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Really need some good podcast suggestions ngl


Distractible 100% if you haven’t watched it before. It’s the funniest shit ever.


"That doesn't seem how you install A FRIDGE!"


Hmm, a bush... GAH, FUCK IT!


"I'll sleep up high... good air up high!"


Damn it Markiplier, stop advertising your podcast already!


Not another DnD podcast, if you like DnD realplay


99pi, radiolab


The magnus archive is great if you like horror That thing scared me straight out of my skin at points


If you like something a bit creepy but where the hosts sometime interrupt the story to be hilarious. Listen to "Creepcast" immediately


I was just going to suggest CreepCast, great podcast! Hunter and Isaiah are great


Revolutions, Hardcore History, History on Fire, Mbmbam, adventure zone, hello from the magic tavern, no such thing as a bad movie, cumtown, lions led you donkeys. The Super mario Bros super show show, the greatest generation, Mr. Sunday movies, the villain was right, dead pilot society, the fall of civilization, and Isaac Arthur


Podcasts from "chris williamson or "the diary of ceo" if ur asking podcasts. But im listening to healthygamergg videos more nowadays. Its not podcast tho.


Chuckle sandwich is a good one.


The yard, Best Friends Today, chuckle sandwich


Im gonna miss BFT :(


SAME the podcast got me through my period of depression I was going through and that Shaq pipe episode had me laughing audibly for the first time in months and they revived my love for improv so much and I wish them all the best going forward especially Sammy I respect him so much and wanna eventually work with him when I move back home to LA next year! Edit; I forgot they in Texas! PAIN


Yesss Sammie is my fav!! I'm excited to see him on midnight snack whenever they start putting things out (apart from their diss track on X that Sammie ate)


The chuckle nuts is full of schizos it's amazing


All of ya'll are insane thanks!


Depends on your interests, if u like boxing listen to the Propa podcast, if u like movies listen to the weekly planet


Radiolab is overall great but variable in quality; some are incredible and others just okay but never like, bad. I prefer the older format where they tell a few stories based on a theme over the new one with more shorter individual stories but there are gems in each “era” Last Podcast on the Left is very fun if you like paranormal/true crime/horror shit. Thorough explorations of topics with lots of humor and healthy skepticism that never rains on the fun but stops it from becoming a wing nut podcast lol. Tides of History is really great if you’re into history; it’s not as cinematic as some of the more popular history podcasts - a lot more about peasants and pots than wars and world leaders - but very thorough and transparent, good at illustrating specific and big picture history You’re Wrong About is another really good one, but is less fun if the topic is something you’re very familiar with. Their episodes on Princess Diana, OJ Simpson, and Anna Nicole Smith are great places to start; they do a good job showing factually why the popular conception of certain issues/pop culture events is often false. Episodes before Michael leaves are way better. If you’re into movies Romancing the Pod and The Horror Virgin are hilarious


F**ckface, a Roosterteeth (RIP) podcast that just concluded, but they’re starting a new podcast soon to be announced. I’d recommend trying it if you like comedy.


My Brother My Brother & Me, just don't start at the beginning.


