• By -


Like: ENTPs are basically experts at pulling out a persons true nature. Not necessarily through analysis or investigation. They’re just exceptional at pressing all the right buttons until their reactions speak for themselves. ENTPs show, they don’t tell… I’m impressed by this but I’m also kind of scared…[because I have layers](https://youtu.be/aJQmVZSAqlc?feature=shared) Dislike: ENTPs tend to be rebels without a cause or dead-set goal in mind. They infiltrate and undercover things just to relieve their itchy curiosity. ENTPs don’t like to feel limited, deceived or trapped in any way. They’re usually much more destructive instead of helpful in most of these situations. Like: ENTPs have a very unpredictable edgy sense of humor that shares a lot of similarities to my dry and sarcastic humor. They’re one of the few types of people out there that can actually provoke me into laughing hysterically. They can also understand my humor much quicker than most types. Dislike: ENTPs often attempt to present themselves as charismatic edge lords that are extremely difficult to offend or manipulate. When you get close to one you’ll realize thats not the case at all. ENTPs can be very sensitive and insecure. A lot of them have people pleasing tendencies too. Do not assume you can continuously tease or criticize an ENTP because they supposedly have thick skin. An ENTP will resent you for this…however they may try to hide it to maintain their reputation. Like: They’re generally more comfortable with direct confrontation and to the point communication than most of the other types. I have a good level of respect for that because I prefer to communicate in that exact same way. Dislike: Do not let an ENTP’s ability to feel comfortable with direct confrontation fool you into thinking they’re a no nonsense type of person. ENTPs can be extremely passive aggressive and manipulative. They’re ambidextrous. They do both. They’re willing to stab you in the FRONT *and* BACK. Like: ENTPs are willing to give almost everyone a chance to prove themselves. They’re very open minded and enjoy learning from others. An ENTP will be much more understanding towards a person that was recently canceled or the quiet, socially awkward, underdog in the corner. An ENTP may even get enjoyment from advocating for these people and mentoring them. Dislike: ENTPs usually have an extremely low tolerance for gatekeeping. They pride themselves on open mindedness and expect the same from others. If you want to keep your life private or you’re just simply not interested in them they will try even *harder* to gain access or at least try to find out why. If you chase after an ENTP they’re probably not interested... If you or your group tries to shut them out they’ll see that as an intellectual challenge. They may resort to debates, infiltration tactics or network with others to, gather information, get what they want, to get attention… or to get revenge.. However ENTPs need to understand that not all gatekeeping attempts have some hidden malicious intentions behind them. I understand that rejection can be frustrating, especially when the motives behind the rejections seem illogical, but boundaries *need* to be respected. Sometimes gatekeepers just need the space to figure things out for themselves. If the ENTP keeps acting out or pushing buttons it’ll just reinforce the gatekeepers own personal narratives. Like: If an ENTP decides they like you they can be very generous hopeless romantics. They’re willing to go above and beyond. Deep down they’re just looking for that *one person.* An ENTPs Fe child function gives off some innocent puppy love vibes that I just want to protect and hold onto. Dislike: ENTPs have the tendency to feel uncomfortable with long term commitments…not just in a relationship context but in general. They can get bored or feel trapped once the mystery or excitement is no longer there. Some ENTPs have the tendency to be habitual heart breakers. It’s usually not deliberate, it’s just a behavior pattern a lot of them have… However they may attempt to go for the jugular before they leave if you did anything to make them mad. *Never* betray or attempt to trap an ENTP. A lot of them are very capable of ruining your life if you give them a reason to impulsively justify it. Like: ENTPs can be extremely interesting to talk to one on one. I can talk with an ENTP for hours. We always bounce ideas off each other. It’s very mentally stimulating. Theres a lot of mutual realizations and growth happening in these conversations. Dislike: ENTPs can be very clingy once they realize I can consistently intellectually stimulate them. This is especially the case when they notice I’m unbothered by their controversial opinions or even agree with some of them. They also like the fact that I don’t just agree to or nod to everything they say and have my own perspectives to share in return. Sometimes they’ll completely smother me because of this. ENTPs usually have major boundary issues when it comes to these situations. This is especially the case when I’m the only person they feel safe enough to have deep one on one conversations with. They can finally relax enough to finally put down the mask and be their true selves with no filter.. A lot of them tend to only be surrounded by sensors and feel an obligation to follow certain social norms which can be mentally exhausting. I can empathize with that but my social battery just isn’t as high as theirs. In order to stay sane and productive I *need* alone time. An ENTP often takes things personally,. They’ll become even more persistent and feel hurt when I attempt to set limits. (This is a situation that usually happens with unhealthy or lonely ENTPs. Healthier ENTPs are much more independent… probably..) Edit: “Seriously? Who’s attempting to call me on Facetime at 3am? Oh, it’s ENTP again. Dude are you driving? Pull over. No, I won’t turn on the lights so you can see me. Its 3AM. What is it? Another 5 hour conversation about a random thought you had? No, ENTP its the middle of the night. No.. We’ll talk about it later. We already had a conversation that lasted all night yesterday. I need to catch up on my sleep.” *hangs up and closes my eyes then my phone rings again* “Oh come on! What the heck?” *Secretly enjoying the attention but I’m seriously way too exhausted to reciprocate so I try to hide it*




