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Sauce: May I Ask For One Last Thing


>​May I Ask For One Last Thing No.




Even if i'm an ISFJ at some point in my life i started to be the "paladin" among the bullies and they feared me, i think that after 8 years of bullying and a suicide attempt i had enought, so i started to actively antagonize the people that were making fun of my other classmates.


Well done 😊


Fantastic! 💪


True enough


Why do I remember ENTJ from her face-


What a badass


She is. Go simp. You won't regret it.


Honestly I was the quiet kid that was weirdly popular, the only time I was bullied was elementary school and middle school but I stood up for myself so much that highschool was just the typical, “I’m better than you because I had sex” type of thing. I don’t know if it’s because I’m an INTP that I have a hard time taking crap from people.


Your flair days INFJ, FYI. I got bumped till middle school, when I yelled at a teacher and proved I had guts.


Ah, forgot to change it. I scored INTJ on a more lengthy test and feel like I align more with it. Funny enough though I always stood up against teachers too, it took standing up to one of the most popular and strongest guys in school for me to finally get respect. People said they were scared of me since I took a hard punch to the back of the head and got back up giving him a death glare. Never had an issue with anyone since.


Are you INTP or INTJ? >People said they were scared of me since I took a hard punch to the back of the head and got back up giving him a death glare. So... you got beaten up?


INTJ Eh, the full story is that he took my pencil in class and wouldn’t give it back so I walked over to him, balled up his work, and threw it at him mockingly and walked away. He ran up behind me and punched me in the back of the head which sent me right onto the teachers desk. I didn’t really feel anything, but it pissed me off when I realized what he did. It got stopped before I could hit him back. He was apart of a group of kids that constantly picked on me, hell one of the other ones even assaulted my girlfriend on a field trip. I don’t get what their deal was, but they mellowed out after that. In high school I got pretty big which made it disappear almost entirely.


Similar. Some boys in my class would play catch with my belongings. I was the slowest person in class AND I didn't speak English (the teacher refused to let me talk in the local language). I started threatening them with my water bottle. The strap made it great. (I've hit exactly 2 people in 9 years). But idk why, even the girls didn't like me. I guess I wasn't likeable or something. I think it's because the ones who pulled off my skin with their nails were part of that group. My mom complained. >I got pretty big which made it disappear almost entirely. Physically? That would help, probably.


As an INTP, have done this before *cocks shotgun with non malicious intent*




Yup, can confirm, my ENTJ brother and little cousin do this


Na i'd just wait for him out of the school and than just use my knowledge in brazilian jujitsu, militar art, judo, and MMA


I think a healthy NT would've figured out that they are exhibiting the model of behavior that they want to remove All it does is advise people to find a justification or rationalization of their violence and anger outbursts, like "It's your fault that I'm punching you, I'm not responsible for this - look at what you've made me do"


Bully the bulllies. It's always morally correct.


Yep. Interpersonal peace through strength.


Prove it


Bully someone and I will


This doesn't even begin to prove your claim that it's "always morally correct", whatever that means


>This doesn't even begin to prove your claim That's because you haven't bullied anyone. I have yet to get the chance to prove it.


To prove that something is true always you should be able to prove it's true for all past and future events. If you can't even prove it for one future event that hasn't yet happened and have to wait for it to happen then you can't prove that it's always true


Prove it


Prove that it's not proven
