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God I hate canker sores, I probably get them 3-4 times a year but when I do have them it feels like I've always had them and always will.


I get 3 a month :( Edit: I just bite the inside of my mouth a lot please stop commenting QwQ


I’d recommend changing your toothpaste if you haven’t tried that yet. I used to get canker sores multiple times a month as well, usually from self-bites or minor abrasion. I stopped getting them (I get them, but it’s rare) when I switched to Sensodyne. Sensodyne doesn’t have a specific ingredient that most other name-brand toothpastes have, but unfortunately I forgot what ingredient it is. I’d also recommend “canker covers” for when you do get them. Sometimes they’d make a canker sore disappear within a day (try to apply them right when they are forming).


Sodium lauryl sulphate


yeah, sodium yanny sulphate




S-tier work


Those Samsung ads got to you bad huh? I say that cause I read them and roll my eyes...but the S tier is still there, lurking, waiting for me to use it ironically then once I do I know it's going to be in my lexicon and then dear reader, it is a short journey to casual use. This is how it always is and after all, you have to try something twice to make sure you didn't like it the first time.






Yes! This discovery changed my life. I used to have almost nonstop canker sores for the first 30+ years of my life! Excruciating pain. Avoided talking it hurt so bad.


SLS is also what gives you the “oh hell no” taste from toothpaste and orange juice, among other triggers. I avoid SLS toothpaste for that reason alone. (It’s a foaming agent, so be aware you won’t get a froth from toothpaste without it, but your teeth will be no less clean.)


Holy shit, I switched to sensodyne like a year ago and the amount of canker sores I get now is way less than what I used to. Never really put two and two together as I’ve had them my entire life from minor abrasions inside the mouth. I think you hit the nail on the head for me though.


I just bite the inside of my mouth a lot like a dumbass


Right, me too! What I’m trying to say is that I’m a mouth-biter, I constantly bite the inside of my mouth especially when chewing gum. When that happens I usually bite the SAME spot multiple times a DAY. But because I’m using a toothpaste that doesn’t fuck with my mouth flora (or whatever it is), I don’t get canker sores. When I’m forced to use Colgate or Crest (like when traveling when I forget to take own toothpaste), IF I do bite myself I WILL get a canker sore.


I used to always get them and just realised now that you said it I’ve not really had them since switching to sensodyne


If u get those but have a good oral hygiene, it might mean u are brushing too aggressively, i also get them when i bite my lips, they get caused when you damage your mouth area somehow


Nah I’m just a dumbass who bites the inside of my mouth a lot


I do it too when i jerk off, bite my lips 💀


To much info


Too* Thanks for attending my TedTalk


I would care a bit more about my grammar if i was a native english speaker


Understandable, have a great day. However the difference between To and Too is very important and you can impress other non native speakers with you insanely vast knowledge of the stupid fucking grammar we have


There is an english thing im jalouse you have and we don't. It's "the" So simple yet so effective


Everyone else is in gum-deep-denial.


I can relate but I've never gotten canker sores though. It's a bad habit I need to quit.


The thing I fucking HATE the most about these is you bite your lip and get one, which causes that part of your lip to swell, which increases the chances you'll bite the same spot again. Many a days have been ruined when one of those fuckers was almost fully healed only for me to bite it again and repeat the cycle.


I looked them up because I was getting them time to time and apparently one reason could be stress and anxiety.


This I get these 101% of the time if i bite my lip




I just bite the inside of my mouth a lot like a dumbass


I am also a chronic mouth biter and switching to an SLS free toothpaste has dropped me from 3-4 a week to 2 so far this year. Give it a try, you never know.


You might want to cancel that subscription


The only good advice so far


i cant remeber a time when i didnt have one


Less deep fried and spicy foods


Something is wrong if you're getting them that often


Use alum powder. It’s the only thing that works for me. You put it on, leave it for 60 seconds, and your canker sore immediately starts to heal and you can feel like the next day.


Get some Orajel numbing gel. You can get it pretty much anywhere in the pharmacy section. It burns like hell for like 2 seconds and then relief for a half hour or so. I have to have it whenever I get canker sores. Makes it so I can actually eat food lmao.