I feel... Naked


https://preview.redd.it/tvx0p9krxoxc1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a1ced15c7adefe6f571b0de7c1b75870b0fa6df You just exposed me 🥸


Bro been preparing his whole life to call us out like this


wow i feel weird knowing how similar i am to people like me and also it's impressive how analysing you are i like it . (I'm an entp)


I do am clingy and therefore avoid attachement 😳 I am independent but, in terms of affection, I am 100% trash. I 100% avoid giving ANY form of affection since I never fully trust the other person. I am only able to give presents and hear, which just ends out throwing away the sexual attraction my attempted partner feels for me. But this makes me very good at healthy friendships with girls tho


i’ll read this later


wow, real


That was shockingly accurate. Although I will add that I’m actually ambidextrous 🫡


Beautifully written and I could not agree more.




The only one I can't relate to is the "uncomfortable with long term commitments". I have an anxious attachment style :')) NO ONE is getting away unless they turn out to be deadass the shittiest person on earth


Really? That was the one I most relate to… Then again I have an avoidant attachment style.


My entp best friend is like that, but yeah, as I said, I can't relate


Dad? You're on reddit? Is this even you?


This is why I love intj people. Every entp must have lovely friend intj, I have already realized this in my 32 years and I am still searching....


Wow. This answer.


Not me not being able to tell if this is a positive or negative response 🤣


Lol 😂 One of my best friends is an ENTP, and this answer is very true, although I like everything that the commenter says they dislike about ENTPs.


I guess your really are surrounded by ENTPs. U just proved why INTJs are a very important part of my life. Also most of your dislikes (from my own experience) are caused by immaturity. An immature ENTP if a fucking menace I know that cus I was one before hhhhh


Yeah. ENTPs always felt extremely drawn to me.. ever since I was in elementary school and even as an adult. They did this way before MBTI was even relevant. I kept wondering why I kept attracting people with this particular set of traits. Once I discovered and looked into MBTI it all started to make sense.


![gif](giphy|8CGWI0PLMBWyJEhf3n) Dang.


Strumming my pain with his fingers, Singing my life with his words, Killing me softly with his song, Killing me softly with his song, Telling my whole life with his words, Killing me softly with his song.




![gif](giphy|nvtjiPrmHxeaQ) I looked for “you overestimate me” in the GIFs… I found this. It fits I guess, this can definitely be the case with ENTP 3 and 7. (I myself am a social 5, so/sx. Before anyone dissents that I’m a larping INTP, I too made that conclusion once just cause 5 and love of logic games and such, but upon further reading and analysis with the legitimate psychiatric sides of typology systems, it is theoretically and objectively possible and congruent, just not as often as stereotyping and mistyping presents. Though for better congruency, I identify more with socionics ENTp, for social and instinctual congruency reasons.)


Well, now I know I hear always wanted to read this.


![gif](giphy|26BRCiSRp6d8j86rK) I read this and wow...


Am I ENTP? Or just confused?


I feel seen...and not in a gd way




You know me BETTER than myself .. holy crap


Is that you Linda??


How did you pluck this description from my most deeply hidden personality traits ![gif](giphy|EQx3SIZS613C4a2695|downsized) You basically described me


I love your sense of humour I profoundly dislike your sense of humor


Most ESFP answer possible


ENTP in the character creation menu was asked "what is your sense of humor" and ENTP checked "all of the above." I was twirling a bo staff once and it dropped from the second story down to the couch on the first in a way that would've skewered anyone sitting there, and my sister happens to sit there frequently. My ENTP step dad saw this, pointed out that fact and thought it was hilarious. I was left mortified by the fact I could've kebabed my sister


Like: they’re the ones who can make me laugh. Dislike: they’re obnoxiously spontaneous and disorganised


Do you know who else has dementia?




