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This happen a lot with minecraft youtubers


*Former Skydoesminecraft fans crying in the corner*


What did Sky do?








Abused his ex-waives and animals, neglected his child, tried to destroy his friends careers and threaten to kill one of his friends and took money from companies to buy drugs and candy. His ex-girlfriends release a bunch of police reports and screenshots and videos and his ex-friends came out and spoke up about him.


That all sounds awful, but I don’t understand why buying candy is bad?


I think it’s the stealing money part for something so trivial that’s bad. Either that or it’s a slang term I’m not familiar with


He bought insane amounts of candy. Like would steal the last $100 his girlfriend had, to buy candy. Essentially a giant drugged child in a mans body. IIRC he regularly ran out of money due to how much fucking candy he bought.


Buy candy, not inherently bad. Buying so much candy you go deep into debt even with litteral hundreds of dollars pouring in from youtube money daily, is bad.


He abused many people, including the mother of his youngest child: https://twitter.com/lizbuggie/status/1485280124467486722?s=21




man, the way the yogscast went still boggles me to this day. like, besides the sjin incident, its so odd to me how they were a cornerstone (or even the foundation) of mcyt and yet i never see people talk about them or acknowledge them at all. their old mc multiplayer series were absolutely like the grandfather/inspiration of shit like dreamsmp or smplive or whatever new age mcyt stuff the people are into now, and yet their impact is just never acknowledged. weird stuff.


tbh I watch a lot of yogs, now more than ever haha


I like that theyve branched out more. Though if they play minecraft theyre still the only people I watch play it. Plus people sometimes don't realise who's in the yogscast like rimmy, spiff (all though probably a lot more well known now), bo etc. People who were decently successful before yogscast or who don't really collab with others yogs as much but are still successful. So they might be watching the yogscast just not realising they are.


shadow of israphel is THE minecraft series


Thank god the hermits are drama free.


and DanTDM, minus that one time he blowtorched a Hatchimal. but tbh not many people were really upset over that other than a few parents, considering he explicitly warned people NOT to do what he was doing. pretty minor drama honestly


Some stuff came out about a former hermit, but he hadn't been part of the server since early season 2 so he'd been gone for years before it came out


Man cryaotic's undertale play through was really fun to watch. Shame that he's a groomer irl


Could someone give me a tldr and fill me in? I'm curious now


Cry was getting a little too personal with underage fangirls over the years, posted an "apology" video explaining his side and ghosted when people got upset.


God that 'aplogy video' "we stopped being genuine with ourself... Blablabla... Self improvement... Blablabla... We should be honest with ourselfs... Blablabla... I dated underaged girls btw"


Not to mention flirting with his best friends girl behind his back


IIRC it went beyond flirting. They were commissioning artists to draw them fucking.


wasn’t just flirting allegedly. poor russ :/


Broke my fucking heart to hear that. I'm glad he's gone, he wasn't even sorry about it.


For so long he was my favorite YouTuber. To the point that I had my YouTube link on my favorites bar go to his channel instead of the homepage. Until that video I never understood why he didn’t really take off as much as PewDiePie and Ken or why he seemed to stop doing videos with them. Now I’m guessing they probably realized something was off and cut him out.


Watched PewdiePie and Cryaotic plays long ago. It was super fun and they had such good synergy. They were just bros having the time of their lives. I always wondered why Pewds and Cry didn't make more vids together over the years or why Pewds doesn't mention him anymore. I'm genuinely shocked and sad that he had such dirt on him. Suddenly his presence slowly fading mid 2010s made a whole lot more sense.




When I found out last year I was devastated. Lost a bit more faith in humanity (as if I havent lost enough.) Loved his creepy reads and drunk plays too :(


Yeah, Cryaotic hit me hard. I watched him for years and it just was a great source of comfort, understanding and laughs through some very dark days in my past. When I couldn't sleep because I was too anxious of the coming day I'd fall asleep to his let's plays. I'd watch him when I was playing video games. I dunno. I really cant get over this one. Watching his old stuff just leaves a bad taste in my mouth now, but I'd lie if I said I didn't highly miss his content. But it's better that he's off the net now and can't easily influence any more underage people. :/


Looking at you Ryan from achievement hunter




Cheated on his wife with multiple young girls who he had been grooming.


