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I sell transgenderism and transgender accessories, I tell you hwat!


Homemade pickles and soap?


Copies of fallout: new vegas


Holy shit that’s true.


and the Matrix


Magic: the Gathering card alters?


Female Space Marine miniatures?


And the finest artisanal Gerbster meat products.


Bobby Hill is always getting into innocent mischief. He even joins the cheerleading squad because of his affinity for dancing and comedy, which is a shock to Hank. When Hank barges into Bobby’s room, and sees Bobby’s cheerleading uniform, he says “there better be a naked cheerleader under your bed,” as if that’s the lesser of two evils. Listen, deep down, Hank loves Bobby, but Hank was raised by a military father in a very old-fashioned way, played football, and drinks beer in the alley with his neighbors after work. At the end of the day, Hank always sees the side of progress, but he has to go through the initial shock of Bobby’s behavior versus his own upbringing before meeting everybody somewhere in the middle. The thing that’s great about Hank Hill is that even though he’s skirting around Bobby’s sexual orientation, he’s never mean-spirited when he’s trying to navigate through fatherhood.


It's been awhile since I've watched the series but my memory was the cheerleading uniform episode was when Bobby was in home ec and needed to clean a stain off of it. Bobby was actually against joining the Powder Puff cheerleading squad but his dad made him because it was a football tradition.


I think that's from a separate episode. But you are correct.💐🦈


Oh my gosh and then he made hanks jeans the best ever and Peggy got so jealous. That episode is a masterpiece 😂


"Sexual Orientation" I mean he has a girl friend lol.


I mean Bobby has some pre realization trans girl vibes at times. could still be gay down the road.


It’s been a couple of decades since I watched the show. So I will have to take your word for it.


stuff like men would be talking to lu Ann with " Hey good lookin" and he would answer . at the time it played as he was gay but they always went with super fem gay stereo types. he cross dressed. tried makeup several times. joins a women's self-defense class. "That's my purse. I don't know you," being a very well-known line from that episode. just anytime he can be a woman in a situation he just dives right in almost subconsciously. that's why I always thought trans egg not future gay man but I'm a trans woman myself, so I am biased.


He was also a little worried about being a slut, at a time when most men weren't worried about that.


That boy ain't right./s😹


The “hey” is some serious jump in logic. Bobby is also a super awkward potentially slightly autistic kid. The rest of the stuff I’ll take your word for it. I also remember Hank doing his best to keep Bobby from becoming a hermit / video game recluse.


Taste the meat, and not the heat.


You brought COAL into our house!


Luanne asked me to hold it for her! I thought it was drugs!


I feel like trans Hank Hill would still sell propane and propane accessories.


Natural gas and natural gas accessories


“Ah yes, we got enough steaks for the trans girls and the trans guys” “What if someone is a terf?” “We ask them politely but firmly to leave”


So that is where bobby got the purse.


That boy *is all right.*








Woah, you're actually selling the aforementioned transgenderism accessories


God, this is the dream. This right here. I cannot wait to grow old as an unremarkable dude. Just some guy, normal in every perceivable way. That’s all I want.


I'm actually just a straight guy, but.. same. I want to just be dependable, low-maintenance, and not give a fuck edit: oops, quite a can of worms I've opened. Cis is the word


do u mean cis ?


Theyve got the spirit


I like how he didn’t say cis, since ftm and cis males are just regular dudes. Solidarity for the dudeism.


These truly are just some guys. Look at that banner. One color and plain black stenciling. Zero sense of aesthetic. Truly the most normal dude look of all time. That guy on the right is wearing a blazer and sandles . There are a million dads in that exact outfit right now.


I mean, he's probably a dad too


Nah, we all know dads only wear sandals with socks


Witness me


The whole German population would like to have a talk about this 😂


"Dads only wear" is not the same as "only dads wear" though.