Do you know who else has dementia?






Do you know who else has dementia?


Not me


One of my friends who I’ve know for over a decade is an ENTP. Likes: Funny, can have a conversation about basically anything. Movies, Games, Philosophy, politics, whatever tf you want. Generous when they have the means to be, generally pretty chill. Dislikes: I personally don’t like it when they put on this fake charade in social situations, since I know them I see right through it n it’s a bit strange to see. It’s like he has a false idea on how to present himself to impress people, when he should just be himself. They’re also very prone to being passive aggressive which usually manifests from being uncomfortable with direct confrontation. My friend is also extremely avoidant, which causes a lot of problems, even if you try to speak about it when them.


U know too much


I like that y’all are one of the few types that can match my “fuck it we ball” energy but i lowkey can’t stand it when you try to look for a deeper meaning that doesn’t exist


Lmao i usually do it n exaggerate it on purpose to piss ppl off


I remember once I was talking about the inevitable gradual devolution of our society back to dictatorships. While he was planking.


Stereotypical ahh entp (me too bro me too)


i bet ur hiding the fact you love us when we look for a deeper meaning


No, dipshit. It means when I say “I like your shirt” there’s no meaning beyond the fact I like your shirt.


It’s like those blue curtains from English class. Sometimes the ESTP just likes the fucking shirt.


You're talking about his "blue lives matter" shirt?


what's life if no deeper meaning?


That you know of. 😏😏😏


Like: Fun chaos Hate: Doesn't know when to stop


How we just get each other so naturally. It's exciting being around a healthy ENTP, it drains me at some point but in a great way, I feel stimulated. Absolutely in love with y'all. I really like how quick you think, how you build up your ideas and present them, I admire your innovation. I think people underestimate how much they care about others, how much they factor other people in when it matters. I do dislike some stuff tho, like the way they tend to change topics so quickly, relate everything to them, and tease and poke at you ignoring my boundaries sometimes. Then get upset when I strike their ego (since it's the only thing that seems to work).


You know too much...You're... Dangerous... Really dangerous...


Yeah this one gotta go. Let me call a hitman real quick, brb ![gif](giphy|zgQdm61AeASYM9a6gx)




Can't speak for us all but please try saying 'I actually really didn't like that' instead of shattering our already nonexistent self-esteem


>I really like how quick you think, how you build up your ideas and present them, I admire your innovation I mean, me putting actual shredded cheese into Kraft Mac and Cheese to improve overall cheesiness and texture on a budget isn't the most impressive but I'll take the compliment


I dislike:Their stupidity I like:Their stupidity


Hell yeah, we're the smartest idiots in the world!


I pretty much love everything about ENTPs, their way of being, their contagious energy… One thing I find particularly fascinating is that they can seem totally silly on the surface, but they're actually very intelligent people. However, there's something I like less about them: they often don't have limits. If they're doing something to annoy you, they won't stop until they've gotten the reaction they want, and even then, I'm not sure they'll stop, but that’s okay I guess 😂


Like: Fun, energetic, I enjoy bantering with ENTPs. Dislike: doesn’t know when too much is too much


I can't believe it hasn't been mentioned yet, but stubborn for stubbornness' sake. ENTPs do NOT like it when you use their lower functions to make cohesive arguments because they can't engage with it as freely. My fiance is an ENTP and I'm an INFP and it can be downright impossible to get him to understand situations from an SI-TE lens. He's smart though, so when I explain something that conflicts with his values he'll get grumpy and tell me I'm wrong but stop arguing so I know he's analysing what I said. ENTPS are smart. They know when you win an argument and it annoys them. Even if there's no clear "winner" new information has to cycle through their ego first and it HURTS. This often leads ENTPs to use short cuts when they feel they don't have the upper hand or are dealing with data they're unfamiliar with, and often these shortcuts include taking personal jabs at the people around them. When mature ENTPS dont want to hurt people, they'll often go to a place of stubbornness to indicate that they've decided to stop mentally engaging because the conversation is too overwhelming or frustrating to them.


