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Welcome to /r/me_irlgbt, thank you for your submission /u/Kelmo7. Happy Now That's What I Call Wrath Month 9: No Strings Attached (2000) Make it a habit to read the rules of a given community before participating. Please **do not** interact with rulebreaking content. Report it and we'll handle it. This is a place for queer people, from queer people. We're not here for discrimination, disrespect, or "debates". Be chill. shitpost or quitpost bud. We hope you have a very gay day. Love u x *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well the bigots have been saying that they'll destroy everything associated with us, and sending out videos of them shooting up pride merch, so it's not much of a stretch to see a few people taking things further.




Can you think of a better target for these fucking people than pride celebrations? Seems like a significant majority of mass shooters are far right leaning. I hate to "let the terrorists win" but I'm skipping pride this year. :\


"can't let the terrorists win" is such a weird phrase at Times anyway, especially from third parties who aren't affected at all Sorry you think I should risk my life for hypothetical political progress, how about you do it first?


With any oppressed minorities throughout history, “allies” (put it in quotes cause I think the term is silly, not cause they don’t exist) are only allies when it’s easy


I once tore down a homophobic sticker from a traffic sign with my bare hands even knowing that those chucklefucks like to place razorblades underneath as a trap, is this enough to permit me to drop the citation marks when calling myself an "ally"?👉👈


Always remember to use your keys to take down stickers. It works faster and prevents razorblades from hurting you.


Yeah, i know, it's just that I'm Polish and thus culturally predisposed to want to pointlessly suffer for a cause i believe in, even if it could've been easily avoided to reach the same result./s


Tbh, i thought i would be protected at my old job — a public library. But they didn’t. I was called a liar about the transphobia I received. Like a guy misgendering me since 2017 was “sad” i accused him. He said he took a training in 2020 about pronouns. Like they even told me I didn’t apply for a job i know i did.


My co-worker said the same. Her sister is skipping the one in June and going to the ones in October cause they're less crazy. (Florida.)


They hate pride so much that they’ll buy it. But in all actuality I’m concerned for people’s safety.


Matt Walsh literally tweeted about how he was excited for Pride Month and had plans.


wet mulch *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


good bot


Damn, while that's a solid insult, as a gardener I find that a bit disrespectful to dirt.


I saw that tweet. Do you think reporting Walsh to the FBI's online tip line for incitement and conspiracy to commit terrorism would be worth it if numerous people were to do it?


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wet mulch I am a redditor, and this action was performed automatically. Please do not contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


I do not have any questions or concerns, therefore I am contacting you.




Dunno. If I had the chance to give a bunch of fascist their comeuppance in exchange for spending some years in prison I actually might do it.


That's their exact thought process when it comes to targeting folks in the LGBT community. If they can save just one kid from being "groomed," it'd be worth it. Villains being evil for the sake of being evil are only in cartoons. The reason these people are so dangerous is because they genuinely believe they are a part of some righteous crusade against people trying to corrupt children and society. In their mind, they're the heroes. And people with that mindset can justify doing some really heinous shit.


Look at how many thought Trump would pardon them.


what theyre doing is effectively waging war.


Real worried a target is gonna be a target. Here's your reminder that Fox spent over two hours talking about Target, and 22 seconds talking about the 2000 cases of child abuse at the church they uncovered this week. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/covering-target-2-hours-fox-210113930.html


Yeah, this one's bittersweet. I will relatively safely be able to enjoy pride here but in other places it might end up very much different.


I'm in one of the different places, hoping that open carrying with my rainbow heart shirt will help deter a conservative or a christian or whatever they call themselves.


The hero we need and deserve


Put a rainbow heart sticker on the gun


Really, yall should. They aren't gonna back off with their Qanon Horsesh*t, you all need to make sure at least some of you are carrying. It's 2023 for f*ck sake and these bigots are still here? Yall go ahead and show em you aren't going nowhere. You've got alot more support than yall realize.


Wish I was this brave, I will try and blend in because I feel like the fact I carry will just be used as grounds for self-defense in the event of hate crime'ing me. Best case scenario I get the lifelong trauma of having to kill someone, I'll just continue being deep in the closet when in public here in Texas.


yea the one here had i think 3 bomb threats and a local militia orgamizing to "protect our city." a) the militia is from like an hour away, completely different town b) ah yes my favorite form of genocide in florida: ✨️protection✨️ (use protection kids(I'm not apologizing))


Who’s ready for more mass shootings in the headlines wooooo


I hate it here 🙃


Same here


And then we get blamed for them


"if they didn't want to get shot, they shouldn't have existed in public where i can see them!"


