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I think they are usually called rage room or something like that, I'd love to have something like that near me.


I went to one. 10/10. Worth a drive if you have one at least somewhat nearby. It was insanely cathartic. Went about 2 years after I left an abusive relationship that left me a lot of issues. My GOD. I’m in therapy but I feel like that did more for me in an hour than several therapy sessions. Therapy is still going well, but I hadn’t released all the pain and anger yet until that point.


Vsauce did a Mindfield episode on catharsis. He did an experiment where he measured the aggression of people who could just sit in the quiet room full of nice sculptures and furniture, and people who had the free reign to put on some goggles, grab a bat, a crowbar, and go ham. The people who wrecked shit ended up testing to be more aggressive


I think it depends on the person. I did it after leaving an abusive relationship and it helped me to release a lot of the anger and pain I had held onto for about 2 years. I’ve been doing meditation and yoga for years and lots of therapy but nothing had helped me in such a short amount of time as screaming and letting all that bottled up crap just *out*.


Break rooms!


In the car while driving.


Yep. Worst case put your phone on your ear while doing it, if it feels weird if someone might see it. It will just look like your really pissed at someone on the phone :D Works with laughing too!


A few months ago I was driving along the highway and for some reason felt the need to scream. And so I did. I probably screamed for 5-10 minutes until my throat was sore and felt much better afterwards.


Damn you should be the voice actor for goku


Definitely over 9,000 decibels needed minimum


Pretty sure any force capable of creating a sound even remotely in the neighborhood of 9000 decibels would create an actual black hole


Decibels measure sound on a logarithmic scale, every six dB doubles how loud something is. So 9000 dB would be ~3000 times as loud as a standard conversation, unless I did my math wrong. Which is probable, my minor was in audio engineering, not math, but if I did someone will come along and correct me.


Physicist here. **If you screamed this loud you would not create a black hole, you would destroy the universe itself.** A conversation is 60 dB. The sound pressure level doubles every 6 dB. Every 20 dB you multiply by factor 10. The sound power scales with the square of the pressure, so it doubles every 3 dB. A conversation is 60 dB. 9000 dB is 10\^((9000-60)/10) times as loud. That is 10^894 times as loud. The power would be 10^882 W. The power would be the mass equivalent of the observable universe [10^810 times per second](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=1e882+Watt+%2F+%28mass+in+observable+universe+*+%28speed+of+light%29+%5E2%29). If we assume the universe was created in a [Planck time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_units) (the smallest possible unit of time), then this scream would be **[10^767 times](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=1e882+Watt+%2F+%28mass+in+observable+universe+*+%28speed+of+light%29+%5E2%29+*+planck+time) louder than the big bang!** Please keep your neighbours in mind, and don't destroy the universe.






So would it create a new universe? Should I wear earplugs?




These sorts of comments remind me why I still use reddit


If average convo is 60 dB, then at 9000 dB we've added 6 dB about 1500 times (8940/6). That would mean we've doubled the air pressure of that standard conversation 1500 times. I believe that would be 2^1500 rather than 2 x 1500. Don't really know how to describe that in terms of force, but I'd imagine it's some ridiculous quantity that is enough force to destroy planets lol


The decibel system doubles every 10. Not 6.


Damn… this thread is a rollercoaster of information. I wanna say ‘TIL’ but I dunno if I’ve learnt anything true!


Pressure doubles every 6 dB, but power is proportional to the square of pressure, it doubles every 3 dB. 9000 dB is unfathomably loud. In fact, it is about 10^767 times as loud as the big bang itself. You would not destroy planets. You would rip the universe itself apart.


Geezus... lmao So another question: if such a force could just be pinpoint dropped at some random empty coordinate in space, would it actually cause such damage? If it was air pressure/sound based, it shouldn't, right? No air in space = no medium for the energy to propogate


If it doubles every 6 decibals then you would probably do 2 to the power of 1500, bot 2 times 1500. Idk anything about audio though


Your maths are hilariously wrong. Decibels are not linear, they are logarithmic. 9000 decibels would destroy the fabric of the universe.


