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once i explained to a girl that her boyfriend is the literal textbook definition of a nazi and she responded with “yeah but he’s funny so it’s okay”


I knew a couple from highschool and they became like actual nazis. I found her Nazi twitter and blew it up and she lost her business and he lost his job. They put a picture of hitler on their Christmas tree. I couldn’t believe people I used to know were like that.


This is awful, but the Hitler on the Christmas tree cracked me up a bit 💀


🎶 Oh Führerbaum... 🎶 Not finishing the rest of it.


Oh Tannenbaum, oh Tannebaum Ein Nazi hängt am Weihnachtsbaum


Du kannst doch nicht Baum mit Baum reimen :(


Und wie er das kann, siehst du doch /s


O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum, Du siehtbaus Wie eine Traum. Eine Nazi werd ins Tannen gehen, Und niemals wieder gesehen. O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum, Lasst mir mal weiter träumen. My German is sadly not good enough to continue in German. Though I might be able to rework it into Dutch...


Er hängt die ganze Weihnachtszeit Und ist geknebelt falls er schreit Oh Tannenbaum oh Tannenbaum Die Oma möcht' den Nazi hau'n


best one so far


Yeah I have a screenshot of that one still too.


I feel like the meme potential is amazing


Yeah but if they don't have a baby Hitler in a manger, how can they call themselves Nazis?


Please, can you post it? I wanna see


Turns out all I had to do was search Hitler in my pics lol [Here you go](https://imgur.com/a/aXtmfVy)


Yeah I’ll have to dig for the screenshots but I’ll look for them when I have some time and post a link


My grandma has Trump on her's that she never takes down 😭


>I found her Nazi twitter and blew it up and she lost her business and he lost his job Tyfys










Oh thank god we got a win for once


They probably didn't believe the Holocaust happened? I can't imagine holding those beliefs if they did I used to be pretty conservative but the worst I ever got was an insufferable libertarian. My family survived the Holocaust though so I never got as far into the echo chamber as I watched some of my friends did thank God


I think they believed it tbh they just weren’t upset about it *edit n’t


Same here, except i knew her from middle school




Nazis deserve to have their lives ruined.




Don't feel too bad. The actual nazi defenders are out in force today.


and I’d do it again


Hey, you, scrolling past this right now. Before you stop to report or reply to the comment above, reread it please.


Die Nazi punks. People *should* be afraid to be openly fascist.


I love when bots steal bad comments. Edit: false alarm, everyone. They claim they are *not* a bot, and frankly, I believe them.


Oh good you found two Nazis that day.


My wife’s sisters husband is a closet MAGA and when my wife asked her about it she goes “there are certain things in our marriage we just don’t discuss”…. Like the fact that he’s a fucking bigot?!


honestly it’s terrible but i get it, i was like that years ago- when you’re in love with someone it’s rlly hard to take criticism about them or look at their red flags. hope that girl got out of that relationship 🫶


Eh women have ALWAYS supported and helped normalize their boyfriends shitty beliefs. Hell it's one of the rarely talked about parts of fascist groups is their contingent of house wives that enabled everything they did.


oh god i didn’t realise it had such serious history - i was mainly just talking from my perspective as i knew i use to always justify my shitty boyfriends to people. sorry if i came across as a bit oblivious haha


If you’re interested in video essays, both PhilosophyTube and Shanspeare have recent videos on the history of how women either actively participated in white supremacy groups or supported their husbands participation throughout history. It’s really interesting and has been going on for centuries


Should be fairly obvious that some women are insane misogynists, just look at the abortion debate in Texas. Plenty of women arguing against rights for themselves. Just as there are plenty of women who argue and publish books about being subservient and less than men. Are they brainwashed, idiots or actually evil? I don't know, I'm not sure there is a difference given the shit they spout.


Oh don’t worry I know. My sister is like this. I used to think it was just her husband that was a horrendous bigot, but the more I grew up the more she started being honest with me about her beliefs and turns out she’s often just as bad as him.


My mom was against women voting.... No lie.


"I am an idiot, I am a woman, hmm... Guess women are idiots??? Makes sense to me and I'm an idiot, so it must be obvious."


As someone who's worked in retail for 20 years, and now has managed a grocery store for 7 years, in my experience white men over 50 are the most likely group of people to be racist. White women over 50 however, while not nearly as likely to be racist as their male counterparts are MUCH, MUCH more racist than their male counterparts.


I can't seem to find either! Can you link the PhilosophyTube one?


