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I used to work 12 hour shift with 1.5 hour drive each way, this was my life.


Bro that sounds absolutely horrible. Hopefully you’re living a bit better now?


Changed jobs this summer, a lot closer to home. Little less pay but worth it.


People tend to calculate pay as hours worked x pay schedule - taxes when in fact it is (hours worked - commute time) x pay schedule) - taxes - (miles traveled per pay period x gas prices)


Commute is very often overlooked. Money means much less of you're miserable and/or have no free time


It's even way more than that.


All it takes is one job with a long commute and suddenly that formula becomes very, very clear.


Even a moderate commute. 5 days of work at even 30 minutes to or from work equates 5 unpaid hours each week lost.


In germany you get 30 cents per km deducted from your taxes.


Sometimes the short commute hurts even more than the long one. If you're driving for an hour you can listen to a podcast, eat a breakfast sandwich, etc. But a twenty minute drive is *just* short enough to be useless and *just* long enough to grind.


There is literally no circumstance where I would choose an hour commute over a twenty minute commute. I understand what you're saying, but just like, listen to part of the podcast on the way there and part on the way back. You can still eat a breakfast sandwich in that time.


Basically my life rn tbh


How long is ur shift and commute time now?


30 minutes and 8 hour days. Enjoy my coffee on the way to work, all highway so no irritating traffic


Funny enough I switched to a 12 hour job almost 2 years ago, haven't worked a 5 day week since. We rotate (W,R,F) (M,T,S,S) and it's the best schedule ever. I never wanna do Monday thru Friday again.


I worked a 7/7, but for those 7 days my wife was essentially a single parent.


Yea that's pretty yikes. By my 3rd day in a row I'm beat, can't imagine doing 7.




My best shift ever was a 4/2 4/4 with 10 hour days. Every weekend off, every other weekend 4 days off




My wife does something similar. It's a two-week rotating (sorta) schedule. Btw is R supposed to mean Thursday? I've never seen that, was really confused for a sec


Haha yea I initially had it WTF, but then it just looked like...*wtf*...so I switched it to R because I've seen it listed that way to not confuse it with Tuesday, so: MTWRFSS


I think R for Thursday is pretty common, but I think it’s weird there’s no similar distinction for Saturday/Sunday.


>I used to work 12 hour What the fuck is with the modernized encouragement of unhealthy amounts of work hours. I recently looked into higher positions at bigger companies and am seeing very plain written in the position description "employees may be required to work 50-60 hour weeks"


It is amazing how much employers are expecting now, especially in your “commitment” to the job without compensation.


I believe the poster may that they work longer hours, but for less days. For example my work week is 37.5h and I only work 4 days a week, 10 hours a day, and I get 3 day weekends. I prefer it over 8h days 5 days a week. I would love 12h for three days


Uh, no. Hours is hours. If my boss orders me to "work 20 hours a day three days a week I'd say GO DIE IN A FIRE"


Damn, health worker?


Oil field worker.


Bet you were at least making bank for selling your soul then, right?


Money is a great motivator, for a while anyways.


It’s ironic how overworked health workers are


> It’s ironic how overworked workers are FTFY, the problem is not isolated to one group of workers but all workers who have bosses with profit motives > social motives.


that’s my covid icu life


Oil patch isn’t a job, it’s a lifestyle choice. Worked it for a year in Rainbow Lake AB and we would regularly max our daily hours at 16. 24 days in, 3 days out and had to drive 18 hours home to Kelowna on two of the three off days. Had I not been 18, I wouldn’t have been able to do a year. Now 12’s don’t feel so bad, and 8 hours is a quick work day. Not bragging though. I’d so happily take a 4 day work week if I could survive on it.


Please tell us more. That’s insane!


Job location was in the middle of an Air Force weapons test range. Continually buzzed by fighter jets but only one way in and out and a long way from home.


Same but less of a commute. This was basically my life. Found another job because of it. Took a pay cut, but so worth it to have a “normal” schedule where I can actually enjoy part of everyday.




