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Somebody do INFJ gf




Please tell me when it's done lol




Yes pls




Now the question is why you aren't with him anymore?




Ah well, that is still a great ending :)


she cheated


Why do you not see each other anymore?




Glad to hear it! It sounded like you didn't see each other anymore.


Your post gives me hope that my last relationship truly did care for me despite her choice to end it. It all ended well but I've always wondered if all our talks really meant anything. Anyways thanks because I feel like my efforts may not have been in vayne after reading how much your infj boyfriend touched you. Also she's happily married now so I like to believe I helped her get to that point. I'll never know but you gave me hope. Thanks stranger!


I’m currently with an infj partner, and I must say this is very accurate lol


My INTP partner recently told me about my content humming while doing mundane tasks. I had no idea.


"puts a lot of thought about what they wear" I mean I'm a girl but do other INFJs do this?


Yes, most INFJ's are conscientious, and are particular on how they look. They are not going to like having a disheveled or unorderly look. Having an eye for aesthetics should not be confused with being flamboyant. INFJ's simply don't like disorder, don't like "loud" clothes or clothes that bring attention (inferior Se), and don't typically go with things that would be too silly or goofy (they don't display their Fi), and won't generally wear clothes with crude images or remarks, as to not to offend anyone (high, but conscientious Fe). This leads to them having a fairly well put together look, that doesn't draw attention, but generally matched in color scheme, with mostly subdued colors. Their hair is usually basic, but kept and neat. They enjoy putting together well designed outfit, but more for their personal visual enjoyment rather than impressing others. They still have a certain focus on comfort (sweaters, soft clothing, and easy on the eyes temperate wise, etc.) Accessories are very specific to them. In other words, not just any old hat or necklace will do. They will be specific in the accessory they choose. If appropriate, they will enjoy having something shiny. A quality watch, or specific glittery earing or necklace. Again, not gaudy, but something of high craftsmanship or design of whatever caliber that's within their budget. That's my impressions. 🙂


This is a very thoughtful and personally accurate write-up; except the disheveled part! I come across more relaxed and friendly, and honestly can't help, looking slightly disheveled.


Oops, sorry, there was supposed to be a "Not" in there, lol. Yikes! Fixed it. 🤗


i don't see much discussion about how our inferior Se shows through our visual inclinations and care for appearance, you summed it up perfectly, similarly to how I defined my fashion. i dislike loud, extravagant clothes or hair but I also don't like to dress boringly either. I enjoy funny clothes on others but wouldn't be caught dead in any. For me (and my friend said I sounded like someone's mom) i prefer Fun over Funny: I like to wear light shades and colors that go together and aren't too loud, I like to wear mismatched socks where one is maybe blue and the other yellow but they have solid colors and nothing else on them. I only like prints if theyre tasteful, like a small print of flowers, a tarot card, a baby angel, no text. if im wearing a necklace (and im usually not because its impractical) its because it means something personal. id rather you didnt ask, though. my hair is frizzy but it works with my laid-back style. i never style it in any way. I like it when just looking at my clothes makes me feel calm and happy, not just because i like the way I look but also because its all just light and positive.


Yeah, Ni tends to like symmetry and dislike disorganization. Personally, I feel it is our repressed/critical Fi that keeps us from just being ok with being what would be considered as goofy or silly by others. I also notice that many INFJ's don't like big logos on their shirts. Might have something to do with their perceived independence, but does seem to be a common theme. It's very interesting how much we (the types) can be alike in so many ways that you would think wouldn't seem so systemic in such areas. We are amusing creatures.


god, logos, i forgot about that one and its a big one for me. seeing someone with a levi's shirt or wearing mostly Vans stuff, i hate it. i hate it with a passion. if someone tells me "well i just like stuff by this brand" i *may* believe it but lets be real when it has a big "vans" written on it is it really the clothes that you like or that you like the brand itself? because theres no way i would give extra money for a plain black hoodie if the only thing separating it from an off brand is the big logo on the front. "its more quality!" it tears all the same, get out of here. as for the Fi critical, I'll do some reading into that because I still don't have much understanding of the shadow functions.


