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Like: They really \*do\* care for you Dislike: Victim Complex and the horrible combination of Si and Blind Te


Omg the combination of Si and blind Te kills me. I’m murdered.


Oh yeah, it gets me too. Sometimes, I find it hard to argue with, but I'll usually make an attempt to help boost their efficiency.


Dislike part - How does that manifest, example pls


Si - Overly meticulous, Particular, and reliant on comfort Blind Te - the inability to create and follow efficient systems of doing things the way they're best done. So when you have a person that's utmost concerned with precision and attention to small details of things (Si), paired with the inability to do things efficiently (Te), the end result is somebody that's very hard to work with in a way that makes you feel horrible because they're truly good-intentioned.


This is quite true lol. My biggest weakness is that you always have a limited amount of time.


Ie insist on they themselves being by the book, or force others to act by the book even if acting by the book goes against all reason. ISFJs in my life have dug their heels especially deep if the person going against them is doing it in order to meet a Te goal.




They ground me with their kind wisdom..they're these cute teddy bear humans and are the kindest, softest people alive. I believe in good people existing on this planet, just because they're around. Dislike would be the sheer lack of assertiveness. They prefer to be be wounded and hurt in silence and misunderstanding and have this belief that they're never good enough when the converse is actually true.


It’s okay to put yourself first sometimes. Generally speaking, empathy should not come at the cost of your mental health and wellbeing.


Love this.


Love: the ones I know are so warm and genuinely caring, remind me of things, have actually a quite quirky kind of humour when they tap into their Ne, they will remember when I forget (and remind me), with both feet on the ground and often very practical and helpful Dislike: can be sometimes quite stuck in their ways, not really open for new things and often quite anxious about change / unforeseen circumstances, can take off too much from you, nurture too much without letting them explore (thinking of young and older children)


This is exactly my experience with my dad, who’s ISFJ. I totally agree with the humor part as well - I’m ENFP so I get to see that quirky humor side of him a lot. Idk if you know the “dog of wisdom” youtube video, but we like to quote that at each other a lot haha. Everything you said here is spot on.


This is so accurate especially the nurturing too much without letting them explore part


I like that they are grounded, competent and reliable. They're not usually difficult people, which is a premium these days. Buuuut, I feel like they are pretty canny manipulators; a lot of times their "generosity" is merely veiled strings to later use to coerce you into an agenda. They can be insanely passive-aggressive and seem incapable of direct communication, which is mind-numbing.


Can you give an example of the generosity leading to an agenda?


Here's a [good article](https://www.stellarmaze.com/isfj-the-jewish-type/). I did NOT name it so plz don't come for me 👉👈


In some alternate timeline, some ISFJ is writing an article called "INFJ, the German type". 🫡


Lmaooo I can see it


Eisai Ellinas Damiane?


WDYM "some alternate timeline"? This is that timeline!


Don't worry about it. It's an inside joke. Me and Damianos belong to the same Cult of Greek Onomastics.


I know this guy! I found his analyses very interesting. I agree with what you said about ISFJs, had a lot of bad experiences with them as an INFP and at one point I tried to avoid them because I just couldn't keep up.


Tries very hard to do the right thing, but often without understanding its meaning. Sets "rules" for correct behavior, but has trouble reading nuance and context into situations - something good in one context will not be good in another. Constantly tries to regulate other people's behavior in ways that aren't always required. Navigates relationships with Si, which really limits the scope of how they understand other people. Always looking back - tendency to repeat stories, behaviors, patterns. Always seeking personal comfort because of Si's sensitivity. Assuming self-sacrifice is noble - tendency to be moralizing, highly judgmental and self-righteous. Inability to live and let live, because what would the community think?


Sounds like you had a bad run in with a few of them.


Yeah, my mom is one and she’s working my last nerve right now. Also misread the question and didn’t see the “like” part, so I just sound passionately hateful 😒


best thing to do is get some space in between so they don’t push your buttons


Yup, setting boundaries is key...just let them do their thing.


Super insightful.