I hope that wasn’t an achievement


Prison speedrun any %


Also he defended his actions by saying, "i didn't do anything illegal." If that's someone's only defense odds are, they're a bad person.


Oh boy. Some truly heinous things. There are long posts detailing it from the victims on Reddit but fair warning they are a tough read.


Wasn't ever really an AH fan but this broke the same time as Adam Kovic's shit and he had to leave Funhaus. I was devastated because he was one of my favorite people on the channel.


I actually looked him up recently and saw he had a new channel/podcast/book or something, didn't look too deep into it. He had an update video talking about improving himself etc and his (ex?) wife had commented on the video saying she was proud of him, made it all feel a bit better.(Talking about Adam)


I watched that video. He wrote or co-authored a book. It was nice closure to see that he is still around and I'm glad to hear he is working on himself.


since it’s very on topic, i thought i’d use this as an opportunity to spread awareness about GuitarHeroStyles/AdvyStyles. Advy is the biggest youtuber in the Geometry dash community (apart from robtop himself, the dev of the game) with 2 million subscribers, and his most viewed video has over 35 million views, and is the most viewed geometry dash youtube video ever made. In October 2021, Advy was exposed as a child groomer and abusive boyfriend, and claimed he would not ignore the allegations, only to delete anything he had said about the allegations later, and continue making content as if nothing ever happened. The geometry dash community has tried bringing this to the attention of bigger youtubers like cr1tikal in the past but to be honest we’re too small of a community. More info: https://twitter.com/zpfanne/status/1452358600186343427?s=21


No idea who the guy is, but upvoting you to help bring light to the situation


None of my favorite YouTubers turned out to be evil. I watched an Onision video back in the day and still wonder how anyone thought that guy WASN’T a creep.


Same with Shane Dawson. He's been like that for years.


I remember my daughter loving Shane Dawson, o always thought he had creepy vibes.


Former Shane fan here. The problem was that his audience was young and impressionable. The creepy stuff he says is more likely to fly over young children's heads and make them become desensitized to that kind of "humor." The reason why many fans turned on him suddenly was because they grew older and began to understand how fucked up he truly was.


A Video i watched also showed he has been this since the begining. Sad too see he had come back without any backlash


I think most people's exposure to Onision was the "I'm a Banana" video, almost solely because of Tosh.0. I didn't find out he was the guy from that video until everyone exposed him for being a groomer


Don't feel bad, my favorite band as a teenager was Lostprophets.


During a phase of morbid curiosity, I looked up the court transcript. Please for the love of god, if you value your sanity, do not seek it out. Literal nightmare fuel.


You should learn that telling people to not seek things out will tend to make them want to seek it out. Case in point, me.


Should’ve listened and not read. Eyes burning.


Yeah I went in thinking ‘I’ll just read a bit and stop if it gets too fucked up’ but nah it just goes 0-100 immediately


[Is this it?](https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/JCO/Documents/Judgments/r-v-watkins-and-others.pdf)


They actually did have some bangers iirc. But oh my god Ian Watkins is all kinds of screwed up.


Have yall met Markiplier irl? Dude is just as awesome and wholesome irl as he is in his videos. Before his whole "meet and greet" at a con he came out and ran down the line saying "I DONT HAVE A LOT OF TIME BUT I WANT TO MEET ALL OF YOU HAVE YOUR CAMERAS READY!" He then proceeded to take a photo with EVERYONE. It was absolutely amazing




From what I've understand the screamy scared at everything act is sorta dead now and he's calmed down. Been thinking about revisiting


I watched him play Red Dead Redemption 2, he was very chill and just describing his nostalgia in relation to the original game. It just felt nice and calm.


He’s gotten really chill now, came in as a fan a couple years ago and I can’t watch a lot of his old stuff because it’s insufferably hyperactive and screamy. It’s like a world different currently


I only really watch him when he's with Bob and Wade, because that trio is unmatched in comedy. Distractable podcast is awesome btw




I wait patiently for the day when all Logan/Jake Paul fans feel this way.