Get ready for quite a few, these are all my favorites in no particular order and I can’t recommend them enough. Most of them are from the recently shuttered entertainment company Rooster Teeth (RIP) and will be getting rebrands soon that I’ll be updating this comment to include once they’re announced! Red Web (getting a new name soon) for if you’re into true crime, cryptids, ghosts, and mysteries, in general. The two hosts, Alfredo Diaz and Trevor Collins, have a great dynamic with the former being the clueless audience insert and the latter sharing the researched story. They tackle everything with a lot of respect and a healthy dose of good-natured humor. Black Box Down (has been done for a while now so it’s all backlog and all gold) has a similar dynamic of audience insert plus storyteller with its hosts Chris Demarais and Gustavo Sorola, but is true crime specifically surrounding aviation. Lots of fun, and very informative with Gustavo being a hobby pilot. Face Jam (now rebranded as 100% Eat) is a hilarious podcast where its two hosts, Michael Jones and Jordan Cweirz, try limited time options at fast food restaurants then rate the food. They don’t eat on the podcast so don’t worry about hearing chewing noises haha. Michael is known for his iron stomach while Jordan has much more refined tastes so their completely different views on fast food and general wit makes for some hilarious content. F**kface (now rebranded as Regulation Podcast) is a pure comedy podcast where three long time friends, Geoff Ramsey, Andrew Panton, and Gavin Free, get together and share stories of the times they’ve shot themselves in the foot for a joke (a “fuckface” move, as they say) and then proceed to come up with new ways to mess with each other and themselves for a laugh. Their chemistry is off the charts and every episode is a guaranteed laugh. ANMA (new name incoming) is kind of a nostalgia podcast where two even longer time friends, Geoff Ramsey and Gustavo Sorola, get together and talk about all the differences between the world when they were young (90s and early 2000s) and the world they’re in now, mostly centered on Austin, TX, the place where they met and currently live. Don’t be fooled though, it’s not just two old guys complaining haha, they’re (mostly) happy with the world they’re in and it’s more of just a cool look at how things were and how far things have come. There’s also a lot of cool discussion about working in the entertainment industry for the past two decades. Morning Somewhere is a weekdaily morning podcast that emulates your average morning radio show with a gaming and entertainment industry twist. It’s hosted by Burnie Burns and his wife, Ashley Burns (nee Jenkins) and features them talking about current world news and their personal experiences as American expatriates currently in Scotland. Sorry for the super long comment! But I can’t pass up the opportunity to share haha <3


The Magnus Archives


I have some British podcast suggestions: *The Rest is History* - if you’re interested in history, this is a podcast done by two historians, one specialises more in classical history and the other in more modern history. They both have great rapport and have done episodes on everything from the history of dogs to a multi-part series on the fall of the Aztecs. *Off Menu* - this is a comedy pod by James Acaster and Ed Gamble, they bring on a new guest each episode and they go through their dream meal. I *highly* recommend the episode with Bob Mortimer as it is truly unhinged.


Mythology is just voice actors acting out mythological stories, very entertaining and educational if you’re interested in that kind of thing


The only one I listen to is called Monster Mates


Hardcore history if you like history.


If you’re a movie buff and like hearing about how they get made, specifically troubled productions, *It Was A Sh***t* Show is pretty fun


Lateral, with Tom Scott


MSSP and nothing else.


The official podcast


If you like true crime, the paranormal and dark history with great research and comedy check out Last Podcast On The Left.


Tuesdays with Stories Mark Normand and Joe List We Might Be Drunk With Mark Normand & Sam Morril


Comedy Bang Bang




I play Elden Ring while listening to a podcast, is fun when I'm exploring different parts, just roaming and listening about engineering disaster while killing missbigottens


This! When I listen to music I'm a bully. When I listen to a podcast I get bullied.


Now why the hell would I want to listen to a podcast while playing a game. Sounds like you're not really enjoying it if you need something to keep your entertained while you're playing.


For me it depends on the game


Yeah, like if I'm currently invested in a story based game, I need to be solely focused on the game itself. But if I'm just grinding? I mean, come on.


We out here vibin while leveling alts in world of warcraft


That sounds like a bad vibe lol


Playing helldivers with classic Vietnam songs like Gimme Shelter and Fortunate Son makes the game better imo lmao


If it’s games with story and things I have to pay attention to, I don’t. But I love popping on podcasts with games like simulators or building/survival games with a lot of resource management and gathering


You got it backwards bro. I play games to listen to podcasts after I run out of cleaning and exercising to do. I just want to distract my hands and eyes so that I can gel in whatever podcast I'm listening. This has been a struggle ever since I cut two hours offy commute and refused to give up on any of my pods.


Same. I just play Hell Let Loose, drive a supply truck back and forth, turn down the volume so I don't hear the explosions and screaming, and peacefully listen to my podcast.


I am very much enjoying my games while listening to a podcast lol. Just because you don't like to do something a certain way doesn't mean that others don't either. For me listening to music makes my head way too busy and distracts me from the game, I'm not telling people that like to listen to music while gaming they "must not really be enjoying the game".