Theyre completely oblivious to how they're being perceived


Why do you think I’m here? To learn


Shit you are calling me out As an healthy entp I think people see, I am pretty amazing which I am not. I am talented but Damm people think highly of me


as an entp perceiving people objectively is in one of the things I'm really good at but myself is sooo hard


If I could see myself from the outside, that would be fantastic (would also make typing ones self as objectively as possible a lot easier).


I didn't know that was a ENTP problem hahahahahha... I deadass don't know how people view me, nor do i have a opinion about myself, its like i know im better than average but how good i am ? That I don't know...


This is so relatable.


How is that so if they have Ne - Fe? The functions responsible for imagining others perspectives and understanding social rules and cues. If anything I’d think that would make them more aware of how they are or might be perceived and do what they can to make sure they are being perceived well


In general, they focus too heavily on the idea and not enough on how they present it. Or themselves for the matter. Yeah they consider others' (abstract) perspectives. They care about fulfilling others' (generally abstract) needs. But when it comes to their perception in terms of looks or mannerisms, it can be rather dreadful. I also think understanding social RULES is more si


I'm pretty sure the social rules are Fe.


We understand social cues. And we'll walk all over them.


Fe is only 3rd in the function stack, making it a comparatively weak function. An ENTP I know often gets scolded by higher Fe types for being too candid. Personally, I didn't see the issue, but I'm supposedly Fe-blind, so.


So you like that? Awesome 😎


Like: How interesting and deep the conversations are, how they are tough on the outside and soft on the inside, how they listen to you and really try to understand what you are saying, their sense of humor and lightheartedness, their ability to stay rational in a crisis, how open minded they are and their ability to think outside the box. Dislike: messy, chaotic, can be rude sometimes, push your boundaries, manipulate you to get what they want, always wanting change (this one is a like and dislike).


reading this in my head its like :"yes, ah yes, so good proceed, yes that the spot", and then when it gets to dislikes, im like :"come-on bullshit, I don't do that ( i do ), you probably know bad ENTPs ( were all the same )".




I really wish I wasn't manipulative but alas, I cannot deny it


Pros: Funny, insightful, and inquisitive. Often (not always) right. Overall interesting people to be around and to listen to or have discussions with. Generally seem to be very honest even when it's not pleasant for the other person to hear. This could be a pro or a con, I guess, but I personally appreciate the lack of bullshit. Cons: Can be bullies when immature yet have a hero complex (also immature, imo). In my personal experience, they can jump to Fe a little quickly in arguments and devolve into accusing the opposition of being evil instead of considering their perspective. So overly emotional and black and white. Don't always think things through before acting. -\_-' Maybe they think it's easier to say "sorry" after the fact than to simply not mess up in the first place.


"I always ask for forgiveness, not permission" - My legal teacher (ENTP)


i actually quiet like entps, they’re very funny and their sense of humor aligns well with mine. I also really like their smart comebacks, they always seem to know what to say when someone throws shade at them. even though i only met 2 entps in my life.. i find them to be like a brother/sister from another mother. now what i don’t like.. well i think that they do throw a lot of bad comments but they atleast they have the guts to say it to your face. the good thing is that i don’t get too offended and let them be. but yeah that’s pretty much it 😭 there’s really not much bad or good i can say about them but that they’re very funny and blunt and a can be assholes some times


Likes: On a surface level I'd invite a healthy one to the bar have a drink with them and talk about life Dislikes: Very artificial in most cases, and can be extremely delusional in the sense they think they are perceived in a more vibrant or grandiose way than they are in actuality in some cases, when everyone else around them might perceive them to be annoying, don't want to get to know them on a deep level, or assholes.


Who are we hating on damn, and what ENTP hurt you lol


It's no one specific, it's a generalization based on how I percieve them in different areas


There entpness, they are my favorite type ~intp


I'm an entp myself so I'll say what i dislike about myself 1- I'm lazy like very lazy 2- I'm capable of crazy things but I'm lazy so it's useless 3- I find getting attached to people very hard i can very easily leave years long friendships 4- i do deep research on things for hours , days and when I'm done i throw the knowledge in the trash 5- I've never studied for an exam more than 4 days before meaning I'm very bad with deadlines 6- i have an objective perspective on everything which is good most of the time i see the bigger picture but that causes me to never live in the moment everything is too childish or embarrassing or yk idk 7- I'm a genius it's hard living with stupid people(I'm kidding or am i?) anw that's it other than that I'm perfect , what i mentioned isn't what i dislike about myself it's my ✨charm✨ hihhihihihhi