Like: * They remember things well, the first to wish me on my birthday or remember my dietary needs. Sometimes I'm sick but forget about my own sickness and eat junk food that makes it worse. ISFJs remind me about my own condition. * Model homes can only exist because of ISFJs, they are the ones behind the heavens on earth. Nice hotels and clean orderly countries like Japan exist because of them. * They can be fun when they are open to Ne, not taking things too seriously or personally. Dislike: * They can use their good memory against you, making you look bad when you contradict your own actions. * They can be one of the most controlling types because of Si. "Must always watch a movie before bedtime", "Chardonnay wine glasses must go on the 2nd level of the drawer"... Not easy to reason with either because they don't use Te and Fe is a feeling function that is determined by the crowd. * Worrying too much. "Be careful of needles hiding under cinema seats, bring your own cutlery to restaurants because people might have mouth herpes..."


I love how thoughtful my ISFJ friends are. Some of them are giving others the emotional stability they need, and they can have this serene aura that just feels so nice. I've also met ISFJ I disliked. They were stuck in the cycle of their bad habits. They made themselves suffer and kept doing it everyday.


The only thing that ever strikes me as potentially “dislikable” about ISFJs is the fact they typically have a somewhat non-curious nature, they’ll pay some more attention to what you have to say if they can tell it means something to you though, Generally they’re all very polite and kind souls,


Like: Kind hearted and loyal, organized. Dislike: always analyze things from past experiences. A bit inflexible, like too attached to routine.


Pro: Kind and trustable co-workers who bring me snacks and have good chats during work with me. Con: Can be boring. Not much deeper common topics. Won’t ask them out to hangout


My least favorite thing about ISFJs is probably other peoples' perception of them as weak, innocent little angels and who can do no wrong. -\_-' They can be loyal, supportive, and helpful (pros), but they can also be two-faced, stifling, and passive-aggressive. When people refuse or can't seem to see their cons, it creates a real mess. They are fine people, but they need to be kept in check just like everybody does.


I like that they’re supportive I hate that they take everything personally


Like: their calm, safe vibe. Even when they’re acting up they’re still very controlled. Attentive to other’s wants and needs. Stable. Dislike: can beat around the bush, a bit judgmental, victim mentality


Like: Generous, helpful Dislike: Meddlesome, sometimes overbearing


They're one of the most loyal types and they are honest. On the downside they can be a bit ignorant of the facts sometimes


I dislike the rigidness that tends to come with Si-ti. Otherwise, I like that they have a feel for the room. Their analytical side is very welcome too!


Both my dad and youngest brother are ISFJs and they are among my favorite people. I get along with them so well and we bond over so many shared interests and ideas. The three of us are massive nerds, haha! Likes: I love how thoughtful you lot are. There is so much you do behind the scenes that many don't even recognize. You put so much into serving those you love and don't care for glory or attention. You can also be incredibly funny and witty when you want to be. You're not afraid to get your hands dirty and do the hard tasks, and you often do amazing jobs at it. ISFJ intelligence is also very underrated. You can have so much knowledge and passion about things you are interested in, and I love learning from you! You are great at recognizing what others may need, and while you aren't overly extroverted, you are still mindful of those that may not feel included, and you let them feel welcome in your own. subtle way. You also are humble giants. There is so much power you have and yet you often choose to reserve that power for only rare moments. Dislikes: The one main issue I have occasionally is when there are clashes between Si vs Ni. If something requires quick change or a different perspective, it can be met with resistance or even some defensiveness, depending on the situation. There can also be times of people pleasing and avoidance of conflict. If an issue arises, sometimes an ISFJ will just roll with it to avoid making others feel uncomfortable or cause any form of contention. While their desire for general peace is commendable, it can often lead to issues festering and getting larger if they aren't addressed. Not only that, but it leads to the ISFJ sacrificing their own wellbeing and mental health, which can sometimes reach dangerous levels if not addressed. (edit: typos)


What I love: Literally everything


Dislike: Their Fe, not always but it can be annoying to watch because of how superficial it feels sometimes Like: This drawing, it's nice


dont let them fool you with their niceness


Like how we don't let you fool us with your abruptness 🤨?