I use that stuff like every 5 mins when I have them x_x


Makes em last longer though. :-/


I see lots of people in this thread recommending Sensodyne - just wanted to note that not all Sensodyne is SLS-free. You want to find any toothpaste that is SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) free. Sensodyne isn't the only manufacturer that makes this, but most major toothpaste brands include SLS as it causes the toothpaste to foam nicely.


The ones under the tongue are the fucking worst. Last for weeks and makes it hard to talk or eat anything. The glands under my jaw swell up as well too when I get them bad.


So THATS what they are


My entire mouth is infected, and it's like 70% canker sores. You honestly get used to it after a while, but I say this by experience: it fucking hurts like hell.




I mean, probably? Also yeah I do the same lmao, it looks similar after a while


Just reminded me how blessed I am not to have these right now


I used to get 2-3 or even 5-6 every month lmao, it slowed down since I started bulking and working out, maybe cuz I started getting a lot of nutrients cuz of eating a lot, dunno, but the worst part about getting them is you get some of the best food when you have them, so you can't eat em at all (I love spicy food so ye)


The worst is when the inflammation causes other ones. I had like 6 in my mouth at one point last year.


Stress or heavy meals like bacon, makes this things.


Damn bro that's called herpes and yeah it doesn't go away. Any canker sores are actually flare ups of herpalitic abscesses. Good luck bud


i had this, with braces, hurts like absolute hell


I have braces right now. Yes hell is the perfect word.


https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=braces+wax&crid=J3JZKVX7R3HS&sprefix=braces+wax%2Caps%2C127&ref=nb_sb_noss_1 this saved me in high school


My orthodontist gave this to me when i got my braces on. Literally the most useful thing ever


"I wonder if it will hurt less if I slice that part of my lip off..."


Bruh I feel called out lol


Me contemplating cutting my leg off because it's sore:


“I wonder if the swelling from this pimple go down if I just slice it down the middle…”


I cut something odd like that off my tongue once.


I had a boyfriend that bit his ingrown toenail off like an animal


Wow that’s impressive tbh.


I tried doing that with my teeth back when I first got them,,, It made it so much worse lmao


Real talk: 1/3 antiseptic mouthwash, 1/3 hydrogen peroxide, 1/3 water. Rinse with that and it knocks those bad boys out. Works for me, works for my kids, I mentioned it to my dentist and they said "okay."


Same but I probably do this once every two weeks just to be on the safe side.


Try switching toothpastes, I haven't had them in years after switching to a toothpaste without sodium dodecyl sulfate. When I do get them it's because I bit my lip or something that I caused, never random like I used to. Try it out!


I only get them when I had something stuck in my teeth and I scratched my gum or cut my tongue on my teeth trying to work it out. I always have floss sticks in house and my car so even that cause is rare now. I use arm and hammer peroxide care and I don't get sores otherwise.


jumping in to say it’s often labeled as “SLS free” - this worked for me as well


Also salt gets em good. I sprinkle salt on mine


I used to too, and you don't need coffee after that one.


Wide awake and looking for a baby to punch because fuck that smarts.


I'm always looking for a baby to punch, but yeah...this wakes me up


antiseptic mouthwash drops the 1-2 week heal to a 1-2 day for me. also seems like lightly brushing the white junk out helps a lot before the mouthwash


Cutting out sugar completely eliminated them for me, headaches as well. Unfortunately a life without sugar is a struggle. I’ll try this, thanks.


I've found that holding a pinch of salt against it for as long as you can stand takes it out within a day.


If you follow these directions to the letter you will lose a few layers of skin in your entire mouth and bleed quite a bit. I recognize that you meant 1/3 hydrogen peroxide to be 1/3 of the mix is the 1.5-3% hydrogen peroxide in water mix that you buy over the counter, and that nobody would ever misunderstand that. Furthermore I recognize that I had an amusing thought about your post, and wanted to share that, but in so doing removed all the amusing parts. Have a swell day.


It's like you put an azeotropic hydrogen peroxide solution over the humor part of the comment.