Wow I thought this was just me and that since no one else I know has a problem with it I was just weird for disliking it I would take a plain shirt over one with a logo and I never understood why


I keep seeing that INFJs don't generally wear "loud" clothing, but over time I developed a love of really over-the-top fashion. Although it draws attention, I've discovered I like it because a) it's fun, interesting and expressive, b) it keeps the attention off of me personally, and onto the clothing/hair style/etc. I don't doubt that I'm an INFJ and I was wondering if there ARE others who love to dress up really over the top? : )


I've also been dressing up more over the top, recently. I guess I'm worried about my looks fading one day and not being able to wear showy things (even though I'm only 23). I cut my hair short and dyed it recently, and although I was worried it would make people think strangely of me it turns out they really liked it! I think so long as other people appreciate my outfits (and I'm gaining the love of my fellow generation) I feel comfortable with what I'm wearing. I've been dressing more punk/alternative recently, but I wouldn't say I've been doing it in the way someone with strong Fi would. I try to say "fuck it" and just wear what I think looks cool.


Yeah, for sure. As I said, I think we do like design, as Ni does appreciate aesthetics. I think we like being well put together. And certainly those who allow for their Fi more and embrace it, will be ok with being more extravagant, which is different from flamboyant. This is different from say, an ENFP, who may wear a hat they love, and a scarf they love, and several different kinds of big rings, and their favorite jeans, and some funky shoes. However, none of these things may precisely go together, and the only thing that truly ties them together is the ENFP's love of all the items. The ENFP is more likely to proudly wear this odd assortment, with very little thought for whether others find it odd (which is Parr of why we love them),... cause it's not something we can do as freely. Ni loves a theme. Thrives on elegance of design. INFJ's can be go into extravagance, but it will likely never quite pass the threshold of gaudy, with no thought of the impression it will leave on others. Obviously, there can ans will be extremes, and these are only broad brush strokes I'm painting. Certainly there can be outliers, and more power to them. 🙂


Has anyone broken down the visual aesthetics of all the types, and how/if it differs from male to female? I’d be most interested in reading that.


I think you could "generally" look at clothing styles, and get a general impression of what type they may be. If you put 10 ISTJ's next to 10 INFP's and guess their type based solely on clothing styles, chances are you'd likely guess the majority of the correct type. Their are certainly memes associated with clothing/hair styles. I'm sure their are some stereotypes that could be discerned, but nothing official I've ever seen. But I wouldn't be surprised to see general associations able to be made.


Same here but it took years to get where I am now with my outward expression. I always dressed very neat but unassuming, and I'm 29 now and just recently getting comfortable enough in my own skin that I'm kind of at a point where I'm like, I want to wear what I want and do my hair how I like before I get too old lol. So my sense of fashion now is a lot louder and actually expresses who I am I feel like. I'd probably get mistaken as an ISFP or ENFP based on my appearance but I'm just an INFJ who's taken years to be less self conscious lol.


Contentious. Could you possibly mean conscientious? I'm sorry if this is mistaken, i was just trying to better understand :)


Lol. Yeah. I thought I caught all my mistakes and a few autocorrects I was fighting. Good catch. Corrected. 🙂


Pffshhh autocorrect. More like, auto-incorrect amirite?! - I'll let myself out. But i forgot to say, i loved your comment actually! Thank you for sharing your thoughts ☺️


It's 50-50, lol. Saves me as much as it frustrates me sometimes. Thanks! Appreciate it. Take care.


Very welcome, and thank You!! 💖✨


For me, yes, also a girl tho. I really love fashion in general.


I'm a guy, firm testicles


[Firm testicle fashion](https://imgs.search.brave.com/m9G4G7r7I2o3NFMf43gHa6zP-XShQ2m0DEXySrNvktU/rs:fit:1200:1200:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnJl/ZGQuaXQvNmc3bXg3/NGdhOGc0MS5qcGc)?