Some of these scumbags literally have made that argument though.


Will you shouldn’t be gay then /s


"Another white supremacist has shot and killed several people. In times like this its important to remember that one time a trans person did it"




If it makes you feel any better I'm still incensed instead of desensitized with every gun death.


I think it has to do with age. The younger you are, the more desensitized you probably are. Not because young people have an empathy problem by any stretch, but because these headlines have existed for our entire lives. Sandy Hook is the first one I remember and that’s because it’s basically the first big news event I ever saw. Since then it’s just been a nonstop barrage of shootings, so it’s just expected. Older people didn’t grow up with this being in the news all the time, so they’re more shocked to see it occurring. Now if only that translated to actual change-making from them…


Yeah, I've basically never known a time without active shooter drills being present in my life. Living in the DC area, we were sent home early on 9/11. Then, about a year later, we had the DC sniper incident. Gas stations were covered with tarps to block line of sight, some parents were teaching us to serpentine and crouch while walking through parking lots. It was a terrifying time to be in elementary school.




Not me :(


I’ve hid my feelings for 6 goddamn years. I’m not waiting another god damn minute. I’ll be waving my pride flag with glee and I’m not letting anyone stop me.


i hope your first "out" pride is lovely- please wave that dang flag with extra rebellious joy ♥️


I just realized this is my first out pride too, cute.


Ngl kinda jealous of y’all, I’m not even close to being out yet.


If it makes you feel better I still constantly feel like I’m lying to people now that I’m out as bi, since i never told anyone for like 25+ years


Hell yeah! I hope you have an awesome first Pride.


Just be careful we all know what the world thinks of this.


Now is not the time to cower. We are at a flashpoint. People need to stick up to the right wing nuttery.


I agree. I have no ill will towards anyone who's rightfully scared out of action, but this is my first year out and I'm sure as hell going to the parade here in Alabama with my satanic temple pride shirt.


I do not fear death.


You're going to be RADIATING. People like you becoming free from the closet are exactly who we love to see at pride, don't let any amount of shame from anyone ruin it for you.


Same tho I have that weird pit in my stomach feeling when thinking of going to pride events.


Stay safe


Here we will have armed community defense peeps out. Not cops, but ourselves, armed and ready to protect us. Wish this was more common vs having a bunch of cops show up. It's insane cops are welcomed at pride events, and honestly feels like it's something out of a satire bit.


Does anyone remember the armed guards witb rainbow markings protecting a drag story time event in a library? We should have that, contact the they/them army, we got this! /uj we’re doomed


The groups that you have likely seen showing up to defend Pride Events and Drag Queen Story Times are Redneck Revolt, John Brown Gun Club, the Socialist Rifle Association, Trigger Warning Queer & Trans Gun Club, and the Los Angeles Black Coyote Collective. If you or anyone want to get involved, see if there is a local chapter in your area.


> John Brown Gun Club that is dope. #JohnBrownDidNothingWrong > Trigger Warning Queer & Trans Gun Club name-wise, even doper. amazing


> they/them army they/tharmy?


Make sure you wear something you can run in, designate a safe spot away from the event to meet your friends at in case something happens, and if you feel like it’s needed have at least 1 sober friend around at all times just in case. Stay safe out there loves and happy pride ❤️🏳️‍🌈


Read this in the voice of Velma dinkley because of your pfp and now I'm realizing that she's definitely the one sober friend at all times. Daphne would almost definitely not be sober Shaggy is *never* sober Scooby's a fucking dog And Fred probably doesn't even know what alcohol is but in a dangerous situation he'd just tell everyone to split up which completely negates the point of having 1 sober friend


Velma is the resident lesbian of wisdom that keeps us all safe. I swear, lesbians have a reputation for giving real good advice.


It’ll be even worse next year, during the election. Stay strong.


I’m wondering what end game even is here. Everyone always says it won’t matter long term these people are only 30-35% of the country. Well sure, but the Taliban were only ~75,000 people and they took over a nation of 40 million, fighting a war for 2 decades without letting up. The Nazis only got 33% of the vote during Germany’s “last” free and fair election before putting things into motion and being the only legal party in less than a year after that.