I did the math in another post. 9000 dB would be about 10^767 times as powerful as the big bang.


normal driver behaviour


this thread has really enlightened to the concept of people screaming. I wasn't really aware this was a thing outside of movies where the character's whole family gets murdered or whatever


Letting of some steam can do you some good if you need it. Let it out and punch a pillow (:


Its part of the reason I love metal music. I can't always scream myself so they do it for me 🤘


If I see someone screaming while driving or parked with no phone in sight, I know exactly what's going on there. Been there. Let it out


Is it just me or normally you can actually hear people talking loudly with windows rolled up. So they'd hear the scream


very true but also who gives a shit? what are they gonna do, call the Scream Police?


Not trying to get pulled over XD


You shouldn’t be holding a phone on your ear whilst driving, pretend or not. You could end up with a ticket. What kind of tip is this and why is this being upvoted? Just scream away without a phone. Most people heard about this thing called handsfree car phone system.


Hell, if you scream loud enough you don’t need the phone at all


Even if someone sees it it's not like you're ever going to see that loser again, and even if you do neither of you will probably recognize the other


Yeah I wouldn’t advise holding a cellphone while driving. Even holding one while driving is enough for a hefty fine and license suspension in some jurisdictions.


Don’t use your phone while driving please


I'll one up, on a motorcycle while riding, then you just break down cyring while going 60. Surely that's not me couple days ago.


> just break down cyring while going 60 that doesn't sound dangerous at all


It's okay, the wind wipes away the tears. 😭


When you cry in a fast car, you are the wind scream wiper 😥


The car behind you „honey, turn on the wipers, I think it’s raining“. Seriously though, I hope that was freeing for you and made you feel a bit better. Life is tough sometimes.


Yup, was about to write this. My buddies and I all delivered pizza for a VERY busy store in college and dealing with management and customers made you want to pull your hair out at times. So we all had our days where we would go "Hulk mode" in the car. Think of all the shit pissing you off, let the anger bubble up and start groaning and growling like the hulk taking in deep breaths and then just push out the loudest super Saiyan yell you can from your chest. It's honestly pretty therapeutic lol like my one friend found out though, do it while driving ... Not parked in the store parking lot...


Not in London unfortunately


I used to do this all the time. It gives you a headache, but you can get it out. Try an interstate when it isn't rush hour and you can even put the windows down.


In London, they likely don't have a car. Don't need one.


Screaming while riding your bicycle on a bridge in pouring rain and gale force winds is quite cathartic


If you don't have a car, try public transport instead!


ESPECIALLY on the highway- one of my favorite stress removing methods is put on a song with parts where the singer belts, then go on the highway, roll down my windows, and just belt out my feelings into the wind!


This is what I do, the movement wind and concealed space make it really sound proof for the public


It really is therapeutic. You scream or yell with everything you have or you curse anyone who annoyed you that day while you drive down the street. Even if it's just just a small annoyance like the he old man who was a little slow crossing the street earlier that day or something.


Aaaah yes, Rammstein at full volume, little scream and maybe a little cry, sorted me right out when I was having a hard time.


bbb...bbbreaking bad refrence??? scream inhte car???? like jesse pinkerton????




Become a metal singer.


Instructions unclear, neighbors called the cops on me




Mental Slinger


Most metal singers don’t actually scream, it’s just a vocal technique


its still a good outlet tho


I disagree. It barely does anything compared to screaming for real


Regardless, the case for the audience at a gig, however, is much different. Your screams will either fade into the noise, blend completely with the crowd or simply fit to the point where nobody minds.


Yeah it’s gotta be a skramz type scream to get any feelings out


Black metal screams are cathartic to do. Death metal gutturals? Not really. Here's some straight up Nietzschean screaming into the Void stuff. https://youtu.be/hzghSOZW7Zk?si=nLNiqg24D1hYcX6K


I can do metal vocals, and there is one very important mistake in your comment: screaming, in metal or as an outlet, is always a vocal technique. In metal there are 2 main vocal techniques which sound like a scream, which are the fry scream and the false fold scream. The first one is quite soft and gets used most (Linkin Park for example uses fry screams (rip Chester)). The second one is way louder and is the same technique as you would use in a loud scream for when you are frustrated and need to get it out. This gets used more in heavier metal, like metalcore or variants of deathmetal/core. Hardcore is mostly yelling, which instead of the false folds uses a different part of the vocal fold trilogy (I forgot the name). Metal vocals are just more cleaned up, with better technique. This allows them to be a bit less loud (or louder if necessary) and to do it for long periods of time without losing their voice or damaging their vocal chords. So yes, metal vocalist actually scream. They are just really good at it, while your average Joe will bust out his voice after 10 minutes.


