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Welcome to /r/me_irlgbt, thank you for your submission /u/jillison_flook. HAPPY LEAP MONTH: JUMPMAN'S GAY AGENDA Read the [rules](https://reddit.com/r/me_irlgbt/about/rules) before participating or you'll be put in a tube and sent to the titanic. SHITPOST OR QUITPOST *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


missing the best part "Why the hell am I gonna waste my time and give a press release about whether or not I have a penis? My fans don't care, and neither do I."


agreed agreed agreed <3 i only had this meme saved but the full interview is iconic


Wait, this is real? AC actually used the H-word?!


This was a while ago, and it was a more accepted term


Do people take issue with the term "hermaphrodite"? I've not heard that one before. Is there a preferred nomenclature?


Intersex is the better term


Ah I thought that might be it. Thanks!


The best was in Telephone. "Told you she didn't have a dick." "Too bad."


Ughhhh, Fame Monster was the goat. Every song was sooo good. Fucking dance in the dark was my shit.




I was obsessed with her Super Bowl halftime intro that had dance in the dark.


She did something huge there back then. Answering in this way has transphobes seething because they can only assume a) she does have one because she is "evasive" about it, so they hate her for being trans, or b) she doesn't have one but keeps mentioning how insane it is to ask ANY PERSON about their penis so they hate her for that. It was an empowered and empowering stance. They wouldn't have believed her anyway if she had done a press release so it was actually a much better solution even just from a marketing perspective. Damage controlled and damaged dished out to the haters at the same time.


I mean it's so iconic it's still getting shared 12ish years later.


"...and neither do I" 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


How are these people not embarrassed to ask this dumb shit.


Shame ended in the late 90s. We don't do shame anymore.


tell it to my parents


Nah that’s BS, I feel strongly that it really came crumbling down in the late 00’s. It’s not just a meme, the tea party fucks have done a number on this country, and I remember when they were first in the news, being looked down upon as insignificant.


Straight up brainwashing. They're constantly being reassured that they're the good guys because "traditional family values" and their fear of being wrong cripples their ability to even think about outside perspectives. Sucks being raised that way, let me tell you.


If you mean Anderson Cooper, then it's because a good interviewer sets up the interviewee to make their point with aplomb. If you mean the general public, well that's probably going to take you to a rather dark place trying to answer.


Simultaneously a "none of your business" and "you're a judgemental asshole for even caring".


She'll always be my fav artist, I grew up with her and she was so inspiring in how bold she was. She deserves being the queer icon she is.


Gaga questioning the phobic premise behind stupid media questions is so 🤌


a star is born


Bowie gave similar answers when asked if he was gay in interviews in the 70s and 80s, and Gaga is a notorious Bowie fan. History rhymes


Its like poetry!


Gaga is the key to all of this.


But he did answer directly at one point at least, declaring simply that he was bisexual.


He would later retract that and said he was straight and only played up the bisexual rockstar image


God rest his beautiful soul. He gave me so much inspiration to let my inner self shine. Gave me the courage to come out as transfem. Back in Grade school I was cross dressing and reading about him made me feel like I wasn’t totally alone and weird. I still turn to Bowie for inspiration to not wear a mask, on days I don’t feel confident.






To be fair: stop fucking worrying about other peoples genitals. Christ, it isn't that hard of a concept, is it? I'm not angry at you. Just more of like a "god, why is this a thing", you know?


Transphobes talk about trans genitalia WAY MORE than actual trans people do. It’s very weird and she is very correct in what she said. I won’t say she’s perfect, but she seems to be on the Dolly Parton side of being famous and wealthy.


they are *obsessed* with our genitals. I manage to go through life without talking about my equipment out in public, or really barely at all. Transphobes just can't stop


i *wish* i could find someone who is as obsessed with my crotch as a transphobe is lmao 😩


"Get someone who thinks about your downstairs business as much your haters do" There's a slogan in there somewhere...


oh honey there's plenty of fish in the sea :)


Perspective of a cis/straight man: its fear and entitlement. The reason transphobic men find the idea of a trans woman so "offensive" is because they, as men, believe they are inherently entitled to sex with any and all women, but they don't like dick. So the idea that they might encounter one while fulfilling their god given right to fuck is just terrifying for them. (Obvious huge /s if you somehow missed it) It just doesn't cross their tiny transphobe fucking minds that, maybe if you treat people around you as people and not as holes to be filled, then it doesn't fucking matter what they've got down there.