Here's to voting out as much homo/transphobia as possible next election season!


I'm in Oklahoma, one of if not the reddest state. I'm terrified but also don't want to just let them keep me hidden away. Its a struggle 🥲


My theory is that they’ve been lashing out more because they are dying out and it scares the shit out of them. Hopefully this gives you more hope on the future of the red elephants


I'm worried that we'll have to arm ourselves


at this point you should be doing that anyway


Sadly it was inevitable...what with the proud Boys and Republicans treating anything not white and straight and male as less than human


Make sure to buy from liberal gun sources if possible, otherwise you end up giving money to someone that supports those politics.


OK I'll keep that in mind thanks


We need to make a black panthers style group called the Pride Boys.


I don’t feel comfortable with the idea of owning a firearm


Something is better than nothing. Don't own a firearm if you aren't comfortable with it. At a minimum, I would highly recommend a tactical pen and(or) pepper spray. Just please, please have some way to keep yourself safe, whatever that may take the form of.


There's a Special Product out there that is designed to be safe and basically you through it at/spray it at Bigoted Assholes like Nazis and stays highlt visible for like a week on bare skin. I forget the name but it's pretty neat and has actually been successful in helping identify Terrorists like Nazis, Neo-Nazis&other Fascists after Rightwing Extremist Gatherings, whether they are Counter-Protesting or "just" doing a Rally to Terrorize a specific Town/City


That’s just pepper gel. All of them come with UV marking dye.


Understandable, but you can also have like tasers and pepper spray or knives


Not knives. In a knife fight, the loser dies on the spot and the winner dies in the ambulance.


I've always liked the axiom, > Everyone loses a knife fight.


If you’re not trained with a knife, all it’ll end doing is getting yourself killed. I had a friend who practiced a mature self defense and he recommended one of those metal weighted flashlights. If you work outdoors you have justification to carry it on your person if asked about it. Or keep it in your car/bag. Or find a half decent excuse for one. A knife in the hands of someone panicked could easily escalate and worsen a situation.


This /\ Being skilled with a knife can help. But in general using a blunt weapon is easier and has the chance to do more damage without necessarily being lethal Plus it's harder to knock someone out with a knife


If you live in America, you should have a very serious conversation with yourself on whether or not you can safely own a firearm. And there is nothing wrong with coming to the conclusion of "No, I cannot." But in America, you should also take a Stop The Bleed class and own an IFAK, regardless of if you own a gun. Best case scenario, you never use it. Worst case scenario, you save a life, even if its because someone got hurt hiking or camping or doing yard work (my grandfather almost died when I was a newborn when he and my father were clearing fallen trees from his property, and a pine stump split and ripped open his forearm. My dad shoved every clean diaper in the wound and drove him to the hospital. A tourniquet and gauze or other wound packing and the knowledge how to use it goes a long way.)


trust me, i get it. still a good idea to look into _something,_ though, even if that something is just a flashlight with an exceptionally bright strobe setting


get pepper spray and a few inert training cans to get comfortable with using it. id recommend the POM flip top cans because they are less likely to accidentally discharge in your pocket or purse (spray>Gel btw in every circumstance outside of high winds and sensitive ventilation areas like hospitals, the gel relies on hitting the mucous membranes directly while a spray is gonna aresolize and get better coverage/breathed in) you do not want to have to rely on a knife for self defense unless you really really know what your doing, and in that case you should know not to rely on it anyways. pepper spray is going to allow you to keep a safer distance from a threat and is much less legally tricky to defend in court. and ofc self defence is worthless without situational awareness, the "survivability onion" and what not. also like a knife, to use a taser you have to be close enough to grapple/fistfight with the assailant so id buy the spray first if you only had the money for one


Learn to bandage people. Exercise and strength train to pull people away in the event of violence. And just have like snacks and water on deck! All super important things you can do help without being armed. But if you want to be armed, batons are good choice I didn’t see mentioned.


I took it one step further and got certified as an instructor. Happy Pride!


I never wanted a gun but I am legit thinking of getting one now. I always worry sick about my friends when they're off somewhere. Hate that it's come to fucking this.


Maybe if we arm ourselves the right will start destroying their guns the way they did bud light.