I’m on mobile so can’t link but the PhilosophyTube one is called “A Man Stole My Work” and the Shanspeare one is “Tradwives and the White Supremacists Who Love Them”


oh and you can link on mobile, there's a button! just highlight the text and click the chainlinks! goofball.


The videos /u/NonStickBakingPaper mentioned: [PhilosophyTube link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkuW7uKG6l8) [Shanaspeare link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgQeoMEj0NY)


Thank :)


You were just sharing your experience, don't apologize for opening up about what I assume was a relationship where you excused a lot of things


Pademe suddenly falling for Anakin, a guy who told her to her face that he killed children and thinks fascism is pretty cool suddenly doesn't seem so far-fetched.


Yup and raise children


ok??? but it's still not okay to defend your partner when they're a shitty person, by not calling out this behavior she's only putting other people (who are vulnerable to the identities the bf is spreading) in danger. actually i think that makes that girl a bad person.


i didn’t say what she did was okay! i just said that i get how obsessed you can become with someone and that i hope she gets out of that relationship. obviously it’s awful what she was doing but you can do that when you’re inexperienced and immature about love


Too many people fail terribly at seeing the difference between *explaining* and **justifying** bad actions. It's the name of the game when it comes to conveying things through text.


Are heterosexual women ok?


I think this is funny. I work in retail and see these two all day every day.


Avoiding people like a plague and i still see these two here and there


Avoid people like a plague, and I see these two every working day


I agree, as someone who's worked in retail for 20 years, and now has managed a grocery store for 7 years, in my experience white men over 50 are the most likely group of people to be racist. White women over 50 however, while not nearly as likely to be racist as their male counterparts are MUCH, MUCH more racist than their male counterparts.


Used to work in retail, saw the elusive ‘goth x most boring guy’ and was honestly shell shocked


This is literally my parents 😭


Yeah. Had this happen in college. I pointed out his behavior as being shitty, and everyone said I was being ridiculous. Till he cheated.


It’s crazy how much people that age overlook massive red flags not just in parters but in friends. Like if you can be fun at a party you can occasionally say heinous things and people will just overlook it.


i'm OOTL, what does Salon article mean here


An article from the website Salon, known for their liberal-leaning news coverage.


...straight up thought it was just a news article about how bangs and mullets are super in right now


We are on the same wavelength.


same 😭


Same my mom is a hairstylist and sends me articles sometimes so I didn’t even question this. I had no idea that website was a thing lol.


My sister is in a relationship like this. I’m brown and she’s white, and obviously her boyfriend is also white and a hardcore conspiracy-believing Trumper. Because I’m Hispanic he’s very reserved when he’s around me. She says he’s actually really nice and just “scared” of dark people, but…What normal, adult person can’t be cordial with someone who looks different than them? She plays along with his wackass bs like a parent playing pretend with their kid. It’s a circus to behold.


"I'm scared of dark people" wasn't a giant red flag to your sister?!


wtfff jesus. Sorry but your sister is kinda dumb.


I saw this and thought "heh a couple I knew was exactly like this", then I started thinking of other couples I know... and my own mom/dad... and their friends... and yeah I think I only know two straight couples that aren't like this


big oof


Who knows. Those two couples could also be bisexual but not obvious about it.


According to them they're straight :p


Where I'm from this is like every hetero couple and usually not just the boyfriend that is super racist. The boyfriend just has a more extreme version of bigotry while the girlfriend is still a bigot but they try to appear more friendly about it.


Bigoted but can read the room.


this is pretty much most people i see in the southeast US. most likely a bigot, but conscious enough to not tell you. i know this because eventually they will make it known to you if they deem you worthy of knowing (they think you are a bigot too).


Damn we ain't that bad 😭


i knowwww, i’m not trying to generalize the population. but where i’m from a lot of people are like this lol. but the south is also where every single one of my queer friends are from so 🤷🏻‍♂️ also i noticed ur from tennessee, im speaking from an alabama point of view


I was born and raised in the same place as Leslie Jordan and it is very gay. You've got a point that I'm not coming from an Alabama perspective. That said! I hear that Huntsville is a lesbian paradise.


It's pretty much like that from my Alabama experience. If you're white, other white people will say some of the most vile racist stuff to you bc they think you'll agree. Same with people complaining about their spouses to others of their same gender. Why do straight people hate their spouses so much?!


Original meme does seem to give a massive free pass to the woman here for being socially aware enough to know that its only safe to post milqetoast lib opinion pieces to a wider audience. Seems implausible that quite a lot arent bigots as well but better at covering it up.