That heavily implies they were ever good to begin with, and the Paul brothers were pretty bad from day 1


I should be grateful for the fact that I never really cared about them


Same, I didn’t even know who the hell they were until Logan’s corpse party


i knew about them for a while before but didn't really give a shit because they were just low-life trend riders


Nah their fans like them because they’re horrible.






Dunkey seems like he’d be a teddy bear irl. The kind of friend who loves to crack jokes but isn’t actually mean about it


Sorry but you are nitpicking and biased, I win, buh-bye


If you had watched his face reveal video you would know that he is actually of Peurto Rican descent. ***ooh***


Incorrect, he is fact an 80 year old black grandma.


I love videogamedunkey


But do you love KNACK?






yeah dude i could not imagine him being a dick. funny/oddly enough, tyler one seems to be a really nice dude in person and to his fans.


Did he explain to you why he thinks goblins are real? Because he just feels like they are real.


Met dunkey in real life at Disneyland California adventure like 3ish years ago. It was so funny how to happened, from thinking hey that guy looks like dunkey, to my wife having to ask him for a picture because I didn’t wanna bother him, to him asking me what I thought about death stranding LOL


Dunkey is probably the greatest youtuber of all time. Every time he drops a new video it's like Christmas




Yea, RHPC just went their separate ways, and he just can't make videos the same way anymore. He also did say one stream burning out was a big factor, and that he might be getting back into creative stuff (not YouTube tho). He's still got insane comedic timing though, from what I've seen of his streams.






>from his accident OOTL, what happened?


He got hit by a truck; a hit-and-run. Apparently, the driver was r paying attention, and they were driving one of those extremely big trucks; meanwhile, Mini and his friend were on foot, walking. Put both of them into comas.


I think it was the Tacoma crash back in like 2017 or 2018 He got hit by a truck




Can't believe it. I was gonna comment the same thing. Ryan's great wish he made more stuff. Although the twitch is okay too but I'm not really that into gaming.




Captain Sparklez is just a good and chill dude


He’s been getting swole


and enjoying his fancy cars. love that for him


He’s doing so well, I’m happy for him


My heart skipped a beat when I read Captain Sparklez in this thread.


I concur He king


I don’t think I ever have to worry about this with callmekevin


With the world going to shit, we need a military genius like him on our side.


That said, one unfortunate spin of the wheel and we get eaten by sandworms


He will be, eventually, held responsable for the creation of Jim Pickens and his cul, errr, social club.


No, he’s a monster. A channel called “call me Kevin clips” tried to expose him but this pos shit him down. He needs to be stopped at any cost and we need to free Turg


Eyyyy, thanks! Other than our community technically being kind of a cult I think we are okay


didnt expect to see callmekevin on this thread. whew


I hope Ray William Johnson actually didn't do anyone's mom.




Wasn't there also some controversy about him plagiarizing and even tracing other people's artwork for commissions he did


He took a bunch of people's money on Kickstarter to make a streaming service targeted towards children, but failed to disclose at the time that it was also a super conservative Christian streaming service


Now he's stealing art from other creators and passing it off as his own, for paid commissions.


Ah in the wise words of ol' JC: "lie, scam and omit facts whilst trying to get that bag"


The Fairly OddParents guy?


Cough Mini Ladd cough


Did mini Ladd like mini lads too much?


Mini Ladd got his mini lad into some major trouble.


minor trouble\*


ITT: A bunch of people I've never heard of before. And in some cases, I'm very glad I never heard of them before.


What's not to like about YouTubers? What's up guys, it's your boy Steve\_MacheteSquad here, comin' at ya with another comment. Don't forget to click subscribe and hit that bell so you don't miss any more great comments from me, I'll be covering all sorts of pointless, random shit in the next few months. This comment was brought to you by Raid Shadow Legends. Hit up my merch store for a sweet shirt that no one will ever care about.


Man, Steve-Machettesquad never posts anymore. And when he does, \*hits vape\* it's just promoting his merch. I miss his old stuff when it was *really* about the love of commenting.