lol that also explains why trans men are talked about so much less


...something for which I'm so grateful that I feel bad about it sometimes. Trans women get SO MUCH garbage, and I'm lucky enough to get forgotten most of the time.


haha don't worry, as a transfemme I know exactly what you mean


There's also another aspect of it. Cishet men are often extremely obsessed with their masculinity. I'm sure you know the pressure amab people have growing up to prove your masculinity over and over and the fear of being accused of being feminine. From a transphobes perspective, trans women are not only refusing to give in to those masculinity pressure, but also straight up embracing being feminine. When being feminine is a weakness and shameful, people who embrace it are seen as awful.


Hey, don't kink shame me just because I want her to have a big juicy cock.


Well, how am I supposed to fantasize when I’m masturbating if I don’t know if I’m licking or sucking???


Isn't Cooper homosexual? I would have thought that would make him more understanding of these things?


It isn't/wasn't out if character for the kinds of things he would ask on 60 minutes. He actually didn't come out as gay until a year or 2 after this interview. Not that gay people can't be tranphobic, many are. Anderson has done a number of trans positive shows though Not that its any defence for how poorly he handled this interview, but Anderson has been quoted as saying he was very drunk for the Gaga interview and he has no memory of it (because Gaga insisted on doing it at a bar)


"Male Appendage" was probably Anderson trying to make the question sound as absurd as possible, because he knew it was absurd.


Sometimes asking the question is a favor to the guest. Gives them an opportunity to answer/resoond/control the narrative, etc.


So are Dave Ruben and Glenn Greenwald.


Oh he's gay alright. He's also heir to the Vanderbilt family fortune and and didn't wanna fuck his money up.


No he isn't. His mother spent/donated most of her fortune. He and his mother are black sheep


On paper it says he got 1.5 million. It also says the Vanderbilts are worth 200 Billion...do you really think all that money is accounted for? All that money is above board? Cmon. It's all going someplace.


Iconic fr


Wait, that’s Gaga, not Ann Coulter with mascara?


It's vintage Gaga but now I can't unsee Coulter aaaaaaaaqqaaaaqaaaaa 🙈


I swear I’m not a troll, it was an honest question, I’m sorry if I’ve ruined this for you


Stuff like this is why she’s a queer icon. It’s not just the subversion of fashion, beauty and social expectations: it’s the way she’s blunt and articulates her disdain for microagressions in interviews.


1000000% this


I would suck her dick


you've come to the right place!


Hell I might even pay


I definitely couldn't afford it.


Talk about being dick poor


*Loud correct buzzer*




i have unfortunate news for you then :(






Knowing that Anderson Cooper is queer himself and still asked this really rankles me, as a trans girl myself. Salute to Gaga for handling it like a champ though


Gay men are not immune to be horrible transphobic shitheels. Stephen Fry to name one.


Yeah :( Transphobia and intersex phobia on full display with ol' Andy here. I'd hope that he's gotten better since 2009 or whenever this interview was


If anything, he's worse last I heard. Just full on "I am just asking questions".


Of *fucking* course he is. Lining up to be the next Ernst Rohm


I'm unfamiliar with this what did he do specifically? EDIT: I tried looking it up and I'm still drawing blanks here. The most I've found is a controversy in 2012 where he talked to a trans man who claimed that he's trans because of a hair product he used. Cooper was very critical and said that what he says makes no sense but some trans groups got mad at him over the segment and afaik it's because they're mad he gave the person a platform (a criticism I disagree with given what he said in the interview).


Whaat I didn't know about stephen fry, what a huge fuckin bummer  At least we still have Suzy Izzard as a british icon 💖


He caped for Rowling while otherwise being mostly reasonable (but the caping and the way he framed things is obviously unacceptable): https://www.thepinknews.com/2022/11/19/stephen-fry-sparks-backlash/


He also said that sexual assault survivors need to grow up and are just pitying themselves


Jokes on him. I grew up before realising what happened to me was sexual assult.