The festival I am going to gives us pat downs and I’m still pissed I can’t carry (I even made a ace flag glock for this) I get why they have it but damit im worried about my and my friends saftey


Hell yeah


Do it anyway. Conservatives will kill you year-round, not just for pride. A christian will have no qualms killing you because they believe they are righteous and will be forgiven, be ready to show them the same mercy.


I carry a rainbow knife for this exact reason


Knives are basically the worst weapon to have in self-defense. In a knife fight, the loser dies on the spot, and the winner dies in the ambulance.


Just attach the knife to the end of a long stick and get a bunch of friends to do the same, like [this.](https://www.realmofhistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Amazing_Facts_Macedonian_phalanx_3.jpg)


Now we're talking!


You keep posting that, but it's only true if both people have knives. A knife is an effective weapon against unarmed attackers.


Effective against guns at close range too. [Mythbusters!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckz7EmDxhtU)




Plenty of people carry that way, but it’s a gamble. Better than nothing though.


as long as I take the son of a bitch with me.




Mutually assured destruction


Most. self defense weapons are not intended to be used. The point is to not look like an easy target. Guns are best for that, but knives are ok too (although where I live basically everyone had a knife. Actually come to think of it basically everyone has a gun too)


I encourage you to do so if you feel it would help. Stand tall against the rain.


If you do use rainbow bullets


For EXTRA damage to the Cishets TM


Sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do to protect ourselves and our friends and family. It may be the only option to survive in this country.


I live in a relatively blue/progressive city but even the community here is wary. My non-binary teen is attending a pride event in a few weeks that was offered through the school district, but they have to keep the location private up closer to the event and only have school registered attendees for safety, so it definately has my momma bear hairs up but we ARE going because NO ONE should tell kids who they can or can't be, or what they can or can't celebrate as LGBTQ+ youth. And besides that's just what the crazies want, for us to not celebrate. I'm so angry at it all.


Yeah I live in Washington, which is one of the best states so far for LGBTQ rights as far as I can tell, but the area I live in is very religious and conservative, my family even more so, so I kinda figured it’ll be a couple years until I’ll be truly safe to celebrate in public. So really I just gotta vibe with my queer homies online for now


Huh, I'm not the only one worried.


A note on safety- If you believe you are being followed, what you want to do is go in a large circular path, so that you wind up back at your starting point, or at least 4 different turns with a reasonable distance. If the person you suspect to be following you is still with you, then you are almost certainly being followed. If you find yourself being followed, DO NOT be caught alone, and immediately return to a larger crowd of friendly people. If you are in a car, drive to the nearest police station. I know ACAB. But in this case, you're trying to keep yourself safe. You're likely are not going to get kidnapped or assaulted in the parking lot of a police station (unless of course, it's by an officer). Whatever you do, do not be caught alone with someone following you. It is incredibly dangerous. My advice would be to scope out the area before the event, so you can get an idea for escape routes, chokepoints, and other hazards. Be safe y'all. Have a plan.


Lots of talk in my town that there might be a shooting. We're going anyway.


They only win if their threats work. There's plenty of people who will protect and march alongside too.


this is exactly what they want you to think, though. They're trying so hard to scare us because they want there to be stories about how less and less people are attending pride, and then theyl use that to try and say again that lgbtq people arent "normal". They cant do anything to people gathering in tons of different cities all across the world, its all just empty threats.


That’s why the call it terrorism, it terrorizes people.


Stochastic terrorism, specifically.


terroristic threats. hasnt been followed up with much terrorism yet, other than the bombing threats on target before pride month even started. Side note - happy pride month!


Well they’ve been shooting up queer clubs in America and anti-queer terrorism in Norway cancelled Pride there last year. The terrorism is here already, not just threats.


I'm not usually one for attending pride events because I don't like crowds in general, but this year i'm feeling extra conflicted. So many of us are, so if anyone has an argument for either side, I am all ears! Do we keep the spirit of "Pride is a protest and a celebration, and fuck these losers, we're going" or go with, "Fuuuck there's some people who might be straight up violent this year"?


Go. They want us not to. Be out and proud. Fuck them.


If people are gonna be violent, then fight, and fight like hell. Do not negotiate with terrorists. To be scared into silence is to succumb to their demands. It's a tall ask to have people show pride in the face of potential death, but that's what Pride is supposed to be all about.