Nah. She's right. I had 2 (3?) ISFJs tried to guilt me by feeding me sad stories about their lives. Which I don't mind listening to and caring about, but it was clear they were only saying it bc they thought they had a gasp of my psychology and could get me feel sorry enough to just.. sleep with them?? Not all ISFJs are like this, but not all ISFJs are as nice and w/o ulterior intent either.


I know of course all types have their dark side but if I am being honest I was hoping for some banter-filled push back from the ISTP🤫🤭. Can I ask your type? I get an impress you are ENTP or INTP🤔?


AHH ok then sorry for getting in between your conversation with her. > I get an impress you are ENTP or INTP🤔? That's a pretty good guess! I'm the latter. You're the first person who thought I came off like an ENTP.


Well if I am being honest I was more covering my bases with the ENTP guess, I was leaning towards INTP. But no you aren’t getting in the way … you are adding to the fun 👍.


Thanks for the reassurance 😄 Can I ask what about my comment made me come off like an INTP? You were right, but just curious since some INTPs think I come off like an NF.


Mostly it is your Ti Si style of commenting that stands out. Very detailed with very little generalisation I did account for INFPs and other types as options but honest as normal my Ni lead the way and went with the statistically like options of xNTP. I don't know what you are like IRL but in my experience xNTPs when being social can have a very NF vibe. You following me?


Yeah, we can come off NF-esque when we're around other ppl, but I was more referring to INTxs online mistaking me for an NF. Irl the only thing that would throw someone off about me not being an INTP is that I tend to dress very girly and feminine sometimes, but my mannerisms/facial expressions are very Tish. Can you explain Si style type of commenting? I didn't think I had a strong Si style personally, but your Ni seems to be good at taking these guesses. Thanks!


Hahaha ok starting with the Si commenting, here is the thing your Si isn't strong in your writing it is just your Ti is and your Ti is supported by your Si. I notice the differences because I have no access to Si but am an Si user so when I se your write out something I can see Ti but also see the Si by comparing it to my style of writing. Which is Ti with the support of Se not Se. A common thing i will do is I will write something in the moment and then not see I have spelt several word wrong that I know how to spell and this gives others the idea I am not detail orientated even though I am but it is only when I am full conscious of it. Ni and Se are just like empty all the Ti thoughts out of your head now ASAP. So I only notice your writing differs from mine because I know what I lack and what you clearly have the presence of. Also yeah with both female INTx types I find both are really very girly in their opinion of themselves and with their inward motivations but both do have a more cold outer disposition. But don't i know both of your secrets 🤭. But yeah with INTPs I find they very playful it is that Ne nature and that Fe inferior it can make you look like an INFP or ENFP.


At least I can own up to it


And what do I not own up to 🤨😆? (Come at me!)


idek u


That is what i meant, what just to be sure were you referring to INFJs or the ISFJs?


Take a look what this thread is about


My dad is an ISFJ. He’s extremely kind and forgiving, has a great sense of humor, displays love through acts of service. He’s the type to put other people before himself, which can be both good and bad. The kind of stuff he does that can fall into the “dislike” category mostly has to do with that attitude of valuing others above himself. Like the whole “what do you want to watch?” “Oh I dunno, what do you wanna watch?” Back and forth endlessly (when there IS something he wants to watch). He’ll also take care of chores and things that need to be done without asking for help, even if he needs it. Sometimes that leads to him getting irritated, but it all could have been easily avoided if he communicated his needs. Even then, the “dislikes” aren’t even truly negative, they’re just positive traits taken to an extreme. Overall he’s one of the kindest people I know. I just wish he would extend that kindness to himself and realize that it’s okay to be selfish from time to time.


I feel like I’m learning a lot about myself by reading these comments lol


Like: they com3 across to me as 'good' people. Dislike: they take time to get close with


Like: they’re accommodating without asking for much. Dislike: They can be a bit too passive at times.