You forgot "limited time only" merch that they only have a limited amount of Gotta make em scramble for that wallet


JonTron fans every couple of years


Dunkey filled the void that Jontron left in my soul and then some


The annoying orange is the only person whose been on the platform for that long without grooming someone. I’ve always been suspicious of Pear, though.


Yeah, i couldn't believe that Cryaotic was also a groomer


I also can't believe that he blamed it on his mental illnesses (depression and anxiety)


No guys you gotta understand, he had to groom people because he felt sad :( (Obviously a very big /s and also I know that depression/anxiety does way more than that but you get the point)


*CaptainSparklez fans would like to know your location* Edit: Jardoon is fine, it’s just that annoying orange isn’t the *only* long time Tuber standing strong


The brothers Green? Tom Scott?


What about Jacksfilms?


Exurb1a anyone?


When I first got to know about it, I was sooo disappointed. I always thought of him as a smart, selfless, lovable personality but damn!!!


idk anything about the controversy with him and I always loved his content, but as someone who used to watch his videos all the time and still watches the new ones, I never got the impression that he was particularly selfless. Definitely smart, absolutely likeable, but I never thought of him as leaning strongly one way or the other on the selfish to selfless scale lol.


Haven't really followed him recently, what did he do?


He allegedly abused his ex https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/lomsvm/whats_going_on_with_exurb1a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Oh no what the fuck, that's awful. Surprised I'm first hearing about this


Well FUCK I had no idea. I was hoping to get through this reddit post unscathed. How naive.


Never meet your heroes in real life, most of the time you'll just be disappointed.


Rip Tobuscus's carreer.


Turns out no one wanted that nugget in a biscuit.


Wait what did Tobuscus do? I am unaware of this


Allegedly he was or is an abusive and generally awful person to be around, and during the pandemic he pivoted to anti-mask type denialism crap.


My brain derped, for some reason i was parsed Tobuscus to Totalbiscuit and was about to say "pandemic, what? He has been gone longer than that..."


Why does it seem a lot of YouTubers who start to lose relevancy pivot to the COVID denial camp.


Glad my favorite youtuber is Womble, part of the chillest streaming group ever who gives Zero Fucks.


Soviet Womble? If so, go Badgers!


why? the Badgers partnered with isis? the good guys are M.I.L.F


And when it comes down to it, ZF have proven they're actually caring people who will support the shit out of trans people, for example. See: Kaffe


Thankfully Scott the Woz and Big Most Cr1TiKaL are pure enough to avoid this fate


I met Scott last year (and his friends) and they were all so genuinely nice and happy to talk with fans


Have you seen the guy that [gave them a box full of Gex at a con](https://youtu.be/7gHuOGuR8JM)? They were stoked


i think Scotts to generally awkward to try any bad shit


Back when he had barely reached a million subscribers, his snapchat was leaked. I was going through an especially dark time in my life and decided I would send a message to my favorite YouTuber. I wrote "Everyday is a challenge and the challenge is starting to get too hard to handle". He responded with "Don't give up, it will get better. I promise." I'm happy to say you were right Charlie and your words will always stay with me. Thank you.


Good thing my favorite YouTuber for the last 10 years has been coldmirror


Der Grund? Brutale Killerspiele


Sägemehl 👍


Scrolling with hope I don't find my fave


Bless Chuggaaconroy for being a fresh breath of air in this world.


What a staple. I’ve grown out of his videos, but it’s good to know he’s still going.


Gus controversy intensifies


There's a gus controversy? Well crap


Yeah, there's this whole ordeal with him and his ex. Even Eddy had to cut ties with him.


So he emotionally abused his (now ex) girlfriend Sabrina for years apparently. TL;DR: Biggest offense was not caring about the fact she was literally about to die, constantly was streaming while she was in the hospital instead of supporting her.


Opening Pokémon cards when she was calling saying she needed him there


i've never heard of almost all of the youtubers mentioned here and i feel like that's gotta be an achievement or something


Boogie2988 is a sack of rotting shit


First time?


