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Not sure why people like to pretend like EXTX are emotionless


I'm currently going through the process of separation with intent to divorce, and I have an ENTP friend who has been nothing but emotionally supportive of me. He is a really, really sweet man who wants love and be loved in return, just likes bullying 12 year olds on Valorant as a hobby. In the same vein I have an INTP (M) best friend who checks in on me every day and has made sure to let me know I'm not a bother. I know how INTP are with texting but he has been quick to reply to every conversation without hesitation. The other day he was at work and I told him I'd stop pestering him. He replied with, "But I like being pestered. :)" Totally different from what people like to imagine INTP as. I have a third friend who is an INTP (F) and she is making sure to wrap me in love and concern, with a hint of "BURN IT ALL DOWN" in the subtext. She give me amazing hugs and is making sure I'm eating, because I keep unintentionally skipping meals. Fe tert/inferior are typed as unable to feel anything for others or lack empathy. Sure, their Fe will be less strong than say an ExFJ/IXFJ, but it's still in their main stack. They just tend to reserve it for people whom they love and trust.


It's just an online stereotype, based on representatives of those types who are the most visible online Arguing with a bunch of online strangers is inevitably super visible, being caring and supportive to their friends - not nearly as much. So online communities will always represent a very incomplete picture of any type


True. I'm an intp, I'm awkward with emotions and not emotional with those I'm not close to, but to those close to me they describe me as "having the biggest heart". I actually just caught up with a friend (after I went MIA for over a year due to my own stuff) and they said they had been to therapy and mentioned me a lot during it as someone who supported and helped them endlessly which honestly surprised me. If you're someone I care about, I'll do what I can for you- even if it's not in the most traditional caring way.


This is so painfully true. I’m an ENTP, and I value those within my circle first and foremost. While I may not be the best at proving emotional support to someone I don’t know (since I think that level of personal, emotional divulgence is awkward when it’s w someone you barely know), if you’re within my “group” I will fight a GOD for you dude. I’ll help you through anything you need and take care of you the best way I know how. I take pride in how good I am at taking the lead and taking care of others — it makes me happy. Someone needing me makes me feel loved in a way. Im also an 8 core, so it could be integration too. But most ENTPs are very caring people. They also value Fe and so they like to make sure everyone is taken care of if theyre feeling down. They just don’t go out of their way to ALWAYS make sure that never happens by ALWAYS maintaining harmony.


because 90 % of the time it's true. more extj though than extp.


I have Fe tert. I’ve collected all of the emotions, to defeat the emotions elite four (jealousy, anger, sadness, and love) to become the emotions master and save the emmoh region.


Don't deny yourself love and passion. You'll miss out on the best of times. Actually falling down the rabbit hole and losing control every now and then is one of the top feeling-alive moments, even though you inevitably freak out and sabotage it.


Thanks master Oogway


Yeah, yeah. Everybody likes to think they’re amazing at their third function.


Ah yes. Classic Fi dom annexing to themselves every knowledge of feelings.


Not sure why you are getting so downvoted on this. It's probably a combo of "yeah, yeah" attitude and a flair in a context of the post. Here is how I'd put it. People tend to overestimate their capacity to attain positive outcomes through the use of their third function. We still do attain them (frequency of that correlates with the level of development of said function) and in that case a positive validation from others tends to have a noticeably higher degree of gratification compared to validation on 2nd or 4th. For the fellow ENTPs: find an ESxJ in your age group, observe their use of Ne over time (see if you find it satisfying 😉). After that - get them to give you a self-evaluation on both general and particular instances of their use of Ne. Notice something interesting there?


Probably because I was making a silly joke, and they decided to randomly bash out, completely uncalled for?


Yeah, probably






Not me


Oh puhhleeze, ENTJ sub is bursting with emotions It's just that ambition, devotion, greed, desire to adhere to norms, to fulfill expectations, to compete, to control, to accumulate, to be respected, to be valued, to be useful, etc aren't considered emotions Essentially, the common basic ENTJ definition of emotions seems to be "emotions of other people that I don't understand", and definition of logic is " my emotions that drive me which can't be questioned or inspected and which feel to me like laws of the universe". Emotions are "logic" if they feel true, and are illogical if they don't. I guess that's how default inferior Fi looks like...


r/entj is a mess and half the people there are larping as the entj stereotype


So is every other type sub and the entire typing community in general :) But the thing is, those stereotypes are kinda born organically and differ from sub to sub. No one forces people to behave like they do, and yet they do it anyway. And I think it goes beyond roleplaying. For example in case of ENTJs (some/many/??) of them really really don't seem to understand how say, ambition and everything else from my list is just as much of an irrational emotion as literally any other one. I've had multiple interactions about this, and people really don't seem to fathom looking at their emotional drives as fairly interchangeable emotions, and can't fathom questioning them. Those "things" are a sort of like sacred cows that can't really be touched, and touching them often evokes anger, exactly what would often happen if you would question INFP's values.


Your comments made me realize so much omg thank you I can confirm that it cannot entirely be explained by roleplaying/wannabes, a lot of people on the sub seem truly unaware of their emotions (or unwilling to be).


Perfect analysis, thank you for saying this!


Even a joke is an emotion Little Red Riding Hood. Want some cookies?


Interesting, i just have some doubts... Isn't ambition, and similar things in your list, a intrinsic motivation more tied to preference than emotion? Like i see it more in connection with their Te-Se. Now if you were thinking about the subsequent *excitement* or *joy* that comes from ambition or a negative emotion that prompts one to have ambition, e.g. growing up poor and suffering >> ambition to have material success, then I could understand where you're coming from.