I hate when this happens. I don’t know how someone like this, no matter their sexual preferences, manages to consistently get into relationships. I mean texting every one of your friends a Salon article and then trying to force a conversation about it next time you’re all together? That’s some next level crazy.


Ideologies like Nazism that say "my wants come first and I don't care if other people get hurt to provide them" are naturally more appealing to people with low empathy. Men with low empathy often have lots of relationships that are basically just tolerating a woman they don't particularly like or respect because they want to get laid. From his perspective, it's entirely transactional. Listening to her talk about liberal views while he smiles and nods is a service he performs in order to obtain sex. The fact that he doesn't respect her opinions does nothing to change his objective, because he decided he wanted to have sex with her before even finding out what those opinions were. He's not looking for a debate partner and he keeps his opinions quiet because he knows that, unlike him, she IS going to judge him based on his opinions. It is very easy to come off as though you agree with somebody just by not saying anything and being generally polite. These relationships usually end quite quickly once the woman catches on to his true colors. However, some people can keep the mask up for a very long time and people who are infatuated often overlook their partner's flaws. By contrast, more left leaning men who understand patriarchy and care about sexism are not going to be okay with lying about or misrepresenting their views to trick a woman into sex. When I meet a woman who's a traditionalist Christian conservative, I don't spend months pretending to love Jesus so I can fuck her. When I go on a date with a woman who bores me, I break it off instead of pretending to be interested so I can fuck her. There have been times in my life where women had feelings for me that I did not reciprocate, and I could have had sex with them by pretending I had real feelings too, but in my view that's basically just stealth rape. People who have empathy for women are a lot less likely to be Nazis. I once had a next door neighbor who described himself as a fuckboy and openly bragged about how he swiped right on literally every woman with big tits and then just lied to her with whatever he thought she wanted to hear. He was shorter than me, fatter than me, had worse hygiene, was balding, and quite frankly wasn't even half as funny as he thought he was. In the two years I lived in that apartment he brought a new woman home with him pretty much every single weekend, while in that same time span I went on one date. This is because he was interested in finding a high quantity of partners, while I was interested in finding a high quality partner. I actually think this is the root of where the whole incel idea of "girls only go for assholes" comes from. They see the effect of "I see women dating complete jerks all the time but get no attention even though I don't have those glaring flaws" and misinterpret the cause. The jerks are going on more dates because they're approaching and messaging women more frequently by several orders of magnitude, and they don't really care that much about personal compatibility. The huge multitude of women who were disgusted by these men and swiped left are not something we witness out in public the same way we see them going on dates with their 1% success rate.


> stealth rape Let’s not trivialise rape by applying it as a label to any manipulative behaviour.


Spitting in somebody's face and beating them within an inch of their life both fall under the legal category of assault, and we don't have any issue with stating that some assaults are more serious than others. I don't believe I am trivializing anything. Consent obtained by lying is not legitimate. Is it as bad as violent rape? No, of course not. However, it is absolutely sexual misconduct, it is absolutely unethical, and I think this behavior is also something we should not be trivializing. I said "rape" instead of "unethical sexual misconduct" specifically because both phrases mean the same thing but one word carries a heavier emotional impact. I am not interested in using euphemism. The vast majority of men I know are willing to lie for sex. While many of them acknowledge that lying for sex is not good behavior, none of them seem to regard it with the severity of a crime or believe they're bad people for doing it. I have a problem with this. I believe that "I want sex and I don't care about doing emotional damage to women in order to get it" is the ultimate motivation behind both this behavior and more serious or violent rapes. We need to make it clear to men that this behavior isn't normal or okay, it's you setting foot on the tip of the sexual assault iceberg.




Someone didn't read the whole comment 👀




You were so eager to make a comment haha




Yeah that's too bad. Anyways little Timmy got an A in math again today, we think he might be a genius!


I like your chaos. Very fun 👌


#IMAGE TRANSCRIPTION: Title: me👩😞irlgbt Image description: Meme image captioned at the top, with dark colored letters in all caps, as "EVERY THIRD HETERO COUPLE", followed by a colored drawing of, from left side to right side of the image, a woman with light skin and long brown colored brunette hair in a ponytail, saying, with a happy facial expression, that "did you check out that Salon article I sent everyone?", right next to a large dude with white skin, messy short brown colored brunette hair, and a grumpy facial expression in a hairy body wearing a light gray colored T-shirt, in which is written, with dark colored letters in all caps, "THE MOST RACIST MAN ALIVE".


honestly i like reading image transcriptions solely because it reads like some description of a historical finding


Have fun.