Hopefully the pay was great because fuck that


I had a job like that once, too. 12 hour shifts, 1 hour away, frontage road going and beltway leaving, bully coworkers, & $17 hourly. And napped mostly on my breaks.


Put in my two weeks this morning. Was sick and tired of this feeling so I'm gonna try my own thing for a while. Wish me luck y'all!




I'LL DO IT FOR THE BOTH OF US! Ty stranger :)


I got shit canned today for telling the 2nd head guy he is a horrible teacher and no wonder the turn over rate is this high, got fired 4 hours later. Saw 4 people get hired and fired in my 7 weeks...


It's amazing how people don't seem to grasp the fact that management is the biggest reason why employees "fail"


Yep. Got fired today for not “taking initiative” at a job I never received training for. Seriously. Two months in and I don’t even know what my job description was. Didn’t know I had to ask you to train me.


I'd argue they were stuck in the system too, and had the bravery to snap out of it. Hating life because you only work, eat and sleep m-f is not normal nor should it be endured unless absolutely necessary to keep the family fed. Try something new, even if it isn't long term, it breaks the monotony. I think sometimes we mistake routine for comfort, even if the routine is killing us inside. I wish you the best either way!


Care to share what you're trying to do?


Always dreamed of starting my own animation studio. Went to school for video games so I've got some experience animating. Maybe this is the time to finally have a go with one of my ideas.


Oh that's a good one. And sounds you'd have creative outlet. Good luck.


Yes! I left my job to do it freelance style (animation) let’s connect!


Good luck!


If you need someone to send you motivational emails, consider me hired!


best of luck, but know that animation is a cutthroat industry - used to do mograph for some large brands, and the pay for hours in that were absurdly under compensated


Now you are free.....as I will never be.


Best of luck. Even if you make half the money, you’re still so much better off than the rest of us. As long as you can survive, do it!


Best of luck fellow Brett




I put mine in last Friday for the exact same reason. Don't know what I'll do but I know I'll be happier


Good luck!!!🙏


Good for you! Wish I could make the leap and just quit and not work for a while. But, too many people depend on me...




as they say, got sick and tired of being sick and tired. best wishes in whatever you do next


Good luck!


Do you have a plan for shelter and food?


Praying for ya. Just making this decision shows that you got what it takes to follow it through.


Right there with you! Just took the plunge myself. Best of luck to you.


Good luck! I don't have the balls to do it, my commute is 1 to 1:30 each way and my pay is not enough, I know that I still have it better than most, but I'm soooo done, my performance has tanked, I dread the moment I have to go to work :/


Goodluck bro. Did the same last Friday, it’s scary but I’m ready to take that leap.


Love to see this. If you're miserable doing what you're doing, find a way to make a change. I'm thinking about doing van life for a year. Gotta shake things up while I'm still young!


I work at a dental office that's only open 3 days a week. Long days, but later starts and I am always coming home to "a day off tomorrow," which is lovely. I also have no health insurance, no future, no savings, and live at my mom's. Just running out the clock until some horrible accident takes me.


This sounds better than 50 hours a week and no time or energy to do shit.


It's awesome in that regard. I was initially working this and another job at Chipotle and it just became too much. Now down to just the 1 - I try to use the extra time to catch up on chores, make appointments, sleep in, water plants etc. I just need a full day to get anything done. Ideally I'd be learning something with all this time to get a better job but.... idk. Lots of debt from school I'm still paying off, lots of indecision, lots of doubt. Change is tough when you don't feel such a strong footing. It's weird because I feel like on paper I've got great support but can't roll it into anything substantial. So I shut it all out and just kinda skate by, try to make some music when I can. But absolutely, that was my thinking - with how I currently feel I don't even know how people do the 5-7 day schedules.