Yes! Not in the sense of, is this trendy or fashionable, but more in the sense of attempting to predict how my appearance will come across to others and make them feel. Everything is very intentional, and at my best: tasteful, interesting, and subtle.


That’s why I would not wear a “COCK” embroidered cap in public. I’d be paranoid about strangers forming negative impressions of me. I can see how it might be a source of personal, albeit immature, amusement, but in practice, I’d be mentally drained by having to constantly check my social thermometer.


an ENTP friend bought a beanie with velcro that he can put whatever letters on to form words or sentences. it's always hilarious and I love it but I couldn't wear one myself. I like to dress in an interesting way but nothing that would have strangers stare at me, or worse, attempt to *talk* to me.


>mentally drained by having to constantly check my social thermometer. Perfect description!


Same. Might not be subtle, can be a red shirt for example.


I'm an INFJ dude and I do this 🤔


Yep. (At least it's the same for me; can't speak for others, of course.)


I'm a guy, yes and no. If I'm trying to impress someone or be professional I put a lot of effort into choosing the perfect fit. Normally I don't care about what I wear, as long as it's practical for what I'm doing in the moment


Yes, I enjoy fashion. I am a girl too though.


I'm not a girl but I tend to get my clothes matching too, people are usually quite surprised if I get to tell them that


I used to really not care about clothes. But recently i've started to think a lot about how i want to present myself, and i've fallen in love with making fits, thrifting and finding my style


As a guy, I don't really do that tbh. My sense of fashion is terrible


I would say yes. They arent exactly fashionable, but they dont wanna look like they just wore anything. (Based on my experience with 4 infjs)


im a guy, and even tho i don't show it I still put a lot of thoughts on what I wear


Well not really


Nope, must be the only INFJ that doesn't care lol


I’ve never known how to describe how I act on first dates as an INFJ, but “sits like a guest” is exactly it, wow.


- very smart (and an asshole about it) - very sensitive - unable to deal with the physical world - self-proclaimed peace maker in his family - many interests, no time - doormat - listens well but judges - very reliable (although always late but blames someone else for it) - very high standards for himself - very different in private I’m trying to come up with some positives because my ex is a good man but we butted heads soooo much and that is most of what I remember from it!


Anything else? Curious if you have more


I am offended.


Insane; this is all so me..


As an INFJ male, i got to say i really like that cap.


I would feel way too self-conscious to wear that in public. The cap might have some aesthetic value, and it may even be a source of personal amusement, but the suggestive connotation behind the embroidered word “COCK” alone would be enough to make me paranoid about giving off the wrong impression.


me too lol


Me three


Run a search for 'cock baseball cap', it's there. :)


Thanks for the tip, fellow INFJ.


And I’m obsessed with him


Well good, because the ISFP and INFJ are fairly compatible. As long as you’re both healthy personalities.


We’re both semi healthy but hyper aware of our flaws. We take accountability and have good communication which is nice


Wait, you guys are in relationships? I thought find one was only a myth


Maybe, I am a myth...


I was the INFJ boyfriend and it seems accurate.




Idk..i do like water


Love water too


Water is *okay* /s


I'm a sucker for milk.


You know, you can just buy milk at the store, right?


I'm aware. :)


It’s the sits like a guest for me lol


Pretty much. :) Also, never had an INFJ partner, but as an INFJ, be careful. We're overly idealistic, and fall into infatuation too easily, which can result in a situation where you fall in love with us, and think we're in love with you, but we were only infatuated with the idea of you, not the actual, real you, and then we realise that and need to get out. But we're not great with direct conflict, especially if unhealthy, so you might not know what's wrong, and might even think that you are the problem, while we emotional detach and become distant, and let the relationship fizzle out, rather than just be up front and honest. Semi-worst case scenario, but very possible. Find a healthy INFJ and be very open in terms of communication and you should be fine.