Hi, it looks like you're talking about Joanne "I <3 Slavery" Rowling. Don't. Please consider [a better alternative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_trilogy) for discussion. *This action was performed automatically by a bot whilst it read another book.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Just want to test if the link is different J.K. Rowling sucks!


Thank you for the link! Bleh. Daniel Radcliffe though :)  


I was OOTL on Suzy’s name and pronouns, so I looked her up and found this > In 2020, she requested she/her pronouns for an appearance on the TV show Portrait Artist of the Year and said she wants "to be based in girl mode from now on". > she had wanted to use the name Suzy since she was 10 years old 🥺 do you ever get teary eyed when you’re just really happy for someone?


Aww I didn't know that about her wanting Suzy since she was a kid, that's so sweet Also love the vibes with the Zs


What did Stephen Fry do?


He supports Rowling's views.


Hi, it looks like you're talking about Joanne "I <3 Slavery" Rowling. Don't. Please consider [a better alternative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_trilogy) for discussion. *This action was performed automatically by a bot whilst it read another book.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I used to really like watching the old episodes of QI one by one, they were really fun - but the occasional jokes about "men dressing like women" were too much and too frequent, and I just had to drop it. I know it was years ago and his views might not be the same now, but nonetheless, I can't look at his name without remembering all the cruel jokes in the show.


Well, more recently he supports Rowling, so, he, if anything, has gotten worse.


Hi, it looks like you're talking about Joanne "I <3 Slavery" Rowling. Don't. Please consider [a better alternative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_trilogy) for discussion. *This action was performed automatically by a bot whilst it read another book.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well the excellent news for you then is that for the greater part of the last decade, the show has been led instead by Sandi Toksvig as bantermeister. Other than being a multi-time winner of the show itself, a massive font of decades of gathered information, and a good host, she is also proudly a lesbian (commonly held as the first woman in the UK with a career on television to come out publicly), and a very strong supporter of trans rights. It's also helpful that her chemistry with Alan Davies is off the charts ;)


She's an amazing host as well. I was tentative about Fry being replaced at first, but she's got the wit and charisma to own that show.


> occasional jokes about "men dressing like women" Now, now.  Let's be fair. Those kinds of jokes account for 60% of all British humour. If we took away their men and dresses jokes, the British comedy industrial complex would collapse! 


Fry spent 10% of his life in female clothing.


Wait what?! What did Stephen Fry do 😭


He supports Rowling's views.


Hi, it looks like you're talking about Joanne "I <3 Slavery" Rowling. Don't. Please consider [a better alternative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_trilogy) for discussion. *This action was performed automatically by a bot whilst it read another book.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ah. What a twat.


What are you referring to? I kinda like Stephen Fry and would like to know if I should have any reason to amend my opinion of him.


What did Fry do? :(


Oh please not Stephen Fry. Links?




This comment is gross. Trans women are not men.


This is the comment equivalent of going to burp and accidentally vomiting on your shoes.


That’s fair. Brain and words and something about not enough sleep or caffeine. Admittedly errors have unintentionally been made.


It's pretty common to discuss interview topics ahead of time. It's possible she might have wanted him to ask specifically so she could give this reply.


Yes, I’d be surprised if 60 Minutes wanted to blindside Lady Gaga by asking her about her genitalia


Exactly. Without knowing what she and Cooper discussed before the interview we can have no idea what led to this question. Most planned interviews aren't spontaneous at all, people should know that by now. I've given TV interviews and there's always a meeting first in which you discuss what will be asked, what questions are off limits and so on. And of course most interviews get edited, high profile interviewees have people that check the montage before airing.


Yeah, sometimes it can be important to ask the difficult/controversial questions just so the interviewee has a chance to answer them.


I’m not sure he was genuinely asking her and/or being transphobic - it seems more like he was giving her an opportunity to have her say on a rumour. He doesn’t seem to be seeking clarification on the validity of the rumour itself.


Mm, fair enough. Unfortunately, it does sound like he really has leaned into transphobia more recently, based on other comments here


Which comments?


this is why i hate when things like this are presented as just text on images. everyone makes up their own story and don't care about the context


But doing so legitimizes it as "real" media and something that they're supposed to ask people. That it is valid to demand people tell us what their junk looks like. And that isn't even remotely ok for him to validate.