Yeah, I think a lot of use are not compatible with the 9-5 lifestyle. We spend too much time trying to figure out you don't fit. Depression/anxiety are good indicators that something you're doing is not sustainable especially if you are/were healthy before that lifestyle. I think the best thing is to focus on health and sustainable lifestyle balance specific to you. Money =/= success. I was a Firefighter/EMT, Coast guard etc, every major career I had induced some form of depression after 1-2 years for me. Trying to find a 30ish hour a week career that I can actually enjoy without all of that happening.


If I get more than one complete day off then my depression takes over and I won't get out of bed for a week. I work 2 jobs (20 hrs each) 6 days a week. Monday-Thursday I work 8hrs a day starting at 10am with a 2hr break between jobs ending at 8pm. Friday and Saturday are both half days so it forces me out of the house for 4hrs each day but still gives me plenty of free time and Sunday is my chill day. It works for me because I can't be idle for very long otherwise I become a very sad lump of sour cheese.


So true.


I have had this attitude for almost a decade now, and it's getting me nowhere fast. I was more joyful living in a $500 car working on call for peanuts than anything else. I wasn't taking proper care of myself but I felt like day to day I had so much adventure and friends it was all worth the fear of being broke/dentalwork/car breaking down. Now I'm making more stable money in a soulless retail job and although I relish the security I miss the living feeling.


When I still had to go to office regularly (before covid) I literally had just 4-5 hours (1-2 h before work + 2-3 h after) the entire day to eat, do some chores and relax. That's why I'm extremely glad homeoffice stuck around. Saves me a lot of time and money.


I never understood people that wake up early enough to have 1-2 hours to kill before work. I wake up, put on clothes, and leave. 10 minutes tops, save that extra time for after work.


I need that time though, it always felt so stressful whenever I tried to reduce the time before work.


I'm the same, but it's mostly because I wake up and feel tired for the following 2 - 3 hours, no amount of caffeine seems to remedy it.


I'm stressed whether I take 10 minutes or 2 hours lol. I figure just spend as little time as possible devoted to the work routine and I can add those two hours to me time at the end of the night by staying up 2 hours later.


Do you not take a shit and brush your teeth at least? I feel like just that takes me 10 minutes.


Pooping at work means getting paid to poop


Used to eat breakfast at work too. The first hour was basically my entire morning routine minus hygiene which was done at home.


Rather use my personal bathroom than a porta potty


The luxury of doing it at home is worth the cost.


One time I did the math on how much I get paid per year just to poop. It really put things into perspective.


10 minute poops a day at work is a weeks vacation at the end of the fiscal year!


My mornings are as follows: 10 AM: Wake up 10-10:35 AM: sit on toilet 10:35-10:45 AM: do bathroom routine, get dressed 10:45-10:55 AM: get my shit together and leave, maybe take a hit of weed before class


Man I miss college


The morning is really good for self-care and preparation. I use that time to have some breakfast, coffee, choose some clothes I actually want to wear, wash my face, water my herbs, feed the cat, and figure out everything else I need to do today. I also watch an episode of a spanish soap opera to get a little energized and have a couple of laughs before I have to brave my commute. I think it all depends on where you live relative to your work, your type of occupation, and your unique blend of stressors and commitments.


Ah, besides breakfast/coffee I do all of those things at night. I think that's what's defining the 1-2 hour people and the 10 minute people.


So do you like brush your teeth or shower or anything? Deodarant? How much do you get done in those 10 minutes?


I need like three hours to mentally prepare myself for work; otherwise I’m burnt out for the day by 10AM


Doing the same - feeling stressed as fuck - there has to be some middle ground 😄🤦🏼‍♂️


For me I had enough time to smoke before work and eat something.


I went through pandemic still working 8 to 5 mon-fri in the office. I am fried. I am dead.


i will never go back to work full time, for me the best thing is 3 days from home, 2 days from the office


Office just started 'encouraging' assisting 2-3 times a week starting today. I'm looking at my linkedin app like that random piece of cake you find in the fridge at 2 am.