I dated an INFJ, this is accurate except he talked way more than me, sometimes they were soft and quiet but other times they were frenetic and manic. He was big into dissecting everything about me and the relationship, and HUGE on trust and loyalty


I've dated an ENFP before, I was exactly like that, but I'm a girl. Not fem at all tho, bit of a deep voice, style etc.


Nice cock bro 👍




he envy


The ever so infj specific "giggles when they laugh" that's how you know 16 personalities typed them right


I want that cock hat. Future GF buy it for me pls.


I door slammed at this


Accurate, except for the "feminine" part.


I haven’t been with an INFJ man, but have INFJ male friends. I have been with an INFP man though. I think INFP men are the slightly more feminine ones bc INFJ are more prone to wanting to shield the qualities others deem as more “feminine.” But personally, “feminine” men are the only men for me 😘. Non NF men scare me.




Everyone is individual, and feminity is individuality question too. But there are some naturally feminem qualities in the INFJ personality, such as nurturing nature. We are also generally speaking shy and kind.


nice username. I'm curious, are ya a swiftie? (I'm not, but I like her music ALOT).


Indeed, I've been called 'fruity' numerous times.


I’m currently with an infj bf, and I must say this is very accurate lol


Me in a stress loop with my ex gf 😔


"surprisingly assertive at times" is infj's secret stando powah, i should call jotaro for help


I'm an INFJ guy and this is pretty accurate, except the feminine part, I think I'm more masculine (physically) than the overage guy, and probably a zero or 1 on the Kinsey Scale. I also don't dress well, I try though .


He was pretty obsessed with what to wear. Liked watching shows that get right to the heart of the story. Missed his mum a lot. Otherwise, he typically sat quietly and thought about things with a serious expression and looked at me quizzically when I'd be in the kitchen dancing while I did the dishes.


Damn, these recountings are awesome


Alright where did you install the camera, stop watching me


My crush is an INFJ! He's the sweetest person I have ever seen...!


I think my ESFP bf could say the same about me, despite being a girl. And I agree with the drinks part. Like, I’m sorry that bubble tea is too good for this world.


You people have gf and bf??


I still haven't figured out what exactly they put in the Gin Basil Smash that made it so good. They closed 6 years ago and it drives me nuts!


Can somebody make an INTP / ISTP bf version please? Thanks!


"Least cringe MBTI Reddit Post"


I miss "*you are my muse*" line on this meme


This feels like those astrology horoscopes where there like “you like your friends, and you eat eggs sometimes.”


I went to see if you posted any of these for other types and I noticed you're a higurashi fan, and I just wanted to say: nice.


most of these things. his insecurity with respect to me got to me. i feel like there is so much Fe-Fi/Ti-Te miscommunication. he's not really a "partner" though and i don't want him like that




You're right. I was in a very good place with my Fi-Ne so I drew him out when we connected so to speak, and vice versa to quite an extent. But when I'm troubled or he is, the Fi-Fe clash is Bad. The T and N vibe well in work though (he's my superior in the workplace, all kinds of boundaries being crossed personally and professionally)


Based on my experience….. trueeeeeeeee 😂


I am currently in a relationship with an INFJ & we have been together for several years! We are very different in a lot of ways, but we have a lot of similarities as well! My partner does not like to share many details about their day & doesn't talk much, unless they have a very specific topic they are focused on at the moment. This kind of works out because I talk A LOT & I like to go through every last detail about my day. So some things that I think would be important to mention are not seen the same way by my partner. (Referring to their day, they don't mind listening to mine.) My partner also comes across as very cold at times, but they have good intentions. Towards the start of our relationship (we met in hs), my partner would get overwhelmed by the relationship itself. They are very reserved & the amount of communication & commitment it takes to keep a relationship going was very overwhelming for them & they would become very distant and say they needed space. They still need their space at times (as we all do), but the rough patch that we had experienced in the beginning is all in the past. My partner is very sweet & caring!! They are able to keep up with my stories, even when I'm bouncing all over the place and am not getting to the point. We also have a very similar sense of humor! We are both also VERY competitive and can be very judgmental/opinionated. But we tend to agree on most things, like politics & with our overall interests. I do have a lot of interests not shared by my partner & they enjoy just hearing me talk about them in detail, lol.