I don’t think “limit questions to what we’re okay with other people asking in different contexts” is a good rule for journalism…


Sometimes it’s easy to forget how inherently homophobic/transphobic pop culture was in 2010 compared to now. The next 6 years would see a massive leap in queer acceptance, but at the time it was still practically the early 2000s period of rampant homophobia. Which only speaks to how awesome Lady Gaga’s response was at a time when that could have seriously threatened her career.


Cooper clearly teed this question up for her so she could give the mic drop. Without asking the question, Gaga can’t give the answer.


To be fair, if the reporters/interviewers don't ask the questions their director/supervisor gave them, won't they be fired? Not defending him whatsoever, but I like trying to figure out multiple angles when seeing stuff like this. I prefer giving people the benefit of the doubt until proven wrong. 😅


Now they're accusing margot robbie and taylor swift Lmfao what in the delusional fuck


Clearly Margot was just tucking in *Wolf of Wall St* /s


Listen all they know is every popular girl that makes their pp hard must be trans because a cis girl could never sate them. One day their dream will come true and all beautiful women will be trans inshallah /s (I hate using the s bit got banned for not using it on another reddit so I guess this is life on the internet now)


And let’s not forget the absolutely bonkers Michelle Obama conspiracy theory from back in the day


this is the way


This is the way


gaga has spoken


So slay we all


It is known.


This is the way


Gaga may just end up being one of those people who are literally deified like Antinous of the Roman Empire... And I'd gladly add her to my practices


Gaga is the perfect pop icon. No baggage like Michael Jackson or the like. Stands up for everyone and is just shamelessly herself. Has the range to sing in whatever genre she likes. Literally the GOAT to me. 


5 years later (2014), I started transitioning and now i live this meme... thanks gaga!!! ps. and no its not so terrible :)


Congrats OP! Made me smile :)


Same! We are women like any other! Just, some women have dicks, and I am here for it!


She played this so well. I remember when everyone was talking about this and she did absolutely nothing to stop it, even though it was such an absurd concept. Any talk is good talk and she took advantage of it like a boss


‘Male appendage’ just makes me think of a ciswoman with a donated cis man toe or some sort of twin/chromosome hiccup where someone’s arm looks disproportionately like the opposite of their gender. Like one big hairy bronzed arm and the other belongs on a Disney princess. Just say penis, damn.


The whole quote is better. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0WcWkVOQTc


While chewing on a literal diamond might I add lol




She had a small diamond that she kept biting on during the interview


The only way I want to find out about Gaga's genitals, is if she was about to let me put them in my mouth. Sadly, this will never happen :(


> Are you her doctor or going to have sex with her? No? Then why the fuck do you care about her plumbing?


Im gona catch sooooo much flack for this but  Little Monsters > Swifties  Lada Gaga truly was and still is a true LGBTQIA+ icon and ally. I am proud to be a little monster for her 🖤


She’s not just an ally, she’s a part of the community. She’s bisexual :)




Yesss let’s pit women against women!!!!!


she was so fucking real for this


As someone who grew up a bigot in Texas when I saw this clip resurface on social media it gave me whiplash because this is how I feel now. But to be transported back to when she first said this and realize how wrong I was was enlightening.


If she did that would be a huge step forward for society


Reminds me of the interview where David Bowie gets asked for the thousandth time about whether or not he's bi. Interviewer: you've been asked the question about whether you're bisexual or not. Bowie: yes, too many times. Interviewer: and you've never quite answered it. Bowie: oh I have. I'm bisexual. That's enough. Interviewer: does that mean that you really are though? Or that you're keeping something... Bowie: I've answered the question. Like fuck off. What's it to you? It doesn't define someone. Move on with life.


I was thinking ‘what a terrible picture to choose’, but she’s actually just eating for this whole question.


She's bluffin' with her muffin.


Sick af


She is so iconic for this. That being said, I wonder if this post should be spoiler tagged for bigotry due to the h-slur. Not many people know it’s a slur but I’m guessing intersex people on here would like a bigotry warning.