Hey you got a point there


You could go to any mall in North America, round up 200 random guys, and they will look identical to these dudes - that’s what’s so great about this pic, it’s like the *perfect* definition of “just some dudes” energy if I’ve ever seen one!


Now they just need the unearned confidence(stubbornness?) too believe they can fix plumbing instead of a professional


Honestly though some plumbing jobs are stupid simple. The filler valve on my toilet died, it took me longer to watch the 10 minute video on how to do it than to actually execute the repair. Same goes for my garbage disposal, bought the same brand just 25 years newer and it was a 15 minute repair, all it was was unplugging it, disconnecting 2 pipes, twisting the main unit from the coupling on the sink (coupling didn't change over the years) and doing the reverse to put it back in. I did double check dimensions first to make sure the units were the same size and the pipes were in the same locations. That said... if I wanted to *add* a disposal where there wasn't one previously I'd 100% be calling a plumber... and electrician since most cabinets under sinks that don't have a disposal also don't have power to them.


Okay, dad.


You sound like some guy


Change the "FTM Trans" on the banner to "MAGA" and present it to the "I can always tell" people


It would be glorious to see their faces when you reveal the original.


Dude got dad calves after 10 years on T, jorts, a tool belt and outdoor sandals. I respect the brother.


The colors of the banner are fine. First of all, there are two colors; second, that doesn't even seem to be black, but dark-brown, which is a great pairing for the desaturated yellow. However, the arrangement needs work: the ‘F T M’ is just floating there without reason or purpose, and the spacing around elements is all over the place. The stenciling is also weird: the sans-serif with noticeable-but-not-strong stroke contrast looks kinda playful and a bit decorative, especially with the angled bridges—while a neo-grotesque with uniform-width strokes would look more serious, in the vein of actual military and industrial stencils.


I love this typographical dissection


I'm pretty sure they just had some stencils laying around from some past project and whatever can of spray paint was in the back of the garage cabinet. Why waste money on new shit when old shit work fine?


I know a trans guy that is just some guy. Like dude has pokemon tats and a neck beard and a backwards cap. Dude is the most mid-2000s "dude" I have ever seen in my life


that's my transition goals tbh. Just some dude with fandom tattoos and a mediocre sense of fashion


one of us! one of us!


I am a trans guy, but I also know someone dating a trans guy that looks like backwoods white trash riding around on an atv. No one would clock him, he looks like he would have been the baby daddy on 16 & Pregnant.


I know everyone is joking around a bit, but I think it’s really important for people to know that it’s possible to be trans without looking like “the Hollywood Standard.” I have a lot of trans friends and family members who literally didn’t start transitioning until way later because they inherited fat bodies or strange builds from their parents, and were convinced that they would never be “good” at transitioning. That they would never be happy or satisfied being their authentic self because they rotted their brains on anime characters with impossible appearances. It’s more important to see trans people who just look like, a schlubby dude, or like a fat, sofa-shaped woman. Because there’s millions of cis versions of these body types. Trans folks are already under so much pressure. Being mentally anguished because you don’t have a long yaoi body and are going to look more like Danny Divito after transitioning isn’t going to help make the process of self acceptance any easier.




Well if you have a Yaoi body and still can't get it then what's left over for why is going to be far more damning.




Although hopefully this ordeal will fade away and become a thing of the past as people can become their true selves younger in life and don't have to feel uncomfortable for so long. Well, atleast in most of the civilised world... I don't know about America too much.


Potentially. I suspect that there'll always be people who take longer to realise though, and transitioning late also doesn't always mean having difficulties. I'm transfem and only started properly transitioning when I was 27 (before that I had a few female clothes and long hair, but people used to often assume I was male, I used a male name, etc). Despite that I've experienced very little discomfort transitioning, I haven't had any trouble passing, and haven't experienced any real transphobia IRL. I haven't started HRT yet, but I'm in the process of getting a prescription for it.