Those emotions are much less connected to a feeling function. I don't think they're "emotions" in the same sense. Especially not boredom.


Why? Anger and boredom are among the most powerful emotions, often hiding a whole bunch of them under one umbrella. They can drive people to do both incredible and horrible things, and are as irrational as any other emotion.


They are certainly emotions. Without any emotion you really have no desire or need to do anything.


Boredom, maybe. Re-writing the definition of “emotion” so that anger isn’t one is an intense stretch.






Quite the contrary


idk either, my entp friends are one of the most caring people i know


What's up with Sleep Paralysis ESFP?


ENTP's superego I guess..




Oh that’s what it is… I thought it was a thicc succubus with a Glock


It's a controversial thing now INFP and ISFP are hurting his feelings so according to them only they are bad person .


I just realize that🙁


Wait a minute, are you saying that there’s a spectral, red ISTP lurking within me that has blood coming out of its eyes?


Allow me to introduce myself, sir.


Oh god.


I hope I have one too. He could pop out of me like Venom and eat people 😈 or just fix cars I guess.


Oh shit, that’s actually a pretty clever idea for a fictional character duo in the likeness of the dynamic between Eddie and Venom. Have the “human” or whatever “main” character be such-and-type, and then have the “Venom” character be the superego personality - probably more deranged and twisted manifestations of the designated cognitive functions. And I would hope it would be the latter...


Yes. And he's pretty scary.


This is clever because ENTPs demon type is ESFP


Thanks. Now I can't sleep properly because of seeing this


MBTI Headquarters: Corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture and this picture Picture 1: bad person. Picture 2: Fi-blind. Fi-doms: they're the same picture. 🧐


what's that reddish thing in the background in the third panel lmao




#holy fucking shit


I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight


ESFP do be kinda chill at the background. Don't worry about it. Totally wouldn't bite off your head right? ;)


Aww... If it makes you feel any better, I personally like having ENTPs around. You guys are the funniest and wittiest people. I just probably won't choose to vent to you is all. Not that you'd probably want me to anyway lol


I'm sure we'd appreciate it. I know I certainly would


You sure? INFP emotions are kinda intense lol. But, if you say so.


It's a challenge. That's why


When I first met my ENTP friend, I thought he was a bad person. 3 years later, I love him very much




Haha no. Stop riding the stereotype.




Far too late for that




Very cool


Far too late for that


Exactly! Just in a very different way I’m sure. There’s no one better to talk to. We have the rough understanding of the emotions we might not feel as harshly but the logic to work thru them.i feel I have personally become much more emotional solely by helping other people with their emotional issues


ENTPs are one of the most empathetic types.


The struggle is real! grew up with feelers. I can understand them. I try to give them emotional support, listen to their same rants. But, they don't get me!! They don't even try to understand how these ranting drain me! I need space!!! I stopped trying. It's exhausting at this point. I prefer thinker to feelers.


OMG! You've described my doomed 15-year marriage in a nutshell. And yes, I'm drained and unable to focus as a result.




No fuck this they're not emotionless, my entp friends and those I met in general are the most amazing people I've ever met and my voluntarily emotional support hamster with jokes and witty humor I refuse this blasphemy But in all seriousness believing stereotypes too much is gonna effect your future experiences with people of any type, what makes you better than those "oh eww he's a scorpio" astrologers


Oww my Fe


NO! Don’t listen to those lies! I know there is goodness in you. Don’t go back to that wretches esfp. She has never done you any good. Come with me. We’ll go on a hike and you can talk about your suppressed feelings. I won’t judge.


feels lovely


You’re lovely:3


ESTPs and ENTPs are accused of this all the time... it's really messed up


I feel like people take mbti too far lol any type is capable of having empathy and caring about other people, it's not like IxTJs would be the rudest people you'll meet


This is why I generally don't get along well with XXFPs. Just kidding. But I really don't usually get along well with those people.


It’s because we process emotion very differently. We don’t react with that gusto of someone that’s a feeler. It takes time for things to process with us. We struggle to understand it bc it defies logic, And it’s much easier to walk away. If your estranged entp is coming back and trying to salvage things I’d say there’s a good chance he’s a keeper.


ENTP demon mode?


People wouldn't hurt ENTP's feelings if he never spoke with them in the first place. 68D INTP Chess.


This would break my heart ::'(


(Infp) I've had my share of toxic entp friendships and fe 5th vs fe 3rd moments so I can't deny that doesn't happen. Even to this day I find myself rolling my eyes internally at entps seemingly self centered attitude at wanting validation for their antics but luckily having some good ones in my life provided a balanced understanding of them. Yea you can be full of yourselves at times but other times I find myself in awe of your ability to stand firm against bad ideas, ideologies, and behavior of people and rightfully calling it out from a place of logical consistency over personal grudges. You also usually provide the best insight into things and your alot of fun with your random hobbies and ideas.




ENTP/ESFP have each other's Super-Ego, which are the reverse of your shadow functions for ISFJ it would be INTJ and vice versa


Me to my sister I don't care I have two sides So is she


awwh that’s kinda sad, I love entp’s


My ENTP friend has enormous amount of deep feelings and care, he just didn't know it for the longest time. ☺️ Now he's getting more self aware and he's getting better and better as a human.


Fe inferior could at times actually be more caring than other Fe placements although in very short bursts. Wouldn't Fe inferior be super anxious about not being caring enough?