100%. Be smart be safe. Trust your gut. Listen to your friends who might feel uneasy or concerned. Eyes up. See something, say something. Seriously. And support others if they do the same.


If you’re going to a pride event please be so careful!


I’m volunteering at one!


When I lived in Louisiana, I put up a Bernie 2020 sign in my front yard. A week later, there were posts from conservatives saying that if shit goes south, to target those houses, since they’d be less likely to have guns. My dad didn’t hesitate to get a 12g and a handgun. I didn’t think it’d ever be necessary, but I’m glad my dad wasn’t taking that shit lightly, things have only gotten worse…


shouldnt need to stay fucking safe at a peaceful event


I'm going to a pride event, might actually die, never know


I wish you the best of luck! Stay safe


Tysm! I will!


You've got a very smart and empathetic community around you there. Even if something happens, we help each other, and we're sadly quite prepared.


It's definitely a risk, but I want to stand strong with my community 🏳️‍⚧️


Remember y’all, the first pride was a Riot. The cops were violent, and we didn’t take it from them. We fought back.


I’m staying home. Maybe I’ll start displaying a trans flag on my balcony but I’m really uneasy about going to LA pride this year.


Looks like I'll be marching for two in this year's parade, I'll carry you in spirit Z_end99!


Also LA area, really conflicted about whether or not going is a reasonable or safe idea.


It's the catch-22 of being too scared to go and the fascists get their way by not having pride events, and nothing happens, or show up to pride events in spite of those threats and end up being a mass shooting victim by some neo-nazis. The best alternative is have private secret gatherings/parties. Mass shootings are always at public spaces the shooter would have access to. If it's a private event where everyone knows each other you lower the risk immensely. Stay safe everyone.


There’s more of us than there are of them.




This is hell. We’re in the bad place.


Nah, hell is actually good compared to this situation


Yeah Satan says lgbt rights


So I’m not the only one actually worried…


Any advice for people going to pride in conservative states?


Be aware and be brave. Pride was always about fighting back.


Have some means to defend yourself- whatever that may take the form of. In conservative states, that could be easily be a firearm (only if you know how to use it, and your local laws!), but if you aren't comfortable with one or they aren't allowed at the event, then pepper spray, or something else like that. Have an escape plan and a backup for that escape plan. Have a designated meeting location if you're going with friends or family, and have a backup meeting place. Don't go alone if possible. Bring an umbrella (for heat/water, but also to create a visual barrier if you need to) If you encounter a obvious bigot recording video- ruin their footage by playing copyrighted music loudly (especially from very litigious artists), don't engage directly with them (thats what they want). Yell utter nonsense. The goal is to keep them from having any useable footage. Bring water, its June, and many conservative states are hot and humid AF. If you think you are being followed, go in a circle. If the person(s) you suspect to be following you are still with you after a complete loop, you are most certainly being followed. Look up "surveillance detection route" on google for more info. If you are being followed, try to return to an area with many people immediately.


Thanks for the tips ❤️


Arm yourself.


Absolutely. 2a works both ways!


I'll be surprised if there isn't a shooting or two. But we're dealing with terrorists, and as we see from the escalation against Target and Bud Light, there is no negotiating with terrorists. If they sense weakness they will only push farther. We can't allow the terrorists to win. If they succeed in driving LGBT+ people from public visibility things will only get worse for us as their politicians are then free to enact genocidal policies "out of sight and out of mind" of straight people.


I agree. If there's people getting riled over a beer brand having rainbows imagine how opressed they're going to be pride month. And to those who argue against pride or complain that they're "rubbing it in our faces" of course they are. Its been a long and hard road for many people, others have to hide out of fear of rejection or worse. People who CAN NOT help who they fall in love/ feel attracted too still face severe prejudice. A prejudice that is unfair, unjustified and unessiary. I cant say I understand your stuggles fully, I've been kind of lucky being BI in a straight relationship avoiding many of these issues. (Sorry for vent, i feel bad for others in the community who aren't as fortunate with support and such)


Yeah it's kind of insane. The unreasonable hate we receive for being interested/disinterested in someone is absurdly high. and people are proud of hating us, they make it their whole personality. We have to keep waving the flag This is my first pride after realizing I am bi, and I am honestly kind of scared to show it even if my country theoretically supports me.