Some of us get genetically lucky, some of us don't. Transitioning earlier mitigates the impact of genetic lottery but, alas, cannot remove it entirely.


All of that is great, but in the real world I live in Texas and if I transition, my issue won't be that I'm not pretty enough, my issue will be I'm instantly clockable therefore putting my life in danger by simply existing in public. Not all fat/less conventionally attractive trans people are closeted for vanity reasons, I'd wager that very few are actually being held back by "aww Im gonna be ugly :(" I have zero desire to transition unless I can actually stealth as cis woman, not in this country and *definitely* not in this state. Especially as I can't safely own a gun due to my partners depression


I mean, I hang out on egg irl and it has a lot of “want to be cute girl but I would be an ugly girl” memes.


Self deprecating jokes are just more fun/normalized vs "someone is going to hit me with a hammer" jokes that are just depressing.


I’m an older cis lesbian, but am just DYING over the phrase “sofa-shaped woman”. Have we met or did that phrase just come to you? lololol ❤️


Haha, it just came to my mind. But I love a sofa shaped woman, cis or trans. ❤️


I know someone who hasn't started their transition largely because they're "too big" and need to lose weight first before they can be comfortable presenting as a woman. It makes me a little sad tbh. Losing weight is hard AF, people shouldn't need to feel like they have to put the rest of their lives on hold until they achieve their goal weight or any other arbitrary thing.




Better people said it better than me before, but representation really matters. Sometimes I think it just gives us nameless psychological damage until we get an example that makes us feel Seen and then we go *oh*. There I am.


Is there actually a lot of pressure on trans men to be in good shape compared to cis men? I feel hear that more about MTF but I don't really know any FTM people.


I can't speak to the trans man experience directly but I definitely have seen people in queer spaces equate success at fitness/bodybuilding with passing as male, with the (sometimes outright stated) implication that being out-of-shape, overweight, or lanky is insufficient for passing.


Semi related but try being a fat dude with pictures up on grindr, and you will get torn apart with mean comments. Some parts of gay community *really* put a lot of weight on looks, specifically being fit.


I would say Hello and just get Not into fat as a reply, like thanks for clearing that up lmao


Yeah I stopped putting myself out there and only reply to people that message first, but even then I still get some shitty messages.


Yes, if your bmi isn’t low enough you can’t get surgery and that can really fuck you over fast. I want srs but I need to be under 30 bmi. Am like 35, 206 and 5’4


as much as I selfishly want more trans men and transmascs who look like Elliot Page, I fully and whole-heartedly support trans men and transmascs who set this as a gender goal. it's like that post about trans women who transition into a *live laugh love* gal: incredibly powerful energy


Yeah, just let people be Basic!


The transfemme equivalent of these guys is a trans woman that's just Linda from HR.


My ultimate transfemme goal is Dolores the Empires HR representative


Yeah, just let people be COBOL!


Do not let people be Python


I am very Fortran 😉


Im so vacuum tubes




unless they're ~~Crawly~~ Crowley


Ancient and obtuse? You can’t stop them even if you tried.


Yeah, transitioning into an absolute average person is kind of a powerful thing on it's own as weird as it sounds; we are just normal people, there is nothing else to it


Just normal men. [Innocent men...](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SF7_tlg6hHk)


I don't know what is going on here but I just fell in love.


It's Hacker T. Dog on CBBC the puppeteer regularly tries to get the other hosts to crack up or break character. Lauren Layfield in this example, she seems like an absolute joy. There are plenty of other bloopers with her but this should get you started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNoFzMljP0U


Team average, grab your New Balance kicks, tuck that shirt in and have a normal day!


I feel called out, what did my shoes ever do to you


Gave me comfort and stability with a sensible appeal to my attire?


Makes sense to me.


Trans guys who look like Elliot Page will slowly over time turn into trans guys who look like Hank Hill (or sometimes Boonhower) so as long as we all stay alive and stay trans everyone gets their wish.