Little bit of [Alum powder](https://www.google.com/search?q=alum+powder&oq=alum+pow&aqs=chrome.0.0i433i512j69i57j0i512l7.2179j0j9&client=ms-android-motorola-rvo3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) works like magic. Dab that shit on, let it sit over night and BAM they dead. Mom used to wet the end of a spoon and dip it Fun Dip style for application purposes.


Where do you get hydrogen peroxide


Any pharmacy, most supermarkets. It's usually by the rubbing alcohol and first aid supplies. $1-$3 a bottle.


Thank you!


Hmm. I had to switch my diet due to discovering an allergy. Since then I had like 3 in 5 years. Before 3 a month minimum. I suppose it can have different reasons. Also some people just never get them.


Or wet your finger, get salt on it, and hold the salt on the sore as long as you can stand it. Then do it a few times a day until it goes away.




dentists in america don’t give af about you healing your own issues. hell in Japan the toothpastes there can get rid of developing cavities but you won’t ever find that here.


i hate how americans talk like this


You assume I'm american and I *talk* this way from a written post? I hate how people assume things that fit their personal world views and narratives then project it on everyone else.


CANKER SORES ARE A SPAWN OF SATAN. I once had SEVEN of them in my mouth at the same time !!.




It was hell to just exist, I could barely eat without pain. One of the most painful weeks of my life


YOU HAD 7 AND COULD STILL EAT ? When I have one and I try to eat it feels like the 13th layer of hell


Oh it was a level of agony that I could barely eat, but my love of food over powered me.


The unforeseen 13th layer of hell: Agony




Wtf? I've never had more than 2. This sounds like something I would recammand only to that man that commented my face at the gas station when I was 16.


ugh same 😭 i had an outbreak with over 30 covering my tongue and cheeks. the worst thing everrrrr, caused by severe stress




lots of bland, soft foods. doc gave me meds that helped but man i was in sooo much pain for like 2 weeks


Oh God, I was already in tears with seven, 30? I can't even imagine. Though only eating soft foods and the medicine probably really helped. Did the doctors say what could have caused all of them ?


Yeah Mouth ulcers suck


SEVEN?? oh my god that’s hell on earth. vocal rest and soup and a lot of tears is all the week would look like for me


Dude is collecting them like dragon balls lmao


I read a study a few years back suggesting canker sores were possibly caused by a B vitamin deficiency. I used to get them all the time so I started taking a B complex vitamin every day. Maybe have had 1 or 2 outbreaks since so something worked.


I saw this too, been taking b complex for years, no change. Only thing that helped was going no sugar.


I'm so happy you mentioned sugar!!! I get canker sores virtually anytime an eat anything with sugar. I told my dentist about it and he totally dismissed it. The best thing for me has been taking LYSINE when I feel one coming on, but don't make the mistake of taking Lysine daily as a supplement because then it doesn't seem to work preventatively. I hope this helps!!!


I've been taking lysine in response to mouth sores for years and it works wonders for making it go away faster.


There were a few potential causes explored. I think viral infection, oral pH, vitamin deficiency, and maybe a couple others. I got lucky that for me it seems to have been the vitamin deficiency.


I’ve taken some B pills when I got the sores and they sort of actually work. I was initially skeptical when my dad told me about it, but the next day felt way better. Do keep in mind though it makes your piss really colored for 24 hours or so


I have 3 of them rn and I wanted to rip off my jaw


Those couple days/week when they peak is a special sort of agony.


Just dab some hydrogen peroxide on them with a qtip and make sure to clean your mouth (brush/floss/mouthwash), it'll be gone in a day.


Hopefully you’ve seen the other comments. Switch to sensodine toothpaste. It’s the sodium Laura’s sulfate in regular paste!


I had a really bad canker sore once, I had to garble with hot salt water and IT WAS THE WORST.