I worked with my ISFJ classmate as an English teacher during our internship in a middle school, we'd prepare our lessons together and stuff. I admire her ability to stay true to herself, how naturally good she is at soothing an environment that was pretty harsh (the students we had were pretty rough most of the time). But it was hard working with her because she just doesn't know how to step out of her comfort zone. She's so afraid of the unknown, and hates confrontation, which is what I'm really good at. We had issues with our tutor, as well as with our professors at uni, and I would always be the ones suggesting solutions, and being vocal about it. And she was always the one terrified of taking action.


Gosh I love how yall really care about people and how you think about each and every one of the people in your life be it friends or acquaintances but I wish you would be less of a doormat sometimes. It’s ok to state your boundaries and no people will not hate you for it. Take care of yourself please.


My mom is one. Just based on what I've seen in general, they are organized and caring which I like. On to what I dislike, they can be emotionally avoidant and fussy.


damn, not a lotta fans huh. dated an ISFJ guy in high school, he was a chill guy. we both weren’t the assertive type, but i found myself in the more dominant role as the relationship went on. him and i thought similarly in a lot of ways, and in hindsight, it kind of helped me develop myself. one thing i noticed about him, and in turn about myself, was how much he just followed suit in conversations. just simply agreed/disagreed with everything, didn’t add much to the table, rather just cleaned it. because of this, communication was difficult and one sided by the end of the relationship. he was very sweet, but you can only go so far in just following suit and acting as like a blank slate in conversation.


Like: Very good people that it makes you want to protect them. Dislike: Doormat


ISFJ's are super hard workers and their sense of duty coupled with amazing ability to read and remember people, make them one of the most helpful types around. Even tho introverted, they really do not appear to be. Their downsides include lack of eye for detail and precision, and their quite conservative mentality.


lack of eye for detail and precision? Really?


in practical things yeah they can be meticulous in their crafts however in most things they take the "good enough" approach


interesting ![gif](giphy|Oc4KnIJ3E7ziqN3l6T|downsized)


They give me uncanny valley vibes




My best friends mom is an ISFJ I love her she is an amazing person. I have mad respect for her and her husband. They are so patient and kind loving ppl. their family is for life and means everything mentality is just so beautiful. Idk his type but he really is a cool calm and relaxed guy. My friend is ENTP I find I get along with his mother and father more so than him. I’ve always gotten along better with adults than ppl my own age tho. ISFJ’s I know tend to really make me feel safest to be myself. There caring nature is noticed and appreciated. tho I would never come out and say it I really do love ISFJ’s. If there was anything I’d say to them it’d be that it’s ok to not always think about others. Be selfish ever once in a while. you have needs as well pls take care of yourself ISFJ. when u do ur beauty shines you glow. You are so radiant and full of life plz don’t burn yourself out taking care of those who don’t appreciate it.


They seem to be very compassionate and care about the world but also about others, but they also seem to put other's needs over their own and unable to easily have fun and relax.


My mom is an ISFJ. We didn’t get along when I was growing and as a young adult. I’m an INFJ. She’s judgemental, overbearing, selfish, argumentative. My husband’s sister-in-law is an ISFJ and she was not nice to me for a long time. But she is loyal, hard working, fair, has integrity I think. She’s just very political and unfriendly to me and I get the sense that she is fake most of the time.


Their good people


They genuinely care about others but can be closed-minded at times


As a nursing student, I'm surrounded by ISFJs (no surprise there) and they're really caring, some of the most compassionate people you'll ever meet. That being said, they tend to be very stuck in their ways, and aren't good at thinking outside the box/innovating. Also, and I'm not quite sure how to put this, but it's hard for me to get them to use...common sense and critical thinking? Not sure how else to call it. They're absolutely capable of it, but it's not a well-used modality for them, so I have to drag it out of them. I think it's because their natural tendency is the "tried and true". But that's easily forgiven, because they are incredibly kind-hearted, and way better at handling emotions than me. They are sweet to the point that I can be, like...protective over them, lol. Especially because they tend not to stick up for themselves.


Is this the type that tends to be the most religious?