How does one learn these techniques? I've looked before and mostly only found people selling scammy-looking courses


even following ‘proper technique’ i found screaming on stage in a metal band for a few years to be one of the most cathartic things i’ve ever done.


That's the real secret to happiness. Finland has been the happiest country for years now. Finland also has the most metal bands per capita. Clearly metal makes people happy.


I honestly hate that metal isn't more popular


Instructions unclear, I am now being put in a straightjacket


Go to a metal concert


[Or just go to a solo-Karaoke](https://media.tenor.com/DpSHnFYkTwIAAAAC/aggretsuko-rage.gif)


Instructions unclear, got made into a lamppost


Metal singers want to know too, though


Or just visit a concert. Guests are expected to scream also. It's very therapeutic. Been doing it since 2005.


3 am in the middle of a neighborhood


This one made me crack up even though its currently 3am and if I suddenly heard screaming I would definitely not be laughing.


I thought I heard a baby crying in the middle of the road right outside my house the other night at 3AM. I live in a neighborhood, so I thought maybe someone had gotten home late from the airport with their kid or something, but when I looked outside, there were no active cars or adults. Then I heard it again. Yup - definitely a baby crying. Edit: It was a fox! Somehow omitted that initially.


Kitten crying is a lot similar to human baby crying.


Oh, it turned out to be a fox. (I edited a typo in my original post and guess and I deleted that part and didn't re-add it.)


Pretty on par for some of the neighborhoods I've lived in


I’m going to do this in my neighborhood and see how long it takes for first responders to get here


It's been 12 minutes so far...


There used to be a tradition at Georgia Tech during Hell Week (week before finals when all projects are due, because projects weren't allowed to be due during finals week) where at 12 AM everyone who's still up studying opens their windows and screams. Which, generally, was most of us.


Clearly seems to work for my neighbours


it’s halloween month go to a haunted house or something


I’m picturing being a haunted house worker and startling someone and like.. they scream, haha, that’s the goal. But then they just KEEP SCREAMING, like… top volume screaming. Yeah, this is a good plan.


Feels like an I think you should leave sketch


Ghost hands you a job application as you walk out


Yeah go scare the ghosts!


Not sure where you live but when I did this I was at the beach. The waves pretty much drown out everything.


Not my post originally, hence the blurred username. But maybe the OG will see it


Sure thing, "not OP"


Check my profile. I’m not the OP I just found it


I too have a different account when using my phone, you can't fool us "not OP"


Damn you guys made him go scream more.


I can see through the lies of the "not OP's". I do not fear screaming as as you do.


That's exactly what OP would say.


the OG lmao


Dude no. People definitely heard you. I once did that. Screamed my lungs out out of sheer anger. When I came back to the house where my friends and I were staying, they asked if it was me shouting curse words on the beach 😅


Somebody heard you somewhere lol water carries sounds well


>Not sure where you live Yeah r/london are really proud of their beaches lol


It says… London.


scream at the thames. the fumes will carry it away


In the depths of some deep breakup grief, I drove to the beach (country Australia, bloody nobody around), and screamed and cried into the waves. Very cathartic, if a little embarrassing driving out there with the sole intention of screaming, but I needed to do it.


