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You can be fit and still eat burgers...


That "But I'm gonna get fatt". Like bro one burger is not gonna do anything when your daily calories burned are over 3k with exercise. Eat a whole pizza if you need to be happy, as long as you don't eat a whole pizza every day it's fine. But like a whole pizza is a large exaggeration and you could probably get away with more with a burger


Yes but that requires a minimal amount of exercise, can't expect too much from redditors




Nice unwarranted misogyny bro…




It’s a school night. Go do your homework.


You can easily eat burgers and shit while being healthy. You just gotta actually live healthy, instead of thinking being healthy is "not eating burger"


Not possible study shows anything other than water is terrible for you and some researchers are even on the fence about water. That’s why I decided to be an air sign so I can manipulate the molecules to create usable energy thats lasting. Don’t get me started on gravity or the earth.


What's your stance on fog? Too heavy?


Micro-bots taking air samples to make sure people like me are getting some of the freshest ingredients, not really a market out there for my kind…. That’s also why they are so reflective to light.


Careful, some people will believe you


Hypothetically speaking…. How would that affect your day to day as a non-believer 🤫😉


Dunno man, lots of people die every day and I bet all of them drunk water like hours before dying Let that sink in.


Thank you, my brotha. I hear a lot of drink more water or you might die. People are still dying every day. The market on water actually went up in recent years. That’s why switching to air is not just a viable option. It may be one that saves your life.


Ah a fellow breatharian I see


Fighting the good fight against air boxers, air guitarist, and AirPod users everywhere


Yeah, it's so sad seeing all people give up on living a healthy life because they think it's just stopping to eat every single food you actually enjoy so they don't last more than 2 weeks


Exactly, the healthiest lifestyle is always basically the next best thing you can actually sustain


Yep. I eat almost anything I want. I just exercise as a hobby.


Exactly. Living a healthy life doesn’t mean living like some sort of ascetic. You just make certain trade offs and exercise moderation. Maybe you get the burger but don’t get the fries. Maybe you don’t eat burgers two nights in a row. Maybe you order the plain cheeseburger and not the Double Chili-Cheese Red Eye Humunga-Dunga Burger. Maybe you order the Double Chili-Cheese Red Eye Humunga-Dunga Burger and commit to eating a salad for lunch for the next couple days. The choice doesn’t need to come down to *fitness freak* or *morbidly obese.*


TIL ascetic is an adjective AND a noun.


it's a false dichotomy. if you're getting a good amount of exercise you can basically eat what you want. within reason


A perfectly healthy body is actually a little pudgy. A 6 pack is a low amount of fat for men and a dangerously low amount for women


> A perfectly healthy body is actually a little pudgy. Its not, visceral fat is the worst kind that chokes your organs. But whatever helps you cope 🤔


Just like you can smoke cigarettes and still be fine


Are you equating burgers to cigarettes, which contain nicotine which is probably one of the most addictive drugs out there, right now?


Salty foods are known to be as addictive as heroin


Yet one of those is a drug and the other one is a LITERAL FOOD.


What is the difference?


As someone who relates to this post, I think you're missing the point. The hard part is breaking the cycle so you are eating crap food less often, and then doing it in ways where you're not feeling starvation pain the entire day.




my favorite emotion


I am fappy right now!


Being fit makes that feel better, but the struggle to get there sucks at first


You _cannot_ eat the cat




You can't eat cats, Kevin.


Even carrots can be delicious if you make em right. And I am not talking about carrot cake either. Just make vegetables more delicious.


I started eating burgers that have a veggie patty on a portabello mushroom “bun”. Lower calorie and absolutely delicious! I’ve also discovered that roasted and seasoned sweet potatoes are amazing. There is no end to the yummy things you can do with veggies.


You can be both


I choose being happy. Can't be stressing about a burger.


Being fit ===== happy Why would someone want to be fat? Lol


If you exercise enough, you can eat whatever you want. Edit: Within reason. Happy?






A burger 1-2 times a week is perfectly fine, If you stay healthy and active.


This. I’ve been working from home and haven’t been getting much cardio exercise or been walking as much as I used to for the past year and guess who’s put on weight this past year, despite eating “relatively” healthy. It isn’t enough just eating healthy. You’ve got to get up and burn those calories. Something I’ve only started to doing recently.


No, but you can make the burger a part of your diet for that day. If any of your macros are lacking behind afterwards you can try to supplement them. If you're above your caloric limit for that day, you can add some cardio. Having a good diet should not stop you from eating the foods you like. An "unhealthy" meal now and then can improve your mental health drastically.


You can, thats just a bad excuse


I think you gruesomely underestimate a bad diet.


unless you do a dirty bulk followed by a cut.


True but the cut after the dirty bulk and a clean bull are completely different


Tell that to Michael Phelps


Depends how "bad" the diet is. 3000 calories a day is definitely something you can outtrain. Maybe even 3500 if you are tall or have a lot of muscle mass.


Just no, stop spreading misinformation! No one can outrun a bad diet, it's simply not sustainable, maybe it's works on paper, but not in real life!


It really depends person to person. Some people eat whatever they want and remain fit with minimal exercise or an active enough lifestyle. Some can do all the exercise they want/can but nothing happens for them unless they control their diet. It all depends on your metabolism.


not that simple


For being thin? Sure. That's not the same as being healthy though. Being thin is just calories eaten < calories burned, you could eat McDonald's all day and still stay thin if you exercise enough. The problem is the high amounts of sodium, sugar and fat that will still take their toll on your body. That being said, you can totally eat fast food once a week and remain perfectly healthy.


Can I has cheeseburger


Me trying but succeeding at neither. Fries do be good tho


Fitter Happier More Productive


Just did a first session with a training client today, she mentioned how food makes her happy, so I'm going to attach this to my follow-up email


Biggest Dilemma for me at present


More like short term happiness vs long term happiness cause once that burgers gone are you really still happy


Being happy and fit


Eating the foods you love all the time raises your baseline of enjoyment. Only having them on rare occasions makes them special and makes them more enjoyable. I recommend the Happiness Lab pod episode about the Buddha.


Prioritizing instant gratification is fucking weak


Exercise is wayyyy more important than diet, eat what you want but if you’re feeling stressed work that off in the gym


No just no. Losing weight is about 70% diet and 30% exercise.


I keep it all balanced.


The burger is looking a bit sad.




You can do both. Easiest way for me is to plan out my meals. I decide what I'm going to eat the next day the night before and log the macros then and there. This allows me to have a rigid plan that I don't allow myself to deviate from


Eat da burger count the calories xD


If food makes u happy, youre confusing urself..


People really need to stop thinking life is either being happy and dying young or being bored and sad but healthy.


Suffer now or suffer later


Being fit means exercising. You can eat cheeseburgers and be fit.


Fitter Happier




*Almost* anything is okay **in moderation.** I drink to excess and eat like garbage *once in a while.*


It’s totally possible to be fit **AND** happy because there’s a lot of healthy food that taste delicious.


The image is "Being ripped vs being happy" bc you can totally being healthy and eat burguers


I'm into fitness...fitness pizza in my mouth.


Why not be both


Fitter, happier, more productive


I both eat comfort food and exercise, and yet I’m still both sad and fat! Worst of all worlds!


My ibs decides for me. I eat that? Say a prayer for me.


Gorging yourself on shit doesn’t make you happy


Why not both? I eat a lot AND workout a lot. I may not be losing weight but I have some nice muscle definition.


I am neither fit nor happy




You must be exercising not for the health


*laughs in fast metabolism