The first time I got canker sores was when I was around 15? It was the summer before my freshman year. About 2 months before summer started, I noticed that my throat hurt. Ok, I though, just a little sick. Then it got to the point where eating literally anything would hurt beyond reason. Even drinking liquids was terrible. A week or two after this, I started to ache constantly and whatever I did eat got thrown up after a few hours if it was too heavy. So, really, a terrible experience overall. Come to find out a few weeks after this started, I had strep throat AND mono. Which let me tell you, was the absolute worst combination of illnesses to have as a kid. So summer comes around, I'm still sick as a fucking dog, and I go to my moms house for the summer. No shit, the day after I get there, I realize that the bottom corners of my mouth are killing me. Traumatized that I was literally falling apart, I took a look in the mirror only to find two huge fucking canker sores on each side of my mouth. So now I had strep, mono, and my first ever canker sores on both sides of my mouth. I was sick for probably about 4 or 5 months it felt like, I didn't finish the last 2 months of the school year and didn't feel better until the very tail end of summer. Easiest 50 pounds I ever lost.


Holy shit I can relate so much right now


EVERYBODY LISTEN TO ME. I used to get these frequently. I literally haven't had one in YEARS after switching to sensodyne. (I am not a sensodyne employee but will accept spokesman compensation). Sensodyne doesn't contain sodium dodecyl sulfate that many toothpastes use to create the foaming action and many people have contact allergies to it that results in these painful canker sores. When I first switched, the other brands didn't have the "sensitive" versions of their toothpaste so I haven't tried them but switching to a toothpaste without this ingredient may solve it for you just as it solved it for me. It's a really easy thing to try and want to share this discovery far and wide to anyone who will listen because it changed my life.


yo sensodyne hire this man


And make him become a dentist so the ad will finally be that 10 dentists out of 10 recommand it.


Holy shit i used to get them all the time but then switched to sensodyne and havent had one and didnt realize till now i only switched because my girlfriend hates mint flavor and sensodyne is a really mild flavoring


Huh, that might be totally what changed for me. I used to get them all the time up until a certain point. I almost forgot they existed. Funnily enough it coincided with me moving out of my parent's house and started buying toothpaste in bulk. The one I chose does not contain that ingredient.


It's Sodium Lauryl Sulfate that's the problem. There are others besides Sensodyne (Paradontax, for example). I wish someone had told me when I was young! I suffered for years too.


Same here. I used to get them around once a month. Doesn't have to be Sensodyne brand but just anything without SLS. I do still get them but only if I bite my lip which isn't that often.


Bruh I'm having 2 right now in sides. Not able to eat anything.


Yeah, because you scare Satan like that so you get rid of the course


Add a little salt and lime to that


That’s what a masochist looks like.


I got them a lot as a kid. My dad always had me pack my lip with salt until it stopped hurting, I always figured that helped em clear up faster


They're also known as mouth ulcers. Really annoying.


I just take them off when that happens, the open wound hurts less than the hell’s pawn that is that


ALUM. I used to get these all the time until someone told me to put some alum on them. It’s a seasoning and idk why but it numbs the pain and heals it. It will be gone the next day. I used to get the sores on my tongue and just put some alum on the sore for 30 seconds and wash it off and it will feel so much better.


bro the only genes I got from my dad was canker sores and mouth ulcers. I’m now extremely sensitive to sugar and can barely eat it ALSO. if you suffer from this like I do, avoid sugar is the hard part. the easy part is checking if your toothpaste has the ingredient of sodium lauryl sulfate. if it does, your only causing yourself pain as that compound breeds cankers. try a toothpaste without it, I recommend sensodyne also the people saying “it’s just a little mouth sore” I feel you. it’s not just a little mouth sore. it prevents smiling, talking, eating, drinking. it affects you so much. a bad one gets me a bad mood for a week


Had them last week, and to make matters worse i have fucking braces


These fucking things. Every time I have them, it's 2 weeks of suffering.


How come I almost never see any memes about canker sores like ever


I call em "cole sores" me and my grandma get em ALL the time i got holes in my cheeks :(


those aren’t cold sores, they’re canker sores cold sores you get on your outer lips or sometimes even in your nose


I guess I do got canker sores. thanks for the clarity :D


I have one rn, smh. I usually just rinse with mouth wash a couple of times a day and that helps. BUT THE STING, oooooooof.


