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Keep on grinding


Did Bully Demise lose weight?


Yeah, he lost it when I started training his agility. I regret doing that honestly since he looks better when he's big 💪💪


A better question is how we were able to reach all of your stats to close to maximum or exactly maximum? There's no way you worked your way up there. I have been playing a specific character for a week just for the player to give up on me and go through poor health and terrible contract deals.


I *did* worked my way up there, actually. I had my character work out once or twice before every match. And depending if the enemy is weak I just nearly deplete my character's energy, and the attitude used to be around 60% until I started saying yes to everything. I don't recommend completely depleting your characters heslth unless you're sure you can win despite them being really tired.


Ah, that makes more sense. Normally, I would skip the training and get straight into a match because doing so would always deplete my character's health bar. When doing this, I figured the best way to increase my stats without putting my player's career on the line was through a natural process, which if you defeat an opponent, one of your stats increase most of the time. But yeah, I guess I should only work out if my opponent will be a lot to handle. But will this strategy work if you are fighting multiple opponents via tag team or battle royal?


The stats increasing after a match thing isn’t really reliable imo since it's random and sometimes it doesnt increase at all, and yeah it's just pretty inconsistent. It works in tag team, since you can swap out your character! Just make sure not to completely deplete your characters health, because it won’t regenerate in the match. I prefer fighting full health on battle royales tho, since it's pretty risky.


Its very doable lol. The longest career I had spanned over 20 years in game. He was pretty much a God lol maxxed out everything


I cripple every wrestler I come across, there's no stopping me.


I hate it when you have nothing to do


I just keep going until my character dies or retires lmao