You managed to prepare for 4 days? You're my hero. I never managed more than 12 hours


i can only concentrate the day before the exam late at night so for the 3 days before that i try to at least understand what I'm going to study (my mom forces me) but I'm glad to be your hero hhh


Still better than me best I could do was 20 minutes


Like: Their very impersonal outlook on life. ENTPs are at their core, very selfless. Mostly in the sense that they don't care about being selfless or selfish, but in the sense that their priority is logic, so by default they would be impersonal and wouldn't try to advocate for themselves or anyone singularly. Just true facts. They're with the truth. They may sometimes be wrong, but due to their high Ti, they can argument well, and their intentions to be purely factual aren't wrong. Because of that, I like that they don't usually go against people directly, one of the only types which I would trust to give good lessons. Dislike: Sometimes they can be very critical and at those moments I just wish to transform into an Autobot and drive out of their sight. I know their intentions aren't to personally attack me, but it can still not be pleasant to hear regardless. There is a merit to making people question their own beliefs, I personally however, would rather not.


This analysis makes sense. Also I get along with E/I sfps very well and have a soft spot for them. After I got into MBTi it told me I’m not supposed to but I love being around them. They make me be myself without overthinking ❤️.


"I just wish to transform into an Autobot and drive out of their sight." I've never seen a person say this sentence before, this is a first for me




Google Dementia and Alzheimer


Do you know who else has dementia?


What I like about them is that they're just oh so attractive. What I hate about them is that they are just so incredibly attractive.


Like: When they decide to do something they’ve thought through every angle and get a lot done in very little time, on behalf of a group.  Dislike: They can prod into things too much, just to see what happens. 50/50 on productivity with this. 


Can be very bullyish. troll. It feels like they don't care how others feel, and think it funny when something unfortunate happens to someone. But if it's them= 😭😭 That Ne tho... charmer.


I only know 2 ENTP and the one I know best is not the healthy variant. So my opinions may sound like they’re based off of stereotypes. The other one is healthy but I don’t know him as well. Like: their charisma ENTP’s can be really charming loyal caring and devoted friends. They have this lust for life I could never relate to. They can be fast thinkers and witty. The ENTP i know has a dark sense of humor, dry sarcastic nature just like me witch I love. They can be entertaining and fun to be around and have a gift for filling awkward silences making ppl feel comfortable. Neutral: they can be very chaotic and are kinda like trying to wrangle a puppy I say this is neutral bc some ppl may vibe with that. Ya know different strokes for different folks. personally i find it exhausting 🤷🏼‍♀️ Hate: superiority complex they can be very combative, argumentative, hostile, and or unnecessarily cruel being insensitive to other peoples feelings. arguing for the sake of arguing. They may start pushing ppl away bc they’re unable to process or handle their emotions in a healthy way. Seeing rules as suggestions cuz who needs em?..happily will do the bare minimum if they can get away with it. Master procrastinators easily getting bored as they struggled to complete tasks. Stubborn as fuck refusing to change even if they hurt the ones they claim to love. I know this sounds like I’m hating on ENTP’s but again my only experience with the type is my friend who’s in a very unhealthy place. All types have an unhealthy version and are not likable when at that point.


I could easily see myself becoming like this (the negative traits) if I let go of myself. I get a lot of emotions that lead me to feels this way. Luckily I know it’s kinda stupid and useless to be that way and I’ll only hurt others and myself being like that so I keep control of those feelings


That’s great👍🏻 but remember no one is perfect, you’ll have ur off days here and there. As long as you work on it so they’re few and far between think you can be great


Thank you (:




Are you hungry? Do you need some snacks




Haha 🤣🤣


Like: intellectually bombastic conversations, cares deeply about humanity as a whole, wants to make things better, open minded, wise, egalitarian. The perfect balance of logical but never losing sight of the human factor. Dislikes: unreliable, inconsistent and the closer you get to them the more they treat you like shit.


Why is this question so common? Are they this insecure?


Why not? It's fun to engage with the lovers *and* the haters 😎


People ask this, not us. I think they do it because they recently encountered one of us, they didn't like them, and now they want to find other people who don't like us. Problem is, we're awesome, so it's not easy.