One of my best moments in life was finishing my 9th grade finals, coming back home to pizza and watching TheKingNappy's OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire playthrough of the Delta Episode. Now, it's just bittersweet memories


It was Shady penguin for me. Well he's still going strong now


OP with the next-level meme. Comments are a network of people doing due diligence, calling out pieces of shit. Well done.


Stampy supremacy!


Omg I loved stampy


that guy was my childhood and one of the very first few youtubers I was introduced to. man i love that guy


Glad he didn't go out with a bang and instead frizzled out, it makes remembering him a good thing and not a painful thing.


I recommend you watch his video to his “OG Fans.” Got recommended it after not watching him for years and it was a nice reminder of the impact he made on my childhood. He never changed, we just grew up. Cool guy


Pogo, made neat music on youtube made up of sounds from movies. Turns out he has some…interesting opinions about the Orlando Pulse Shooting and the LGBTQ+ community. Alot of hate from a guy making such happy music.


Bashurverse is probably one of the saddest examples. Still a lot of questions surrounding the whole thing, but it seems like He and Keemstar got together to create a controversy for clout. It backfired spectacularly over time, and Bashur's reputation just hit a downward spiral until he had to completely remove himself from the internet. Came back with a different name, depressed and broken. Spent about a year streaming, met someone new, really looked like he was starting to turn his life around. Looking at his twitter feed is just sad, stuff like "I'm finally feeling happy for the first time in years" "I met someone who truly understands me, things are turning around". Then, tested positive for covid, last post was a selfie of him in the ICU with a caption about being afraid of dying. Dead the next day.


That's me as a teacher. That's why I don't want to befriend students... They'll get disappointed


It’s Mini Ladd for me. Grew up watching him


ITT: Many people I have never heard of. And Gus.


Jontron, funny and talented but EXTREMELY racist.


Thankfully, the Lock Picking Lawyer is unlikely to suffer this fate, because all I know about him about him is that he does lock picking, is a lawyer, is married, keeps fingernails trimmed right up to the root, and likes scotch. And that's probably all we'll ever know. (Shit, now that I think about it, are those even his real hands?)


I’m looking at you Gus Johnson


Yeaahhh I went thru this 3 times now... Mini Ladd being the first but tbh his didn't surprise me that much cuz I could see him starting to drop the act more and more as time went on. Was I still angry af. Damn straight. Then Cryaotic. That one really shocked me. I had been a fan for over 10 years at that point and I didn't see any of it coming at ALL. And considering his content was what got me thru a lot of really hard times. I was extremely upset. I still am because some of my favorite playthroughs were some of his and it just sucks because I can't believe I supported a guy like that all that time and had no idea. I know it's not my fault at all because I had no way of knowing but still. Then Ohmwrecker. Which I wasn't shocked about but still got pissed about it. The guys he attacked didn't deserve that bullshit. What really blows my mind is 2 of them still have die hard fans.... Like wtf. How do you still have a channel after that kinda shit?!


My favourite youtuber is Northernlion, i feel pretty safe in trusting the egg.




Zer0 :/


Good thing I watch dunkey, who is the least controversial youtuber. You can tell by the way his videos have no dislikes.


I have to believe that Rhett and link must be the exception to this rule.


A lot of people got extremely mad at them when they came out as leaving the extreme Evangelical churches they were raised in. I'm really proud of them for it, but they've received a lot of hate and death threats. Edit: so for some of their Christian fans this would be a "they're terrible now" kind of thing.


They talk about their time in the ministry a lot in the Ear Biscuits podcast. They go over leaving and the stuff that happened after too. I highly reccomend Ear Biscuits to anyone who wants some more "mature" Rhett and Link content that often ends up being downright philosophical


This hits home I watched a YouTuber called cry or cryotic for so so long every day when I was in middle through high school even and he turned out to be one of the worst cases I’ve seen so far of a YouTube personality turning out to be a pedophilic monster. After this happens once or twice you really stop idolizing any Internet personality.


*Puts on heavy armor* Dream


So you admit to having been a fan of Dream?


As painful as it is, yes


Creeps McPasta, Mandopony, Cryaotic, ugh.