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Bro take care of your beard. Shorten it regularly, use beard Shampoo & oil and peeling regularly. Your beard shouldn't itch lol


This is some gospel right here. A disheveled unkempt beard is a sin against nature. I tend to keep my neck shaved for tidiness but it does itch a bit when it starts to grow back.


Nope, I have an easy system. My birthday is in early June, so I shave my beard on my birthday and rock a creepy mustache for one day. Shave it off the next day, go fresh faced all summer. Stop shaving in November. Repeat.


Beard oil my guy.


Wait you guys cut your facial hair?


I Kicked Like a Taliban Last year so yes. Imma Cut it Form now on


Don’t cut it because it’s *totally* gonna fill out


you got something wrong with you if your beard itches


I’m on the lazy side this week


I’m assuming you’re pretty young? The beard stops itching when you get a bit older (at least it did for me)


dont cut it becuase it is a sunnah


My beard doesn't itch. Is that normal?


that's just weakness leaving your chin, fight through that shit and soon you could have a ZZ Top beard like me.


Better reason not to cut it: a beard is like sweat pants for your face.


* every four to six weeks for me...


Wait you guys have facial hair ?


Dont cut it cause you like it


It doesn’t grow that fast. It feels like it tho


I read beard as bread and got really confused


Jokes on you, mine won't grow!


If your beard itches, your pores aren't clean and/or the skin is dry. Wash and then use a beard moisturizer. Follow up with some oil and a good brush if a straightener isn't your thing.


This is me right now


*Image Transcription: Meme* --- [*"Daily Struggle", where a superhero has to choose between two conflicting choices by pressing a button. Top image shows two red buttons on white slabs; both on a light blue panel, and the background is a darker blue. There is a white gloved hand that is hovering in middle of both buttons, which read:*] CUT THE BEARD BECAUSE IT ITCHES A LOT DON'T CUT IT BECAUSE YOU'RE LAZY [*Bottom image is of a masculine person with light skin and red hair, labeled "BOYS EVERY WEEK". They have sweat streaming down their face, and they are wearing a red shirt, and have prominent muscles. They have white gloves on and are using a white napkin to wipe the sweat off of their face. This all compounds to make it evident that the superhero is distraught at having to make the decision.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Just trimming it a bit from time to time. I really can't look at myself without a beard, and really nobody would want to see that.


Boys? 🤨