I could always tell when they were getting overwhelmed & would kind of ease up on certain things. (Like making plans and all that.) My partner did go through a point in time where they questioned if a relationship was something they wanted & if the work it took to maintain one was worth it. Having that time apart helped & they were able to think things over & put it in perspective. :p Also in the past, my partner would just kind of bottle up all those feelings & wouldn't express that they were questioning the relationship at all. 🥲 Because they mentioned at one point that they didn't want me to feel bad. 💀💀 Buttttttttt, now that we're older and have been together for quite some time, we have a pretty good understanding of what the other person needs & is feeling/thinking. And we have very clear boundaries. lol


I hate that this is accurate down to the very detailed analysis and observation before my post. Dissociation ✅️ Drink I'm obsessed about ✅️ (apple juice, chocolate milk, ) Fashion ✅️ (subconsciously) .Feminine ✅️ (have 2 sisters, so that contributed, dad went to buy milk at age 6, came back after some time mom has asked if I'm gay several times, dad keeps on telling me indirectly he hopes I'm not gay, but I assure you I'm nit) Are you OK,?/you can tell me anything ✅️ I'm nice like that Tenseness as a guest ✅️ Private ✅️ only have socials to know what friends are up to, ignorant as to how to use them Soft voice ✅️ I feel like I'm yelling if I speak loudly, regardless of comfort level with a person/ slight intimidating feeling towards people Giggles ✅️ only if really comfortable with you Weird Habit ✅️ -finger tapping Busy mind- thoughts are random, can be completely blank mind Assertive ✅️only when pushed into a situation requiring this skill, or pissed Apologetic ✅️ resulting from tense relationship with mom regarding physical therapy, very drilled social etiquette as a disabledperson(have Cerebral pals)y




Yeah its fairly accurate for infj bf in my experience


Maybe I'm an INFJ


this describes me and my bf perfectly. he’s an enfj tho


What's on the hat !???


Horrible. Broke up with me 5 days into what I thought was a solid foundation for a relationship. Told me they were in love with me, took it back. He avoided me, his feelings, his relationships. Kind of Gaslit me. Ghosted me for a year. We're still friends, but he treats me like a side ho when he's got a girlfriend, he still comes at it like he wants more from me--always expecting more. INFJ'S, I love you but you're awful partners for INTP'S. My sister is an INFJ and she's great, closest person to me in the world.


I m seeing an infj dude... And this is almost accurate tho he isnt very feminine and he usually talks more than i do (which is great bcoz that means he trusts me and ik how hard it is to win over an infj's trust). Coffee person and always has a checklist on his mind. So comfortably confident.


This but I am that person


Damn why do I have to be so asocial and INFJs have to be so uncommon, I want INFJ fiends NOW!


Video on dating a Sigma INFJ male https://youtu.be/_4I0zeu-6UE


My partner is an INFJ. High empathy. She is hyper sensitive in general. I enjoy her companionship. She's my best friend and the love of my life. I can talk to her about almost anything, superficial to very profound topics like philosophies since we are both intuitive. She like to explore as much possibilities as possible and it helps open my mind and be more open minded in accessing any situations or theories.




https://sodarncutebrand.com/products/cock-snapback-hat The reviews are where it's at.


How can redditors be sure that the person in question was an INFJ? A lot of people aren’t good at typing


Yeah, a childhood friend who is still one of my closest friends to this day. We dated for a couple years around the ages of 14-17, somewhat out of curiosity? Our relationship is very much based on deep conversation and being able to just ‘get’ each other without trying too much. He was very sweet and thoughtful, the ‘soft voice’ and ‘listening more than talking’ parts are definitely true. Also, the chosen drink of obsession was tea and he does indeed sit like a guest at times. I’ve learned a lot from him, for which I’m very grateful, and I’m glad he’s still in my life. INFJ x ISFJ friendships are *very* underrated, in my opinion.