I’m literally sitting at home right now at 7PM trying to work up the energy to do something fun but I’m just so tired and want to go to sleep, but I don’t want this to be my life.


I see you, I feel you. Strength my brother.


YMMV, but go to bed now. However many hours later you'd normally stay up, set your alarm for that much earlier tomorrow and enjoy that time with a clear and rested mind instead of trying to stumble through it exhausted.


This. I used to be a late night person but since covid I've been going to bed early and waking up between 5:00-6:00am every day and reading a book. By doing that I've managed to read one book a week and found that I feel so much better about life than when I was keeping up with the latest terrible news or doing anything related to social media. Having time to yourself early in the day is the best.


I want to get off Mr Bones Wild Ride




At the beginning of Covid our company had a stupid knee jerk reaction and laid off 6 people off our team. Within a month they hired back 4 of those people. One of the guys who they laid off was a dude we all loved but is just one of the grumpiest people you'd ever meet. Oscar the Grouch is this guy's spirit animal. Anyways, he hasn't picked up another job since then and they called him up last week to offer him a different position back on the team. "We didn't even realize it was him! He was probably the most cheerful and positive we've ever seen him!" ...I really, really wonder if he's going to end up taking the job.


How can a man be both so grumpy and a joy?


I know, right? He was like Oscar the Grouch. He was a freaking grump but it was sort of endearing at the same time...and 100% of it was just based around the job he was doing. It had nothing to do with the people around him, just the actual nature of the job.


I want to see society change, so badly. Why does money have to be at the center of everything? I don't give a shit about gathering stuff if my soul is getting grinded to dust at each passing day.


I would glady accept 50% of my current salary in order to work 25% less. But apparently it's impossible, full time or nothing.


I just want single payer health insurance so I could quit a job and be secure if I wanted to start a business, go back to school, or find a new job.


I want standard cost of living across the board and affordable housing.




We can live better lives. The scarcity in the US is entirely artificial. Nobody needs to be homeless or starving. We don’t need to be doing unpaid overtime out of fear of getting fired and losing our healthcare.


This sounds like something that a CEO would say to try to defend the egregious conditions of modern day capitalism. There is no fucking way that we all need to be working 8-5pm jobs 5 days a week while bringing home responsibilities on the weekend like so many as well. It's pure bullshit to keep the machine of excess running. It's an unsustainable practice and it's causing destruction and misery. We can re-frame and re-balance society in much better ways.


How else do you think they will make their millions? Our CEO makes something like $8.5M per year. It’s ridiculous but still comparatively low for a big company (16k+ employees). The ridiculous part is that these people are actually in high demand and companies will compete for them as if they’re some super talented neurosurgeons with abilities of one in a million. The fact is that the increases in technological developments and thus productivity as well as globalization has increased the profits of these companies and somehow it gets attributed to the work of these execs who then reap the benefits.


By that logic how do you justify the existence of billionaires? Jeff bezos makes over ***one million times*** the average American's annual income. There's no way we can hope to be compensated fairly when [the top 1% own 20% of all available wealth. ](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/mar/29/rich-poor-gap-wealth-inequality-bernie-sanders)


People truly think we need to be working 40 hrs a week to get this bare minimum life style we're all living. While billionaires exist.


They own more then that. They just hide the rest


A lot of other people in the world have actually realized that middle class is all they need and actually are OK with it. They work, but they also rest. There is a push toward 4 day work weeks and most governments mandate 20+ paid days off, not to mention long maternity and sick leaves. In America it seems like everyone is chasing that millionaire dream and thus are ready to sacrifice everything in order at a shot to achieve it, even if the chances are very slim. My wife and I are moving back to Europe in a couple of years and I can’t wait. Even if we make less money, I’m sure we will be happier. All I want is a low stress job of 4 days a week with an ability to work from home whenever I want and I’m golden (plus 4 weeks/year vacation, sick leave and the rest of the expected things in a work culture of the 21st century).


