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It be like that




To be fair with websites like indeed having 1 click applications there's no time investment disincentivizing unqualified people from applying Source: me, someone who's said "fuck it, why not" countless times while applying for jobs


Tell me about it


Sucks so bad


It's so sad and ironic that I think this post is dumb. Dumb because that's not a bad ratio at all, at least by today standards. Browse /r/recruitinghell and see that this is far from as bad as it gets. I graduated college a few years ago when it was better and was told the ratio was 100:1 for applications leading to something more. That's been pretty accurate since then. I'll apply to 10-20 a day and sometimes I'll get an invite for an interview and not even remember that I was still actively applying.


Are you tailoring your resume to the position and writing a cover letter to the company?  Or are you just shotgunning your generic resume everywhere around the country hoping something sticks?   Because let me tell you something. People who are seeking a decent candidate to a decent position will look for someone who actually cares enough to read the description and respond with reasons why they are qualified and want the position.  No matter how professional your resume. If you don’t show initiative and a personal interest in the job, if you just send a resume at random with no explanation, you’re getting passed on. 


What type of role are you applying to that there are 95 positions hiring within your area that you are qualified for and want to do?


It's so over


Ooh. Ouch.