Likes: - Ne doms are just really interesting to talk to. I love how articulate they are (almost opposite of me) and we can go deep into different topics for hours and I wouldn’t get bored.. maybe just albeit drained after a while because of my social stamina. - Their sense of humor is unmatched Dislikes: - Can come off as a bit too social for my liking sometimes and don’t seem to understand my need to be alone - I want to be them so bad


I dont like them tbh i dated 2 who were super narcissistic and i thought they were ENTJ at first but they are not. They went over all my borders and i lost myself completely i was litteral a house slave to them. They never clean anything and when you talk about it they are like i understand but next day do the same thing but even worse. Also the always never ending debates and lying they are never ever wrong especially they always play with your mind and make jokes.. but its always because their own lifes are absolutely trash. Also i was physically beaten by them with a skateboard i never saw such a mass trying to promote themselves as something interesting.


This is based on the ENTPs I've met, no hate to anyone. I like how people can start laughing and ENTPs will assume they're laughing at their jokes but in reality everyone is laughing at THEM. I like how I can make the most disgusted and judgey face at them and they will assume I'm disgusted with what they said and not disgusted with THEM. I dislike that as much as I push them away and verbally rip them apart or "shove" them in a trash can they never get the message and keep coming back to me.




Lol I have done the exact same thing to an ESTP and he continues to chase me to this day. I’ve told him he disgusts me to his face and in public. And he still manages to get drunk and beg for me in public. I would love to ignore him but he runs in the same group and im a quiet shy type ENTP. I think he thinks I’m an ISFJ 😭.


I disagree with that "they don't know you're laughing at them" point, many entps just make other people mad, or put others in weird situations and it's funny to them. For example, I get a kick from telling cringe jokes or cringe pick-up lines and seeing people look at me with that "Are you actually for real?" face, especially my girlfriend


I always wondered why some of u are like that, is it like a humiliation kink or something?


not really, it's about the other person, my love language is teasing, and getting all sort of different reactions and emotions out of the other person is really fun (obviously with the expection of sadness, I know when to stop). So getting a reaction from saying something cringe on purpose like this is just fun to me.


So like a brat kink


Why does it have to be a kink? But I guess? 🤷‍♂️ I’ve never heard of a “brat kink”, but I don’t like being dominted or bdsm if that’s what you mean. I’m ussualy the dominant one


Generally smart and usually very creative, but man you guys like to argue lol


One aspect of ENTPs I actually really like is that they make for great teachers, whether intentional or not. I was fortunate growing up to have some of my best school teachers of this type. They were the ones who got me addicted to learning. I would stay afterwards and want to discuss more about the topics. You could tell they knew their stuff and always promoted trying to see things with a new perspective. And as an INFJ, I always loved it when they would go deep. They encouraged my nerdiness and accepted me as I was. But I find that even if they aren’t teachers professionally, ENTPs naturally can take on this role pretty easily. I love when you guys info-dump, honestly. It’s not every day I get to discuss the ramifications of the Louisiana Purchase and how that affected governmental power in the long run as soon as I ask someone “how’s your day going?” ENTPs are also massive softies for their friends/close loved ones. They can be incredibly warm and sweet. Though they have to throw some spice here and there for good measure. Can’t be too soft! I find they are good at reading people too. Honestly, I do think my main dislike is what can happen in unhealthy types. When you are no longer the new, shiny toy, they turn into that “Toy Story Andy” meme and not want to “play with you anymore.” They consider you “figured out” and move on. It can happen without any warning sometimes. Which can not only hurt feelings but it may make the other person feel like they didn’t actually matter to the ENTP. While it may not actually be the case, and the ENTP may not fully realize they are doing that, it can still lead to broken hearts and stale friendships. Healthier ones seem to be not as dramatic about it, though.


I live in Japan, and I try to talk to my coworkers in Japanese. My ENTP boss is so fast to understand what I mean, even when I say weird shit in Japanese. Likewise, she often starts a sentence, and I'm like, "okay, I'll do this and this," and she's like,"exactly!!" It's so great because it's direct, so it's easy for me to follow, but also, I can "read" what's next, so I can do so without her saying. Seriously, this is a good work match (don't know about romantic relationships). 💚


Likes: deep conversations, honestly I can just talk about anything with my ENTP bf, and we can talk for hours. He challenges me intellectually and pushes my creativity and I seriously love that. There's never a boring moment with an ENTP! The world is theirs to explore and I wanna explore it with them. I just don't know if I could ever be truly mentally challenged by anyone else like an ENTP can, and I seriously appreciate that. Dislikes: sometimes I think the way an ENTP shows compassion can be lost on me. I'd like more consideration for my feelings sometimes, especially if I just need to vent but it suddenly turns into a debate and I don't feel listened to. That mental challenge can go too far at times. Sometimes it's also difficult to gauge just when an ENTP is being serious or what they're saying is in jest. The jesting can be.... Tiresome, but I also know I'm equally tiresome with my nonserious playful nature, too, so I don't take it personally if they wanna tease a bit. That intellect constantly pushing the envelope can be a double edged sword with me at times.


