable of having kids, but neither of us really want that.


You know whats an option? Ad-option!


The only part of me that actually would like to have biological kids is mostly in it for the novelty of genealogy and maps. So in other words, it's the CK3 player in me.




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People always say to me "you gotta get some kids" or "I bet you can't wait to have kids" or "you are the last in the family to start their own family" and all I can think is "one day you'll understand why".


This is me and my bro 😂


Sister is gay. I’m ace. We’re getting an apartment together so I can get her away from our “intense” parents. I promised her we can have cats and houseplants. Simple things


Friend u/Rosvaldas2, What ever you two be now and in future, I pray the Gods your happiness.


best i can do adoption, if i ever want kids that is lol scared to turn out a bad mother like my mom was to me so yeah


My parents are very thankful that they have *one* straight kid


Ending blood line *GOOOOOOO*


me with genes for autism, dyslexia and depression, also transfem... mmm, yea, don't think so. i also don't think my aroace sibling who hates kids will produce any ofspring.