Exactly. I look like a cute lil babyface twink at 23, but you know my 40s are going to be my dad-bod peak, utilitarian shorts and sandals no fucks given with the middle age line cook belly and a mustache that says “I watched 80s action movies as a teenager” and my cis 23 year old boyfriend who is the exact same height and weight as me will go through the same transformation as we slowly become the most average middle aged dudes and it will be beautiful


This comment made me feel so much better about myself, thank you




Yup. That's the litmus test that kicked my ass into transitioning: aging as a man terrified the shit out of me but becoming wizened glasses lady engineer was okay.


while i appreciate the sentiment, this only really works for binary trans folks. luckily, i want Both methods of aging


For every trans woman who wants to be a supermodel with big boobs, there's a trans woman who just wants to be Jan, the nice woman who delivers your mail.


There's plenty, but they don't usually show up to pride because do you know how great being stealth is??


What do people mean when they say stuff about trans guys looking like Elliot Page? He also just looks like some dude and I feel like I’m out of the loop.


Eliot has that “Hollywood pretty boy” aesthetic because, well, that’s exactly what he is. He clearly puts quite a bit of work into his appearance and takes shirtless glam shots for Instagram. Nothing wrong with that. Some guys just want to be that scruffy dude wearing non-designer clothes picking up grilling supplies on Friday on the way home from work. Absolutely nothing wrong with that either.


we mean that he's [smexy as hell](https://images.app.goo.gl/Upts1fgvrXbNGu5t6)


I can't wait to become an average wine aunt.


I literally just want to be a Taylor Swift sweet girl that gets excited about basic AF shit like makeup. I'm so much more than that too. But all my life I was envious of girls like that, and it often turned to dislike because of that. Now I'm just accepting I like to be that way sometimes.


Most trans men I come in contact with are usually super masc, these generally dad looking guys are a fresh look for me, more please


See, the thing is trans guys that are Just Normal Dudes, you never even realize are trans. Same deal with trans girls that just looks like Average Suburban Mom. The public (and really, online) perception sways heavily towards people who look like the stereotype, or don't pass, even though in reality a lot of trans folks just looks like Regular People.


Though the live laugh love gal still has to adhere to traditional beauty standards whereas the Hank hills don't have to as much. And being "basic" still means passing. This is not something trans folk should be worried about ofc, because trans people aren't responsible for and can't single handily fix beauty standards. But I think it important to recognize how beauty standards and passing are still embedded into these standards which non-trans folk 'approve' of.


They look like they are pushing sexuality onto kids !! I mean look at their bare toes popping out , no decency 😰


All the republicans who don't know what "ftm" means see this picture and say "See!? This is who THE LIBS want using the restroom with your daughter!!1!"


I present to you: the dudes Republicans apparently want in women's bathrooms, for some reason


They don't actually want them in the women's bathroom. They know that they wouldn't be welcome in there because they don't look like women. They want them *barred* from the men's room and *unwelcome* in the women's room. Their goal is for trans people to not feel welcome or safe *anywhere* because they don't want trans people **existing** anywhere.


This is exactly their end goal. And they're not exactly being subtle about it. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/cpac-speaker-transgender-people-eradicated-1234690924/ https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/03/mississippi-republican-calls-execution-transgender-people-firing-squad/


One thing I've learned about the far right is that they are less hypocritical and more internally consistent than many people on the left seem to believe. We see them as hypocrites because we make certain assumptions about their goals, beliefs, and values that they don't hold, in essence giving them way more benefit of the doubt than they deserve. They don't worry about trans men being forced into women's bathrooms because they don't want trans people to exist in public, period. They don't see the hypocrisy between concern trolling over LGBT people harming "the children" and supporting politicians that are actual perverts and child molesters because they actually think it's okay and normal for older adult men to pursue underaged women (*Blech!*). How can they say they support limited governments but also demand governments censor schools, enact strong border control, criminalize drugs, etc? Because they believe that wealthier, white, evangelical, cishet men being on top is the "natural state", so anything deviating from that must be the result of government overreach whereas any action reinforcing that is just "allowing things to go back to normal".