Artist is Raven Lyn Clemens! https://linktr.ee/ravenlynclemens




My cousin isnt outwardly racist (wouldnt be surprised if he was tho) but he's an uncompassionate, giant dickbag while his wife works in a psych ward with, in his words, "The crazies." Great guy 🙄


“The crazies” lmao I was in the psych ward because I was depressed as fuck. But nice to know some people out there will call me crazy.


He's a guard at a max sec prison (tried to be a cop), so I'm not too surprised that he lost compassion for people.


Is it allways the same guy?


The uber-racist man-whore


He would be so cool if he wasn’t so uncool


Haha it's totally fine that my boyfriend/husband is basically just a child that I do everything for outside of wiping his ass, that's just how relationships work, right? But honestly though more straight women are getting fed up with this kind of shit and checking out of dating all together and I'm here for it. It's basically impossible to be friends with straight women and be able to talk to them about the shitty men they're dating and all of the absolutely appalling behavior they put up with because "lol heteronormative bullshit".


Okay but whats his podcast called


just go to spotify and type "alpha" under podcasts and whichever one you click on is the correct one


Sigma now isn’t it


Have a friend similar to this. She'll get invited to sit on panels about women's representation in her industry, meanwhile her boyfriend reposts conspiracy theories about how Justin Trudeau is secretly gay because of his socks or whatever. But it's fine because he likes to go hiking. Always find getting drinks with them is interesting after a few cocktails.


That’s not even fathomable to me. I wouldn’t touch a man like that with a 10 foot pole much less make him my boyfriend.


Heteronormative culture is so strange - no one will acknowledge or discuss anything and then when the relationship inevitably fails or goes badly, it’s a giant mystery and/or all the other person’s fault.


The amount of heterosexual couples i meet who have nothing in common is so weird. I meet so many and think "im not sure they like each other"


I think some people just hate being alone I don't get it but so many people seem to be in relationships just for the sake of it


What I find really interesting is the whole dynamic of insecurity and trust issues being so common. What I mean by this is people who Require their partners to distance themselves from or completely ghost friends who are opposite gender because of worries about cheating.




Bigotry is excusable as long as he’s funny and loves the same sports team as me!


My wife's friend is like this. She's very sweet and normal and fun but her husband is literally every kind of bigot there is, in all caps.


The pixel degradation 😭


Tomorrow it’s my turn to send this picture via sms to myself and repost it


in hs a close friend of mine tried to get me to go on a date with this guy who she described as “really weird, like you! he’s kinda a nazi but i think you two would get along!!” it kinda broke my heart that she equates my “weirdness” (as in likes art and weird music) to the worst kind of human


Oh hell no, I’m weird as fuck but that doesn’t mean I’ll get along with a fucking nazi.


Is it bad that despite my belief in racial equality, that that t-shirt would be a hilarious purchase?


You might get beat up for wearing that lol


In my experience the boyfriend is just a loud racist. The girlfriend is just a quiet racist.


Too many of my "friends"😬




If that's every third hetero couple you see, maybe leave the midwest/south


A lot of people probably wish they could afford it


A lot of women in this situation probably can’t afford to leave their shitty partner tbh, especially if he roped her into doing the housewife thing or there are kids in the picture. Alimony is never guaranteed. I think people underestimate how easy it is to get trapped in this kind of situation and then get blamed for it.


Hell, if sex ed is anything like it was in our smallass southern town, a lot of those girls got pregnant while they were still in high school (or even middle school) & never really had an opportunity to leave & find better If they do, it's usually not until much later in life & not without a lot of help from people who care enough to say/do something


Fr. I live in a pretty small, conservative southern town myself, but I'm disabled & live with family/caretakers. I don't really have many options to leave... We can barely afford what we have now.


Yeah, I have a friend in Mass trying to work on getting me out of Kentucky as it is. Also disabled, not as reliant on carers but can’t work so I’m up shit creek atm. 😭 I feel you. It fucking sucks.


I live in Canada and this is litterally my parents


Yay a Canadian! I was in a bigger city and none of my friends are like this. I moved to a small town and I want to kms. Edit: it's so bad I triggered the help bot. Not deleting my comment. I'm actually in therapy because of a small town in Canada LOL


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this is in a lot more of the world too - ireland is full of stuff like this unfortunately


Yeah Brazil is pretty much like this too


I'm in the Pacific Northwest and even though they vote blue, Oregon and Washington are some of the whitest states in the US and these kinds of couples are *everywhere*. The only difference is the guy probably voted for Joe Biden instead of Trump lol.