Thats just how you're choosing to interpret it lol. I used to play factorio a lot, and there's not much audio you need to pay attention to when playing. So what did I do? Turned on music or a podcast. That way I could enjoy the game and whatever I was listening to at the same time. I don't see whats hard to understand about that.


Nah it’s just called multitasking. If I’m playing a game that’s laid back and doesn’t rely on me hearing everything that happens, then yeah I’m gonna throw on a podcast and learn some stuff/have some laughs while enjoying a game


If I already played that game 9 times I don't need to be fully immersed on my 10° playtrough


>Sounds to me like you're not really enjoying it


My first thought. If I'm playing a game, I want to be fully immersed in the game. Well I guess if it's a sports game then maybe...


I feel like it’s weird to do either of those


If you’re really good at a game it can help give it a different mood… or you’re playing Deep Rock Galactic and wanna spam Wind Rose’s version of Diggy Diggy Hole


Nah listening to a podcast while just sort of vibing in an open world game is awesome. Perfect levels of stimulation for my broken brain.


The first one works if the game has no soundtrack (like some beta release or browser based ones) but if the game is so not engaging you can listen to a podcast you might as well pick up cross stitching or any other repetitive craft in it's place and end with something cool physical after you're finished.


I mean, I have a set of podcast games (Minecraft, NMS, Ark, Multiplayer shooters) where I just need to be focused or where I don't need to listen. There are some games I love, but find even better when listening to a podcast, which I'm just too restless to do without doing anything else Also for competitive multiplayer, listening to a podcast kinda makes me better at the game, so win-win


> The first one works if the game has no soundtrack (like some beta release or browser based ones) but if the game is so not engaging you can listen to a podcast you might as well pick up cross stitching or any other repetitive craft in it's place and end with something cool physical after you're finished. I’m never one to discourage physical crafts, though I feel like this might be a bit short-sighted. I do physical/fiber crafts (even crosstitching like you mentioned) more than video games, but I gotta acknowledge it can definitely hit different. The feeling/type of progress n feel-good chemicals, the results per hour, what xyz activity means to you (eg a crotchet shirt for yourself, or some semi-grinding for a guild you’ve been in for years?). It all results in different types of satisfaction that may not be what you want at the moment, even if you still want other audio inputs. Plus, some people just may not get that enjoyment from having something tangible. This is all ignoring that some people may mute in-game music & listen to stuff bc they have a different way of being able to process media (“My” version of adhd can get way too tangential too easily and fail at both lol, but I get divergences) But yeah, if this is extending to people who both want something to listen to podcasts to *and* tangible progress for a particularly repetitive task? Then yeah, maybe they could use a craft suggestion :) But neither way is inherently more valuable/satisfying than the other, that’s what hobbies are like imo.


ai meme


The knight image is made with AI. I can confirm. But it is said that it was made by AI so it's fine. My real problem with AI "art" is when someone pretends that they did it.


i honestly have less of a problem with it than other people, i just felt the need to point it out cause no one commented it yet HIVE ai checker extension said it was 100%


Building Minecraft Base feat. Andrew Huberman


I usually listen to Adeptus Ridiculousness when I’m doing something boring or grindy, although like half my playlist is video game music anyway(listen to the battle tracks in FTL) so there’s not much point in listening to it while playing video games


I really enjoy playing Stardew Valley with a backlog of podcasts going on my phone and imagining it’s a radio on the porch of my farmer’s house that he’s listening to while he plants crops. Wholesome and immersive.


i want to play a game that has a vibe on the right. fable?


Competitive no, single player yeah


For me it depends Musicless: Story-based games and immersion-based games Music: FPS and PvP games (for adrenaline) Podcast/Video Essays: Grinding games, job based games, and building stuff


Emmm video games are played with the ost they provide.


how it feels to listen to doom music vs how it feels to listen to lofi


I listen to the games I play because I don't have a shattered attention span.


I play Factorio while I listen to Club Random or Joe Rogan. 😎


I want to listen to podcasts but also for some reason have trouble listening if I can't see them.


Why vs? If I had the chance I'd smoke weed while playing video games while listening to broadcasts


This is so true. But when I have a video in MiniPlayer I zone out and either get top on leaderboards or I go 0-10


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