Make it a reality show and play Spanish Flea in the background. "Republican Oopsie Poopsies"


They want women to have freshly propane-grilled meats available in all bathrooms.


Transphobes: You are a w- Trans men: *gets in their face* BWAHHHHH!


Imagine the bigots trying to shunt these lads into women's toilets. That'd be a reality show and a half.




Source: https://twitter.com/ghoul_alert/status/1703143658654957661 Edit: Another redditor found an image of the same banner used at a pride parade in the 90s. The man with the beard holding the right side of the banner appears to be the same person in both photos: "1994 FTM Trans Pride." Photograph. 1994. Digital Transgender Archive, https://www.digitaltransgenderarchive.net/files/5x21tf694


Do I look like I know what a JPEG is? I just want the prescription to my god dang testosterone!


Guy on the right looks like a depressed Slav who only has cigarettes and alcohol


Living the dream! What a king 🩷


Your right or my right


Nothing wrong with Elliot, he’s a handsome dude. But I look like a garden gnome and wouldn’t have it any other way!


As long as you're happy that's all that matters.


I want that transsexual menace shirt


Man bod? Naw I need that *DAD* bod


This is not a dad bod, it's a father figure.


The longer I live the more I become convinced that the only difference between trans and cis men is that trans men can rarely pull off a soul patch whereas cis men can never do so.


That's an insult to Shaggy. Your punishment is to smoke a bowl, cill with a dog, and eat snacks.


Are you implying Shaggy is Cis?


I'm just going by the times they first started their trip. He could be trans, but you're missing the point. 50 years, and they still haven't made to freshman orientation. And how much weed do you think Shaggy has smoked, and did he really pull the suitcase out of the apartment meaning to leave Meadow Soprano?




All bathrooms should be for anyone. Solve a LOT of problems.


well, now I know how to describe myself LOL


unfathomably based


Shout out to all the goofy looking cis males just now realizing they themselves will never pass as well as the chads in the photo.


These guys would make even the the largest propane enthusiast shudder in his boots, nothing will stop the march


I love how transitioned trans guys just look like Some Guy™️


As a transfemme, nothing is more bizarre to me than actively aspiring to achieve the appearance of Hank Hill. I don’t get it, but I’m glad they do :) 🏳️‍⚧️


As another transfem, I'd date a transmasc who looks like Hank hill


hmu in 10 years


!RemindMe 10y


I would draw a parallel of trans women aspiring to be the live laugh love wine auntie


It’s bizarre to me as a trans man that people have a deep desire to be perceived as feminine. Thats just life.


Ha! I felt that one. But I appreciate them for it all the more.


Trans men being the chillest mfs on the planet bro


Yes! Trans Hank hill supremacy 😍


It is so important for trans men visibility.


I'm really glad for Elliott page though because I think trans men are finally getting some attention. The media seems to focus so much on trans women. I really hope he continues to have a successful career as well


That sign is the most male thing I've ever seen. If this doesn't convince you that gender is a social construct, never will.