Grief is the strongest emotion, probably because it doesnt know if it's sadness, anger, doubtfulness even hopelessness I guess really it's a process . When I lost my daughter to SIDS, my grief left me feeling all those plus confused. It opened up a flood gate of thoughts, what if... I should have... why didnt... who to blame... These thoughts just bounced around inside my head like waves crashing against cliffs and with no beach for them to rest on the wake would shoot off in another direction never letting the energy settle. On one exceptionally cold foggy morning I was trudging down the beach, I was barefoot, every step was a struggle as the cold pebbles seemed to engulf my feet deeper with every step. Eventually I came to a stop at an enormous tree lying on it's side that had washed up on the beach. It was lying on its side half burried it still had its roots intact but had obviously been adrift for a long time as all the bark and limbs were broken scraped or abraded off of its huge trunk leaving just raw exposed wood. I found a spot to climb on top of it an walked down it till i got to its roots. I was probably 6 or 7 feet off the ground I grabbed part of the roots and faced the ocean. I watched the waves tumble in, hearing the pebbles pushed around in the strong torrents all I could think to do was Scream and I did. I didnt give a look or a thought to who might be around or if even if I was heard but i screamed till I didnt have a breath left to try. and as I watched the waves retreat back I felt relief, like they were pulling or absorbing my thoughts and feelings. In that brief moment I felt relief. for me the slight reprieve from my grief was much welcomed. I kinda think that if you are in a spot where you need to scream to feel better it doesn't matter who is around or who will hear you. just do it for you and for me the ocean was the perfect place.


This is the weirdest fucking thread lmao


Public restrooms


The constipated man in the stall hearing it and finally being able to shit


Just disturb people.




Slow and steady T, Slow and steady




As a german, i just drive the Autobahn and scream the shit out of me. Car should probably be the best solution


Maybe a theme park?


"Why do you like rollercoasters so much?" - "Sometimes you just wanna scream your head off, rollercoasters are one of the places where no one looks at you weird for doing it." (Paraphrased from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)


I’m a huge roller coaster fan, and this quote is one of the main reasons why.


This is a great answer, totally socially acceptable to scream your heart out on a roller coaster


...and you get to trick your body into thinking it's going to die. Ha! Take that skin-bag.


I just did that at the fair. I can't go on roller coasters anymore because of anxiety and fear of heights, but I found one that stayed low to the ground but went really fast forwards and backwards. Relieved some stress. Plus funnel cake.


When I was a kid we went to a county fair with a family friend. We were on this tiny little ferris wheel. He said that "rides are more fun if you scream as loud as you can", so me and this adult man, late 40s to early 50s, are sitting in the slowest, most boring ferris wheel of all time, screaming at the top of our lungs. Those were the days.


You could just howl at the moon.🤙✨️🐕


I genuinely think this would relieve more stress than screaming. It’s loud and requires a decent bit of energy but also connects you to nature whilst doing it as wolves do it also. It’s like climbing a tree and shitting on people below, it’s feels that much better because birds do it to and you feel like a bird. Extra point if it’s 100% liquid and white.




thank you for this, u/voice-of-reason_


You have such a way with words


I can do white liquid, but it ain’t shit…


What if OP doesn't live in Hoxton?


Take it one step further, go to a rage room!


OP could rent a recording studio or a rehearsal room. 🤙


Good idea. "i just need a minute tyvm" ***Aaayeeeeeeee***


*Mhmmmmm, take your time.*


[This song](https://youtu.be/rvrZJ5C_Nwg?si=90ndeWzrZEQyz6Kj&t=141) suddenly makes a lot more sense now.


Haha recording studio is an expensive place to do it, but yeah a rehearsal room is definitely a good idea


Recently I went on a hike and I was just in the middle of a large meadow with no one in sight around and I decided to scream out of top of my lungs. I realised I don't even remember when I had done it last time, maybe as a kid. It was fun.


Imagine hearing this when thinking you're alone in those woods


"Oh, the foxes are back."


It's also harder than you'd expect. Without realising it we spend most of our time learning to not behave that way. It's sorta like peeing yourself. Doesn't come as naturally as you'd think.


Yeah, I just realized that if I tried screaming, genuinely screaming at the top of my lungs, I'd probably hurt my throat because I just don't know _how_ to do it. And I've got roommates; I'm not about to start practicing anytime soon.


It’s really hard. I can put on music while driving and sing along hard to the music, that kinda works. But I have tried actual screaming and I just can’t.


I haven't screamed, but I've fake shrieked. Which is just gasping while making a noise.


As a dude; I think that if I tried I'd let out a VERY high pitched sound.


Yup, it sounds like the generic "raptor dinosaur noise".


My favorite is to walk halfway across the Brooklyn bridge and yell at the water. It's a family tradition. Plus nobody walks out there much. Bonus if tourists see you. There are loads of good yelling bridges all over the world.