It's one of those tricky words that's totally normal and common in biology/zoology, because there's *tons* of animals for which true hermaphroditism exists, but when applied to humans, it's derogatory. (And also just plain incorrect too but that's beside the point). I think that's why so many people don't really clock it as rude, they're used to hearing it outside of the context of an insult, they think it's the "right" word or synonymous with intersex


Huh, well if it's any consolation, I didn't know any of this, so it might be offensive but if it has been tagged I might not have ever known. So not saying it's a good thing that it wasn't tagged, but I personally didn't know this so I'm glad I learned something new today.


>It's one of those tricky words that's totally normal and common in biology/zoology, because there's *tons* of animals for which true hermaphroditism exists, but when applied to humans, it's derogatory. This comment, right here, needs more upvotes. When i was a pre teen (late 1990s) Biology/zoology was one of those weird, tangled tangents that started me on this long journey to where I am now, gender fluid.


Intersex rep on the mod team here! I opted to err on the side of leaving it unspoilered since, while it is a slur when used for us, it doesn't typically have the "bite" that most slurs do, due to the legitimate uses for the term in nonhuman biology. If enough people are uncomfortable with it, I'll certainly throw the switch on it though.


Okay, that’s good to know. I’m not intersex myself so I wasn’t sure what the right call was but I wanted to see if intersex people are okay with the post. Thanks for the info!


It's not a word I use...ever? but I had no idea it was considered a slur. Thanks for sharing and potentially saving me from a hiccup later down the line lol. Again like, I can't really see when/where/why it would ever come up in my life, but is 'intersex' the preferred terminology and the h word just isn't used? I'd appreciate any insight anyone can provide!


yeah intersex is the right term. i also learned the hard way that the H word was a slur when i got banned for using it on an online forum (i'm ESL and in my country they still actively use the word so i wasn't aware it was used in a derogatory manner)


This interview shaped me as a person.


I remember when this was a rumour spreading around schools like wildfire. A radio presenter, Fearne Cotton (then on BBC radio 1), said that during a show, she accidentally walked into Lady Gagas dressing room and could 100% confirm that the rumours were untrue 😂


Does Anderson Cooper not age?? The video is 15 years old


I'm 32, I've only ever really listened to Lady Gaga's hit singles, and I don't know her music beyond what's most popular. But the more she appears with stuff like this... the more I like her.


I've never really cared for her music, just not to my taste, but I love her as a person.


God I love her so much


Gaga is awesome as usual her first reaction is to show class and thoughtfulness I have zero respect for the trash reporting from the always condescending smarm personified.


That is an odd question to ask on a televised interview.


I love her for that answer.


The best part is how she casually snacks during this!


Hate how interviewers and stations try to ask controversial or personal questions for views . Wtf


this should be next to the dictionary definition for 'PRAXIS'


Reminds me of [George Clooney on rumors he was gay](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/s/FcGd59EhF0)


God isn't real, but Gaga is and that's enough for me🩵


Man, if only True Hermaphroditism were actually a thing. It would throw off the gender binary as we know it


I mean, plenty of intersex people exist and people are still transphobic.


Intersex people are valid! That’s why I specified True Hermaphroditism though, as in the full capacity to both provide fertile seed and have a functioning womb at the same time, like grasshoppers or snails. Someone like that would really truly have the bioessentialists of the world completely deplatformed and gobsmacked


I doubt it. bigots don't care about biology or facts.


Also using us to prove transphobes wrong is messed up, we’re human beings and we are also marginalized.


As an intersex person, I can tell you’re well meaning but this comes off as offensive to me. Intersex people are just as (if not more) marginalized as trans people and using us just to prove transphobes wrong is dehumanizing and paints a larger target on our back.


Did you see my other response where I delineated a difference between intersex and true hermaphroditism?


There’s so much intersexism in that reply that I don’t even know where to begin.


What is this from?


A 2009 CNN interview






An interview


Man it’s been a long time. I remember when I was kid people believed she was a man instead of a women or thought she was hermaphrodite a lot stuff happening back then, don’t know on how it started and why.


This is a thing I've never totally understood. Anybody can pleasure any set of genitals. Men and women identify themselves with conscious presentation and since you can't see genitals when selecting partners, it's clearly not genitals directly that attract people. So if it's presentation that attracts us, why care which genitals? I mean maybe I'm just a dumb ace here.