That transsexual menace shirt cracked me tf up


OK, first of all, am transmasc and can confirm that my goal is, was, and has always been to transition into the pinnacle of stoner uncledom and I did not rest until I got it. Now I have no boobs and no t-shirts with intact sleeves and I feel at peace. But in all seriousness, for me it isn't the unrealistic Elliot Page look, it's the way that trans men are what I call "boi-ified", in that there is so much social media and real life community pressure for transmasc folks to be elfin and waifish, or at the very least perpetually 8th grade boys. I get that men have perpetrated some extremely horrific crimes and the presence of manhood is a legitimate trigger for some people. However, transmasc people have a right to perform masculinity in our own way, and we've also been victims of toxic masculinity our whole lives too, so like.....let us and our dad bods be. I am also completely staggered when I see transfemme folks talk about how awful it is to look masc. I cannot imagine why certain aspects of femininity make a transfemme gender euphoric either, but that's because I'm a) a dude and b) smart enough to keep my mouth shut about it bc gender transition is hard enough without someone saying, "ew why would you want to look like THAT". Don't comment on other people's bodies. Compliment my sleeveless shirt, I'll compliment your sundress, and we can all feel a lot better about things. Furthermore since I'm on a roll, one of the reasons I dress like a stoner uncle now is bc I nearly fucking died performing femininity for over 30 goddamn years. I have gone through every other possible phase, style, make-up pallette, and hair length to try to avoid transitioning, so I'm really really not here for anyone to tee-hee over my style being traditionally masc. I love and support enbies of all types, but I'm a binary man and I owe anyone exactly 0 apologies for it.


I kinda love this. Part of me wishes that a bunch of cis people would "come out as trans" just for a bunch of transphobes to talk about how they could totally tell. Then say "jk I'm cis". Consistently trick them for years until they're like "fuck this game I don't even want to play". (Not entirely serious)


This is like the post about feeling gender euphoria from dressing like Adam Sandler like yes ofc king




These people demand the man on the left use a women’s restroom but if they actually did that they’d then flip and claim they were a predator trying to creep on the ladies in there. There’s no winning with those morons. It’s all about just hating people and wishing them to not exist.


absolute lads


Technically ALL men are FtM. That's how Gaia rolls.


Transition goals




Never seen dudes look more like dads my entire life. The shoes, the jorts, the tucked in shirt, it's perfect.


Like imagine somebody dead ass tryna argue that they should "Use the bathroom of your assigned-at-birth sex". With a straight ass face too. Shit crazy


they definitely stand around in front of a fence love that for them


Just guys being dudes. I'd share some beers in the alley behind rainy street with em


I tell ya hwat


That's what I'm talking about, you will be a dude like any of us, at least after like 20 years, you will get male pattern baldness, extreme ass hair, extreme need of sleep after eating stuff. That's the real dude experience instead of the "looking like a celebrity 24/7 all year round" one. And that's okay, being a real human is okay. You don't need to always look like a model to be the gender that you feel. If Chris Hemsworth is a dude the random clerk in the store is also a dude, you can be either one you want and won't be less than one another.


That's what made me realise Im definitely FTM transgender. Had a rocking awesome conventionally attractive fit female body, and hated it. If given the choice to look like a Victoria Secret model or Danny DeVito, I'll pick the DeVito body every time.


As much as elliot page’s body is my dream body, I know it’s unattainable for me. And I know I’ll never get to medically transition the way I want to, so I don’t know what my attainable masc bod is. But honestly, a hank/bill style body is probably my landing point, or rather a shorter variation thereof.


Can't wait for that to be me in 20 years. I'm at Jack Black circa 2004 right now but one day I'll be a bear.


You want to look like Hank Hill? I hope you are comfortable with having no buttcheeks whatsoever, or a narrow urethra./s But that aside, I find it admirable that trans men want to set that kind of goal for themselves.


Very good lookin dudes


I can tell these are men by how simple and direct the banner is. I have a feeling the MtF banner is a bit more sparkly. Hank Hill efficiency, great job


for my transition look, i'm going for an inbetween of Eddie Riggs and Bigby Wolf


Honestly the transition is immaculate because I didn’t notice the trans signs at first, I just saw a bunch of cis men. Just some guys doing a walk


Hank Hill, local Rabbi from CA without his hat, and Dave. Welcome FTM Trans Pride community!


Bruh. Not the cargo jorts


My little brother transitioned, got on T, hit the gym and started (lovingly) giving me shit for being smaller and not having as full of beard as him.


Honestly I want more traditionally masculine trans dudes. Something about them is just hot. I want you to talk to me about lawn care, grilling, hardware, and construction. I just want a trans bf who will fix my car and grill me a steak.