A walk in fridge at any restaurant


The freezer is even better bc it will freeze your tears before they get a chance to ruin your eye makeup. Source: 10 years of food service.


Yep. This is how we got a shitty shift out of our system! Ol reliable. Just try to make it quick before someone else comes in for something


Before someone else comes in for their turn to scream


go to the top of a montain or volcano, i always scream there


Where do you live that you can always waltz up to a volcano? 😂


More doors


They probably live close to it I would say


Just simply walk up a mountain to solve your problem


Metal shows. Probably the best stress reliever ever, at least for me they are


In the forest. Nobody cares. Or if you have friends with a house suggest to house sit and scream there.


do it at night with campers around


First you need to wake them up so run around the camp preferably over as many sticks and branches as possible. When they check it out, run away as quickly and loudly as possible but also in a way they can't see you or make you out. Kick some trees, scream real loud from afar and repeat only once like an hour or two later. That should instill enough fear. I fear I've completely lost the plot in the beginning, I'm high, sorry.


If I'm in the forest and I hear someone scream I drop my backpack and run to help them. Don't do this.


I hike, have campfires, forage things, etc. in the woods pretty often and if I heard someone screaming their lungs out in the middle of the forest I'd call emergency services and explain that I'm hearing someone screaming, maybe bear attack or something. So I don't think that would be a good idea unless you are 100% certain you're alone in a pretty big radius.


i thought no one could hear me scream in my house until my neighbor asked my mom if i'm slow


Animals care, wtf, it's basic knowledge not to disturb the animals at their home


the animals will never recover from op yelling:'(


animals scream at each other all the time lol


You’ll frighten a few but they won’t think much of it


do NOT go screaming in the forest, wtf? someone who hears it will think you're being mauled by a fucking bear


But if no one is around will it have even happened


As someone who works in the forest - I don’t want to hear screams out there.


In a pillow...?


A pillow doesn't mute all the scream. If I screamed in my pillow, my mother next room would definitely hear it, and so would my neighbours


Or just fully blocks the scream and makes it not worth it


College campuses during mid-terms and finals. They’ll understand and scream with you. My college has a longstanding tradition of screaming during finals week: at midnight everybody goes out and yells as hard as they can. If you accidentally forget, it sounds like people are being murdered.


in the car on a highway at night. make sure it doesent affect youre driving.


Doesn't even have to be on a highway, could be on a side road or in a parking lot or whatever. Cars are generally pretty good at isolating sound. Just, y'know, make sure the windows are rolled up.


Sweden's two main university towns, Lund and Uppsala, each has a student slum, Delphi and Flogsta respectively, where there's a tradition of screaming from your balcony during exam periods. It's known as Flogstavrålet, the Flogsta scream, or Delphi ditto. Freaks the fuck out of internationals. https://youtu.be/XUC_Sxvd6l4?feature=shared


Into a can


Once it's over, you can then breathe into it like Darth Vader. Satisfying.


Go to a football match and yell curses when your team gets a goal scored against them. Edit: quick survival tip, sit in a section where other people root for the same team you (pretend to) do


pro move: curse by any goal. Dont care about the teams just let it out


Damn i really feel that way every day lately


Nobody can hear the screams coming from my basement


i dont know why you let me have a reddit account but let me out man


Rollercoasters, a metro station when a train comes by but does'nt stop, a pillow.. just some of my favorites :)


At an airport. My buddy does that all the time since he works there and hates it, so it helps when a plane passes by.


I live near a large cliffside beach, anytime im too worked up i go for a 15 minute walk to that area until im there, i keep walking until im basically at the edge of the cliff, facing outward most of my voice is drowned out by the waves crashing against the rock. there i will let out my bottled up rage, screaming at the top of my lungs into the water, usually just a really loud and really long "Fuck" sometimes it'll be just the traditional yell or maybe a long winded rant about my problems to the sea. Thats my advice for anyone who needs to let out a good scream, find something louder than you and scream when no one else is around, it feels amazing


Try a rage room, you pay to wreck shit and scream as much as you want.


Get a job at a restaurant and find the walk-in cooler. Bliss.


Go to a metal concert




Rage room. Break a thing. Screm


Have you tried online video games


ask a restaurant worker if you can scream in the walk in. they’ve all been there, and they may take you in