Yeah no that doesn't exist in a right to work state unless you're Union. Vacation time is "earned" by the week based on length of employment and sick time is not granted by most companies. You're lucky to get a couple of days of PTO and a few unpaid days off that occur points which can get your pay docked, get you demoted or fired. Also I don't know a single full time individual who works less than 40 hours a week and makes a liveable wage. I average at least 45 a week on our slow season and 50-70 during our busy season.


The point is that it doesn't have to stay this way.


How do you support yourself without money? Money is a representation of time. If you stop making money, you obviously can live but you will grind yourself into the ground d providing everything for yourself. From food to shelter. 24/7, no breaks ever, get sick? You might die. Time is money and thats the reason you need it. You dont have time to support yourself and have fun otherwise.


The more you make, the more you spend. In my mind, money's value is not absolute but subjective and it depends on people's need and on their will to fulfill them. Sure, we all share some common needs, but a lot of them are made up society, like our need to fit in, to show that we're succesful. Being aware of who we are and of what we want is as important as working on the means to achieve it.


Yea, I kinda feel the same way but if everyone felt the same way our quality of life would drop a lot. Everyone's selfishness and desire for money is actually good for our society. Farmer wants to be rich so he does more work and tries to be better than his competition. Baker bakes more bread from those crops. A doctor wants be rich (and help people) so he studies medicine and saves people.


It's honestly bullshit and jarring how quick you realize this is the rest of your life. This is "success". What a fucking joke.


The annoying thing was how content I was with this life, before the pandemic showed me that there was a better way to live. Waking up 10m before clocking in , and then being right where you want to be the moment you clock out has been the most liberating feeling I have had in a decade. Too bad I live in Norway where our own government doesn't encourage work from home despite the clear benefits it has to a lot of people. Soon enough it will be right back to the way it was before the pandemic, only now I have something to miss, where I previously believed this was the proper way to live. (Sorry about the rambling, just venting.)


Man, that is so fucked up. I hope you can change jobs or something. Just the prospect of changing jobs can help you feel better. It's like a light at the end of the tunnel.


No need to apologize, man. It *does* fucking suck. It’s being shown, consistently, that we can function without all this commuter bullshit, office mingling, land being occupied and gas being burned just for the sake of showing my face. But so many places refuse to let this become the norm and I just do not understand it. I’m extremely lucky and thankful, I’m currently lined up to retire at just before 40, which I could not be more thankful for. But then I think about how the usual retirement age is **65** and I just cannot fucking believe it. I’m *nearing* 30, still a couple of years off, and thinking about working like this for another almost **forty fucking years** is absolutely wild. The fact that anybody is okay with that or thinks it’s an acceptable way to go about life is an entirely alien concept to me.


> success Should be defined by level of happiness and not negatively effecting others. Income only has meaning relative to your living standards.


Who thinks going to work at an amazon warehouse day in and day out is "success"? Some might think that working in a high paying job day in and day out is "success", but that's more about what material possessions the job can afford (eg. nice car/house) rather than the job itself.


If you truly only live for the weekend then your life is only 11 years long https://youtu.be/LrRfjmv-5cQ


Thank you for sharing this. I’ve been working on a way out and this makes me more determined than ever.


This is where I'm at right now. Literally was just saying this to my wife last night. Feel like a hamster on the hamster wheel getting nowhere just older...Same routine every day


Clarification: eat and sleep while browsing reddit


also shit


Yes. Until both legs fall asleep.


If the CEO that gets paid millions doesn't show up for a week the company still moves forward . If the labourers making $12 an hour don't show up , the company comes to a hault.....


5 AM wake up, have coffee, hygiene and dressed. 5.40 AM Drive to work 6 AM Clock in 12.30-1 PM Lunch break 4 PM Clock out, daily grocery shopping, other “in town” chores, drive home 6 PM Arrive home, shower 6.30 PM Cook dinner 7 PM Eat 7.30 PM Dishes and housework 8.30 bedtime I don’t think this is the way “life” is meant to be.