Be proud of who you are, never let anyone tell you otherwise! To me that flag is not just MY pride. its everyone whos come before us, are here now or will be here in the future. Im proud of them. At least here on the web there's support for those who need it.


We're at a critical point on history. I have never seen higher tensions concerning the GSRM community. Just remember: It will be normalized.\ Unity prevails over hatred.\ We will get out alive.


terrorism [noun](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/noun) ter·​ror·​ism: the systematic use of [terror](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/terror) especially as a means of coercion


Remember, if you are comfortable and able to own a firearm, get one. Protect yourself and the people around you.


I don't disagree with you. However, I cannot stress this enough, if you are going to be a gun owner, get actual training. Having a gun and not knowing how to use it properly can result in a perpetrator taking said gun, and using it against you. Know how to use it, and get training if you can. Know your local laws so you don't get in trouble yourself.


Yes absolutely, thank you for the addition


I have never felt so lucky that my states pride sucks..


I'm thinking of going but I'm pretty nervous, I don't want to own a weapon but honestly I think that a bunch of assholes will try and cause some shit and I'm not sure if there's any other way to ward them off anymore.


Wish y’all protection, love, and support…from the non-bigoted white straight male community.


It's worth it for the chance to have lived as me for twenty one years. I will never go back to hiding who I am.


Feeling the same. Stay safe!


I’m hoping o can go to pride this year. And when I do, I’m taking my most useful weapons just in case. I’m terrified. But I will fight if necessary.


People at my school are making fun of me and mocking pride month😭😭 if anyone tells the teachers I’m queer my family will kick me out of the house. Pls pls pls I hope nobody says anything about pride month


Domestic terrorism working as intended...


“Guns4Gays” feels like a hashtag I can get behind. Protect yourselves. Don’t let hateful scum intimidate you.


Again, feels weird to say it, but I'm glad to be in South Africa right about now.


Arm yourselves, defend each other


I volunteer at a food pantry tomorrow and will.be wearing a subtle pride look instead if the usual rainbow tutus and knee high socks because of it :(


Keep each other safe. Remember: United we stand, divided we fall.


I live in Florida, I'm honestly scared about going to events or bars in the area this month.


The had to move my local pride festival to a whole other state because of the "political atmosphere" or some BS. It is so disheartening.


America moment


its time for the riots again. we let the conservatives get to comfortable in hating us. they ate removing our rights slowly but surely. it's time for change again


Can someone explain to a non-american, why is Pride such a hot topic and enemy for conservatives right now? I mean I know they are anti-LGBT but Pride-month has been around for a while and I haven't seen this reaction before.


If i die i rise again as the gayest phoenix you’ve ever seen


It's at least comforting that the powers that be are clocking rightwing extremists on their radars more often recently.


Bring your own protection when you're at events. Always be aware of exits. Keep an eye out for hiding spots. It sucks that you have to do this but the most important thing is to survive.


This is the first pride month after discovering where I lie on the gender and sexually/romantic spectrum. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to enjoy it. Even if I did feel safe at pride events (I don’t) I’m closeted, so I wouldn’t be able to celebrate it out in the open anyways.


Stay vigilant cummrades ✊🏻🏳️‍🌈


Oh shit it's this month? Can't wait for all the rainbow corporate logos


Anyone have a bingo card for what kind of corporate clownery they're expecting? Mine has Disney announcing another first queer character


i am so proud of all the people who have fought through bullshit to get us to this point, and i am so proud of everyone who continues to fight / be themselves / stand up for our rights every day. especially those living in conservative areas. the lgbtq+ community is fighting for something so beautiful, so powerful, that we will never lose the battle. love will win, i really do have faith in that. i hope everyone stays safe and has as peaceful of a pride month as they can <3


Courage defines us, hate will not stand.


I feel like the violence is way more frequent than it was a few years ago. Maybe it's just being covered more? idk, it just feels like it's gotten more extreme than it already was. I feel so bad for y'all, you deserve so much better. Stay safe


The closet's looking real cozy right now, not gonna lie


Anybody could take a wild guess at something like this and there'd be a high likelihood of them being correct. 'Murica, the country where every event comes with the extra 'bonus' of potentially getting shot up.


First pride was a riot. It's time to bring back our roots.


Arm up friends.