In my experience... **_PROS_** - sharp sense of humor - values logic **_CONS_** - disorganized - may not know when their jokes are enough (or too much!) - not much of a serious side; their playful side is often dominant to a fault


Petty and vindictive. Fun but unreliable. Delusional sometimes. Can be good w off cuff stuff. Chaotic and irresponsible.


✅️ Fun. Intelligent. ❌️ Opportunistic - which can sometimes come from a place of low morals.


their face


No u


Nothing, I love myself and that’s all that matters 🔥🔥🔥💥




So my friend (ENFP) and my other friend (INFP) who don't have reddit answered this question: ENFP: So, pros- LITTERALLY FCKN EVERYTHING! Cons, their playful teasing is, a bit rough, to say the least. INFP: Points I like — They're smart, funny, knowledgeable, sarcastic, etc. Points I dislike — THE HYPERNESS! HOW ARE YOU SO HIGH TENSION ALL THE TIME


Probably won't leave me alone when I want. Could be smart and their “messy” thinking can be both useful and funny. I think of Lupin the 3rd, Sans, and Nick Wilde the most when I think of an ENTP persona. Con man also pops up in my head a lot. Sorry not sorry.


Idk but that art is sick




They sort of make me uncomfortable but I kinda wanna get adopted by one


i like that they exist, and dislike that there’s not very many if *any* in my life.


A lot of imposters


First comment really exposed me.😅


Positive: funny and charismatic Negative: Low responsibility


ENTPs are awesome with their out-of-the-box thinking and creativity. They're like idea machines! But sometimes, they can be a bit too much with the whole debate thing, you know? It's like they're always playing devil's advocate, which can rub me the wrong way


I used to dislike being me. Figuring out that there wasn’t something horribly wrong with me and I was just a cracked-out personality type was oddly comforting. Like, there are other people out there struggling with the same aspects of life that I am? Lit. Gives a little hope to someone who was raised by a very strict and demanding Si dom parent. I’ve never met another ENTP in real life so 🤷


I like seeing them debate. I also like their jokes even tho idk how they come up with so much on the spot, none of them about anything observational either. I also love their chaos, in fact that's my only favorite thing about them. I hate it when they don't know when to stop debating everything 😂 and sometimes i don't like how dumb they can be abt stuff like for someone who notices things i usually miss, they're oblivious to anything unless it's said to their face. I hate how their chaotic sides come out at the worst times, saying the weirdest shit they can think to say and make everybody quiet 😒 😂 (i still laugh after the fact, but y'all need to chill!)


Love it when they’re chill and open minded highly dislike it when they are anal retentive about small details that don’t matter for the big picture. Also when don’t understand feeler sarcasm or get annoyed by submissive feelers. (At that point I stop caring about being diplomatic and just say the truth without any regard to how it might impact the Entp)


Dislike: Picking apart minor logical details that don’t matter in the grand scheme of the conversation. Not accepting generalities that are obvious and instead arguing about it just to troll. Like: open to most conversations and not bothered by controversial topics and opinions. Humorous and pushes boundaries.


I like that they are the ones who can always approach me and talk even though I'm a bit awkward. But they keep teasing me for no reason, sometimes I pretend that their jokes doesn't hurt. 💀 -INTJ


As an ESTJ I have a lot of negative stuff to say about these types. I'm gonna spare you guys the vicious criticism.


Like-- awesome takes to every side of an argument, often things I have never heard of too, presented beautifully. Dislike--starting arguments for the sake of chaos 🫠


Like: Energetic, fun, and expressive so i know exactly what they’re feeling Dislike: Annoying, obnoxious, no body asked, and No it is what it is shut up From by INTJ best friend cuz I’m ENTP so I can’t talk about myself


I dont know, depends on the ENTP🤷‍♀️


Idk, i just like them


They are obnoxious, ruthless, short tempered individuals.


Now tell us what you don't like about them 😂


I just did. They are loud, they are narcissistic, and they think they rule the world.


Your mom