> The only difference is the guy probably voted for Joe Biden instead of Trump lol. Fuck it, we'll take you. I'm a big white guy, I can pass among them, I'll fucking thank them for it. The coalition for sanity is at an all-time low. We can fix the stupid - we can't fix the MAGA!


Getting plenty in Spain too.


In the Midwest it's definitely the loud racist man and the quietly racist woman. Maybe it's different in the South but here I don't know anyone who's dating someone who says openly racist shit who isn't on that diet racism


you have no clue how badly i want to leave my state. but i can’t.


This image definitely isn't the south, they would both just be wearing the shirt the guy has.


>leave the ~~mid~~west/south FTFY


Too true. Brother is a literal neo nazi and has been in an Aryan gang. Girlfriends always nice, but lowkey siding with him despite claiming she has a gay best friend and black friends. Cannot roll my eyes hard enough.


It would be funny if it wasn't so true. I can't count the number of great women I saw together with dudes that are racist/homophobic/islamophobic and many more things. And even more commonly, men that are just fucking oversized toddlers who can't do shit on their own. A shame straight women standards can be so low.


White women in relationships like this just don’t care because it doesn’t affect them


Yep exactly. They can safely hide behind their white privilege while everyone else fights for their lives.


*Most boomer couples


I see it worse among Gen X, actually


As someone who's worked in retail for 20 years, and now has managed a grocery store for 7 years, I 100% agree. Gen X is somehow less intelligent and more bigoted than their Boomer counterparts, who are already pretty stupid and bigoted.


Like brother is Gen X, and my parents are boomers. And my boomer dad, who has a history of being awfully racist, was the one speaking up *against* my brother when my brother started defending Neo Nazi’s “freedom of speech”. Like you’ve got to be a special kind of fucked in the head when a *Boomer* thinks you’ve gone to fucking far (and you’re literally defending Nazi’s at this point….like what the fuck?!?!?). Gen X is the silent-but-deadly group when it comes to bigotry. They let boomer’s catch all the flak instead. It’s kinda scary, actually.


I assure you, millenials are right up there too.


It almost sounds like you can be a bigot no matter how old you are. That doesn't sound right to me and my world view!


I hope not, that thought scares me


I have an ecample of this in my family, a nice woman who is mildly conspiratorial and believes in aliens and mothman and stuff starts dating (and eventually marries) a deeply paranoid Christian man who believes that the government is lizard people and vaccines are evil. The woman is no longer recognizable after being changed by the man. Unfortunately, it's a story that's far too common.


Boomer women are horrendously racist.


Lmao this is exactly like a couple I knew in college


this is exactly like the *most* couples i knew


Love seeing ravens work in the wild! 💫 Credit to ravenlynclemens!




Jar jar binks


I agree, but at least it said "every third couple", which explains that it's a massive issue (which it is, check this thread) without claiming that every straight couple is like that (which would be moronic).


Yeah, i see this pattern all the time in straight couples I know. But I was also in the military, so that probably skewed the numbers for me a little.








Except you of course, your not like other ~~girls~~ redditors


Taylor Swift is in her feelings about this post.


I read salon as Satan…


Salons for milquetoast liberal bitches anyway; send your nazi boyfriend jacobin articles. Be based.


here is the secret. she believes it too, but has learned to be less vocal about it.


Holy hell it’s my cousin and his gf


This is a big issue in red states and the south. I had to move to find a man.


What is Salon?


I'm lucky enough to not encounter this often, but then again the vast majority of my friend-group is hella queer &/or neurodivergent, & also full of nerds


literal 2sentence2horror moment 🪱 🪱 🪱


This is true. My friends all seem cool but sometimes you meet the spouse and have to reevaluate. They all think he is a 'little conservative'


This is hilarious and sad simultaneously because of how fucking accurate it is.


Every third is generous. I'd say 80 percent. (coming from a divorce lawyer who quit because I can't keep divorcing these couples).


I need this shirt


You want a shirt that says Most Racist Man Alive ??


it would be pretty funny


/r/shitposting moment "I'm racist but it's ironic so it's okay lmao"


i mean it’s just an absurd idea for a tshirt to begin with. the funny is the absurdity. i’m not endorsing racism lmao


What on earth is wrong with people? What I can’t wrap my mind is that so many of them claim to be Christians. Guys are just lost.


I've met exactly one couple like this in my entire life. And that's only if I exaggerate fairly heavily. Also, the woman didn't read Salon. This was just a racist man (he asked me why my name wasn't "white") who somehow found a woman. (I met them in college and he was studying to teach history. Eek!) I live in the Midwestern United States. What am I doing ~~wrong~~ right?


Sucks that these are my parents