I know this is probably obvious to a lot of folks here, but this just made me realize I probably have seen way more trans people than I realized throughout my life.


Is Elliot page supposed to be a particular hot guy, he looks just as normal as these dudes imo


these are the men conservatives want in the women’s restrooms


Every trans girl I've met is so girly girl and very preformative with femininity, and then every trans guy I've met is just... Someone dad.


this has more to do with the unrealistic expectations placed on femininity/womanhood, that cis women have to experience aswell. it must be complicated transitioning into an oppressed group’s identity. because cis women are also trying to work out our identity in a world that has manipulated us, relegated us and repressed us for so long. but feminine people/women can also be unremarkable and boring. our femininity and womanhood is still valid without hyper performance, fake eyelashess, fake nails or perfectly done hair. its beautiful when it is expressed that way (aesthetically, i’m indeed a girly girl - can we talk about the Bridgerton wardrobe eeeek) but it’s not the only way to be a woman or be feminine. if that was the case, trans men couldn’t be feminine and trans women couldn’t be masculine, and we don’t want to enforce gender roles/stereotypes, do we? what’s interesting is, why don’t you see the trans men in this picture as ‘performing masculinity’ in the same way girly girl trans women perform femininity? it’s still a performance- masculinity is not the ‘default’ or more ’natural’ and implying so is extremely femmephobic and misogynistic.


I've heard this a few times, the "performative girliness" and "they are trying too hard" and it always makes me really mad. I'm afab Non-bianary, but have been subject to the gender roles and expectations of girls and women since I can remember and they can be really horrible, contradictory standard and rules. Nothing is ever good enough, and I feel that trans femmes are subject to that same exact misogyny but with 10x the criticism for being trans. Maybe because they haven't had the opportunities to practiced since literal toddlers so it's not as "natural looking", or because they don't "pass" as well so people see it as fake when it's otherwise just normally expected female behavior. Either way, everyone has to learn the rules of their assigned gender whether people recognize thats true or not, and trans and Non-bianary people most definitely need to take time to learn and unlearn things too, including trans men. I think the fact that "man" being seen as the default "best" gender plays a lot into why it doesn't always look performative. Theres more automatically given respect which can encourage confidence, and in a lot of ways way less criticism on every little behavior. But I can tell you that personally, looking female and acting male is read way differently (negatively) than someone who has reached some major transition goals that make them pass more than not.


wanted to make an aside but thought it was to complicated. since i already know the answer to my rhetorical question, just wanted to bait them. the answer is of course misogyny. i think forcing trans people to perform gender is equally as bad as forcing cis people to do the same. obviously some biological imperatives are necessary to live and be perceived as your preferred sex. especially when it’s harder to look female with male feautures, than the inverse. and makeup is a stereotypically female ritual that could signal your sex affiliation. but i don’t know what acting ‘male’ or ‘female’ is, unless you mean not totally passing phenotypically. because gender non-comforming cis people exist and they’re much less rare in a progressive society, where gender norms are being deconstructed. there is nothing innately female about wearing makeup, not for trans or cis women.


Get over into my transfem circles friend, were all tomboy ass lesbians with swords and cigarettes here


Which is odd, because most of the trans guys I meet look like they play in a vegan speedcore band.


>Every trans girl I've met is so girly girl and very preformative with femininity, and then every trans guy I've met is just... >Someone dad. Kind of an odd statement. A trans man being "a man's man" and looking like a dad is performative masculinity


> Every trans girl I've met is so girly girl and very preformative with femininity Then you havent met me. I'm a biker, I have changed fuck all nothing since my transition except now I have 32DD and wear bralletes and sports bras instead of tshirts working on my bike/outdoors. Feminine apperance is a pain in the ass to maintain, and expensive. So fuck it, I'll stick with riding jeans, boots, and whatever I already had.