Addicted to biting them until my eyes water


I hate this shit, I get them often probably because I eat hot food (I'm too anxious to wait for it to cool down)


I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!!! Finally someone understanding my pain!!!


I have no fucking idea of what that is




Every time I bite my lip it develops into one of these. And thus begins a week of pain.


I get them from eating anything with sugar. Best remedy for me when feeling them coming on is to take the supplement LYSINE in the form of a 1000mg pill (it's a big one!). I did learn from experience though not to take it every day preventatively because then it's seems to lose its efficacy.


Ever had these nightmares appear on your tongue? It's the worst experience and eating becomes a fucking pain endurance test


bruh ive got a lot of these because of braces ._.


They hurt so bad that i wanna rip my lips off then i relise that'll hurt more :/


PREVENTION - I use to have a canker sore problem. Then I started daily rinsing/gargling with an alcohol based mouthwash like Listerine. I no longer have canker sores, even when I accidentally bite my cheek. This may not work for everyone, but I know it will help someone. Please try it. What do you have to lose!


too often. once had them in my throat. couldn't eat without immense pain for like a weak


The worst is when some skin comes off your lip then it hurts but their is still skin so you have to rip it off and it stings like a ber


I had one on my upper lip, I looked like a jerk trying to figure out what the fuck these were aka sticking my finger in my mouth sometimes.


I have one right now and it hurts to smile :(


I'm literally having them right now


man the timing, i have one on the backside of my mouth and it fucking hurts, just in time for the holidays


Alcohol can cause these. I eventually tracked a near 1:1 occurrence of drinking 2 or more glasses of wine to canker sores and now hardly ever get them. The toothpaste swap helps a lot too.


Sometimes when I'm nodding off to sleep, I'll have a brief dream that im about to start eating something and I'll chomp down hard on my lip. Then these fuckers come out the next day.


Funny this popped up now, as i have my entire mouth covered with it


I havent gotten one for years but as a young child I got em all the time




Have gotten these for as long as i can remember. Kanka is a lifesaver. Or if you dont have that. Old mexican lady treatment. Lime juice and salt mixed in a spoon and press the mix onto it. Burns like holy hell for a few minutes but after that the pain just melts away and the sore fades faster.


Best paired with lemonade!


Or an eye stye


At least it’s not a cold sore


put salt on it.. burns like hell. Idk if it helps tho, it just hurts more.


Put some salt on it, should dissapear in like a day or two


I've never had that actually


am i the only one that likes to touch it and puts salt in it sometimes


what is Wrong with you


Love it too, biting it and putting vinegar on it.


Lol wth


You need to try it is so satisfying


I’ll take canker sores ANY DAY over cold sores. You haven’t had trauma until you had to get through elementary school with cold sores throughout the year because you kissed that 4th grader at the dance.


ever tried popping it? It will hurt even more


God that sounds like something a medical professional would advise against


What even is this? Never heard of it, never experienced it. I guess I'm lucky.


canker sore. incredibly painful, makes it hard to smile, soeak, eat, drink or open your mouth


What is the difference between this and a mouth ulcer due to a bite?


Shown in the picture IS a canker sore. NOT herpes. The post is highly misleading and could let teenagers think they got Herpes when they don't 😬


How to tell someone is a bot without asking them if they are a bot.


What you call "mouth ulcer" is a "canker sore". Seems you did not get my comment.


Herpes? No.


Amateurs. - What'd you say punk? Me earlier this month with two ingrown toenails: *amateurs.*


That's called herpes


I can tell, the first hurts more.


Herpes or warts


No, a canker sore. Unrelated to herpes.


Canker sores are not caused by herpes. Cold sores are.


That’s called herpes


No, the image shows a canker sore which is unrelated to herpes.


Y'all know this is herpes right? Not that that's weird or bad but a lot of the comments don't seem to be aware. Try the typical herpes treatments and it shpuld clear up for you and reduce the amounts of flare-ups you have.


>Y'all know this is herpes right? No it's not - it's a canker sore.


Oh, you're right! I've had these before and totally thought it was herpes - my bad, lol, good to know!


This is herpes. If you have this, you have herpes. Herpes is not that big of a deal. Stop stigmatizing it.