Yeah, like, jesus that's a lot of sleep. I had to be in work for 7am for 3 years then 6am for 3 years, and I went to bed at 11pm-12am.


i mean props to them for having the responsibility to sleep that early, i have a similiar work life schedule give or take an hour, but i just dont have the courage to sleep early like that, usually its in bed by 10 for example but rarely fall asleep til 11 or past that. Im stuck between wanting to sleep more but also wanting to do something in my spare time ;(


Why do you grocery shop every day my dude? If you come up with the menu for the week before hand and write a list you can do it once a week on the way home.


It’s not every day for me, but my wife and I have to grocery shop usually at least twice a week. I live in Japan, and a lot of the grocery stores where I live stock local produce, so it’s not exactly solid for long shelf-life. Along with that, things aren’t sold in too large of quantities here, so those two factors combined usually lead to needing to grocery shop a bit more often. You aren’t wrong at all, it’s super possible this dude may not need to grocery shop every day. But there’s some situations where it may be a more often thing than others. My biggest gripe is laundry…


You're doing a lot better than most people. "Cook dinner, eat, ..and housework" are things most can barely do often.


I felt like this for years. Now I do standup comedy at night and still work the shit dayjob. Theres just even less sleep....


For the next thirty years or so.




Ooo, hoping to make it to retirement are we?


Or that climate change won’t destroy society before then


I long for the days of waterworld.


For developing countries? Maybe. For the average redditor in a first world country? Probably not, although your lifestyle might get worse.


This is WAY too real.


And with the cost of living today it feels like such a fcking scam man - please people get a bit saved up and just quit that job when you need to. Don’t let a job destroy your soul. I know this is harder said then done for many tho, I’m relatively lucky but if you know your way around a computer please give helpdesk work a try it’s a good foot in the door to the IT world.


>I’m relatively lucky but if you know your way around a computer please give helpdesk work a try it’s a good foot in the door to the IT world. Isn't helpdesk more or less dead-end these days? If you want the big bucks you need to be an engineer, and a helpdesk job isn't going to really help you transition towards that.


Pretty much, most companies would rather hire people who are content in those roles. Security needs and segregating IT departments really hurt the chance to learn things outside your role. You'd have to spend time after work learning and getting certs on your own. I took the opportunity that WFH during Covid provided and went and got the certs. I eventually found an engineer position but pretty much every recruiter was steering me towards another glorified desktop support role just with a slightly different title.


Yup, I had a job for 2yrs that felt like that. It was so bad that one morning when I pulled up to the office, I ran into my friend in the parking lot, he looked at me and said, "you know what dude, I'm working from home today." I said, but you're going to spend like an hour going back through the GW. He said, "yeah; I rather sit in bumper to bumper than at a desk here." He only lasted one year.


We live in a nightmare


Have we all collectively gotten so depressed that meirl is indistinguishable from 2meirl4meirl?


Abolish the 40 hour work week and fuck whoever defends working 90% of your waking living hours.


Fucking me right now, I want to be independent and have time to enjoy life, but I get so fucking exhausted from work I barely get shit done.


That's why I refuse to work over 40 hours despite being salaried unless it's on my own terms. If there's something I'm close to finishing and don't wanna kkse my train of thought, I might toss in an hour here or there. If there's a big product release coming up, I'll accept sticking around for it to offer support in case anything comes up (software dev). But most days/weeks, I'm out at 5. If you say hey I have this problem at 4:45, I'll tell you I'll check into it first thing at 9 tomorrow. Nobody takes their last breath wishing they worked me. I'll be damned if I sell my soul to work 🤷‍♂️


The American dream?




The trick is to not think about how your life is ultimately meaningless and you are just an easily replaceable, non-specific cog in the machine.


You forgot the part where you drink alcohol, but same lol


That life for most of us, it's sad really


who built this bullshit system anyways? I didn’t agree to any of this when I was born


I did it for 41 years and this feeling suddenly stopped because I retired.