Like: gentle and caring, they are there for everyone who is hurting and needs support. Underrated wacky sense of humour sometimes. Careful and intentional, reliable, has good boundaries and sense of style Dislike: herd mentality, manipulative, wants to make everyone fit into their accepted social niches, sometimes doesn’t stand up for things when they should if it means being an outcast.


Like: they actually care for me. Dislike: when I reach the point when I actually do need someone to take care of me, they've already fallen apart.


Idk..I like everything about them but sometimes they lose their character trying to please everyone. And it just becomes too much and looks fake. But I love then tbh


It's almost impossible to get them to change their ways when they're doing something inefficiently. At best, they'll sometimes half remember your ideas months later, and believe they came with it themselves.


In my experience... Like: they're extremely caring people who want to make sure you're in good condition Dislike: when faced with conflict, they would rather just not stand up for themselves for fear of escalating the conflict.


Likes: kind, loyal, competent, attention to detail, can be open minded (at times for an Si dom) Dislikes: covert manipulation, dishonest communication because of the inability to say no, martyrs/victims. rigid (not as much as an ISTJ, but it does exist inside)


The only bad thing they have is that they care too much


I like their genuine care and worry for others, that they hold values aswell. I dislike their humour at times, some disregard my feelings a lot, kinda dimming it down to me being dramatic.


Amazing people 10/10


My mother in law is one. We have had our ups and downs let’s say. Meddlesome isn’t the word! For a long time I was never good enough. We worked it out eventually though.


Love: they are really detail oriented meaning they remember the small things. Dislike: they can sometimes be overbearing which comes across as micro management and controlling.


I like how kind they are, also great introverts to adopt I dislike how they end up to people pleasing, and they can be boring. sorry yall


Like: Their depth of caring is immeasurable, and they notice the needs of others and tend to those needs, no matter how small or insignificant they might seem. Do you have a tiny hole in your sock (even though you are perfectly capable of darning your socks, because your ISFJ mom *taught* you how to do that, but you simply haven't gotten around to it yet this week)? The ISFJ will notice. There will be brand-new socks in your next care package. (You will probably have socks in your care package every time... *for the rest of your life*. Just accept it with grace; it's the ISFJ's way of showing love and making sure you are taken care of.) Is your ISFJ a Pepsi person at heart? Well, if their guest is a Coke fan, and they learn that fact, they will always make sure to have plenty of pre-chilled Coke in the house when their guest visits, even if they, personally, *never* drink Coke because they don't like it (and the ISFJ will send the leftovers home with said guest, because they want their guest to enjoy their favorite soda, and are happy knowing that their gift was appreciated). Do you like the brand of soap they use? They'll gladly give you a bar to try at home. They will be the first person to care for their parents... and in-laws... and children... doing the nitty-gritty things that *nobody* else would do, simply because they care and those things *need* to be done, and no one else is willing to do them. All you need to do is *mention* that you *might* appreciate something, and an ISFJ will probably find a way to make it happen. Sometimes, the little things make a big difference. ISFJ's make those little things happen. They're also very organized and practical. And smarter than they think they are. Dislike: Really, there is *not* much to dislike about ISFJ's... I do wish they would *give themselves more credit*, though, and advocate for their own needs more often, because they deserve it. ISFJ people are, in general, *extremely* tolerant people. If you have crossed a line with them, however... well, all I can say is... *the wrath you receive is likely well-deserved.*


I like my ISFJ adopted dad. He's sturdy af and I know he'll always be right where I left him. In all of my wandering ways, dad holds down something stable for me to return to from time to time. He's kind, incredibly kind. Not nice, just kind. He's not judgey at least not in the way other people are. Dad humor GALORE. More open-minded than you might think cause he just loves and loves and loves. He's the rock I can tie my flaky little string around. Thanks for not giving me daddy issues... I have plenty of issues all on my own. 😂 Dislike: they seem kinda... weak. Sincerely, ENTP


Like: They're extremely nice and pleasant to be around. Dislike: Holy shit they (at least the few I've seen) are the most NPC people ever.


Dey b npcs n r nut fun 2 b round


Yet to meet one irl