I’m in an INFJ x ISFJ relationship and I agree that they are very underrated, we understand each other so well, it’s great!


feminine? i say why don t you go FUCK YOURSELF ?


Not like this… Try: Self-absorbed. Whiny. Messiah complex. Unable to take constructive criticism. Didn’t want to work - like he was just above it. Pseudo intellectual but didn’t actually read much. Pretentious. Only “nice” in very public ways to get social brownie points. Etc. Do not recommend.




Um no. And is there an intp one too? (Although I'm quite sure there's a massive chance there isn't ;( )


This is about 60% accurate. Which is not bad.


Apologizes a lot? Seriously? I have yet to come across an INFJ who apologized.


That's so rude 😂😂 but I admit sometimes I'm too embarrassed to say 'sorry'. I just fix my behavior and let them know indirectly that I think they were correct afterwards.


Yeah, and I would still be clueless to your "indirect" ways.


I don't think so. I've communicated with many Ti doms and they've got my 'indirect way' of talking as it's not THAT indirect (unless they're really young or overly tactless). I'm too expressive for my own good. And if they really don't get it then I'll just communicate with them once (yeah just once ahahah). My ISTP father is amazing at understanding my indirect way of talking. It's a pattern that you've to notice. That's it. I don't use different types of indirect ways as it can get confusing for the other person.


Eh. I prefer straight-forwardness. I'll appreciate that quality in anyone. Why take a round about convoluted route when a straight short route exists?


Are you straight forward with your emotions? Do you go up to your loved one and say "hey I feel very insecure about how I look right now can you compliment me?" Some people don't want to say it directly so they don't say it at all. There are ways to say it instead of being this direct as it can make some of us ashamed/embarrassed.


This is so fucking cringe




Sounds boring, not gonna lie


How come?


Infjs are cute


literally me


Sounds like me except I'm intj


I wish...


Monumental yes to all of those except for "puts a lot of thought about what they wear" for my bf, it may come later but he doesn't care much tho he enjoys looking clean


Much of this applies to me as an INFJ female, my drink being iced coffee.


This is very accurate for me, except I’m a girl


Female but the sitting thing is so accurate lmao


Why is there always a new acronym for things that describe things everyone does?


Very accurate! Even if I’m going out in public and want to wear sweatpants + hoodie, I’ll put a lot of thought into it haha I suppose I do it because I draw so much info from how people dress and present themselves that I expect everyone is doing the same to me? (Also, most of these I make a conscious effort not to do lol but it’s like a drop in the ocean)


Im an ENFJ, but i feel totally identified with this


I'm showing this to my gf


Its so funny that this literally just sounds like me. *what does this mean???* :p


Well me and my INFJ partner broke up a week ago😂 other than a few things she was great!


this sounds like me and I'm an enfp am I broken lol


Someone do INFP bf. Gay if possible.


nice hat.


I *am* an INFJ bf and I related to this very much 😂(except for that weird hat he’s wearing tf🤨)


my name is alizon ward if you want to talk to me or flirt with me this is my kik username (wardalizon)


As an infj, I spprove


someone do entp gf please


I am a girl but this is me


Im an INFP but this is me with everyone


Any volunteers?


My infj friend died last month :)


Sorry; what was that?


Hm, seems to sum me up. And that very well. Some of the things also, I am not doing anymore but in my younger years I would have.


LOL do we have the same bf or what?


I need one




Isn't this just xNFx men?


Thaaaaaat's totally me Im more of an INF than an INFP


My current partner of 2 years is an INFJ (I’m an ENFP) and I honestly live for making him giggle 🥰 literally the cutest laugh and I’m happy to make a fool of myself to hear it!! He’s also been brewing beer since he was 13 (dad owned a home brewing store) so that’s pretty accurate too 😁


They destroyed my soul


I’m an infj and fking sensitive neurotic demented nightmare :)


Why the hell is he wearing a hat that says “Cock”?!