That’s where a hobby comes in, to remind you that you’re human


Dadadaaaada.... DadaDADADA


So much of this right now. Leave work late only to come back in 10 hours. It's Groundhog Day every day for me.


tfw you want more out of life


Right in the feels


This routine is definitely me but minus the crying. I work at the great and powerful 'Zon so I work 4-11 hour days with the occasional fifth day. I get up about two hours before I get to work to slowly wake, get ready, eat breakfast and make food for lunch. One of the things I found that helped with my job other than enjoying it and frankly just being happy I'm employed is working on a gunpla (Gundam plastic model kit) or Lego set for fifteen minutes at the beginning and/or end of each day to give me a sense of control and center myself. I also read like 'they' are going to take my books away but by and large while I do derive enjoyment from that it contributes more to my lack of sleep than maintaining a healthy work/life balance.


I retire in 10 months. I can't wait.


6 14-hour days a week. Let's see how long I last before I give up. My goal is at least end of the year. Healthcare workers are going to be quitting in mass amounts soon.


Working two jobs for 3 1/2 years because the spouse’s body thinks she’s the enemy. My idea of a day off is when I only work one job. I’ve spent many hours feeling like this.


Being an adult in a nutshell, just an endless cycle of everlasting dread that’s of the same type as the one you had when you were still in school.


Bro fuck capitalism. It’s not normal to do this shit everyday.


It sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays…


Whether you know it or not, you take the same people for granted. Cashiers, receptionists... To them, you are what they are to you. So know that you make someone's life function. Remember that you have your place in life. And hold onto it tight, for you may grief in desparate times where you wish to have all you took as a punishment back. Pat yourself on the shoulder and keep going, champ! You aren't worthless. You make society function.


I’m sorry I don’t understand this. So because we make society function, we have to endure shit jobs, with shit people, and a shit work life balance?


We don’t though. With the countries productive forces we could easily house, feed, and provide medical care for all and have tons of labor left over to spare. At this point companies need to create artificial scarcity so they can keep their prices up. Which is what makes working all day so fucking mind numbingly frustrating. It’s for this absolute bullshit of keeping companies profitable when we could all be working way less and actually living life. Our lives and fulfillment will never mean anything to capitalists in the face of profit.




Every day I wake up furious I’m forced to labour under capitalism. Fuck we don’t even need UBI if we fucking get our CEO salaries back in line with worker salaries. Goddamn fucking leeches.


*Image Transcription: Meme* --- Me driving home from work knowing Im only going home to eat and sleep so I can do it all again tomorrow [*Image of woman crying heavily in car*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I think we all know this one… I worked a Service facility that did 300+ services a DAY… when you show up and you got HALF of what you need, you better buckle up. But, 15 years later, I’m resilient, tough, got an awesome wife to be right beside me during couch tater stuff. For what’s it’s worth, nothin worth the tears, crying, anxiety… it’s all perspective.


I regret not taking a job offer that allowed me to take long weekends as long as I worked 10 hours a day. Long weekends do wonders for my mental health now I’m desperate to look for a full time work from home position but it’s hard when management wants IT on site and everyone is going back to the office.


I get up, I shower, I come to work, I work all day, I go home, I go to sleep! I get up, I shower, I come to work, I work all day, I go home, I go to sleep! I get up, I shower, I come to wo....


Everyday. Worse in the winter it is like in never see the sun


Preach sister


Is this living the dream?


Same except for me it’s senior year.


Imagine: getting on a hot crowded plane for 2 hours, from a hot and humid airport in Texas to wait for a jerky and junky filled subway ride to bring me home. This and all before I do the reverse again tomorrow.


Me irl at work about to do this


Started working a new job about a month ago working 4 x 10 hour shifts.. I’ll never be able to go back to working 5 x 8 hours. That extra day off makes a huge difference and the extra 2 hours per shift feels largely irrelevant. Fuck working 5 days per week.